DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20241024

Cover image: Little River State Park Waterbury Reservoir Vermont Autumn In Vermont United States

The White Pill Emporium – Part 1

Badlands News Brief – October 23, 2024

‘Heartburn’: Democrats, Media Allies Begin to Hit Panic Button on Kamala Harris’s Election Hopes

Democrats brace for a possible crack in the blue wall and signs of North Carolina slipping

General Motors to Go Fully Electric by 2035 as EVs Remain Unprofitable

Can’t fix stupid.

FNC’s Rove: Holding the Senate Becoming a ‘Nightmare’ for Dems


The Best Laid Schemes of the Ruling Class Have Turned to Ashes

From mean tweets to podcast president: How Trump is handing America back to strong, capable men…

It’s Us vs The Machines

Famed polling guru Nate Silver’s ‘gut says Donald Trump’ will win 2024 presidential election

His gut and many a deplorable brain.

Trump leads at 60.3% — why polls don’t matter now that betting markets rule

Yes, the culture has taken a leaf out of Irish tradition.

SPOOKED! Witches complain they cannot cast harmful spells on Trump

Thank God for small favors.


Trump is surging! The early vote numbers continue to be catastrophic for the Dems, and it is starting to cause a widespread panic. Halperin says, “If this continues, Donald Trump can’t lose, because the Democrats can’t possibly do well enough on Election Day”. Spicer says, “The data is unbelievable. It’s almost too good to be true.” These are not polls. These are not betting markets. These are the actual votes coming in. Trump’s early turnout is unprecedented for a Republican, and if the trend continues, Trump may have the White House secure before Election Day, making it mathematically un-stealable, a.k.a. “Too Big To Rig”. The early numbers indicate the Trump base is energized and motivated, while the Dems are struggling, and the early vote is normally their strong suit. This does not mean the election is over, but the early numbers suggest Trump is trending SUBSTANTIALLY better than he was at this time in 2016 and 2020.

A lot of other disease oriented non-profits, too. I could go into detail….

This is true. I had a friend who lost her job, etc., and the people she really needed weren’t there for her.


It was full of whisky sours.

Ectopic pregnancies don’t count in this. Neither do miscarriages that don’t miscarry all the way. Neither will result in a viable child. The baby is already gone.

What you don’t want to see on your dashboard.

For the record, none of our dogs ever tried this with my dad’s O-Gauge, which has been sitting in a model train coma since 2013.


And now for the business portion.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.


All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


Ephesians 3:14-21

14For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, 16that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with might through his Spirit in the inner man, 17and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18may have power to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fulness of God. 20Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, 21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, for ever and ever. Amen.

Luke 12:49-53

49“I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled! 50I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how I am constrained until it is accomplished! 51Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division; 52for henceforth in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three; 53they will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against her mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.”




Death in the Afternoon

Home » Classic Cocktails » Halloween Cocktails: Death in the Afternoon is a Real Treat

Published: Oct 23, 2020 · Modified: Apr 3, 2023 by Kevin Mayfield · This post may contain affiliate links.

Halloween Cocktails: Death in the Afternoon is a Real Treat

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Created by the legendary author Ernest Hemingway, Death in the Afternoon is a literary classic, and a great Halloween themed cocktail as well.

The Death in the Afternoon Champagne-based drink in a tall flute.
The Death in the Afternoon cocktail combines Champagne and Absinthe for a spooky treat.

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Death in the Afternoon will make you Comfortably Numb

Certain drinks just fit a ‘moment’ based on their name alone. Now that it’s Halloween time, this cocktail always makes an appearance.

Hemingway was living in Paris when he came up with this cocktail. It shares the same name as one of his bestsellers, “Death in the Afternoon.” Like other great authors, who invent drinks, he includes a written recipe for how to make it. The recipe was first published in a famous author’s cocktail book called, “So Red The Nose, or Breath In The Afternoon.” In it, Hemingway recommended the following directions:

“Pour one jigger absinthe into a Champagne glass. Add iced Champagne until it attains the proper opalescent milkiness. Drink three to five of these slowly.”

I’d recommend using a little caution when following “Papa’s” drinking directions because this cocktail packs a punch, and three to five of these in a single day will hit you harder than a Hemingway metaphor!

Ingredients Needed

This is another great duo cocktail, meaning that there are only two ingredients required to make it:

  • Champagne
  • Absinthe

And that’s it!

Tips for Success

Since there are only two ingredients, it’s a pretty easy mix. However, there are a couple of hints that can make it a better drink.

  • Some ‘tips’ suggest adding the absinthe last and trying to ‘float’ it on top of the Champagne. But by the time it’s poured and served, the ingredients are all mixed anyway, so I suggest sticking with Hemingway’s directions.
  • Absinthe has always had an odd reputation. At one time it was said to be addictive or hallucinatory. In 1915, it was even banned in the U.S. and certain countries in Europe. Luckily it made a comeback and is enjoyed in many popular cocktails. But do yourself and others a favor and buy a name brand like Pernod. Yes, you’ll pay more money for it, but the taste and even the look are superior to lower quality spirits.

Have a good one y’all.

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Tatonka Woman

I’ll jump in and be first because apparently pgroup and coothie are asleep.


Zzzzzzzz …

Tatonka Woman

You set a fine example. I shall follow suit.


I skim the post and open the links and do the stars before I comment, in hopes that someone nicer leaps in to inaugurate the post.

Tatonka Woman

I so appreciate the opportunity


He says it like he’s assigned to do it.  😂 


I’m just generally awake for the occasion.


Thank you, De Pat, for a thoroughly thrilling Thursday post!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL. Never thought I’d feel sorry for Kam-Com. And yet here we are!


Well, I don’t feel sorry for her at all. She climbed this ladder on her own, using her wiles and guile. Now she’s paying the price.


Bitch can go soak herself in alcohol and whatever else is available.

Wish her the worst.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Cruel and unusual punishment! But deserved!


She’s under-qualified. Maybe she can clean the bathrooms.


Walmart greeter.


If you want people to stay away from Walmart… 😂


Hey, now. Those are usually sweet people.


Yea they really are. My bad.


Lol, it’s ok.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I will bet that she’s always had illegal Hispanic help for that.


I’d bet you’re right!


With her well used tongue.




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Wearing the “audio feed coaching earrings” again?
What’s up with her eyes?


Eyes – I suspect a cosmetic something-or-other has been done. We will probably be able to tell in the next few days.

Brave and Free



LOL, OR simply that rather than my armchair psyche theory!! Hangover could fit the bill


Maybe it’s hard to get the brain to assign expressions of truth and belief in reciting a known pack of lies so the visuals we see are the external manifestation of internal conflict? She usually relies on exaggerated hand movement, out of context enthusiasm and forced/prompted audience agreement. It’s a different scene to attempt to deliver the long awaited Oct surprise convincingly. As usual she failed . She’s a terrible actress

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Photo may have just been partway through a blink.


Absinthe just brings BIG hangovers!


Absinthe makes the Heart grow fonder?


Prior to sunrise!!!!! LOL!!!! ❤️


An absinthe sunrise?

2 oz absinthe
4 oz fresh orange juice
1/4 oz grenadine

Add absinthe, then orange juice to a chilled highball glass filled with ice. Do not stir. Top with grenadine, which will sink to the bottom.

Garnish with an orange slice and a cherry.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Leave out absinthe and grenadine for a healthy “mocktail”! 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Still in the bottle! 😉


So does Ouzo. Yours Truly participated in the round of Ouzo toasts at my brother’s wedding many years ago (he married a wonderful young woman whose family was all Greek.) O M G.


Ha! Yes, sneaky!


Our muslim friend from Turkey (in college) introduced us to Ouzo. It was his favorite liquor, apparently very popular in Turkey.

We introduced him to Jägermeister.

And Mezcal, with the worm at the bottom of the bottle.

Last edited 1 day ago by scott467

Have never had it.

Sounds like something popular in South Korea. Or was it Japan. Or both.

Not a drinker myself. Just listening to squids talking about getting blitzed back in the day.

Robert Baker

In South Korea the popular alcoholic beverage is Soju. I assume it is akin to beer.


Likely I’m mixing up whatever the squids were telling sea stories about.

Robert Baker

I picked up that detail from all the Korean TV shows that I watch. All I know is that its called Soju and comes in a green bottle.


Soju is distilled, so it’s a little past wine or beer.

Robert Baker

Don’t know much about alcoholic drinks. Never bothered to take that first sip.


Thus you missed all the joys and trepidations of recreational alcohol use.

Robert Baker

I avoided them more than missed them.


Just because you don’t imbibe doesn’t mean you shouldn’t know about the processes involved. You could be baking bread, or filling your car’s tank with gasohol, or extracting scents for soap.

Yeasts consume sugars and produce alcohol as a waste product — which eventually overwhelms them so they go dormant or die. If you start with fruit juices, these are normally called wine; if you start with grains, these are normally called beer. Since grains tend to have starches, they need to be cracked with enzymes in order to make the sugars the yeastie-beasties crave. These enzymes can be produced by allowing the grains to sprout, then drying them out.

Even alcohol-tolerant yeast pretty much peak out at about 14% alcohol. Any higher concentrations from there require distilling. Incidentally, “proof” is pretty close to twice “alcohol by volume [A.B.V.] — a 14% wine would be 28 proof.

Distilling relies on the fact that alcohol’s boiling point is less than that of water. If you have a closed vessel full of alcoholic liquid and heat it to just before a simmer, the fumes given off will contain most of the alcohol for the mixture. If you condense those fumes, you can easily collect 100 proof liquid. If your original was a wine (fruit-based), this will typically be known as a brandy; if your original was a beer (grain-based), your result will typically be called a liquor.

Lest this sound too easy, I should note that the first few measures off of a still, known as “heads”, can contain toxic types of alcohol (including methanol, which can cause blindness). Similarly, the last few measures can contain other unwanted substances.

Port and sherry are known as “fortified wines” — some brandy is added into a wine to raise the alcohol content beyond the capacity of yeasts or bacteria to survive. This makes them optimal for shipping long distances without refrigeration.


Shouldn’t your 100 proof be 100 percent? Serious question.


That’s why you have “double distilled” and “triple distilled” liquor — these are relatively crude apparatus.


Not beer. It’s similar to vodka. It’s made from rice wine.
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Nasty stuff until your a quarter way through a bottle. Normally you drink it neat like in the picture. Rumor was it always had a top layer of formaldehyde to keep it from spoiling but I’m not sure that’s true… but everyone said that. This is hangover territory.


If you sit down with Koreans to drink, men or woman, the choice is one. Soju. Yeah they do beer but I’m not sure they consider that to be drinking. First few sips is always with a grimace until it grows on you.


Oh… and food is always served with Soju. I think you might tear your stomach apart without it. Makes the food taste delicious.. other that I shudder when I think about…


If I remember correctly, the Ouzo tastes a little like licorice, but I’m not sure. It was a long time ago…


“Is sense FINALLY making its way into the trans thing?”




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



MJTruthUltra must read here. We already called it being the Atlantic hit piece. 😁
Well, maybe he did it on his own… it was kinda of obvious if you read the article. 😮



I guess she could be mistaken for a warm apple pie.


Col’s Macgregor and Davis on the NK troops in Russia.


Look! Squirrel!



You’re kidding me? It couldn’t be that simple, could it?

Gosh, we’re getting good at this dot connecting thingy.  😂 


In 1988, American Execution expert, Fred Leuchter, was hired to investigate the execution gas chambers from the “Holocaust.”

He went into this investigation with no political opinion, but came away certain those gas Chambers were never used for mass murder. 1/11

— Uncommon Sense (@Uncommonsince76) October 23, 2024


Okay, so if Leuchter is correct, and the facilities thought to have been used as gas chambers were not actually used as gas chambers at all, then how were so many people murdered?

It appears that Dachau was the first camp, and opened in March 1933, “barely two months after Hitler’s rise to power“. If the camps ran continuously until May 8th, 1945 (V.E. Day), that’s about 12 years, that’s 60 seconds per minute x 60 minutes per hour x 24 hours per day x 365 days per year x 12 years = 378,432,000 seconds.

If approximately 11 million people were murdered in the camps, that’s 378,432,000 seconds ÷ 11,000,000 people = one person murdered every 34.4 seconds, on average.

If the 11 million number is accurate, it would seem that some form of mass murder would have been necessary to kill that many people in the span of time under consideration.

If it wasn’t gas, what method was it?

There should have been plenty of people, both prisoners and guards, who survived the war and knew whether gas chambers were used to kill people or not, and since it is widely believed that the facilities were used to gas people, eyewitnesses were certainly asked about this and able to give first hand accounts, both in books and documentaries in the years immediately following the end of the war, and up to the 1980s and beyond.

Including documentaries like Shoah (1985):

Review by Dr. Svet Atanasov: “The core of Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah (the Hebrew word for chaos/devastation) is comprised of various interviews with two groups of people. In the first group there are Holocaust survivors. They are elderly people living in different countries around the world. In the second group there are people that witnessed some of the most horrific crimes the Nazis committed during WWII. There are also people that helped other people commit these crimes.

The manner in which the interviews are conducted is simple. Accompanied by a translator, Lanzmann asks questions that encourage the people in front of his camera to remember. The interviews with the survivors are fascinating but frequently very difficult to watch. Some of the elderly men can barely talk – often the pain they feel while remembering is so overwhelming that some of them can only utter a few words before they begin crying; others simply remain silent.

Occasionally, Lanzmann’s encouraging words seem incredibly cruel. For example, early into the film he interviews Michael Podchlebnik, a survivor of the Chelmno camp, whose reactions confuse him – the man smiles while he recalls the crimes he witnessed years ago. Then, encouraged by Lanzmann, he explains why he smiled and how for years he struggled to forget the past and tears quickly fill up his eyes. In just a few minutes the man has become unrecognizable – his hands are shaking, his face looks pale, his voice trembles.

There are other long interviews with villagers in Poland, some of whom saw the Nazis transport Jewish prisoners to Treblinka. What they share in front of Lanzmann’s camera is just as disturbing. Apparently, in the beginning there were villagers that could not possibly imagine what the Nazis had planned. They saw the trains coming in but lived their lives as if nothing had changed. Then, after they began realizing what was underway, they were forced to continue living as if nothing had changed – and many did, but now many of them knew that people were routinely exterminated in the gas chambers. The villagers’ bizarre recollections belong to some of the most intense interviews in the entire film.

There are also interviews with people who were on the opposite side, people who knew very well that they were helping the killers. Arguably the most illumining one is with SS man Franz Suchomel, who agreed to do an audio interview but was secretly filmed by Lanzmann. He was at Treblinka when people started entering the gas chambers. His descriptions are dry, often quite uneven, incredibly disturbing.

The overwhelming majority of the material gathered by Lanzmann in this truly epic 566-minute film is undoubtedly of tremendous importance, but there are also many questions in it that should not have been asked. Lanzmann’s persistence to get the most out of the men and women in front of his camera frequently feels disrespectful, at times even borderline manipulative. There are some memories that do not belong in any film, regardless of how noble its intent might have been.

Ultimately, however, Shoah is a tremendously important film that should be seen by everyone. In the increasingly unstable world we live today, and with the horrors of Bosnia, Darfur and Rwanda still fresh in our minds, it is an indisputable fact that its message is still relevant.

Note: In 1986, Shoah won FIPRESCI Prize, OCIC Award – Honorable Mention Award, and Caligari Film Award at the Berlin International Film Festival.”


I found the interview with SS member Franz Suchomel (from the Shoah documentary) on youtoob, for anyone who might be interested. If you go to the linked page on youtoob, there are 7 segments, a total of about 42 minutes:


There could be a large number who simply starved to death and/or succumbed to disease. Thus, the number of deliberately murdered could be substantially less than the total number who died via neglect. Plus, the camps had ostensibly different purposes and the camp commanders were somewhat autonomous. The Holocaust was not limited to Jews but most of the time it is the Jews that are the synonym for it.

They were shades of gray but the overall color was black. The regime was evil and they had no intentions other than getting the Jews and other ‘undesirables’ out of Germany. They certainly didn’t care whether they survived. Bottom line is murder is not determined by the choice of the method of killing. It’s about intent.

Nazi Germany certainly intended for all Jews to simply go away and it mattered not whether they lived or died because the Nazis viewed the Jews as an inferior race that polluted the gene pool.

I think these discussions about the Holocaust are less important than the numero uno point – Nazi Germany tried to exterminate Jews using any available means. Based on recent events [within the last century] we humans have not learned much from that experience, to our great shame.

The right to life is a gift from God and is unalienable.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Buried in this scientific paper are some actual numbers on the dead at Treblinka, based on Soviet/Polish survey of the site, shortly after the war. The numbers actually make sense. They dug up 3 pits and found 305 bodies. There were 58 pits at the time, but because some pits appeared larger (they used surface area), the total estimate was more than the 5800 expected from the size of the 3 they tested (which would then be a minimum) – they estimated between 10,000 and 12,000 total.

This paper looked at a pit with 49 victims. Most died of shooting or blunt force trauma to the head.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nothing in socialism is thought through, except crimes and cover-up! The actual running of things – not so much.


“And why would gassed bodies need to be burned?”


To eliminate evidence.

Buried bodies can be dug up.

Cremated bodies cannot.

Also there is the problem of where to put so many bodies, and the amount of effort and resources and manpower it takes to bury 11 million bodies, in the middle of a war when most resources (including labor) are scarce.

Last edited 1 day ago by scott467

Also it was clandestine, not piles of corpses for others to see. They were there and then they weren’t.
Less chance of diseases spread to the soldiers from bodies waiting to be dumped into mass graves
In 1942, a new crematorium was constructed, supplementing the existing one erected two years earlier. This new crematorium, named “Barrack X,” was fitted with four furnaces, a disinfection section, and, most chilling in retrospect, a gas chamber. Generally, the SS utilized the crematoria to immolate the bodies of inmates who died in the camp. They also hanged or shot inmates involved in resistance activity there (the whole area was separated from the prisoners’ barracks by a wall). Despite all the labor and resources expended, the SS, thankfully, never implemented the mass gassing of human beings at Dachau.

comment image?h=5e6c0f07
Man moving ashes in a crematorium in Dachau concentration camp, 1945. US Army Signal Corps photo


Dachau’s final four months of operation in 1945 proved truly catastrophic. Between 2,600 and 4,000 inmates per month succumbed to disease or starvation, roughly 100 every day. With the camp suffering from a shortage of coal since late 1944, the crematoria could not keep pace with the tempo of dying. In response, the SS authorities at Dachau forced prisoners to bring the dead to a hill located close to the camp and bury them in a pit.


Living with the certain prospect of being cremated against one’s will, to have one’s entire existence essentially ‘erased’ by your enemy, is yet another form of psychological warfare that I have not even seen mentioned before.

I certainly hope DJT and his team don’t go wobbly. I hope they expose and prosecute the current political-class GloboNazi fascists and Marxists with much greater vigor and thoroughness and public trials than what took place at Nuremberg.


Hear hear!


“It happened that the Germans interred millions of people, and many died.”


I suspect everyone who was interred, died.

Either before, or certainly after, being interred.

Last edited 1 day ago by scott467

I was going by what I thought was the traditional meaning of ‘interred’:


past tense and past participle of inter
transitive verb

: to deposit (a dead body) in the earth or in a tomb

I think I have read about someone buried alive in a mass grave during WWII, and surviving, but the number of such cases must be extremely few.


“Also, the people who were REALLY treated badly were the Gypsies. Any priest who spoke out was taken. So were the lame, the mentally deficient, etc.”


Once one was arrested and put on a train, they were essentially cattle to the Nazis. Was anyone treated worse than anyone else from that point onward?


“The numbers also don’t add up. To really have murdered the number that is claimed, 10,000 a day would have had to be exterminated. There just wasn’t the capacity for that.”

From March 1933 (opening of Dachau) to the end of the war (May 8, 1945) is a little over 12 years.

12 years = 4,380 days x 10,000 a day = 43,800,000 or nearly four times 11 million, so we are running into the problem of initial inaccuracies, i.e., difficulty in determining the actual number of people murdered.

Victims (survivors, families, support organizations and all sorts of grifters and political operatives like the the ADL appears to be) have an interest in proclaiming as high a number as possible, and the perpetrators (and all sorts of grifters and political operatives) have an interest in proclaiming as low a number as possible.

That doesn’t make it impossible to come up with a reasonably accurate number, but it sure doesn’t make it easy.

Most people are familiar with the names of the major concentration campsAuschwitz, Buchenwald, Dachau, and Treblinka, for example – but few realize that these were not the only places where Jews and other prisoners were held by the Nazis. Each of the 23 main camps had subcamps, nearly 900 of them in total. These included camps with euphemistic names, such as “care facilities for foreign children,” where pregnant prisoners were sent for forced abortions.

The Nazis established about 110 camps starting in 1933 to imprison political opponents and other undesirables. The number expanded as the Third Reich expanded and the Germans began occupying parts of Europe. When the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum first began to document all of the camps, the belief was that the list would total approximately 7,000. However, researchers found that the Nazis actually established about 42,500 camps and ghettoes between 1933 and 1945. This figure includes 30,000 slave labor camps; 1,150 Jewish ghettoes, 980 concentration camps; 1,000 POW camps; 500 brothels filled with sex slaves; and thousands of other camps used for euthanizing the elderly and infirm; Germanizing prisoners or transporting victims to killing centers. Berlin alone had nearly 3,000 camps.

These camps were used for a range of purposes including: forced-labor camps, transit camps which served as temporary way stations, and extermination camps, built primarily or exclusively for mass murder. From its rise to power in 1933, the Nazi regime built a series of detention facilities to imprison and eliminate so-called “enemies of the state.” Most prisoners in the early concentration camps were German Communists, Socialists, Social Democrats, Roma (Gypsies), Jehovah’s Witnesseshomosexuals, and persons accused of “asocial” or socially deviant behavior. These facilities were called “concentration camps” because those imprisoned there were physically “concentrated” in one location.

Millions of people were imprisoned, abused and systematically murdered in the various types of Nazi camps. Under SS management, the Germans and their collaborators murdered more than three million Jews in the killing centers alone. Only a small fraction of those imprisoned in Nazi camps survived. As many as 15-20 million people may have died in the various camps and ghettoes.


Encyclopedia Britannica has a long entry as well.

Here’s an excerpt about the killing squads:

“Historians are divided about the motivations of the members of these mobile killing units. American historian Christopher Browning described one such unit, Police Battalion 101, as ordinary men in extraordinary circumstances in which conformity, peer pressure, careerism, obedience to orders, and group solidarity gradually overcame moral inhibitions.”

Sounds just like FIB, ATF, DoJ and every other beta-bet agency in our wicked and thoroughly corrupt government. ‘Careerism’ is a synonym for Pension Protector.

Continuing the passage above:

“American writer Daniel Goldhagen viewed the very same unit as “willing executioners,” sharing Hitler’s vision of genocidal anti-Semitism and finding their tasks unpleasant but necessary.

The diversity of the killers has challenged Goldhagen’s view that the motivation was a distinct form of German anti-Semitism.

Yet both Browning and Goldhagen concurred that none of these killers faced punishment if he asked to be excused. Individuals had a choice whether to participate or not. Almost all chose to become killers.”

Diversity, peer pressure, conformity, Pension Protectors, ‘obeying orders’, group solidarity… “Almost all chose to become killers.”

DJT better win, and bigly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The COVID murders are extremely analogous to what was done to the “useless eaters” by the Nazis, once they grabbed power. Those early murders were preparatory for what came later, and the people who participated, were used to train those tasked with execution at camps. That is actually well-documented.

Since most “old school” medical people are not likely to comply with “sciencey” mass murder, it seems to me that giving the death jab to medical people FIRST had a purpose. A very SOCIALIST purpose. They need more compliant people – younger people – raised under socialism – to carry out what they are likely planning (Bill Ayers’ 25 million).


I sure hope it’s more than us handful that understands.

Valerie Curren

beta-bet agency” genius!

Tatonka Woman

I’m stuck on “American execution expert.”
Really? We have such a thing???


Find a niche that no one else occupies, and become King of your Niche 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This testimony illustrates how socialism is INSANE. How it is built on LIES – both the the outside, AND WITHIN. It illustrates how conspiracies – real conspiracies – are based on deception of participants – how the system overrules individuals, and how killing people is used as a way to get rid of remainders in bad equations, which are then lied about.

Utterly remarkable.

This history matches things that are beginning under Biden and Harris. There are LIES both from the government and within the government.

The “late correction” of lies about both economics and crime is just the beginning. All the lies about COVID – it’s going to get worse.


“The “late correction” of lies about both economics and crime is just the beginning. All the lies about COVID – it’s going to get worse.”


Depending on what happens on November 5th, and whether there is a peaceful transfer of power, or whether the DemonDevilRats will make themselves the first example in American history where the outgoing party refused to leave or transfer power peacefully.

It will go much worse for them if they refuse to leave peacefully, so it is not easy to hope they do leave peacefully.

Last edited 1 day ago by scott467

The problem for anybody who refuses to transfer peacefully is whether the vast majority of people recognize the proper authority.

If the majority thinks that DJT won, they won’t recognize the authority of the KH regime to claim victory. If the majority thinks KH won, then the grumbling of the MAGA crowd will be treated as sour grapes and/or rebellion.

Either way — “Houston, we have a problem.”

Barb Meier

Thanks for the link, Scott! I watched them all. It was very sad. My FIB retired SSA mentor let me read his book by Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning. I gave him one of my three copies of This is Paradise! My North Korean Childhood by Hyok Kang. Much tragedy in the 20th century.


I just got to the second segment. At about the 4:45 mark, he says that at Treblinka, they had a tank engine hooked up to the gas chamber. He said the only gas used to kill people at Treblinka was exhaust from the tank engine, used for that purpose.

He says the Zyklon-B gas was used at Auschwitz.


This stuff is why everyone should be armed. He talks about Jews having to wait 2 or 3 days to be put in the chamber to be gassed with tank engine exhaust, and most of them KNEW that was the fate that awaited them.

If you are armed, you never get put in that position. If you’re armed, you never even get on a train.

You die in your home, and take out as many of these demons from hell as you can before you die quickly, from a Nazi bullet.

Going anywhere with these monsters is no different than getting into a car with someone who pulls a gun on you. You might as well run, because you have a better chance.

If you get in the car, you have no chance at all.

If the 11 million people murdered by the Nazis had been armed and simply resisted, if the Nazis had to use the equivalent of a SWAT team storming every house of every person sent to the concentration camps, they could never have done it.

It would have required far too much time and manpower and they would have taken too many casualties.

Last edited 23 hours ago by scott467

I do have to laugh at the completely visible antenna, spinning around on top of the VW Microbus to receive the signal from the hidden camera interview.

Apparently nobody noticed or cared. Every time they show it, it looks like something out of a Monty Python or SNL skit.

I mean, it was 1985, not 1905. People weren’t stupid, they could recognize an antenna, and there was no reason for an antenna to be moving around on top of a parked VW Microbus!


Tommy Robinson is setting himself up to be killed. It won’t make him into a martyr.



I hope no harm comes to him. I haven’t followed what’s happening closely, but he strikes me as a regular guy who just had enough and isn’t going to take it anymore.

If that is anywhere near the case, then his following must be very strong. It would seem to be in the government’s own best interest to make sure he doesn’t become a martyr.

But governments do stupid things all the time, it’s practically their calling card. It doesn’t seem stupid to them, because their perspective is usually 100% diametrically opposed to the perspective of the People they oppress while they pretend to govern.


By not being a martyr, I was implying that the govt has a blackmail story ready to explain why he was whacked [other than govt assassination].


For those who have no idea of the scale of the SpaceX Starship Booster, which was caught 12 days ago, here is an image for scale with one person walking on top of the Mechazilla catch arms inspecting the new booster (This is Booster 13 the next one to be launched – may be middle of November already)


Where’s his leash? OSHA is going to be upset.

Brave and Free

He has the harness on, is that it dangling by his arm?


I think your right. That walk way looks sloped. Definitely not safe enough for the SS! Why would Musk subject his people to such risks that even the SS wouldn’t dare undertake themselves. Crazy! 😮


The Musk/Tucker videro has that absurd background music. Because there is no purpose whatsoever, and because the music detracts from the video, I wonder how and why it is there.

At best the practice is just plain absurd, but there may be more sinister intentions.

It started a few yeas ago, and has always been absurd – – at best.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES. Background music is just weird, IMO.

pat frederick

I had a wonderful experience at walmart last evening.

Normally with people zipping around you’re bound to almost run into people with your shopping cart. happens all the time. Typically I smile, say oops or sorry and move on. last evening it happened twice and BOTH times they were with a child pushing their cart. when i said oops, sorry–the PARENTS BOTH TIMES said to their children–this is where YOU say you’re sorry too. then the fathers (AGAIN BOTH TIMES) told their kids (one a boy, the other family was a girl) you have to be careful when you push the cart. I smiled, the parents smiled and we moved on.

Then in a larger aisle, a woman had a display and asked if I had Verizon. I said yes and she smiled and said she was offering $25 gift cards if i signed up for some new plan. I smiled back and said no thanks. she smiled and said thank you. she had the most beautiful smile, so I hesitated before leaving and told her so. I know I caught her off guard but as I walked away i heard her say to the walmart worker stocking dvds–I may not have made a sale, but I have a BEAUTIFUL smile–how ’bout that?

I was in such a good mood, when we got to the check out i decided to have a little more fun. the cashier, again was happy and talkative, so I leaned in and said: In full disclosure Miss, I am NOT an undercover walmart executive but i wanted to ask you–are you happy with your job? She cocked her head and asked you’re NOT undercover?—and I smiled and shook my head. Big smile on her face, she said i love my job. I said it shows–on your face, the way you interact with customers–it’s been a pleasure checking out with you. On the way out, I stopped at the courtesy desk to tell them just that.


“What do you think you’re doing, sprinkling goodness? You’re spoiling my plans.”
— Satan


pat frederick

I’ve always been one of those people who will compliment a stranger–and i smile at everyone–even though my shirt last evening said Grumpy’s in a mood…

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I do it, too. And I smile. It’s free, and it makes people feel good.

pat frederick

most smile back before returning to their gloomy faces


When greeted at a store, eatery, hotel.

They always ask, how are you. Or the like.

I always smile and say doing well, I hope you are as well.

  • Many are surprised. Pleasantly surprised.

I have “friends” in most every business in my town, just for that reason.


Thanks for this post. Well done, Pat. It mirrors what we are experiencing at the beach as I posted in my ground report previously.

Yesterday evening we stopped by The Fresh Market for an apple pie. A female cashier in her 60’s was standing nearby waiting for customers to come through her line. She had a big smile on her face and commented about the pie and said we made a good choice. After paying for it she happily told us to enjoy our evening and the pie. We wished her a blessing from the Lord and she beamed.

So simple. So unseen for several years until recently. People have been so much more respectful and kind lately. I pray it continues.

pat frederick

me too!
it was like being in the 60’s or 70’s. young families with behaved children. fathers instructing children on polite behavior.
I must say, there was a walmart worker (in street clothes) at the store for another purpose but i recognized him the moment i saw him. how? he has a fluorescent green mohawk. whenever i encounter him at the deli counter, that mohawk and his beard are covered and he always has a smile on his face and slices my ham exactly as i ask. very nice, but unusual young guy. lol


Perhaps the majority are anticipating Trump’s return. America First. Goodness. rule of law.

Flushing Bidenese and their ilk. AND anticipating Justice.

That is what I see.


Courtesy desk nice touch. They always mention those things to management.

pat frederick

i ‘d had experience with unpleasant cashiers in the past. i think the good ones deserve praise!


Denny’s of all places.

Decent music. Friendly waitress AND hugely attentive, thorough. Food even arrived hot and as ordered. Bathrooms clean.

  • Yea, I was shocked.

Paying at the register. I mention to the gal, also our waitress.

  • I literally said. Pardon my being a smart ass.
  • What’s the big idea, pleasant music, great service, hot food, clean bathrooms…
  • She laughed a bit, smiled and said thanks.
  • She got a 50% tip.
pat frederick

good for you!


And yet Dennys is going to close 150 locations across the USA for inability to recover profitability from the effects of the Covid War.

pat frederick

anyone with knowledge…what is a 501(c)4???

Kylie Jane Kremer


Recently it was uncovered that @GaSecofState
 Raffensperger, in a private capacity, is raising $5mil for a 501(c)4 called “Election Defense Fund” to target election workers following this November’s election

Well it turns out Raffensperger is working with Michigan SOS @JocelynBenson
 to target election officials too

In a MUST WATCH interview (below), MI SOS Benson says six battleground Secretaries of State (WI, PA, MI, AZ, NV & GA) are “coordinating” to develop “common strategies” against “a common adversary”

Benson says the six battleground Secretaries of State are, “much more powerful and united as a team, even across party lines”

Remember, @MichSoS
 Benson is the one who released the video where she said, “if someone were to violate the law and not certify the election at the local level, WE WILL COME FOR YOU!” (Video below)

So is SOS Benson involved in privately raising $5mil in funding for the 501(c)4 “Election Defense Fund” by November 1st that is going to be used to target election officials & others who won’t immediately certify & speak up about election fraud?

Are the other battleground Secretaries of State below involved with GA SOS Raffensperger & MI SOS Benson in the private effort to raise $5mil for the 501(c)4 “Election Defense Fund” to target election officials too?

•Arizona SOS Adrian Fontes @AZSecretary

•Nevada SOS Cisco Aguilar @NVSOS

•Pennsylvania SOS Al Schmidt @PAStateDept

•Wisconsin SOS Sarah Godlewski @WISecofState

Or is it possible these five other Secretaries of State have their own 501(c)4’s in their respective states that have gone undetected??

We The People deserve answers, NOW!

We have 13 days until Election Day and all of these elected officials are working together to STOP the American people from having their voices heard

How is any of this legal?

We need your help @elonmusk


Non-profit with a slight allowance for political activity.

501(c)(3)s are prohibited from supporting or opposing candidates for elected public office and must only engage in nonpartisan advocacy. On the other hand, 501(c)(4)s may engage in some partisan activity, but partisan political activity cannot be the primary purpose of a 501(c)(4) organization.

pat frederick

thanks pgroup
i don’t understand how going after election workers and those non certifying immediately can be considered non partisan. aren’t these all democrat SOS’s?


Welcome to Alice’s rabbit hole!  😮 

pat frederick

where the fool is king!

pat frederick



Things are so wrecked. Lawfare, 2 tiered justice, bought and paid for judges and election officials.
The awe at the finest system of govt is quickly being destroyed for me.

pat frederick


Chinese national illegal alien.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Likely infected and sent by the Wuhan Institute, CCP, and PLA (Chinese military).


Verse of the Day for Thursday, October 24, 2024

“But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” 

Matthew 10:30 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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When God carefully conceived you 
He knew exactly what you would do
You were chosen by Him before you were born
Prior to your appearance He would adorn

He fashioned you so perfectly
In His image oh so heavenly 
Each part of you He carefully configured
Elegantly elevated and transfigured

He knew the gifts and talents to give
He knew every moment you would live
He saw your trials and tribulations
He saw your heart and aspirations

Our loving Father showers you with love
Under the charge of His Angels above
For you He always wants only the best
As you set out daringly on your quest

When you stumble and fall He lifts you up
He offers you a drink from the blessing cup
He gave you free will to make choices
When you make good ones He rejoices

He watches as you advance in age and stature 
He protects you daily from the evil snatcher
He agonizes when you are in pain
He comforts you over and over again

You are His sunshine His light in the dark 
His hope for the future His perpetual spark
He wants you to choose Him above all
He wants you daily to answer His call

His love is so powerful it can bless and heal
His covenant with you He longs to seal
To know Him love Him serve Him all along
To spend eternity with Him where you belong

You are HIS SUNSHINE and will always be
Through Him your life changes dramatically
His blessings come daily to strengthen you
Encourage you in all that you must do

When you build up your treasures in Heaven
What God wants for you will come times seven
You are not of this world nor ever will be
When His Spirit lives in you with eyes to see

As the light of the world the salt of the earth
You were chosen by Him long before birth
Will you be His Sunshine for all of your days
Will you give Him honor and glory and praise

Will you be ready with your lamp full of oil
Or will you be distracted by worldly toil
He will come for his bride without spot or wrinkle
Prepare for your destiny now give it a sprinkle

Acknowledge God first in all of your ways
Trust in Him fully for all of your days
Be the best you can be for all you are worth
Be His Sunshine while you are here on earth

D01: 02/05/2023

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it!


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Real absinthe is hallucinogenic. Trust me.

As a side benefit to your “Death in the Afternoon,” absinthe is made with wormwood, which is an anti-parasitic. Sort of like vitamin I. So it might stave off covid.


Alternatively, you can hallucinate that it staves off covid…..




GM is going all in on EV’s, gang. The link DePat provided it true. I posted in American Stories about how GM is partnered with LG in three large lithium battery manufacturing facilities. They invested into a mining company with rights to the lithium deposits in northern Nevada. They invested into the nationwide Pilot Flying J travel centers recharging facilities that Buffett/ Berkshire now owns outright that I discussed in a BIMD story.

Just keep that in mind when considering a purchase of a GM gas/diesel fired vehicle. I am not saying EV’s will not be improved eventually. Tech advances may improve them to where they become more viable at some point. The supply chain on parts for the abandoned types may dwindle.

There are good reasons there is a mad rush to secure lithium and other mineral reserves in America.

Last edited 1 day ago by TradeBait2

Conclusion reached in a nanosecond. If that long.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Coal-powered vehicles! They’re here!


Read a story yesterday about an electric firetruck burning the fire station down.


Whoa! That’s insane


Do not ever forget that the “official narrative” from the DeepState / CDC-FDA-UN-WEF / Establishment Medicine / the friendly neighborhood PCP — is:
“The known and potential benefits of the COVID-19 vaccines outweigh the known and potential risks.”

Do not ever forget, that to the DeepState / CDC / FDA / UN / WEF:
If, say, there are 15 Million COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons dying across the planet from the effects of said “vaccines”; and 60 Million COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons becoming disabled across the planet from the effects of said “vaccines” — these are “within acceptable limits” to the above entities.

Last edited 1 day ago by PAVACA

Stunning numbers.

However the people were whacked in holocaust. Covidiot Jabs dwarf holocaust.

Last edited 1 day ago by kalbokalbs

It makes me so mad when the eco morons cry about manmade climate change and ignore real manmade eco system and habitat destruction .

I mentioned it before but the scamdemic spawned a huge rise in killing horseshoe crabs which in turn depleted certain migratory bird populations. For the vax industry,,, 😥 

Coastal biomedical labs are bleeding more horseshoe crabs with little accountability
Updated June 30, 202312:00 PM ET

pat frederick

erect all those wind farms and ALLOW killing our national symbol–eagles–as well as thousands of other birds for useless OIL USING pieces of crap.


🥹😢😭 So upsetting.

pat frederick

h/t Marica
Peter Navarro
happy to debate John Feckless Kelly anytime. No one knows the bully coward better. A general who repeatedly refused orders from his commander in chief. Endless war globalist scum. Failed chief of staff. Reporters you know where to find me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BWAHAHAHAHA!!! I love it. No wonder he was thrown in jail! Dangerous to the lying regime.

Brave and Free

Probably already know by most here.

Not Just Covid-19 Jabs – Are Now Implicated in DNA Contamination Scandal.

Last edited 1 day ago by Brave and Free

This is a great article that might change some minds about the current regime in a really sneaky way! Brilliant and easy to understand. And you can’t really tell where it’s going for sure until the end:

“Ever since Trump first ran for president, a central theme among Democrats and the media has been that Trump is literally Hitler, and his supporters — namely, Republicans — are literally Nazis. This has gone viral in the 2024 campaign featuring the New Republic’s infamous cover showing Trump as Hitler, published only a week before the first assassination attempt against Trump in July.

As a historian who has done considerable writing and research into the history of the Third Reich, I think it’s time that someone who actually knows something about Hitler and Nazis to provide an assessment of these charges. I studied in Germany and for more than three decades I have spent many weeks in the German archives poring over documents of the Third Reich so I could write many books and academic articles on the Wehrmacht. The historians of the Bundeswehr’s History Office (authors of outstanding scholarship on the Third Reich) thought enough of my scholarship to commission me to author a chapter on Nazi war crimes in a book on 20th-century war crimes.

I will focus on the two months of February 1933 to late March 1933 during which the democratic Weimar system was destroyed and replaced by a one-party Nazi totalitarian state.”


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“Hoist by their own retard.” BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!


Fits Kakala perfectly. Retard.

IIRC, last week or so, Trump did call Kakala retarded.


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It’s 12:28PM in northwestern Durham County NC.
The atmosphere outside is “yellowy”-tinged. Been that way since a couple of hours ago, but now it’s heavier.
The smell outside is awful — smells like chemicals, like sulfur. The wind is coming roughly from the West. Even with the doors and windows closed and the air cleaning machines going on inside the house, you can still smell the sulfur.
There’s no heavy industry presence in this area, no steel mills, no smelting mills, etc.
Yours Truly’s opinion: This smell and change of air appearance is drifting over from the areas devastated by Helene.


That is scary. Is there anything being reported on local radio or news? Can you call a local TV station or newspaper?

Valerie Curren

I don’t know if you saw my comment the other day springing off of Latrobe info. I referred to a book I recently read about 1811/1812 travel along the Mississippi. There was a series of earthquakes that happened over some months, some known as New Madrid quakes. According to the portrayal in the historical novel there was a prevalent sulfur smell for weeks & months preceding the atypical mid tectonic plate event…fyi


LIVE WITH JULIE – 10/24/2024



Philippians 4:13
Psalms 32:7
Job 1:10
Psalms 27:5-6
Isaiah 54:17
2 Corinthians 5:7
2 Samuel 5:18-25
Deuteronomy 28:7
1 Samuel 30:6, 8
Nehemiah 8:10
Psalms 3:1-8
Psalms 91 (entire chapter)
Joshua 6:20
Psalms 37:13
John 8:32
Job 22:28
Esther 4:14


God is your hiding place, your deliverer, protector and provider. He will lift you up above your enemies.
You are covered and surrounded by God, so your enemies will never be able to find that hiding spot. They cannot touch or harm you.
You triumph over your enemies and opposition.
God is asking, “where are those people that will stand up against adversity and have the faith of Joshua & Caleb?”
God is the God of breakthrough. God is the God of breakthrough and He is breaking through every plan and strategy of the enemy.
Declare that the God of Breakthrough is breaking through the enemies’ walls and all the control that they have had.
There is nothing impossible for God.
Always inquire of the Lord what He wants you to do. You should not do anything based on your own ability or intelligence.
If you get God’s instructions and His Will you will never fail.
Continue to pray for people to wake up and for their eyes to see.
Overwhelm the enemy’s system of destruction with prayer, praise and the Word of God.
Keep speaking God’s Words and the truth.
You will recover ALL that has been stolen from you.
Thank God for everything He has done for you and will continue to do.
Everything is going to keep imploding for your enemies.
Praise and worship to tear down the enemies’ walls. Shout their walls down.
Pray over every seat in government, not just the Presidential seat.
God is Jehovah Nissi – The Lord your Banner of Victory
You are going to be victorious, so keep standing, fighting and holding on.


JGM – LIVE WITH JULIE – [24 October 2024]


Ps 32:7…You are a hiding place for me. You Lord preserve me from trouble. You surround me from songs and shouts of deliverance. 

God preserves us from trouble…that tries to overwhelm us, destroy our freedoms, bring our nation down. God protects us from this trouble. He’s the place we go to hide that our enemies cannot go, touch, penetrate. God is going to hide us from trouble. Trouble is brewing. It’s going to look worse before it gets better. But God is our hiding place. 

We have to have faith and trust in God. He’s our refuge, our deliverer, our healer…HE’S THE GOD OF THE BREAKTHROUGH. This is what David found out when he was fighting all these battles. 

Ps 27:5-6…For in the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter, in the secret place of His tent, He will hide me. He will set me high upon a rock. And now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies roundabout me. In His tent I will offer sacrifice and shouting of joy. I will sing yes I will sing praises to the Lord. 

God’s our hiding place and He will lift us up above our enemies. Receive this revelation. He’s your hiding place. He protects you from trouble, building up your faith and raising you up above your enemies. Instead of magnifying all the trouble, all the darkness, magnify He’s your hiding place and your protector and that He will lift you up above your enemies. 

PROPHETIC WORD – The Biden and Obama Regimes are Imploding 

[Word heard – October 23, 2024] 

My children for I the Lord are disintegrating your enemies’ blue wall. I am bringing down any wall, any establishment stronghold, any agency, any govt secret, the wall of corruption with their so-called judicial system that keeps the truth at bay from destroying their plans. I told you a flood was coming – a flood of truth that will knock down any structure that once protected your enemies in keeping them in Washington and leading this nation against Me. 

PART 2 Their campaign and every strategy are collapsing. The Biden and Obama’s regimes are imploding. Many are running from the sinking ship of the Establishment before it’s too late. Many are running toward My David for rescue from possible political death or prison sentence. So many in the Establishment are squealing like pigs you would say against the ones in Washington in hopes to save their careers or their lives. 

My children this has only just begun because of the fall of every politician against Me. Great falls and great surrenders are taking place. Just watch how many of them will make it more visible after the election is over, realizing they have no hope of survival without changing sides. Some political leaders will never give up their positions without a fight and some to the death because they’d rather die than to surrender to Me or My David. This war against My nation will soon intensify once your enemies see what will take place even before the election day that shows them there is no pathway to win. Their desperation will continue to grow and they will do more against My David, but they will do more against you also. 

My United States you will see riots. You will see tensions rise. You will see tempers flare and unrest. They will try to sabotage the markets and blame My David for it. They will try more viruses or more chaos to cause more disruptions to continue the corruption. But remember who I am. I am the Alpha, the Omega, the beginning and the end. And I am the end to all their plans, says the Lord. My children, your enemy’s warfare will pick up but My hand will devour their attempts against you in this nation. The world will see that I am still the Defender of this nation and your enemies are about to lose full control over it, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Tactical gear…this will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Storm the Capital…this phrase will be in your news for a significant reason. There’s a set up that will take place.

PART 3 Things will seem one way when they are not that way at all. My children, your enemies have plans to stage things that are a lie. Don’t fall for their traps and their tricks. They will try their own insurrection in a major way. They will try anything they can to stop My nation from moving forward. 

Pray over your House and your Senate seats. Your enemies have plans to steal and control both to hold My David off of what he could truly do against them. But their plan of election interference and election fraud will implode because there’s a tsunami wave coming that will annihilate any wall they can put up to keep My David from having that White House. The plans and strategies of your enemies will disintegrate with one move of My hand to protect this land, says the Lord. 

Chuck Schumer and many Establishment leaders are about to eat Humble Pie you would say, once they realize all their plans just imploded in front of their face. They won’t have another plan to fall back on without taking steps they never wanted to take which would cause a political suicide, but they will take them anyway out of the desperate attempts they will try and make more will be removed including every election that was stolen for those specific seats. 

I’ll remind you My children, not just to pray over the presidential seat. You need to pray over every state and federal seat. Because if your enemies can’t win one way they’ll try others. Every seat they attempt to steal, it will be thrown out and a new election will take place for some and others it will be given to the ones that it belongs to. 

My children, a great political shift is taking place that you are seeing but it’s not without a shaking. It’s not without a fight. It’s not without it looking darker. Stand strong on My Words. You were born for this time. You were born for this fight and this battle to win it because the Battle is the Lord’s and this battle has been won says the Lord of Hosts.

PART 4 Something significant will take place in Virginia that will shock this nation. 

Intel leaks are about to be revealed on a major scale. Your own government has been feeding your enemies for years and it’s all about to come out in the open. 

Whitewater…this word will be in your news and everything hidden is about to explode everywhere. All your enemy’s crimes they have buried are about to come to the surface. 

Secret files, classified documents and redacted information it’s all coming like a freight train barrelling down the tracks with no way of stopping it. My children get ready for a scandal after scandal and corruption to be uncovered like never before. Unprecedented secrets are coming out to release you out of the hands of the oppressors and it will bring them to nothing, says the Lord Your Redeemer. 

[Will probably post more notes up in a little but that’s the end of the prophetic word]





10.24.24: SEVERE Panic in DC, GA rally TRUTH, Spring 2020 significance?, ENEMY LIES not working! PRAY!

And We Know


Could the Spike Protein Derived from mRNA Vaccines Negatively Impact Beneficial Bacteria in the Gut?


Good article on the aftermath for the delusional idgits from a Trump victory.

I am all for being merciful. I am all against even the repentant having any role of authority in the future.


Only if merciful includes maximum punishment.


From the article:

Trump allowed the election to be stolen four years ago because the American public wasn’t ready for the mass awakening that needs to occur in dismantling the system.

These people slay me.

How, exactly, did Trump “allow” the election to be stolen?

If he could have “allowed” it to be stolen, then he could have also stopped its being stolen.

If he could have stopped the steal, then he was duty-bound under his oath to uphold the Constitution to do so. It was his job to uphold the laws of the land and to make sure no American was disenfranchised.

IMO, these people are saying Trump committed subversion (if not treason) in order to prove a point and enact a grand strategy. And enough of them repeat it often enough that people unthinkingly follow suit.

Last edited 1 day ago by TheseTruths

It’s possible that DJT muttered ‘they have to be shown’ thus expressing his frustration that the general population fails to understand 2020 was stolen.

Last edited 1 day ago by pgroup2

It’s possible that DJT muttered ‘they have to be shown’

And it’s a far cry from that to “Trump could have stopped the steal, and didn’t.”

Trump to his fellow Americans (according to this theory):
Even though I got the majority of the votes and the EC, I’m going to forfeit this election on purpose so more people can see what is going on.
It doesn’t matter that you voted for me and your vote is now disenfranchised.
It doesn’t matter that I took an oath to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the country.
I’m going to gamble that I’ll even be here four years from now.
I’m going to gamble that I would be healthy enough to run.
l’m going to gamble that if I ran, I would win again.
I’m going to gamble that the country won’t be utterly destroyed in the meantime.
I’m going to cause you to have skyrocketing inflation; unemployment; possible war; illegals taking over your cities, committing crimes, and murdering and raping your loved ones; etc.
I’m gambling with your lives, Americans.

And the people clap like seals. 🦭👏
This is just me, and people can be angry with me if they like: This is one of the most asinine theories I’ve seen, and it is insulting to Trump.


It’s just cope, TT. That’s all it is.


It’s lies, and mind-reading Trump, and misinterpreting Q, and I’m tired of it.


No, actually it is not always cope. Sometimes, not always.

Many times criminal charges are avoided by civil court settlement. Off the books so to speak. The prosecuting attorneys have discretion and there is nothing you or anybody outside of the issue can do about it.

PDT had executive powers outside the scope of most people’s understanding.

Bill Barr told the world you do not always send people to prison for crimes. Sometimes they settle it by acceptance of a loss of pensions, loss of jobs, fines through the civil system, restrictions from holding office, etc.

Last edited 1 day ago by TradeBait2

What we are discussing is the notion that Trump “allowed” the steal in 2020. That is a ridiculous notion to me. TT has it right in this comment just above:

I don’t believe Trump would “allow” all of us to be disenfranchised, for world peace to be disrupted, for the economy to fail, for covid poison shots to be mandated, and all the rest just to “show” people something.


Thank you.


I was telling a friend yesterday, I am just the ultimate skeptic. What I believe is what I can prove. What I disbelieve is what is illogical. It’s completely illogical to me that Trump with all his populism would damage the populace to the extent that it has been damaged to attempt to enlighten said populace.


We know, Trump did not allow the steal. Trump plays to win AND only win.


So he was not playing to win if he allowed steal?

Can’t go with that one.


So, PDT did not say multiple times that he could have had Cankles prosecuted for the emails but chose not to because it was a bad look for the wife of a former POTUS to be prosecuted?

Was he telling the truth or just making that up? I am sure I heard him say that multiple times.

So, did he uphold the law of the land or not by giving her a pass? She committed crimes against We the People. He had authority just like Biden has used his authority to have his DOJ go after PDT.

The laws of the land provide for various parties in authority to exercise their discretionary authority to prosecute or not.

I am not saying he did or didn’t have control over the steal. I do not know. I doubt you do either.

Last edited 1 day ago by TradeBait2

I am not saying he did or didn’t have control over the steal.

You’re not saying it, but the bloggers whom I’ve lost all respect for, do. By saying he allowed it, they are saying he had control over it. You can’t allow something unless you could have stopped it.

If they don’t mean he allowed it, then they need to change their wording. But any other wording wouldn’t have that magical, Trump-is-in-charge-of-the-plan ring to it.


Every prosecutor has the discretion whether to try a case, or not. If they judge they have enough evidence, they may try it. Or they may negotiate a plea. Or they can, if they choose, pass. That is the way it currently works in America.

We may not like it, but that’s the truth. It happens all over the country all the time.

Trump in his capacity as the head of the government “passed.” He did so in a spirit of reconciling the country, not as any sort of courtesy or favor to Hillary.


Wolf Moon and Good Online Friends—
Yours Truly is finishing the Health Friday post that will publish on the board just after Midnight tonight.

“Bombshells” of various types are in the post.

Thank you!


Looking forward to it!

pat frederick

i can’t believe this is true. if it is, the voice is distinctive…

October 24, 2024 2:50 pm

Get this one around the Internet. In Bucks County, PA — a critical ring county for winning Pennsylvania.
A distinctive voice, of what appears to be a county worker. Destroying Trump ballots at the Bucks County Courthouse in Doylestown.
This criminal should be easy to find and put in jail.

Breaking: Destruction of Trump mail-in ballots caught on camera in Bucks County, PA. This shocking footage must be investigated immediately! If true, this could be a serious threat to the integrity of the election. It’s becoming clearer that this is the only way Democrats think…

— 1776 (@TheWakeninq) October 24, 2024


It MUST be addressed by election officials in Bucks County. How many of these deluded amoral fools are handling OUR ballots in a quiet backroom setting?


I don’t trust this. Ballots received in envelopes are not opened until election day.

So how can they know which ones are Trump’s?

If the video is a real recording, those ballots could be ones lacking an envelope signature, rendering them void.

Destroying them is one sure way to prevent them from being counted.


She wasn’t tearing them all up, only the Trump ballots. The Harris envelopes were carefully put back together and set aside
Looks real to me but..?

Last edited 1 day ago by mollypitcher5



The fallacy in that notion is that the ballot envelopes cannot be opened until the close of business on 11/5/24 and must be watched by election observer volunteers.

Otherwise, the parties could know which party was leading which could help last minute vote hustling.

Presler says it’s bullshit so that works for me. Plus, I’m always suspicious of posts that say things like Get this one around the Internet. or Forward this before it’s taken down

Last edited 1 day ago by pgroup2

FWIW… to the yellow sticker that can be seen there is a process center

Polling Places
Updated Polling Sites for the November 2024 General Election 

304-54000 Yardley Borough Yardley-Makefield Fire Company 105 S Main St Yardley PA 19067 Yardley



I trust Presler so I guess it’s fake

pat frederick



YW. Even fake, I presume those were real ballots, not necessarily filled out by voters and the yellow note was an additional touch to make it look real. I despise people who do this crap


FBI investigating…reassuring. NOT.

pat frederick

h/t Marica
Jack Poso 🇺🇸


America’s First.

Valerie Curren

About dang time!


Jack Poso would mis-spell tariffs??? Not sure I accept that.


Tariffs, like grafitti and Cincinatti, are easy to mispell 😁


Not to mention sheriff.


Indeed. I have to think about ‘sheriff’ and ‘tariff’ every time I write them. I don’t know why it’s not automatic like most words.


Still think Jack is too professional to miss that.




And here we go… weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! 😂🤣😂


The implications are bind-moggling…



Powerful if we can people to watch it. Has just spent the last half hour seeding the internets with it… Thank You!



Powerful …. soon: [they will not be able to walk the streets]

pat frederick

comment image


comment image



A Powerful Evening Prayer for Peace and Serenity
Dear Lord,

As the day gradually transitions into the comforting embrace of night, I humbly come before you, seeking the precious gifts of peace and serenity. Please, dear God, enfold me in your tranquil presence, and help me find respite from the storms that may be raging within my heart and mind. Grant me the serenity to gracefully accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change what I can. May your divine light shine upon me as I seek rest and tranquility, knowing that your unwavering love and guidance are my constant companions.

A Powerful Evening Prayer for Strength and Guidance

Dear God,

In these twilight hours, I turn to you, my unwavering source of strength and guidance. As I reflect upon the day’s challenges and triumphs, I seek your divine intervention. Grant me the courage to face the uncertainties of tomorrow and the wisdom to make sound decisions along the way. I earnestly request that your radiant light illuminate my path through the darkness, and may your steadfast strength be my refuge in moments of doubt and weakness. Lord, help me navigate life’s complexities with unwavering faith in your unwavering presence.


A Powerful Evening Prayer for Gratitude and Thankfulness
Heavenly Father,

As I pause to contemplate the events of this day, my heart brims with profound gratitude for the countless blessings you have graciously bestowed upon me. I thank you, dear Lord, for the boundless love of my family and friends, for the opportunities that have enriched my journey, and for the valuable lessons I’ve gleaned from life’s experiences. As I lay down to rest, may my heart overflow with thankfulness, recognizing that your grace continually sustains me and that even in the challenges, your love remains unwavering.

pat frederick

what the hell is this bullshit? McCarthy for Chief of Staff?
WASHINGTON — Kevin McCarthy could lead a new house soon, The Post has learned.
The ousted former speaker of the House of Representatives is widely seen as a top contender to be former President Donald Trump’s first chief of staff if he retakes the White House following the Nov. 5 election, according to sources familiar with the deliberations.
No final decision has been made and there is no sign that McCarthy is campaigning for the coveted role — though one person said the Californian has shown openness to being part of a second Trump administration in some capacity.


If true.

Eddie Munster (can’t recall his actual name at the moment), is also a possible Chief of Staff.

Brave and Free

Paul Ryan, what a back stabbing putz he is. I didn’t call him what I wanted too.


Look! A shiny squirrel!!!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



There is so much misinformation unless Trump tells me so I will hang tight 🙂 This will get worse they want to shake us up.


Ground report.

Back in NE Texas.

  • Nearly two week, over 4,000 miles. 
  • Saw no more than twelve Kakala trash. IIRC, something like 1flag, 4 yard signs, 6 bumper stickers, 1 obvious PAC billboard). <<< ONLY in NV and mostly CA. None in TX, OK, NM and AZ.
  • Many hundred, if not over one thousand Trump Vance signs, bumper stickers, flags and hats. 


  • Business everywhere Are S L O W.
  • On the positive side. One restaurant, Texas Roadhouse Road Kill in Reno nearly full. 
  • All other restaurants sit down and fast food, ½ or less. Sit down directly to seating. Fast food, one or two, if any ahead of us.
  • Fueling, no waiting. Truckers, two truck stops had busy fuel lanes (fueled, fueling, on-deck).
  • Over night rest areas, ramps truck stops, no more than six or eight near capacity. One truly was jammed.
  • Literally every stop. Gas, food, hotel, simply walking about, positive comments on Trump hat. All ages, gender, color… 
  • Prolly a couple dozen brief discussions. Many know 2020 was stolen AND hoping we prevail this time. People largely upbeat.

Thanks. Love the ground reports


Oh yea. Gas

  • CA $4.38 – $5.69.
  • NV $3.19 – $4.59.
  • AZ $3 range.
  • NM $2.89 – $3.49.
  • TX $2.36 (my neck of the woods) – $3.09.

Way to go Mister. 5 Million Views… The Left clowns themselves yet again. 😆


F A G.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I didn’t connect the male voice to the kinda femme body and presentation at first – the whole thing threw me off.


5 o’clock mustache shadow clearly visible at the end too.


Getting FAG cred for the clubhouse story time later


People have a right to defend themselves with physical force against assault.

The only reason provocateurs are emboldened and enabled is because nobody challenges them or beats the crap out of them when the provocateurs commit assault and battery.

This is what enables and promotes ALL of the chaos and lawlessness and inequality. One side is encouraged (non-prosecution by the government and non-confrontation by the victims), and the other side is prosecuted by the government if they defend themselves.

This is the definition of tyranny, of separate justice systems for those whom the government favors and opposes, all of it is corrupt and breeds further division and conflict.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The left can assault and even commit battery, depending on the Obama judge or Soros DA.



The majority of 18 to 27-year-olds said the former president’s brief apprenticeship as a french fry maker made them like him more.


[DS] Ready To Unleash A Cyber Attack On Elections,80% Of People Want Voter Id, Stage Set – Ep. 3483
 October 24, 2024  x22report

The US labor is weakening, job postings are declining. Low income households are getting hit harder with inflation. The market dropped over 500 points, Citibank is now predicting a 10% drop. The [CB] started the ball rolling. Trump pushes towards no income tax for all. The [DS] knows [KH] will not be able to pull this off. They are now implementing the October surprises but they are failing, the people are not believing it. DHS is now working with the five eyes to protect the country against cyber attacks, which means they are working with five eyes to push a cyber attack. One of the locations for a cyber attack is most likely Atlanta Georgia, there is a cyber training scheduled on election day. The stage is set, the people want paper ballots, voter id and one day counting.

Ep 3483a – Stock Market Predicted To Fall By At Least 10%, Trump Moves Towards No Income Tax

Ep 3483b – [DS] Ready To Unleash A Cyber Attack On Elections,80% Of People Want Voter Id, Stage Set


Good Online Friends —
The Health Friday post is finished and scheduled.

The post is detailed and dense. I found that it needed to be shortened slightly, and did so. However, there are “bombshells” in the post that, IMO, are important.

Hint: what an unholy, disastrous mixture of coronavirus gene pieces, cancer promoter gene splices (the SV40 promoter), chemical elements (including heavy metals and radioactive elements), pollutants (DDT), and other items, are the COVID-19 “vaccines.” These are in addition to the dangerous lipid nanoparticles in these injectables. There are also, it appears, chemical elements contained within the COVID-19 virus itself.

Last edited 1 day ago by PAVACA

So, The Fiancee is currently doing colonoscopy prep. I’m doing my best to stay out of the way.


Good plan 👍🏼


Wow… this is bad… and his words sound like their coming from a tired broken soul for hire. I’ve never listened to him before. Well, at least not on purpose, I imagine he was being played somewhere I went… was he always this bad? The words in the song seem to match his mood. There’s virtually nothing there… sounds like he’s on his last legs. The devil is seems to have nothing to pay him with anymore?

YIKES! Bruce Springsteen Sounds Absolutely AWFUL at Kamala Harris Rally in Georgia (VIDEO)

Robert Baker

Never was a Springsteen fan. I was more of a Billy Joel piano man. John Denver’s guitar was more my preference.


He doesn’t sound good but … he changed the arrangement of the song [likely because age is affecting his original vocal sound]. If I had to guess, I’d say the new arrangement is quite recent and he hasn’t had enough time to practice performing it.

On the other hand, he could be having serious health problems on top of his age.