Health Friday Open Thread 10.25.2024: The Diblasi, et al., Paper: Undeclared Chemical Elements Found in the COVID-19 “Vaccines”

Detail of a partially blurred periodic table of the elements. Focus on Carbon.

The above image of part of the Periodic Table is courtesy of Google Images.

Today’s post is part of Health Friday, a series devoted to issues related to Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. The discussion is not limited to what is presented here: It is an Open Thread.

There are Important Wolf Moon Notifications, the Rules of our late, good Wheatie, caveat items from Yours Truly, and other information that readers should know. They are all linked here. Since today’s post is related to the COVID-19 “vaccines” injectables (gene therapy injections), it is dedicated to the memory of Yours Truly’s cousin Bill, who “died suddenly and unexpectedly” in September 2023.

The post today is not an exhaustive interpretation of the “Diblasi, et al. paper.” In fact, the paper raises many other questions that demand answers: several sets of questions (from Yours Truly) are listed in the post. Yours Truly is also aware that a certain person is attempting online to “debunk” this paper, to the point of labeling it as a “hoax”; one finds it difficult to agree with such a conclusion. Stay with me, a certain amount of “preliminary” items are presented in the post to assist in the general framework. There is a General Summary at the end of the post.

The trail, for today’s purposes, begins with an X tweet by “toobaffled”: Below is a screenshot of the tweet:

The tweet leads to this link:, 55 Undeclared Chemical Elements — Including Heavy Metals — Found in COVID Vaccines, by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., 15 October 2024. This, in turn, led to the “Diblasi, et al. paper”:, At Least 55 Undeclared Chemical Elements Found in COVID-19 Vaccines from AstraZeneca, CanSino, Moderna, Pfizer, Sinopharm and Sputnik V, with Precise ICP-MS, Lorena Diblasi, Martin Monteverde, David Nonis, Marcela Sangorrin, 11 October 2024 (International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, Vol. 3 No.2 (2024): Injuries, Causes, and Treatments, Part 2.)

The Abstract of the paper:

Note that the there was a total of 62 undeclared chemical elements found, all told, in the COVID-19 “vaccines” injectables (gene therapy injections) that were tested by the authors. Note also that the COVID-19 “vaccines” (gene therapy injections, hereafter termed GTI) that were tested comprised various “platforms”: modRNA (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna; viral vector (AstraZeneca/Oxford, CanSino Biologics, and Sputnik V), and whole inactivated virus (Sinopharm.) (All “platform” descriptions, per Wikipedia.)

The Samples List of the “vaccines” tested, from the paper:

Below are the results for the Moderna “vaccine” samples, from the paper; note that, as of October 2022, 37.50% of COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons in the United States had taken at least one dose of this “vaccine” (mRNA-1273/SPIKEVAX.)

The results for the Pfizer-BioNTech “vaccine” samples, from the paper; note that, as of October 2022, 59.43% of COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons in the United States had taken at least one dose of this “vaccine” (BNT162b2/COMIRNATY.)

Given that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” (GTI) has the higher percentage of persons who were “vaccinated” with it, Yours Truly will restrict the discussion as it relates to this post to the results of the Pfizer-BioNTech tests. In addition, results of six isotope types (chemical element types) from the last two assay dates — 3/11/2023 and 3/1/2024, are underlined by Yours Truly. These six are: Lithium (Li); Aluminum (Al); Vanadium (V); Chromium (Cr); Arsenic (As); and, Barium (Ba.)

For reference, below is a definition of “Isotope” from the online Kids Britannica (

The higher the number of protons and neutrons in a chemical element, the more “mass” the chemical element has.

Yours Truly will remind readers that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines” (GTI) cross the Blood-Brain Barrier, in addition to accumulating in organs and areas throughout the body of the person who takes this “vaccine.” Please see Page 7 and Page 8 of the company’s report on the biodistribution of their COVID-19 “vaccine” injectable BNT162b2 (now COMIRNATY), below:

Proceeding now to the underlined chemical elements items in the last two assays of BNT162b2 / COMIRNATY, from the Diblasi, et al., paper. Note: sections of information regarding this chemical element (Arsenic), and the other five underlined chemical elements in the last two assays of this “vaccine”, are from the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) online entries; other sources of information for each one will be text-hyperlinked. First, Lithium (Li):

Lithium (Li) effects on the body: cognitive dulling, kidney dysfunction, and others:

Aluminum (Al):

Aluminum (Al) effects on the body: neurological toxicity, encephalopathy, among others:, “The Health Effects of Aluminum Exposure”, Katrin Klotz, et al.

Vanadium (V):

Vanadium (V) effects on the body: nervous system issues, kidney damage:

Chromium (Cr):

Chromium (Cr) effects on the body: can negatively affect the liver, kidneys, skin, lungs; and, can cause cancer:

Arsenic (As):

Arsenic (As) effects on the body: negatively affects multiple organs: brain, heart, liver, kidneys, and skin:

And, Barium (Ba):

Barium (Ba) effects on the body: this can damage the kidneys and lungs; it may also cause “reproductive harm”:

Lithium, Aluminum, Vanadium, and Chromium are metals of various degrees of hardness (“heavy metals.”) Arsenic is a “semi-metal.” Barium is a “soft, alkaline earth metal.” (All, per Wikipedia.)

Questions that arise, first set: Why are there so many chemical elements in BNT162b2/COMIRNATY? Why did Pfizer-BioNTech not “declare” almost all of them? Were each of the chemical elements that the company added to BNT162b2/COMIRMATY separately tested for toxicity prior to inclusion in the product? Was there some sort of “collusion” among the developers of the various COVID-19 “vaccines” (GTIs) that were tested along the lines of, “You put ABC chemical elements into your product, we’ll put XYZ chemical elements into our product, and we’ll see how it goes”? Why does it appear that the amounts of these chemical elements reduce, increase, or “disappear” from the products from one test assay to another of the same “vaccine”? Does that have to do with the other technologies that seem to be in these “vaccines” — other technologies such as, “self-assembling” items? Or, such as, a kind of “incubation period” that is “built into” the product? If either, or both, of these are the case, what does that mean to the mechanisms of these “vaccines” once they are injected into the human body? What about COVID-19 “vaccine shedding” For examples, Ruthenium and Lead are absorbed by the skin; and, Arsenic can be absorbed by the skin.

For an important comparison: One other item, the ICP-MS test results for the Russian COVID-19 “vaccine” (GTI), Sputnik V. Recall that this “vaccine” is made of the whole inactivated virus of SARS-CoV-2; it is the only “vaccine” that was tested that was based on this. Below are the test results:

Yours Truly included the Sputnik V test results because this COVID-19 “vaccine” is not modRNA-based. And yet, look at the test results for this product. The same six chemical elements that Yours Truly underlined in the BNT162b2/COMIRNATY test results are ALSO in Sputnik V: Lithium; Aluminum; Vanadium; Chromium; Arsenic; and Barium. Even if Aluminum is discounted (since various forms of Aluminum are used as “excipients / adjuvants” for COVID-19 “vaccines” injectables (GTIs), that leaves the other five chemical elements as being present in both products.

Questions that arise, second set: What does this mean? Could it possibly mean that the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus itself had chemical elements “lab-included” while it was being lab-created at the Wuhan Institute of Virology? If this is so, what about the other chemical elements on the test results list?

A paper published in 2023 (but using data from patients infected by the COVID-19 virus itself, and/or the SARS-CoV-2 virus, from before any COVID-19 “vaccine” was in use, or just after BNT162b2 was first authorized for use), gives, in Yours Truly’s opinion, a clue, “Individual blood concentrations of persistent organic pollutants and chemical elements, and COVID-19: A prospective cohort study in Barcelona”, Miquel Porta, et al., 4 February 2023. The cohort patients in this study were infected with the COVID-19 virus itself, or the SARS-CoV-2 virus, between mid-February 2020 and 24 January 2021. Below are two screenshots from this paper:

The Porta, et al., paper lists in the Tables the pollutants and chemical elements that were found in the COVID-19 virus itself infected patients. Among them: Lead (Pb); Arsenic; Cadmium (Cd); Mercury (Hg); Thallium (Tl); Bismuth; (Bi) Molybdenum; (Mo) Iron (Fe); Zinc (Zn); Cobalt; (Co) Chromium; Tantalum (Ta); and, Ruthenium (Ru).

The Porta, et al., paper lists in the Tables the pollutants and chemical elements that were found in the SARS-CoV-2 infected patients. Among them: Ruthenium; Tantalum; Lead; DDT; and, Thallium.

“Lifestyle” factors, such as smoking (current, past, stopped) are accounted for in the Porta, et al., study. Even removing pollutants that would be found in cigarette smoke (naphthalene and Cadmium among them), that leaves chemical elements such as Ruthenium, Tantalum, and Thallium that were found in the blood of the patients in the Porta, et al., study. And, that the presence of these chemical elements was persistent — lingering after the infection was resolved. By the way, Ruthenium and Thallium are radioactive. Barium is a “radiographic contrast agent” (in, for example, the “barium milkshake” test.)

Questions that arise, third set: What about the other chemical elements found in the various COVID-19 “vaccines”, per the Diblasi, et al., study? Were these “lab-included” into the “excipients / adjuvants” used in these “vaccines”? Were these “lab-included” into the Wuhan Hu1 SARS-COV-2 samples that were used by the companies developing and/or manufacturing these “vaccines” (samples that presumably, at least the start of the pandemic, came from the WIV? Did these companies decide of themselves to include them?

The COVID-19 “vaccines” injectables (GTIs) contain: the modRNA (lab-enhanced from the Wuhan Hu1 SARS-CoV-2 virus) in the COVID-19 “vaccine” injectables that use this platform; the SV40 African Green Monkey cancer promoter gene piece in the Pfizer-BioNTech “vaccine” injectables (, “DNA fragments detected in monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Ontario, Canada: Exploratory dose response relationship with serious adverse events”, David J. Speicher, et al., 19 October 2023; DNA fragments in both the Pfizer-BioNTech and in the Moderna COVID-19 “vaccine” injectables (see paper cited above); dangerous lipid nanoparticles (ALC-0159, ALC-0315 in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” injectables; SM-102 in the Moderna COVID-19 injectables); polyethylene glycol “excipients / adjuvants” (PEG2000-DMG); and, numerous chemical elements, including heavy metals (Vanadium; Chromium); radioactive elements (Thallium); Arsenic; Ruthenium; and, Lithium. These are the ingredients that COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons age 18 and older have in their bodies. These are the ingredients that adults allow their children to be COVID-19 “vaccinated” with. No one knows exactly how long the COVID-19 “vaccines” work inside the body of the “vaccinated” person.

What about the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself? Yours Truly opines that this may contain, among other items: mixed RNA/mRNA coronavirus elements and pieces from various animal sources (bats; monkeys; civets; pangolins); Chromium; Cobalt; Zinc; Arsenic; Molybdenum; Ruthenium; Cadmium; Gold (Au); Thallium; and, Lead. There are heavy metals among these.

“Chelation” is a method used to remove heavy metals from the body. The use of chelation is controversial. Physicians can prescribe certain medications to assist in removing heavy metals from the body. An article on a heavy metal “detox diet” is here:, “Heavy Metal Detox Diet”, by Kiara Anthony, 13 September 2023.

(There is controversy about whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus has a spike protein:, 15 October 2024. Yours Truly does not propose to delve into this aspect at the moment.)

Questions that arise, fourth set: What, if anything, did Dr. Anthony Fauci know about the inclusion of numerous chemical elements into the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” injectables? What did Dr. Francis Collins (Dr. Fauci’s superior at the NIH) know? What did Albert Bourla (CEO of PfizerUSA) know? What did Dr. Deborah Birx know? What did the FDA know? What did the CDC know?

Meanwhile, there is this:; a screenshot of the tweet is below:

En Fin: At what point will people, horrified at the deaths, disabilities, illnesses, and injuries, being inflicted on their COVID-19 “vaccinated” family members, friends, and colleagues, realize that “they’ve been had”? At what point will people realize that the “official narrative” of, “the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective” means that these injectables are NOT safe; and, that “effective” means the amount of damage these injectables have done/continue to do, to the bodies of the “vaccinated”? At what point do people realize that the “official narrative” of, “the known and potential risks outweigh the known and potential risks” of the COVID-19 “vaccines” was, and is, a lie? — and that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are “all risk and no benefit”? (, by Steve Kirsch, 4 October 2024.)

General Summary: It is now known (per the Diblasi et al., paper) that the COVID-19 “vaccines” (GTIs) contain numerous chemical elements, some of which are radioactive, and others of which are metals and/or “rare Earth” elements. It is now known that the COVID-19 virus itself likely contains chemical elements, at least three of which (Chromium, Thallium, and Lead) are heavy metals; and that at least one of which (Thallium) is radioactive. It is now known that (per the Porta, et al. paper) that these chemical elements are persistent in the body of a person who was infected with the COVID-19 virus itself but who has recovered. It is now known that chemical elements are found in the modRNA-based and in the whole inactivated virus-based COVID-19 “vaccine” (GTI) injectables. There are many questions that arise from these discoveries that demand answers.

Peace, Good Energy, Respect: PAVACA

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Okay, where’s Tatonka Woman?

Tatonka Woman





Nice.  😉 


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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She copied Mittens! Tied the ‘dog’ to the roof!

Barb Meier



I am generally reluctant to dig too deeply into the existence of various elements in our environment. As Paracelsus put it, the dose makes the poison. As an example, Chromium is a dangerous toxic element that is also an important component of B vitamins (it’s what makes your pee yellow). Chemistry has also advanced to the point where elements can be detected in ridiculously low concentrations.

That said, one does wonder if they were cooking up batches of this crud in unfired mud pottery.


Definitely ‘some other reason’.

As far as I’m aware, nothing in any of the shots does anything at all to prevent the bio-weapon infection.


I’d suspect simple contamination in most cases.

Table 8 really needs another column that states the maximum level allowable for an injected product (not that these determinations are necessarily trustworthy). I’d guess that 2/3 of the table is de minimis.

The idea would be to pick out the elements and compounds that would have had to be added, rather than those likely picked up in a reasonably clean laboratory. Of course, it would also be interesting to note if their laboratory qualified as being “reasonably clean.”


I’d suspect simple contamination in most cases.

^^ As is, coincidence?

Until proven otherwise, everything about Covid Jabs intentional.


Not as in “coincidence”, more like “false positive”.

I can’t figure out what the “Isotopes” column is supposed to mean at all.

Let’s take something basic — an amino acid, building block of protein and all life. It will have the elements carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen. They are frequently synthesized using chlorine and potassium. If you have any synthetic amino acids in your goop, you will likely have these elements.

If they’ve got this goop growing in E. coli, you probably have E. Coli “food” in the product — bacteria are typically messy eaters. That would account for phosphorus, sodium, and calcium. In small quantities, these are harmless to humans.

With the flood of garbage being bandied about, it is important to be able to sort the wheat from the chaff.


Got it! “Isotopes” is “atomic weight”, approximately.

One major reason to say “approximately” is that certain elements do have various isotopes. For instance, carbon has four — carbon 11, 12, 13, and 14. Carbon 12 and 13 are stable, 11 is synthetic (not found in nature), and carbon 14 decays to nitrogen 14 with a half-life of about 5700 years. 98.9% of the carbon you find is carbon 12, so its atomic weight is 12.011.

The numbers in the “isotope” column are all even numbers, so they won’t be such a blend.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m puzzled as to why a chemical analysis like this even discusses isotopes.


Particularly with elements that are not particularly radioactive. I mean, if someone pumped this goop full of radioactive tracers, it would be interesting — but not normal amounts of normal materials (like bananas).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…which, ironically, are geek-famous for being radioactive because of the potassium which (I will say for the benefit of others reading this), does have a small percentage of a naturally occuring radioisotope, potassium 40 in it.

However, pretty much all food has potassium in it to some extent or another, and you yourself have it (it’s vital to life) so it’s basically of zero concern…unless you’re trucking bananas across the border, where the radiation detectors might just go off.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It was done by a kind of quantitative mass spectroscopy used for determining levels of elements in samples.

This is part of why Health Ranger was not impressed by the study, and went so far (too far, IMO) as calling it a “hoax”. He is right that most of the elements found are nothingburgers – but some of them are actually present at surprising levels, and are head-scratchers to me.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, in other words that’s raw data. Basically, they’re saying (for instance) that they got a 16 AMU hit and saying, “that’s probably a single oxygen atom” though technically, it could also be one molecule of methane.

Presumably any lab worth its salt (ahem) can control for that and be sure they’re reporting atomic masses, not molecular ones.

Last edited 5 hours ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here’s what they used. I think it ionizes stuff to the extent that they know pretty much exactly what the mass peaks contain.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve even heard of some universities repurposing their old cyclotrons (too small to be useful for particle physics any more) to do mass spectroscopy.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…though I should think they’d want to use them for PET scans, since you pretty much have to be right near where the positrons are made.


Made me wonder if all that heavy metal was part of Ghoul Gates depopulation agenda.


All of it contributes to 14 of 15 will go away.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m afraid you’re right. The people pulling Biden’s strings are keeping the “9 out of 10 have to go” option (EMP) open.


Aren’t most all our medicines made in Chynah, which is the most polluted nation, where the land and water have been despoiled and which seems to make a goal of polluting and over fishing international waters.
Chynah, which is making an effort to kill our children and teens with lethal drugs. Chynah, which is taking over the resources of our nation and other nations around the globe.


I think that is a common misconception. Many [maybe most] are made in Israel, Ireland, and India.


Well, considering that E. coli is a gut bacterium common in the lower digestive system of warm-blooded animals…’s “unfired mud pottery with cow flops”.


Must say, that after threatening all of us last night with a very dense and deep opening you managed to make it an easy read by putting all the dense stuff in boxes for us to examine as we see fit. 👍


Some are “threatened” by reading.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Hopefully not here!


I’m still in recovery mode since last night.

I am a very delicate flower 😁


See my post about Redmond Sea Salt. Same issue.


I missed that post. Please post again. I’ve used it for years.


It’s up or down in this daily


It’s in this thread here. I posted the analysis (.pdf) which shows all the trace minerals. It is my salt of choice for many years, too.


Thank you.


The hits just keep on coming regarding the jab.

Note that the there was a total of 62 undeclared chemical elements found, all told, in the COVID-19 “vaccines” injectables (gene therapy injections) that were tested by the authors.

Are chemical elements required to be revealed, or is that up to the vaccine manufacturer (which would mean they could inject us with anything they want without telling us)?

If they are required to be revealed, then this is another issue for which pharmaceutical companies need to be held accountable.


So they have license to hide things, and the public suffers as a result.


The EUA is invalid anyway, because there are already effective existing treatments that the people who issued the EUA are well aware of and willfully ignoring.

The EUA is out of order… the board that authorized the EUA is out of order… the whole industry and the regulatory scheme that serves at the pleasure of the industry, is out of order!


Last edited 20 hours ago by scott467

^^^ This IS the point. They worked around the flawed, but more effective system to chase the money and power. They were aided and abetted in a massive criminal activity that has damaged mankind massively.


100% supports the ultimate goal. 14 of…. !


A great movie. Loved Jack Warden firing off a warning shot and Jeffrey Tambor throwing china plates in the hallway.



I neglected to mention that Lee Strasberg played Pacino’s father.

This was a tribute to Pacino learning most of his craft at the Actors Studio, where Strasberg ‘fathered’ Pacino as his training mentor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think that many elements don’t need to be revealed, if the levels are close to background levels. Those levels basically prove nothing – or that somebody used tap water to wash containers and reactors used in the manufacturing process.

It is only elements at unusual amounts that should concern anybody.


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Make it happen, boss. We are doing all we can.


Something is not right with this. DJT knows better than most that 11/5/24 is NOT a day when anything actually happens.

Certainly there is nothing that can be “LIBERATED” on that date.

So I’m left with the distinct impression that this must be a coded message. What could OCCUPIED COUNTRY and LIBERATION DAY mean?


We have to PRESS the enemy at all times, never let them control the pace or flow of events.

So he could be throwing down the gauntlet to The Crims that Be, saying that the election will be decided on November 5th, not days later after they cheat again to victory.

In which case, November 5th is LIBERATION DAY, the day we take America back from the unelected, rogue, renegade regime.

There is a period after that, until January 20th, for transition to the new administration.

They can make it harder (on themselves), or they can make it easier (on themselves), but Liberation Day is November 5th, and it’s DATE CERTAIN.

That’s my interpretation 😁

Last edited 9 hours ago by scott467

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Deplorable Patriot

I’ll read this when I have a chance. BIG funeral tomorrow. Please, pray for the repose of the soul of Molly. She’s going into the grave next to her MeeMaw. As one of the cousins put it, Molly is going to love it, MeeMaw…maybe not. My sister and I folded 341 programs this evening. Some days I really don’t like being a part of a big Celtic Family Knot.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m so glad someone else is singing this one. She’s a friend, and I have nothing but the best to say about her. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

Deplorable Patriot

At her funeral Mass, I heard another side of Miss Molly I didn’t know. She was a saint for the forgotten in her later years. I held her when she was three weeks old and didn’t know this about her. Why?

pat frederick

I hope she and the whole family find peace!


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Aunt Jemima the person was probably glad to have her name removed from the brown chemical goo that had become her namesake product.


Liam McCollum:

Hillary Clinton in 2016: Trump doesn’t pay any income tax

Donald Trump in 2024: I don’t want ANYONE to pay income tax

Now that’s a winning message


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If it survives in court, Texas’ immigration law could upend immigration enforcement nationwide

Texas challenged federal supremacy by creating a state crime for illegal entry into the U.S. The courts will decide whether it’s constitutional — and whether other states can follow Texas’ lead.


“If it survives in court, Texas’ immigration law could upend immigration enforcement unenforcement nationwide”

Barb Meier

Why didn’t they make it illegal to enter Texas unless you’re a citizen or have a valid passport (and visa?) instead of the US? Just wondering…


That’s for next year.  😂 


Always my complaint against Abbot! He’s had many years to handle this situation. Bush didn’t when he was governor.


Hillary Clinton Says Everyone Who Attends Trump’s Madison Square Garden Rally on Sunday is a Nazi (VIDEO)

“One other thing that you’ll see next week, Kaitlan is Trump actually reenacting the Madison Square Garden rally in 1939,” Hillary said. 

“President Franklin Roosevelt was appalled that Neo-Nazis, Fascists, in America were lining up to essentially pledge their support for the kind of government that they were seeing in Germany! So I don’t think we can ignore it!” she said.

Evil seeps out of this woman’s pores. “Trump reenacting a Nazi rally from 1939” is such a load of 🐂💩. Hillary is contributing to the rhetoric that endangers Trump.


Absolutely. She’s riding the recent “Hitler” theme and milking it. But IMO to attribute motive and intent to Trump, to say he is reenacting a Nazi rally, is appalling, evil, and incendiary.


I’m probably off the mark in some ways but this latest attempt to equate Trump with Hitler only resonates with older Americans. We’ve all seen the man on the streets questioning younger people about history. So many know nothing. They may know Hitler was a bad man but any deeper idea of his ideals or even iconic pictures of him rousing Germans….it’s not seared into their memory thanks to education being so abysmal.
The voters they want to reach are younger. Trump’s platform has appeal to all working Americans. Like so many career Pols, they’re living in the past relying on the promise system that is empty. Their promises aren’t kept.


An example of this was the Springsteen disaster . He’s singing one of his greatest hits terribly and says he could use a little help. An audience that would be there for him, older fans for decades, would know the words…this audience didn’t at all.

Brave and Free

Absolutely, she of all the evil people in and around gov. is the worst. She has more than others to be exposed. How many “coincidences” have they been involved in? Then again as Scott said, the vast majority of her supporters wouldn’t believe anything that may be revealed.

pat frederick

I don’t believe she has any real supporters. she has controlled minions at best.

Brave and Free

Probably true, they’ve moved onto the hoe.

pat frederick

maybe. i think the hoe’s “supporters” are just one issue (abortion) voters with an intense hatred of her opponent.
how can you support someone without substance?


It’s like holding up a balloon – very little support is needed.


It’s pure fascist (Nazi) Leftist projection.


It’s the equivalent of a bank robber walking out of a bank heist, still wearing the mask and carrying the loot, and accusing the cops of being the robbers.


Classic projection. Hillary would make every effort to be a tyrannical, murderous Hitler type ruler – if she was popular enough. But, her nasty personality turns people off.


^^^ Thankfully, “her nasty personality turns people off.”

Much like Kakala, hildabeast is 100% unlikable.


Her husband was nominated from the Garden in 1992.

But that’s different, right?


Someone on X replied with a list of 4 or 5 Democrat National Conventions held in prior years at Madison Square Gardens. Don’t expect media ghouls to point that out.


“In addition, results of six isotope types (chemical element types) from the last two assay dates — 3/11/2023 and 3/1/2024, are underlined by Yours Truly. These six are: Lithium (Li); Aluminum (Al); Vanadium (V); Chromium (Cr); Arsenic (As); and, Barium (Ba.)”


I would ask why are any of these elements in the shots, in any amount, whatsoever?

What do any of them have to do with preventing Covid, and if there is not a very solid medical answer to that question, then what is the explanation for their presence?

Are your facilities just contaminated? Are the manufacturing facilities contaminated?

Why are those elements in the shots?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m a bit puzzled as to why there is reference to isotopes here. Why would anyone care which isotope of (say) chromium is present? In this case chromium is chromium. Isotopes rarely make any difference chemically.


En Fin: At what point will people, horrified at the deaths, disabilities, illnesses, and injuries, being inflicted on their COVID-19 “vaccinated” family members, friends, and colleagues, realize that “they’ve been had”? At what point will people realize that the “official narrative” of, “the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective” means that these injectables are NOT safe; and, that “effective” means the amount of damage these injectables have done/continue to do, to the bodies of the “vaccinated”? At what point do people realize that the “official narrative” of, “the known and potential risks outweigh the known and potential risks” of the COVID-19 “vaccines” was, and is, a lie? — and that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are “all risk and no benefit”?”


It seems like we are way past the point where the answer to all of the above is ‘never’, until or unless a source of information that is trusted by the Vaxxies actually says it.

And they never will.

It’s like Biden being obviously senile, but most of the country remained blissfully and willfully unaware, until the debate, when the talking heads on TV acknowledged it. Then suddenly the spell was broken, and it was okay for everyone else to suddenly acknowledge it, without ever questioning why no one ever acknowledged it before.

He didn’t just suddenly become senile the night before the debate 😂

Baghdad Bob will admit that Americans were inside the city, before Big Propaganda tells the truth.



The propaganda pod-people are like some kind of strange space creature that can only hear the State Propaganda Channel.

They can’t hear us. Or they can, but it just sounds like the teacher in Charlie Brown cartoons. They hear sound, but it’s unintelligible.



That’s even how they respond. When I say something to my sister (a nurse who was required to take the vaxx during nursing school) on the phone about anything I learn here, there is just silence on the other end of the phone.

Like she blacked out. Sometimes I say “HELLO?” to prompt her to say something, to verify that her cell phone connection didn’t hit a dead spot 😁


If we could figure out how the Mesmerizer works, imagine how powerful that would be?

You could do practically anything, and so long as the Mesmerizer was turned on, 75% of the public literally wouldn’t notice.

And as long as some critical percentage of the population refuses to acknowledge something, then it doesn’t even matter how loudly the minority who does acknowledge it shouts.

It’s really quite amazing. Like some backdoor hack to the human consciousness. It reminds me of David Letterman, when I was a kid: Hep me, hep me, I been hypmotized! 🤣



Brandon could put KJP across his lap and spank her silly on live TV, and as long as the talking heads and the newspapers pretended like nothing happened, if they just memory-holed it so the only people who ever saw it (besides those who saw the live broadcast) saw it on youtube, then nothing happened.

You could show the youtube clip to every person you ever met, for the rest of your life, and it would – not – matter.

The majority of the public simply won’t believe their own lying eyes (or ears, as the case may be). Which must have been going on for a long time now, because Groucho Marx was saying it over 75 years ago:

The phrasing of the punchline evolved over time, and a popular quotation was spoken by Chico Marx in the 1933 film “Duck Soup”. The phrase “lying eyes” was introduced conceptually by 1948. It appeared within a concise phrase by 1971. Groucho Marx died in 1977, and he implausibly received credit by 1997. —

Last edited 20 hours ago by scott467

Brandon could put KJP across his lap and spank her silly …

I’d love to watch that.  😂 

Last edited 13 hours ago by pgroup2

Sundance has a post on one of the true stalwarts of the Deep State, McCrystal:

It is literally impossible for people on our side to fathom the sickened, shriveled souls of the communist homosexuals infiltrating the seminaries with the goal of having sex with children, all to destroy the Catholic Church. But they did it in thousands over many years. Only the most hateful, sadistic pleasure explains the motivation.

The same with generals like McCrystal. Obama purged many patriots from the officer levels, including many generals. And he replaced them with the sort of twisted, shriveled souls who infiltrated the seminaries.

Last edited 19 hours ago by Tonawanda

We have far too many generals. We fought WW2 with 7 generals IIRC.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We had a lot more than that, consider every brigade has a one star, every division a two star, etc. And I have no idea how the navy works but admirals are basically equivalent to generals.

We had five or so five-stars, a rank we had to create to match the British “Field Marshal.”


Mark Steyn (as usual) is the most eloquent interpreter of what is going on now:

Up until not so long ago, I remember, the Democrats all talked about Hoover, Hoover, Hoover, every election. The practice struck me as peculiar; why talk about a guy who died decades ago?

Only with age and experience did I appreciate the highly effective shorthand they were using for public consumption. Hoover was a tar baby, a rationale, a phony causa belli.

The Democrats explicitly used the word “nigger” for a century to do the same thing. Most people are unaware of that. That is the real reason why the word is prohibited from being spelled out, literally, like we are all stunted children. The absurd “n-word” is meant to erase the Democratic tactic used millions upon millions of times over the course of a hundred years in every election where it was useful.

Hoover was dropped at some point (80’s?) when the Great Depression died out with each death of those who went through it. Then a new hobgoblin had to be found.

That is why discussion of world events from 1905 onward is nastily shouted down, and those who dare to discuss those events are demonized. Nothing can be permitted which undermines the tropes.

Barb Meier

Sundance has an article that I think we should discuss here. Trump Staffing 2025:

He starts by adding the role of Emissary and at the end of his description of the person’s qualifications, he suggests Ben Carson is the only person he can think of with the integrity and moral character to fill the role.

I like Ben Carson a lot. I do not agree that we should add one more person to resolve the problem of corruption, ignoring the instructions of the POTUS, and the idea that if a person is confirmed by the Senate, they will lie to the President. If that is true, just eliminate the position and let the POTUS pass instructions farther down the chain until he reaches honest/responsive personnel.

Instead of an Emissary, I suggest going with transparency whenever reasonable. In all other cases, the solution seems to be accountability. What would President Washington have done to anyone in government who schemed behind the back of the POTUS for their own ends? Isn’t that treason? What are the consequences for treason?

Adding an Emissary between POTUS and those who serve at his pleasure is simply adding another single point of failure or a human to compromise.

I would rather Jesus came back to hold villians to account. In the meantime, X does a much better job of almost instantly calling out (and stamping out) corruption. The new website where individuals can offer suggestions for policy and discuss is a great new idea:

It gives power back to citizens. In other cases, do more of sending abortion laws back to the states or more local forms of government (counties, cities, towns). Stop the Federal power suck.



The LAST thing government needs is another layer of bureaucracy. SD is out to lunch.

What we need is Total transparency AND Swift accountability, which includes harsh punishment.

Have posted they need a forum to identify stoopid regulations. Jump start shredding regulations that impede Freedom and the economy. This thought my become my first X post.

Barb Meier

I would be good with eliminating entire agencies, councils and any policies and regulations that come from them.





We get Trump in the WH, I am quite optimistic, BIG changes are coming to America.


Absolutely. Talk about saving money and getting lean, the smart way.

Brave and Free

From the article:

For two years I was asked to present thoughts on potential candidates for offices in/around the Trump administration if they can achieve victory in the 2024 election. Essentially, if Trump wins, “who” would be best in “what” positions?
I was extremely reluctant to put something together like this because ultimately, I look at the challenges with a different perspective. Additionally, I am not confident that key people around Donald Trump fully understand the complexity of the problem, and as a result would not absorb the context of any suggestions I might offer.

SD needs to climb down off his high horse and quit believing he’s the only one who knows anything.

Barb Meier

I agree, Brave & Free. SD’s ego is so big it’s about to pop.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Another one of those events (like massive arrests, the unmasking of the current situation via devolution, etc., etc.) that has been imminent for years.


I so wish that it does occur soon. If not w PDJT, itll never happen.


Yup. He needs to climb out of his own personally created “silo”.

After 8 years, PDT knows who to trust. including the how and when to trust them. How is he doing with RFK, Jr,, Elon and Tulsi so far?

The point was to destroy the Uniparty, which takes out the swamp. Sweep clean. Restore the Constitution as the governing document it is and work down from there.

Last edited 16 hours ago by TradeBait2

Sundance doesn’t seem to understand that all he himself knows/can know about these people is publicly available information, while Trump has/will have intelligence and facts that the public will never know.


Acknowledging that would require admitting one has limited information.




Hes been spending a lot of time for many months “traveling .” His writing has been short and some cut n paste from old posts, honestly, except for this one today. Hes either holding back on new material or is using it for other purposes than the blog. It still makes him appear far too benevolent in an authoritarian way.


Silo cracks me up. It is so correct.


Your closing paragraph puts a smile on my face that might last the rest of the day.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What would President Washington have done to anyone in government who schemed behind the back of the POTUS for their own ends? Isn’t that treason?

If it’s for their own ends, NO, it’s not treason. Treason is levying war against the US or giving aid and comfort to an enemy. (Article III section 3). Aggrandizing yourself is neither of these.

Barb Meier

Thank you for the correction, Steve! I did not think (and express) it through thoroughly. That is a book for another day.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Treason is often a word that gets slung around when someone here is frustrated that some shitbag is thwarting the MAGA agenda.

It’s bad, it’s evil, but it is not necessarily treason.

Barb Meier

Yes, I agree, Steve. I’m liable to do that because it seems traitorous for the Biden family (and Lord only knows who else) to be getting kickbacks from Ukraine, China, … to dictate policy that harms the US.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In their case it’s arguable because it’s for the benefit of foreigners, not just themselves.


Health Friday RFI – Request for Information. Not seeking medical advice. 

Suggestions that I can share with double Jabbed brother. Pfizer or Moderna. No Boosters.

75yo physically fit, strong, active, with one huge medical problem.

Not officially diagnosed. Seems like dementia, IMO.  Been seeing quack(s) most of the year. Frustrated with them.

Says his days start out normal. As day goes on forgetful, confused, increasingly so…

  • Has gotten lost twice. Had to call his DW, to get a friend and bring him and his car home. 
  • Visited him early afternoon, a few days ago. Observed him, at times, while speaking, struggles to complete sentence. Occasional huge gaps in speaking a sentence. Visibly frustrated. Fumbles sentence structure. (As if I am one to talk about that.)
  • Says he noticed memory issues started January of this year. Increasingly so.

As a positive aside. Over the past years, I have sent five siblings information emails regarding Covid, Jabs and the like. Information gleaned from QTree posts. No response so I had guessed emails ignored / deleted.

Come to find out, he has been taking many vitamins and supplements, that I had emailed him a couple times over the past years.   He and his DW briefly mentioned the emails. ht QTreepers, regarding vitamins and supplements mentioned over the years.

RFI. Suggestions on what information, I should send him, for his and his DW consideration and research.

Thank you in advance, for whatever information / links posted. 



When and what does he eat?

Can he check blood oxygen? Can he check blood sugar?

If he’s good when he gets up and fades, what happens when he takes a nap?


Will suggest those two gizmos. Simple to use, with quick results. Simple research can yield stuff he can do immediately at home.

Naps thought will also be sent along. Wil be interesting if this Band-Aid helps. Short term I’d guess.

Big on chicken. Have suggested he hugely increase red meat, daily. Will reinforce this thought



If he’s eating a pancake breakfast, he’s getting a rush of carbs in the mornings. If he skips lunch (or has more carbs), he’ll “run out of gas” in the afternoons. Just knowing what he eats and when is good information, but parts of it can also get picked-up by blood glucose testing (multiple times per day).

If he has an undiagnosed breathing issue, he’ll get “brain fog” from hypoxia. This may include sleep apnea. Does he snore?


Recent Quack told he he needed a sleep study. Potential apnea.

Will share this information. Thank you.


This is now predictable with a majority of dr, appointments.
My adult daughter told me 2 days ago that she was waiting to hear back from her dr, on her lab reports.
i told her the doctor would
suggest possible need for statins, testing for Hashimoto, followed by a sleep study test along with possible HRT. She called back yesterday and wanted to know how I knew that this is exactly what she suggested.
I replied, “because it’s what your sister’s doctor suggested last year for her and same for your brother only instead of HRT…testosterone shots. They live in 3 different areas of the country.
My unsolicited advice x3 was “give up the processed foods.”
(your right, they rarely visit 😂 )


Which reminds me, what prescriptions is he taking?


Well, that’s depressing to know.  😂 


Yea, that is one to check.

I’m treading lightly as siblings have shunned me for four years. I think they know my (ht QTree) Covid & Jab warnings were spot on.

Thinking he’s not taking any of the typical BP, cholesterol, diabetes… One or two for this brain thing going on.

Thank you.


I am afraid to ask him and more so afraid to tell you because the truth lives here.


Any male with a neck circumference larger than 16 inches probably needs a CPAP machine for sleeping use.


Will ensure he knows about this. I know he likes coffee and does not drink alcohol.

Thanks much!


When I went to sleep this morning, I was thinking “dehydration”. It is more common as one gets older and can lead to confusion.


So can low oxygen blood saturation levels.

Might be part of what’s wrong with the Kackle Queen.


Nattokinase, if he’s not taking it already. And all the other vitamins we know about; zinc, D, C. And B vitamins, super important for brain function.

Lion’s Mane mushroom. Really great for brain health, if he tolerates it well. Also, believe it or not, common garden sage. It makes a good tea, and is brain superfood.

Sleep study is an AWESOME idea.

Blood sugar issues should definitely be checked. A sugar crash for me is really bad. I’ve been avoiding those for years with a BIG lunch every day. Lots of meat and fats.


Yes. I think a course of IVM every 3-6 months is just good policy.


Yes. Good blood flow to the brain is very important. And you can’t get that if your is clotted up.


Excellent. Sharing lead ins with links. Thank you!


Lotsa helpful stuff. Sharing. Thank you.


Please keep us updated as new information becomes available.


Will do.

All information sent off, for consideration…

If I don’t hear anything back in a couple days, I’ll call to verify they received it. Offer assistance anytime, anywhere.

Hoping for the best. We can lead a horse to water…


So, would this guy be the kalbobro?


Of four boys, I’m the only kalbo (bald).
Also the youngest AND the only blond. Hmmm.   :wpds_neutral: 




kalbo, I have no idea whether the following is applicable, but what you describe sounds like “sundowning.” I have seen it discussed here and there, but know nothing about it. People start the day fine and decline as the day goes on.

From Gab AI:

Sundowning is a term used to describe a phenomenon where older people, particularly those with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, become more confused, agitated, or restless in the late afternoon or evening. The exact cause of sundowning is not fully understood, but it may be related to changes in light, increased fatigue, or a decrease in the ability to navigate or find familiar objects. Sundowning can lead to disruptive behavior and may be more common in people with cognitive impairments, as their condition tends to worsen in the later stages of the day.


Yea. Sundowning first thing that came to mind.

Appreciate the insights you shared.

Barb Meier

A poem shared by Daniel Caleb Bussey at the Burnsville Hub group on Facebook.

Daniel Caleb BusseyOctober 8 at 6:45 PM 
Bodies buried beneath the mud
Hearts breaking above the flood
Whispered promises and screaming sighs
Civilian helicopters, Carolina cries

Day by day the sirens call
Telling the stories of us all
We sleep in darkness, wake in silence
Victims of a natural violence

How can the waters take so much?
Our nerves can only take so much
Our souls buckling like uprooted trees
Rivers and lakes filled with disease

No soundness, only whimpering fury
No solidness, only teetering inquiry
No washing, only dirty dryness
No wholeness, only weeping kindness

Hands pulling from broken windows
Feet trudging through muddied meadows
Heroes decked in flannel and jeans
Chainsaws humming through fallen trees

Laughter as tears in rivulets run down
Fighting so that we may not drown
Healing our hearts with humor’s medicine
Tying together shattered spirits again

Little graces, like soft bathing rains,
Come to us and wash us of our stains
And night skies are cleared of man’s light
So that God’s may shine on our darkest night

Supplies, hot meals, closed interstates
Curfews, exoduses, and paper plates
Crumbling roads, beached houses, choked air,
So much pain, but life strangely made more fair

Sweeter tastes the air to lungs possibly lost
And better spies the eye cleansed by tearful cost

Last edited 18 hours ago by Barb Meier

Wow – prayers continue. Beautiful, yet heart wrenching.

Barb Meier

Yes, TradeBait. I hope one of the things we remember about these times is our turn to God in prayer.

Barb Meier

You’re welcome, PAVACA. A Burnsville Hub post is always the first in my feed on FB. I doubt FB realizes it, but I am thankful to keep more informed about what’s happening for individuals and communities going through so much grief. The unintended consequence is so many people reaching out to help. Some people are donating their RVs to homeless families. Many seem to be ignoring the Federal and NC government trying to prevent assistance. God bless them all.


Thank You Barb! for the special share. 🙂

Barb Meier

You’re welcome, Para. It was a moving gift of poetry, something I don’t excel at like our BakoCarl and Duchess do.

pat frederick

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Brave and Free

But their lap dogs in the cdc have probably created a few.


Pravda News presents the cure, via paid advertising and bogus ” breaking news” coverage.


Last edited 8 hours ago by kalbokalbs

Cures are not the goal. Treatment for life, that’s their aim. That’s where the money is.


This was from one of the many links from here…


Seven years old but very intersting.
Not surprised Bill Gates would have his hand in this stuff, but Hillary and John Posdesta… Ackkk!
He has a number of sites but it seems his major ones have gone silent since Helene.


Verse of the Day for Friday, October 25, 2024

“Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.” 

Psalms 95:2 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Sing unto the Lord a brand new song;
Sing praises to Him all your lifelong;
For He has sustained and kept you sound;
His blessings upon you daily abound!

Sing – Sing your sweet song of praise;
Ring – Ring your Hand bells and raise;
Your voice to His Honor and Glory be;
Your ringtone – a joyful noise – artfully!

With thanksgiving, let your sweet song begin;
With gratefulness, thank Him for peace within;
In Him, through Him, and with Him, we thrive;
Keep His commandments – Keep hope alive!

Victoriously – Jesus conquered death;           
He suffered and bled until his last breath;
Praise Him – Oh, Praise Him – thank Him in song;
For without His gift – we would not belong!

It is said when we sing – then, twice we pray;
Double the praise – sing a new song today;
Raise up your voice – in Psalms praise His name;
Jesus is Lord – let your voice proclaim!

Sing unto the Lord – a new song today;
Rejoice in His blessings a brand new way;
When we give Honor and Glory to Him;
Our hearts fill with joy – right up to the brim!

D01: 4/17/2013


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Profound, PAVACA. Thank you for your pursuit of the truth.

I will add the link below from a “recovering” physician 😀 that I follow who provides history and more information.

IMO, to simplify the understanding using an old adage. The cook in the kitchen added the frog to the pot of lukewarm water to make it comfortable, then slowly brought it to boil.

The medical industry has used mankind as lab rats and livestock with the agreement of world leaders in authority and the support of corporate fascists worldwide.


Not to be contentious at all, but most (not all) of the elements that are found in the vaxxes are found in Redmond Sea Salt:

Gold, mercury, and iron don’t appear, but the others do.

It would be helpful to know the PPM for each element in the vaxxes, to be able to compare the two lists. The sea salt analysis is in ppm, the above lists are not.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying they aren’t trying to kill us. I’m just not sure whether this is the method, since I’m eating this stuff every day, and it comes straight from nature.


Well, those are all good questions, and we need the answers, for sure.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

These are the right sorts of questions to be asking.

I can guarantee you there is some mercury, gold, uranium, etc in almost everything you eat…even if it’s only a few million atoms. Which sounds like a lot but a million atoms is minuscule (like a trillionth) next to the (roughly) 24 x 10^20 atoms it would take to make up a gram of uranium.


I would agree. If it’s in the Redmond Salt mined out of the ground, it’s probably in the soil the veggies grow in, and the grass the cows eat.


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Arise! Arise! On this Great Day
Changed, perfected by God’s power
At Jesus’ feet our crowns we lay
He is worthy, this is His hour

All things were made by and for Him
And for Him will be all glory
Angels and saints will sing the hymn
To relate this old, old story

For none was worthy but the Lamb
Who shed His blood on that cruel tree
And so He died, the great I AM
To vanquish sin and set us free

Only by God’s grace we were saved
Even though we were steeped in sin
By sin enslaved; by sin depraved
And by His mercy taken in

So glory is not ours to hold
But to our God we give it all
 For it’s His greatness we behold
And for His glory we were called


How the mighty have fallen. BO is reduced to stumping for a candidate he knows is not intelligent, is not quick on her feet, is devoid of ideas, is unpopular, is incapable of answering questions even when she knows in advance what they are, and is utterly unqualified for the job of POTUS. And the “community” is turning on him for his hubris in expecting them to just do as he says. I never thought I would see this.

And to top it off, Trump is using videos of O in his campaign ads. 😂

Trump War Room

Barack Hussein Obama cuts @TeamTrump‘s latest ad


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They left out “eye of newt”. Thanks, Pavaca!!


No problem. It’s not their money.



With a spread of $17 billion, no wonder they lost it.


I can’t vouch for this bit of gossip. I always wonder what goes on behind the scenes when there are scandals and decisions to be made about what campaign appearances to make. What is presented here seems pretty likely.

Insider says Kamala’s campaign is in chaos: Cursing, quitting, and crying

The election is getting closer, and Kamala Harris’ campaign may be falling apart.

Not only did Donald Trump expertly troll the Vice President by spending a day as a fry cook at McDonald’s, but Harris, who claimed to have worked there in the past, appears never to have worked there at all: McDonalds can’t find any record of her as an employee…

But it gets worse.

Keith Malinak claims that he has a source from inside the campaign who has told him that Kamala is in full-on breakdown mode.

“I got a good source, they’re very close to the Walz campaign, and this individual has been spot-on with a lot of stuff that has been sent my way,” Malinak explains.

“I got this last night: ‘Kamala has completely lost it mentally. She breaks down in tears in private, and she has gone after Doug, accusing him of tanking the campaign with his scandals,’” he continues. “She repeatedly cusses out Joe Biden in staff meetings for taking airtime away from her, and she’s livid over the hurricane stuff.”

Malinak also was told that Kamala has “had to double her anxiety medication” 😳 and that “a few campaign staffers have quit.”

“They quit because they want to try to focus on explaining her policies instead of attacking Trump, which is all she has been doing, and it isn’t working. She feels she made the wrong VP pick as well, because he has many scandals and she feels like the Democrat machine wants her to lose,” he adds.

Kamala and her campaign management are also reportedly arguing about her appearing on Joe Rogan’s podcast. Apparently, she wants to do it, while her campaign management believes “an hour of her in a room with somebody that is going to ask her tough questions would give Trump a 48-state win.”

“They don’t trust her, and it’s an endless circle of arguments,” he adds.

Robert Baker

And God said, “let there be transparency.” And the Democrats fled the transparency because their deeds were evil.


Hoping it all gets worse for Kakala.

She’s earned it.


For the sake of the country, please.
I found the mention of anxiety medication interesting. I wonder if doubling up on it could make her look drunk and giggly. But she’s probably drinking too.


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OMG!!! My sides are hurting.  😆 



Barb Meier

Happy Friday Ridicule Obama break. Oooh aaaah.

We’ve been keeping an eye on Obama lately, and it’s clear that ol’ Barry has lost his mojo. His once larger-than-life persona is fading fast—he’s now just a shadow of the political star he used to be. One thing is certain: Barack Obama doesn’t have staying power. Once the PR teams and the media pack up and move on, he starts withering like a dusty old houseplant desperate for water. As Barry scratches and claws to keep some semblance of power, his desperation is becoming painfully obvious, and he’s coming off as needy and wildly frantic. His reputation has also taken a serious hit after he endorsed a dementia patient and a DEI diva. These questionable moves really call into question Obama’s so-called leadership skills and his terrible decision-making.

We noticed Obama lost his mojo early on, but it became glaringly obvious when Kamala was installed as the “candidate.” Obama was frantic to secure the black male vote, so he hit the campaign trail in his high-waisted mom jeans, looking and acting like an annoyed woman, berating black men for not backing yet another uninspiring, media-created, do-nothing DEI person of color. At that point, and also from the nasty reception he got, it was clear—Barry was no longer the “cool cat” who could calm all those rising oceans and stuff.


Trump is going to CUT the federal govt, likely by at LEAST 50%, not add to it. Musk is being brought on for ONE thing, to cut the fat and streamline the govt, just like he did to twitter. He cut 82% of twitter, and rebranded it X, and MADE money. The rest was all bureaucracy and waste. It will ne the same in the Federal workforce.

Look, I think Trump has a PLAN, a BIG one. That is to cut the govt workforce waste, cut or eliminate foreign aid, stop the foreign war money pits, rebuild the military and the energy sector.

He is also going to remove at least 21 million leeches, er , foreign “immigrants” from our country. How much MONEY do you think all that adds up to?

I bet, though am not sure that he will ELIMINATE both the EPA, and DOE. That is more waste, and cuts needless bureaucrats by 50 %, and regulation by 50% as well.

Now it gets FUN. lets say he eliminates, and sends BACK to the states HHS, HUD, and The department of Education. Now we are cooking, why stop there.

He is bringing in RFK Jr to reform the CDC and FDA. Say buh bye to waste and needless regs and mandates there.

Those few things ALONE would be TRILLIONS. Then it can get REAL REAL fun. what IF Trump then enacts his Made in America tariffs? MORE money, level playing fields, protected intellectual property, AND more jobs, manufacturing, development, AND AMERICAN workers with good paying jobs.

Well, then what about REAL SUPER FUN. More development and manufacturing with more energy = new and updated infrastructure to make it ALL go. More power, more roads, bridges, utilities, transportation like railroad, cargo plane, trucking. Starting to get the BIG picture. Drill baby DRILL, energy DOMINANCE.

Prosperity, WEALTH. reducing and hell even ELIMINATING the deficit. More jobs and businesses of Americans in America, STAFFED by Americans, means more tax revenue.
(at least corporate tax, more on that in a few)

I believe the ultimate goal is….basically…NESARA. That’s right, to END the Fed, END the IRS.

Give the power BACK to we the people. Make us happy, healthy wealthy, and by schools going local again, WISE. Give the people BACK their own money and opportunity, by ZERO income tax, and less federal excise taxing, and regulatory hidden taxes. Make up the difference by eliminating fraud, waste, special interests, lobbying, NGO;s, No more FIAT currency controlled by banks. Put us back on the gold standard, and make us have ZERO deficit balanced budgets.

We will make up the rest of the difference by tariffs, energy dominance, and EXPORTING American made goods and services instead of outsourcing and IMPORTING everything.

It CAN be done. It can even happen QUICKLY. If I recall, both the FED and EPA, DE, DOE, DHHS, and IRS, are NOT explicit in the Constitution, and I also believe that most were ENACTED by EO, and not legislative measures, IE with the stroke of a pen, poof.

Essentially, and this is why Trump chose JD Vance to succeed him (apprentice?) Trump is going to put us ALL on a wealth management plan, he is our economic reset. It will take more than his four years, but realistically, it CAN be done in 12, Trump will do the heavy lifting, and lay the ground work. JD will continue, finish and CEMENT the work.

THIS is why they FEAR Trump. Trump is going to, by success, and getting ALL the govt installed roadblocks, waste, and graft, out of our way, give We the People BACK what the left have stolen from us for over a hundred years. Our wealth, our power, and our BIRTHRIGHT, the American Dream. Don’t, think so, think its a pipe dream? WATCH

All you need to do is LISTEN. Trump IS touting it, NOTHING is random. Think that impromptu barbershop town hall was a happenstance, along with the question on income tax?

You have NOT been paying attention.

No tax on tips
No tax on SS
No tax on OT
Declare auto interest 100%

NO income tax was mentioned…something he has to “look into” LOL He had FOUR years guys. Hint, he wasn’t golfing and just dealing with lawfare.

He has a PLAN
He says it EVERY rally

Make America STRONG again
Make America WEALTHY again
Make America SAFE again
Make America WISE again
Make America HEALTHY again

Make America GREAT AGAIN.


Are the taxpayers gonna have to pay unemployment benefits to all those unemployed FedGov drones???


No, we are going to need LOTS of new jobs in the booming energy sector VERY quickly. There will also be LOTS AND LOTS of manufacturing jobs. Guess the graft will be over and they will actually have to EARN their paycheck like the rest of us.


They can learn simple manual labor. We will need those too.


“Learn to code” someone said that…LOL (Biden)


Id rather they stay busy w manual labor. Theyll be unable to use phones or computers and too tired from actual work to bitc* about dei or gender studies.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Trump is going to CUT the federal govt, likely by at LEAST 50%, not add to it. Musk is being brought on for ONE thing, to cut the fat and streamline the govt, just like he did to twitter. He cut 82% of twitter, and rebranded it X, and MADE money. The rest was all bureaucracy and waste. It will ne the same in the Federal workforce.

Fifty percent would get us slightly more than halfway there! Let’s hope it happens.


Donald J. Trump

CEASE & DESIST: I, together with many Attorneys and Legal Scholars, am watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election very closely because I know, better than most, the rampant Cheating and Skullduggery that has taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 Presidential Election. It was a Disgrace to our Nation! Therefore, the 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again. We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON’T! Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.

Last edited 11 hours ago by eilert

Theyll make it easier and easier and since KIDS can control their gender why not when they end theur lives. Can you imagine the courts will intervene to allow ir?



Hoping people are watching.

kamala is on tv taking questions from the press atm.



Washington Compost is NOT endorsing SuxalotaCox.
IT’S OVER: In Huge Blow to Kamala Harris, the Washington Post Won’t Endorse a Presidential Candidate For First Time Since 1980s After Tense Meeting with Editor | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

IT’S OVER: In Huge Blow to Kamala Harris, the Washington Post Won’t Endorse a Presidential Candidate For First Time Since 1980s After Tense Meeting with Editor



The statement says they will NEVER AGAIN endorse anyone. That was interesting.


Simply a ruse to “act” impartial.

Washington Compost lies.

They know Kakala will lose


Yes. Just saw its bezos who made the call. Its about govt contracts. Cash!


10.25.24: Dash placed 45-47, Be Vigilant, Hurricanes, Ballots, Huge VOTING numbers, PAIN, PRAY!

And We Know


Listen to the end. 😂


Too funny.


Vance is quick on his feet.


Vance, against all odds considering his childhood, is also a Very Stable Genius.


comment image


Peace and Tranquility Prayers

Prayer for a Calm Heart

Lord of Peace, as evening falls, I seek the calmness only You can provide. Quell the storms of my mind and replace anxiety with Your peace. As the world quiets down, let my heart do the same. May Your presence envelop me so that I may know tranquility tonight and always. Amen.

Serenity at Day’s End

Heavenly Father, with the closing of this day, I ask for serenity. As the night sky displays its vast beauty, let my soul mirror its peacefulness. Help me to let go of the worries of the day and trust in Your loving care. May Your peace reign in my heart and home tonight. Amen.

Prayer for Restful Stillness

Dear God, in the stillness of this evening, I come to You seeking rest for my soul. Help me to lay down the burdens I’ve carried today and find comfort in Your arms. Grant me peace that passes understanding and a rest that restores my spirit. May my sleep be undisturbed and my dreams be sweet. Amen.

Nighttime Whisper for Peace

Creator of All, as I listen to the night’s gentle whisper, I ask for peace to settle over me. Let Your tranquility wash away the noise of the day. In this quiet hour, I lean on Your promise of peace, a heavenly balm to my weary soul. Keep me in perfect peace as I keep my mind stayed on You. Amen.

Prayer for Gentle Rest

Omnipotent and Gentle Lord, at the end of this day, I seek the gentle rest that You so lovingly provide. May my mind be at ease, my body relax, and my spirit find harmony. Help me to release every concern into Your capable hands and sleep in the assurance of Your protection and peace. Amen.


Ladies and Gentlemen… Let the BIG CHEAT begin!



Drat… 2,500 fraudulent ballots intercepted.

Call the neighboring county and tell them to add 2,500 fraudulent ballots to their current stack of fraudulent ballots, to offset the intercepted ballots.

Carry on, PA Democraps!


It seems like nearly everyone has a cell phone these days, and those who don’t, should at least have a digital camera.

So why not just have everyone in America fill out their ballot, and then take a PHOTO of it, before they turn it in?

That way every American has a date-stamped (maybe even with GPS location data) receipt to prove their vote and who they voted for.

Then a website could be created, where people could upload proof of their vote, and the addresses could be cross-referenced with the State voter registration rolls, to prevent multiple votes from any one person and to eliminate any submission that is not a registered voter in that state.

Once the person’s vote is uploaded to the website, it is viewable to the person who uploaded it, so they can check it and verify it. If they check their name and see any other uploaded votes in their name, or see that their vote has somehow been switched, click a ‘dispute’ box and submit further proof of ID to get the fake vote(s) removed, and to initiate the investigation and prosecution process against the people who uploaded the fraudulent votes.

One person, one vote.

In this manner, a private vote-tracking website could have the final vote results before the corrupt ‘official’ vote is ever released, and unlike the bogus official vote, the private vote-tracking website would be publicly available to everyone and completely transparent.

Basically, We the People could do it ourselves, and do it better than gov’t ever will, because the gov’t is corrupt, in addition to being incompetent.

Last edited 7 hours ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! I am reposting this all over X!


From OT:

Tucker Carlson Interviews Amaryllis Fox Kennedy
October 25, 2024

SD: “I’m not exactly sure what is going on here. When the private conversation between President Donald Trump and Robert F Kennedy Jr was recorded and leaked to the media, it was former CIA officer Amaryllis Fox Kennedy at the center of it. Additionally, this is Robert F Kennedy Jr’s daughter in law; she is married to his son.

As outlined by Tucker Carlson, “when Amaryllis Fox Kennedy says the intel agencies are a threat to our country, she’s not guessing. She spent ten years as a CIA officer before running Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign. She’s now campaigning for Trump.” 

Forgive me, but Suspicious Cat remains, well, suspicious and on maximum alert.
First Reaction: When combined with the IC walk-back of opposition to Trump, via the Washington Post non-endorsement of Kamala, could this be those moments we previously predicted about the deepest elements of the Deep State going into hunker down mode – planning to just outlast a predictable POTUS Trump victory?



I do agree with Amaryllis Fox Kennedy about the profound shift in U.S government activity that happened after the Patriot Act was passed. When I first heard political officials talking about the importance of “continuity of government,” I immediately recognized what they were describing was a construct of government that would exist and maintain without elected representatives of We The People.

The intelligence gathering and homeland security system, put into place after the Patriot Act was passed, is a bureaucratic administrative state without the presence of elected officials controlling the apparatus. How can a constitutional republic function without elected officials in control of it? 

That question is at the heart of our current situation.  That question is also at the epicenter of this “new American democracy” that no one seems to understand.”

(0:00) The Ukraine War Scam
(9:50) Why Washington Doesn’t Care About Domestic Policy
(14:13) Intel Agencies Operating Within the Media

(19:48) How America’s War on Iraq Caused the Fall of Europe
(27:43) The Classified Documents About 9/11
(33:20) The Kennedy Assassinations
(36:21) Intel Agencies Working with Drug Cartels
(43:49) Our Politicians Are Controlled by the Intel Agencies
(57:12) The Impending EMP Crisis
(1:14:20) Why Biden Reversed Trump’s EMP Preparedness Measures
(1:26:31) The Media Blackout of Kennedy’s Campaign
(1:37:41) Bobby Kennedy Endorsing Trump


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Last edited 7 hours ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The EMP discussion is very sobering. Especially the part about the people behind Biden (Obama?) stopping Trump’s executive order about preparation against EMP attacks – which are estimated to kill between 80% and 90% of all Americans within a year.

These people are worse than traitors.

Wait for number one...


Kalbo, you might like Melanie King’s take on the CNN Townhall 😁



Always happy to watch Kakala implode.   :wpds_lol: 


 😅  she’s on bath salts


Not sure I understand. I thought that made people try to eat faces.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. Bath salts are an extremely self-destructive drug. Basically make people unhinged. Just like KAKULA.


Yeah, that one cracked me up too! 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Kamala lost a one person debate”

Like Nikki Haley, she’s second to none.

Barb Meier

More heartfelt poetry from NC…

Burnsville HubAmber Denae 
 · 1d 
I’ve been thinking about how grief changes landscapes
How your mountains held their breath
When Helene came to rewrite everything
Taking more than land
But precious souls and hearts with her fury

From my eastern window
I watched your tragedy unfold in fragments
Each notification another name
Another life swept away
Or courageously saved
In waters that knew no mercy

There’s a hollowness in watching
Your valleys become graves
Your ancient hills weep mud
While standing here
In the shameful safety of distance

I keep thinking about how your people
Move through this aftermath
Like they’re reading braille on the skin of sorrow
Finding meaning in rebuilding
Beauty in the brutal act of continuing

I find myself looking west
Towards your wounded heights
Feeling something like reverence
For how a people can carry both
Their dead and their determination
In the same broken hands

These mountains remember everything
Not just this storm, but all storms
Not just these tears, but centuries of tears
Not just this rising, but every rising

They whisper what we already know
That strength flows in it’s marrow
That survival beats in the bedrock pulse
That tomorrow will come
Like water wearing down stone
Slow, sure, and unstoppable
In your old, unbreakable hills

Written by me, a fellow North Carolinian in the Piedmont area who has been so heartbroken and compelled to contribute to relief efforts for the last several weeks. We love you, WNC

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Barb Meier

Thank you, Wolf!


Blinken:Can’t Fully Protect Election Against Cyber Attacks,Trump:We Are Going To Win Big – Ep. 3484
 October 25, 2024  x22report

While the western [CB]s are cutting rates, Russia is raising rates. The stock market has fallen again, now passing 800 points. The [CB] and the fake news is trying to convince the people that Trump is going to place a tax on them, he counters their argument and wins. The [DS] is losing its power to boost [KH] to beat him in the elections, they are going to try everything but in the end Trump is going to win and the people will win with him. The [DS] is now planning for the post attack on the election system. Blinken says they are making progress on protecting the election against cyber attacks after Georgia reported a cyber attack. They will use the cyber attack to claim there is no winner. Will there be a push then to go to paper ballots, will this show the country that Trump won by a majority?

Ep 3484a – Down She Goes, Watch The Market, Trump Counters The [CB] Argument

Ep 3484b – Blinken:Can’t Fully Protect Election Against Cyber Attacks,Trump:We Are Going To Win Big

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Saturday in the can.

It should be Titanic!


You mean it’ll hit an iceberg and sink? That doesn’t sound good.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ice is involved.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Oh, cool! Deportations?


A sneaky way to try to hamstring DJT in handling the border crisis – use the courts to ‘determine’ that it doesn’t matter where you are when you ask for asylum.

Hopefully, SCOTUS will put a stop to this stealth jurisdiction-expanding crap. Also, two of the three judges need to be impeached for legal incompetence.

At least the dissenting judge gets it right.


Israel begins retaliatory strikes against Iran following missile barrage targeting Israelis


Why don’t they just target the Iranian leadership? That’s who is orchestrating all the attacks. Mossad knows where every person in Iranian leadership lives, and could easily take out the house of every single one, almost simultaneously.

And every government building.

Make it impossible for them to govern, give the Iranian People a chance to seize power from the insane Cabal.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll bet they hit two things.

Air defenses and nuclear sites.

(1) make it possible for more waves of attack, to control the skies of Iran

(2) make an EMP response by Iran impossible

THEN go after the leadership.

Brave and Free

The truth is revealed in all kinds of ways.
Tyson james.


That was good, especially since the words are understandable.


I heard Dan Bongino emphasizing the need for early voting. On air, he went to his county’s website and was able to see how many registered Republicans have voted, and how many Dems and others. The thinking is that at some point the numbers become too big to overcome by supplying more ballots to cheat. At some point you reach the total number of voters, and you can’t go any higher.

He also talked about “leakage,” which is people who intended to vote on election day being prevented from doing so because of illness, car trouble, work obligations, family emergencies, etc.

Bongino says there are internet influencers who are urging people to vote on election day only. These people say they know better than all the big names, including Trump, who are saying to vote early. Bongino says they are either trying to set themselves apart for clicks, or they are working for the other side. He is taking screenshots of things they’ve said and might reveal them later.

If anyone knows who any of those people are, please let us know.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I did see somebody on Twitter advocating election day voting – they seemed sketchy in that “Badlands Media” “no virus” way.


Some housekeeping —

The Fiancee’s procedure went fine. I got her to the place at 10:00 for her 11:00 start time, then picked her up and got her home by 1:00.

In the meantime I killed some time by driving around Sunnyvale and Mountain View. Google has some seriously weird architecture going on around there — one building looked like The Blob.,-122.07845724,4.26495504a,0d,60y,326.9957747h,82.3645329t,0r%2fdata%3dCgRCAggBIhoKFkRvNDJFTjZ0ZmJmSVc5NzZ5UHFQNWcQAkICCABKDQj___________8BEAA

Anyway, we got back and she sacked out for a couple of hours. We then went out and got her something to eat. When she got back to something approaching normal, she remembered that she had shot some video of a mower near a castle wall in England and wanted me to see it because it made her think of my uncle.

Here’s the same gizmo —

I’ll put in a bit of a spoiler — these would seem to make a lot of sense, but the reason I’d never seen one before is that they’re $40,000.

Now, about the family connection…..

Years and years ago, there was an actor/musician named Gene Autry. Nicknamed “the Singing Cowboy”, he was well-known for songs like “Back in the Saddle Again”, “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”, and “Frosty the Snowman”. [ ]

He owned a ranch in Placerita Canyon, in a town then known as Newhall, north of Los Angeles. Many of his films were fully or partially made at “Melody Ranch” up into the 1950s. In the 1960s, however, the ranch was pretty much abandoned. That’s when my uncle rented the ranch house to raise his growing family.

Placerita Canyon is a region with a serious fire danger, so the fire department annually came by and reminded residents to mow down any vegetation within 50 feet of structures. This made too much sense to be disregarded (besides the possibility that the firemen might stand around and discuss how much of a dumbass you were if there brush up against your house when they showed up). So my uncle pulled out his cheap Sears gas mower and started mowing stuff down.

Unfortunately, however, one corner of the garage was only about 30 feet from the bottom of the hill. The slope wasn’t really bad at first, so my uncle would just push the mower along in lanes along the hill. Soon, however, the slope got steeper…..and gasoline started to slop out of the tank and over the exhaust. Then he turned the mower to go the other way and more gasoline sloshed out….until he hit a rock with the blade.

He had made it about 40 feet from the garage before he started the fire, so he got some points for trying along with his dumbass points, and the fire department managed to put it out before it got any structures (including his) — although it did get about 20 acres.

So you can see how a robot mower intended for hillsides might remind The Fiancee of my uncle.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Sealed gas tank……
Turtle auto-flip jack…..

Price: $80,000


It’s the prep that’s horrible.


I remember that story about your Uncle… or I just had a serious deja vu 😂


New lead-in and overpriced robot gizmo.


The original set buildings burned in another wildfire in 1962, which is why the ranch was so deserted when my uncle later set it on fire. Also, I used to live next door to Andre Veluzat in the 1970s when his house had a house fire.

I looked for a picture of the ranch house, but only found this —

There’s also this piece by Leon Worden, the only person in my grade who was younger than I was (his mom was on the school board) —