This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
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On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up
Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Good vs Evil
Among the most universal beliefs across all humanity is the concept of “good versus evil.” Every culture in every era has held to some version of this struggle. The definitions of the terms good and evil vary wildly, as do opinions on how they interact. Still, belief in some difference between that which is “good” and that which is “evil” pervades all of mankind. When all options and ideas are compared, only the Bible provides a perspective on good and evil that is fully coherent and fully livable (Psalm 25:6–15).
According to the Bible, “good versus evil” is not a matter of opinion. Nor is it an evenly matched struggle between two beings or forces. Scripture does not indicate that the boundaries of good and evil change. Nor does it claim the conflict between them will last forever. Of special importance is that the Bible does not suggest some people are good, while other people are evil.
Rather, the Bible teaches that good and evil are defined in reference to a perfect and unchanging God. Every person must grapple individually with the presence and temptations of evil. Scripture notes that all evil, without exception, will ultimately be punished and defeated. And it tells us there is an ultimate standard of goodness to which we should aspire—a standard grounded in a person, rather than a theory.
Good and Evil Are Objectively Distinct
According to the Bible, there is a real difference between good and evil. Some worldviews claim all moral distinctions are based purely on preference. Atheism, for instance, allows no objective basis for defining anything as “good” or “evil.” In a godless universe, there are only things a person prefers and things a person does not prefer. This is a key reason why philosophies embracing atheism always tend toward violence and tyranny: there is no sense of higher authority and no reason to moderate the whims of those in power.
The idea that defining good and evil depends on preferences or situations is commonly called moral relativism. Scripture rejects this idea as false. The Bible defines some things as “good” and other things as “evil” (Isaiah 5:20; Romans 12:9). This dichotomy is reflected in the consistent use of themes such as light versus darkness (Isaiah 9:2; Matthew 4:16; John 1:5; Ephesians 5:8). The ultimate fate of all people depends on whether they are aligned with a good God or opposed to Him (1 Corinthians 6:9–11; Revelation 21:8).
Discerning between good and evil is possible only in reference to a single, unchanging standard: the perfect nature of God. God is not subject to morality, since He is the source and benchmark for it. Nor is morality subject to change, since God’s perfect nature is eternal and unchanging. Counters such as Euthyphro’s dilemma fail (Is a thing good because God says it is good, or does God say it’s good because it is good?), since they do not distinguish between an eternal, unchanging God and the fickle deities of ancient Greek religion.
Good and Evil Are Not Balanced
A frequent component of fiction and fantasy is the idea that good and evil are equally balanced, evenly matched forces. According to this view, neither is ultimately in control. Either may eventually win. This is the concept of dualism, which suggests a perpetual balance between the forces of good and evil. In some cases, dualism implies that opposing beings, such as God and Satan, are deadlocked in a struggle for control and power.
Some worldviews teach that all good and evil will eventually be balanced. This is related to Eastern ideas such as karma, which implies that good and evil are inherently imbalanced but will one day be evened out.
Scripture rejects dualism as false. The Bible indicates that God is absolutely supreme and in no danger whatsoever of being defeated (Job 42:2; Psalm 89:8; Galatians 6:7). What Satan does, he is “allowed” to do, but he cannot act to overpower God (Job 1:12; Revelation 9:1; 20:7). Biblically, evil is destined only for defeat and destruction. Not one single act of evil will escape judgment; every sin will either be paid for by Christ on the cross (2 Corinthians 5:21) or by those who reject Christ (John 3:36) as they experience an eternity in hell (Revelation 20:11–15).
Good and Evil Are Not External
Evidence that humanity holds to a basic concept of good versus evil is obvious (Romans 1:18–20). This explains why moral reasoning—separating “what is” from “what ought to be”—is a universal facet of humanity. Of course, that does not mean all people hold the same views on good and evil. We are not examining morality from the outside, as neutral observers; all moral discussions by definition involve the person(s) who discuss them, as well.
A unique aspect of the Bible’s teaching on good and evil is that all people, without exception, are subject to sin and evil (Romans 3:10; 3:23). The biblical concept of a sin nature means that the line between good and evil cannot be drawn between people. Rather, it is drawn within every person. This fact of human nature is critical to understand (Matthew 15:19–20). As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn famously said, “If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”
In simpler language, C.S. Lewis noted, “To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you” (see Matthew 6:14–15).
One truth found in the gospel is that all people, without exception, are sinners in need of a Savior. Biblical Christianity does not see good versus evil as a battle to be fought on earth (John 18:36), an issue to resolve by revenge or retribution (Romans 12:20–21), or a philosophical position to be considered. The Bible says every person is created for a good purpose (Genesis 1:27; Galatians 3:28) but suffers from an evil heart (Romans 7:15–25), which can only be remedied by faith in Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Redemption is available to anyone (Matthew 7:7–8; Revelation 22:15), regardless of his past or the depth of his sin (1 Corinthians 6:9–11).
Good versus Evil Requires “Right Judgment”
Another key aspect of the Bible’s teaching on “good versus evil” is that no person is infallible, even on spiritual matters. Those who are guided by the Holy Spirit are better equipped to judge spiritual matters (1 Corinthians 2:14), and they ought to do so. Scripture is clear that all people are subject to sin, and it is just as clear that all people are subject to correction (Hebrews 12:5–11), learning (2 Timothy 2:15), and limitations (1 Samuel 16:7).
In Matthew 7 Jesus gives an extensive explanation of how to properly discern between good and evil: to “judge” in the correct way; that is, to use “right judgment” (John 7:24). The Bible commends examination (Acts 17:11), commands putting things to the test (1 John 4:1), and promotes accountability (1 Peter 3:15) and a commitment to truth (Galatians 1:8–9).
Scripture does not imply that “good versus evil” is a simplistic, binary concept. Since only God is ultimately perfect, the Bible allows for a “good versus better” spectrum. God called His initial creation “good” (Genesis 1:24), then after more creating called it “very good” (Genesis 1:28). Some of the good things God has given us have more than one use, and not all uses are automatically good or evil (1 Timothy 4:4). The biblical understanding of good versus evil does not imply that all things are either perfectly holy or wholly satanic. Rather, there can be good and bad aspects of many of the freedoms God gives us (1 Corinthians 6:12). Likewise, while all sin leads to separation from God, Scripture does speak of some sins as being more heinous than others.
The Bible acknowledges that not every moment in human experience will come with a clear, black-and-white moral answer. Scripture focuses only on the most important points we need to know, not every imaginable scenario (John 21:25). This means even the most sincere, Bible-believing, born-again Christians might disagree on an ethical question (1 Corinthians 10:23–33). The Bible’s answer—when the issue is not covered overtly in God’s Word (1 Corinthians 5:6)—is for tolerance and patience (Titus 3:9). We’re given a conscience for a reason (Romans 14:23).
Truth is objective; for any given opinion or interpretation, someone is right, and someone is wrong. But human beings lack the moral perfection of God; this is reflected in the Bible’s teaching on good versus evil and our role in applying good judgment.
Scripture encourages believers not to apply terms like good, evil, sin, and so forth to issues where there is room for doubt (Romans 14:1–12). Contrary to what some think, the Bible admits that human beings might not always be correct in our moral judgments. We are not to avoid all judgment (John 7:24), but the Bible teaches us to carefully consider when and how we judge (Ephesians 5:10).
Good versus Evil Demands a Response
The Bible’s teaching on good versus evil leads to a challenging conclusion: that every person is obligated to make a fundamental choice between the two. That choice is entirely determined by our response to God, who is both the definition of good and our Creator. Moment by moment, that means either following His will or rebelling and choosing to sin (1 Corinthians 10:13). Eternally, this means we either choose to accept Him and His salvation (John 3:16; 14:6) or align ourselves against Him (John 3:36). While we may be imperfect and fallible, we cannot be neutral in our approach to good versus evil. Our hearts are either seeking the goodness of God (Matthew 7:7–8; Romans 2:4) or the selfishness of evil (1 Peter 3:10–12).
Good morning, all. 😍
Good morning!
Love it!
Cocoa is one of the richest sources of magnesium. | Medium
30 Foods High In Magnesium – Nutrition›foods-high-in-magnesium/
Try the key labeled ‘Caps Lock’ 👍😁
Brain-fart….. (I really need to get my O2 levels back up above 95 so I can think clearly.)
Thanks Scott. 😳
95 is sleepytime!!! Agreed!!!
I have been running 92 -93 for a week. I have been sitting for a 1/2 hr and am 93 right now.
I find it weird as hell that moxidectin fixed that for a while.
Don’t forget the goat spit!!!
Oh, yeah – that, too!
Moxidectin is not all that different from Ivermectin.
I am fairly sure it is from Vaxed shedders. I have been handling a lot of kids from Thanksgiving until now. I do not want to start taking Ivermectin & Fenben until I give my liver a bit of a break considering all the pain meds I took the last couple months including Tylenol.
Oxalates Like those found in spinach (and chocolate) bother me but I have cut most of them out of my diet so that leaves spike protein as the likely problem.
The Oxalate Dirty Dozen 1
The Oxalate Dirty Dozen 2
Spinach, almonds, chocolate, turmeric, beets, cinnamon, Russet potatoes…. DARN IT!
Can you elaborate on ivermectin and the liver?
It is not the ivermectin it is the FenBen cancer protocol.
The problem is the dead cells that the liver has to clear.
Gail – let me know if you are going to try to do the January 1 post, or if I should do it. No problem if you can’t – I will whip something up quick today if needed!
You need supplemental oxygen.
Talk to your doc about a script for it.
I need to correct the problem that causes the lack of O2.
If it goes below 90 THEN I will worry.
(I do not have a doctor BTW.)
Personally I think CAPS LOCK is effing useless.
Its only function is to give some geezers a way to type in all caps as a matter of policy.
Two extra points for using ‘geezers’ in a comment. 😂
So I get points for mentioning you? Wow.
I think that describes a lot of us.
You’re very welcome, Gail. When you mentioned that hitting the shift key fixed it, that’s when I figured your ‘caps lock’ must be on.
Cuz I’ve done it before too 😁
Lock, Scott, and Barrel (of cocoa) 🙂
“Lock, Scott, and Barrel (of cocoa)”
I haven’t seen that movie yet.
I’d like to, it’s rated 7.7 out of 10 at (and 8.1 at imdb, international movie database), but the blu-ray video is terrible, so I have been waiting for it to be restored and reissued on 4K UHD.
“And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”
Janis, of course! 😁
EXCLUSIVE: Mike Lee calls on Trump to bring back incandescent bulbs banned by Biden
I never stopped using them, and I never will.
Don’t just ‘bring them back’, the people who tried to take them away must be PUNISHED, to PREVENT the criminal totalitarian gov’t from ever doing it again.
Start having Constitutional Amendments for every thing the gov’t does that violates the FREEDOM of the American People.
We could start with an Amendment that prevents the government from ever deciding what food we eat, what light bulbs we use, what type of energy we use (gas, electric, solar, wind, nuclear, etc.), what kind of cars we drive, all of it. Make a list the size of the usual ‘omnibus spending bills’ with all the things gov’t SHALL NOT DO.
And an Amendment prohibiting gov’t surveillance, tracking, monitoring anything the American People do. This includes a ban on all traffic light cameras, license plate cameras and every other type of tin-pot dictater revenue generation scheme the gov’t routinely uses to harass the American People.
And an Amendment prohibiting gov’t propaganda and lying to the American People, specifically to include prohibiting of False Flag events, on penalty of D E A T H.
And every time the gov’t tries to violate our rights in some new way, we pass an Amendment to STOMP the CRAP out of them.
We may have Amendments 10 or 12 times a year at the beginning, because there is a LOT of crap the gov’t needs to be prevented from doing.
you got a dealer somewhere?
what’s the skinny?
we can’t get them around here.
I’ve got a cache of incandescent light bulbs, myself.
Scott is entirely correct that there is a fundamental issue with government banning or insisting on certain products. Where he goes off course is saying that we need Constitutional Amendments to address this — the Constitution already has a list of enumerated powers for the Federal government, and everything else is forbidden to it.
There were arguments regarding the Bill of Rights that it should not be passed — the enumeration should be quite enough to safeguard citizens’ rights (we know how well that has worked).
We need to more strictly adhere to the original Constitution as written and stop thinking we can pile on more Amendments to get back to its original meaning. If any Amendment is necessary (and our Congress would never pass it), it is the “or else” Amendment.
We already have the Constitution in various places saying “Congress shall make no law…..” — but what if they do? We need an Amendment to say “and, if they do, 50% of the legislators who vote for this abomination shall be sacrificed on the Capitol stairs, Aztec-style, with their remains left to be consumed by wild beasts.” That should certainly stiffen the resolve of the next Congress to consider such legislation.
Anything else is just “we mean it; we really mean it; we really, really mean it.”
1000000% this ^^^.
“Scott is entirely correct that there is a fundamental issue with government banning or insisting on certain products.”
“Where he goes off course is saying that we need Constitutional Amendments to address this — the Constitution already has a list of enumerated powers for the Federal government, and everything else is forbidden to it.”
And how’s that workin’ out for ya?
“There were arguments regarding the Bill of Rights that it should not be passed — the enumeration should be quite enough to safeguard citizens’ rights (we know how well that has worked).”
“We need to more strictly adhere to the original Constitution as written and stop thinking we can pile on more Amendments to get back to its original meaning. If any Amendment is necessary (and our Congress would never pass it), it is the “or else” Amendment.”
There is no royal “we”, because the fact of human nature is that ‘we’ only act when the gov’t breaks down our own door, not when the gov’t knocks down our neighbor’s door.
And because we only act when the gov’t breaks down our own door, it’s always too late.
So there is only every man for himself. Which is how it has always been anyway.
The ONLY laws that are actually upheld are the ones challenged up to the (not)Supreme Court. Until the (not)Supreme Court decides some issue, that issue is just a state of war, and the Left has infinite advantage because the Right won’t fight.
It doesn’t matter why the Right won’t fight, because that’s philosophical, and I’m talking about the reality we all see with our own eyes and experience every day we draw breath in this world.
And the only laws that the corrupt (not)Supreme Court can actually be counted on to decide PROPERLY are things that are black letter law, things that are spelled out so explicitly that they cannot be ‘interpreted’ in any other way.
And that requires Amendments with EXACTLY that sort of specificity.
Amendments that say things like “The gov’t shalt not prevent, hinder, regulate or otherwise influence the access to or purchase of incandescent light bulbs, or use force of gov’t, either overtly or covertly, to effect such unconstitutional and totalitarian tendencies, which this U.S. government has repeatedly shown itself infinitely susceptible to and infinitely willing to do. The presumption of guilt always lies with the gov’t, and to the extent that any statute, legislation, code or law requires ‘interpretation’, it shall be interpreted with the understanding that the gov’t is acting maliciously and is guilty until proven innocent.”
That way, when an American is subjected to any such nonsense, he takes the gov’t to court, and the judge cannot rule any other way except in favor of the American against the gov’t, because the Amendment to the Constitution doesn’t leave any room for the corrupt judge to do his standard daily career-long corruption routine.
“Interpretation” must be REMOVED from the equation as much as humanly possible, because interpretation is endlessly creative to serve the interests of TCTB.
It shouldn’t have to be that way, but it is, because TCTB made it that way.
So ‘we’ can either fight back and force that demonic genie back into the bottle, by putting constraints on the gov’t as strict as they try to put on us — or we can do every other thing, which won’t work.
So there is only every man for himself. Which is how it has always been anyway.
You are a student of Thomas Hobbs or Friedrich Nietzsche whose philosophies you summarized rather well. Of course you could also be an astute observer of human nature.
“You are a student of Thomas Hobbs or Friedrich Nietzsche whose philosophies you summarized rather well.
Of course you could also be an astute observer of human nature.”
I haven’t read Hobbs or Nietzsche… so I guess that only leaves Door #2 😂
[broad smile]
That’s why any new Amendments must take that into consideration.
New Amendments cannot rely on any false pretense that public officials are good, moralistic, philosophical, intelligent, or religious, or any other good thing that came out of the Renaissance which profoundly influenced our Founding Fathers.
New Amendments must be written with vile, depraved, immoral, vicious, psychopathic bureaucrats in mind. The lowest form of human animal.
They must be written to remove the possibility of ‘interpretation’, which will serve to prevent the need to go to court in the first place, because the gov’t will know that it can’t win in court.
John Adams: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
Thanks to unlimited invasion and immigration (only non-whites and non-Christians, of course), and the destruction of the education system, and the elimination of God from the public square, the large majority of Americans today are clearly neither moral nor religious.
Ergo, the Constitution is, by definition, ‘wholly inadequate to the government‘ of the current population.
Amendments must be written to address the government as though the government consists of the worst dicktaters who ever lived.
Because that’s exactly what they are.
You missed Adams’ real point.
It’s impossible to write such a document. All you will do if you try is discover that the worthless turds will be cleverer than you at finding the loopholes.
Adams knew that any Constitution is no better than the people who work under it. That was his point.
I didn’t miss his point, I made my own.
And it’s not impossible, spineless people just don’t have the political will to do it.
Doing nothing isn’t an option.
I put a proposal on the table.
As usual, nobody likes it — but also as usual, nobody has offered a better solution, either… 😂
We need to add “or else details” to the “shall not” because democrats just ignore the “shall not.”
Or else suggestions:
1) We will beat the soles of your bare feet with serving spoons and when you cry, we will point at you, laugh, and whack your feet some more.
Your thoughts?
Stocks in DC and baskets of rotten tomatoes and eggs for passersby to toss.
That is for the minor low lifes.
Gail, you have a Medieval streak somewhere in your DNA. In another world and time, I am certain you would have liked Judge Roy Bean.
Humiliation is often a much better deterrent than other punishments when dealing with low level evil. Those who think themselves our superiors really hate to be laughed at.
Definitely a cut above the rest, as it were.
And certainly some of those punished will bear the nickname “stretch” 😆
“We need to add “or else details” to the “shall not” because democrats just ignore the “shall not.””
Unfortunately the enforcement mechanism is (and so far, has always been) part of the government, and the government will never, under any circumstances, police or punish itself.
So even if the law says We the People are required to gut the criminal bureaucrat like a fish, the bureaucrat will use the entire enormity of government to protect himself, and the beat cop (pun only partially intended), a.k.a. Pension Protector, is going to do whatever the crooked bureaucrat says, because the ‘law’ is above his pay grade.
He’s just an enforcer, he has no relationship to concepts like ‘law’ or the Constitution.
Pension Protectors are no different than a Roman Imperial Thug 2,000 years ago, or a modern drug cartel body guard today.
1) It is not logical or rational to depend on our enemies to protect us
2) The government is the greatest and most dangerous enemy the American People have ever faced
“We need to more strictly adhere to the original Constitution as written and stop thinking we can pile on more Amendments to get back to its original meaning.”
There is no going back, there is only going forward.
And going forward, our rights will either be secured, or they won’t be.
If they will be secured, the gov’t must be demonized and delegitimized (they demonized and delegitimzed themselves, our job is to stop living in denial of that reality), and the People must be empowered and restored to their rightful position, which is above the government, and not under the government’s jackboot.
We the People created the Constitution, the Constitution authorized the creation of the government.
The created cannot be greater than the Creator.
This is why the government is constrained by the Constitution, to the extent that the rogue government is constrained at all.
And this is also why the Constitution itself is constrained by the People, because the People created the Constitution.
So the Constitution is not OVER us, it is UNDER us. Its whole intent and purpose is to SERVE us, not the other way around, and the government is at least (depending on how one counts) two full steps below the People in power and authority.
These concepts are hard for most people to grasp, because we are slaves in the Matrix, it’s all we see, every day, and so we have lived like slaves our whole lives.
So to get past that slave mentality bias, imagine the Revolutionary War just ended, and the Constitution is still being written.
The American People are truly FREE and determining their own future.
Do they set up a government that looks anything at all, in even the smallest way, like our current total surveillance totalitarian police state?
A condition which is a million times worse than the English monarchy they just defeated?
Or do they set up a government that is limited in what it can do, and whose whole purpose is to protect the Rights and Freedom of the American People from government abuse, and secondarily, to protect and guard the American border?
And which, if either of those two primary purposes for existence, does our wholly corrupt, criminal and tyrannical government actually do?
Hardware stores. They are now called rough service bulbs.
I haven’t bought any for years so this might not be accurate any more.
we used to get them at walmart until one week we went and they were gone–the entire stock of them…poof!
Not sure about over there, but some large-wattage bulbs (200 or so) were available for longer over here. I did a hamster-kauf of various sizes (and shapes for some fixtures, globe bulbs, which are also not completely gone). Then I put them on dimmers, which makes them last longer. I think a five percent cut in voltage doubles or triples the life of the bulbs. Chiefio has waxed poetic on the subject (he and his wife have sensitivity to LED and CFL lights, so incandescents are a must)…
Like almost everything the GangGreens do, the law of unintended consequences is never a concern to them. We had a number of instances over here where traffic light bulbs were replaced by LEDs. “They’ll last forever and take no electricity” (doubtless they were thinking of solar powered lights)… the following winter, THOUSANDS of traffic lights iced up, and repair crews had to be dispatched all over the place to clear them.
Rinse and repeat. The eventual solution was to put a heater IC (or something) in the fixture to melt the snow/ice like the incandescents did…
The kicker: the heaters take more electricity than the old incandescent bulbs did… 😆 😆 😆
Oh, that reminds me, traffic light bulbs are also a possibility if you have a source… similar to rough service, but even more robust and can handle temperature shock… we have one as our porch light and it’s been happily working for around five years now… and we have a few more for when it’s shuffled off its Tungsten coil…..
I bought around a 150-200 of them on Amazon about 3 years ago, long enough to outlast the criminal, rogue, unelected Brandon regime. 150w, 100w, 75w and 3-way.
Bird Flu seems to be the next chimeric engineered virus to be released by the murderous cold-blooded inhumane criminal politicized ‘science’ ‘community’
Not taking away from individual readiness, which I 100% support AND do in this home.
Back to Bird Flu, Monkey Pox, Disease X…
I fully expect full court press from Trump AND his Team to destroy the Bird Flu is skeery narrative.
Trump will leave WHO, including stop funding. Withdraw funding already obligated and not expended. Any money going into the UN, related to Bird Flu will stop.
There will be No mandates, masks, shutdowns…
Jabs relying on EUAs will evaporate AND never gain full approval.
Prevention will be highlighted AND pushed.
Aggressive Safe AND Effective treatment will be highlighted AND pushed.
Right To Try will be allowed, in spite of CDC, Medicare, medical system dictates otherwise.
Besides the WHO, there are numerous organizations meant to tie the US down like the Lilliputians tied down Gulliver. They all need to be annihilated.
I expect AND bet, Trump, his entire Team, including RFK Jr, (trigger warning) DOGE will root it out, aggressively.
The latter custom made to root out waste. Created with an expiration date AND likely hood the two leaders will quit before the expiration date.
I expect they’ll drop about a hundred years of work on the DoJ and Congress and clear the scene.
Absolutely, with one addition.
Quick wins to defund, shutdown stuff, which they are quietly working on in the background. Staffed on their dime and with full knowledge of Trump. Zero reason to doddle since DOGE was announced.
Git along little (or big) DOGEs 🙂
The UN and the World Trade Organization…
You forgot my favorite – firearms. 😂
And my two favorite front door signs:
These premises guarded by 12 gauge 00buck shotgun 3 days per week.
You guess which three days.
Also guarded by a very territorial black cat 24/7/365.
Unless the cat has a significant advantage, I wouldn’t advise disclosing its color up front.
That’s intended to intimidate the witches and warlocks crowd. 😎
we’ve got no trespassing signs posted in various spots on our land. at the top of the mountain there’s a gas line right of way and snowmobilers ride that. then they see the trails into our land and think they can ride there too. we posted signs a little further in that say Trespassers will be shot: Survivors will be shot again.
Trespassers will be shot: Survivors will be
shot againburied alive.I am NOT feeling very Christian today given what trespassers have done to my land. Including the one who told my friend HE OWNED THE LAND andto get the F..K OFF! 😮
The SOBs dug up my drainage pipe so the road down to the river now has a VERY BIG DITCH that nothing can drive thru. This means I have lost access to 1/2 my land but THEY have access via the power line right of way. 😡
we had four wheelers drive up to our home uninvited. hubby stepped out onto our deck with his rifle hanging by his side. the guy on one of the 4 wheelers said we ain’t trespassing! the owner said we could ride this mountain.
my husband looked at me and asked–did you give these fellas the okay to ride our mountain? I said nope.
he looked to the guys and said –our property is clearly posted no trespassing. so this is your one and only warning.
surprisingly they apologized…but then they left. ain’t seen them two since.
That’s how Americans deal with each other.
Foreign invaders – not likely.
Another one of my favorites.
it HAS actually stopped the snowmobilers riding up our driveway thinking our home was a “lodge” of sorts.
initially we moved 2 logs to block off the trails down the mountain, but after the first winter when we had “guests” show up at the house, we hiked back up there to discover someone moved the logs.
when our children visited that summer they helped us cut down several trees and we posted those signs on the cut tree pile. visible but a few feet off the gas line and on our property.
Our signs get routinely taken down. even those I used a ladder to put up.
OUCH!!! Wicked!
Nabeel Azeez:
I’m shocked… shocked at how right I have been, about all of it.
But it only counts if someone who isn’t white says it.
Which proves the whole point.
This only applies to some white, black, brown, etc. persons.
NOT in the Christian community.
NOT in the MAGA community.
GREAT point about Christians. And MAGA (particularly the true MAGA).
Black African Christians are a huge blessing to this country, and I personally don’t want to see the less educated ones shut out just because they’re not geniuses needed by Big Tech.
Nah, they ALL need to learn to code.
Very interesting thread of comments to that post. Worth reading
I would like to read them, but I can’t even log in to twitter anymore. I used to be able to log in, just for tweeter to remind me that I am suspended, but then I could at least browse tweets and read replies.
Now I can’t.
And Nitter is apparently gone.
And I haven’t tried signing up for tweeter under a different name yet. I’ll have to come up with a new email address, and I haven’t done that in years 😁
Apparently, there is a new one — Sarah has been citing it on Insty.
It looks something like this:
Doesn’t work for me, but it might work for you.
did you use for or for that usually works?
I thought Nitter was gone?
IDK this one just showed for me
[video src="" /]
Here’s the text of that. The video is just Pepe.
He’s got it right.
We aren’t going to change our expectations of how things are going to go, no matter who you are.
Elon is going to get his geniuses, just like American science always got them – before Silicone Valley abused the process to screw Americans at the behest of globalists.
I’ve been there – I’ve SEEN it working properly. It was EASY for the best foreign science and technology to come to America. Even the second and third tier! And it did NOT screw everybody else out of jobs.
This is totally fixable. And it MUST be fixed. No more globalist bullshit on American soil!
Elon, at 8:19 p.m. on Saturday:
and do they get to work from home, Elon ?
Coming next . . . A class action lawsuit by 2024 privileged snowflakes against McDonald’s for not allowing them to work from home.
Coming next – attempted engineered bird flu scam-demic.
and do they get to work from home, Elon ?
Gosh, above is a softball question.
Broken record needs a new needle…
awww, upset ?
No, I pity you…
Careful, good buddy.
Nah. Nothing wrong with the message. Repetition is helpful.
Elon should consider a full retreat on this issue. PDT knows what we want for us to support any of it.
No Elon, it is not an easy fix. The system of people administering the system are corrupted along with the companies taking advantage of it. It is all gamed and we have known it for a long time. You want to short cut a massive issue.
It is short term thinking oriented that needs to be stopped dead in its tracks. Fix the education system in this country and incentivize citizens of all creeds and colors to learn, train and excel at the needed vocations. Spend money, time and efforts on training existing work forces in the way it used to be done in this country. When people see the light at the end of the tunnel for better days they work harder and smarter.
That is the American Way.
How do we fund it? By not sending money to foreign countries to buy favor and ending forever wars.
Elon is the perfect person to drive this issue to a successful resolution. The best way to look at the previous regime is a total clusterfark. We want more Einsteins, Musks, and von Brauns — but we’re trying to strain them through a system that favors MS13, Tren de Aragua, and military-aged unattached males from China.
Agreed – he could, if he chooses to honor what We the People want to see. If not, he is not the perfect person. He agreed to go to work for American citizens, not to defend a system that goes to work for foreign interests.
This is what I see as the chief reason why non-Native Americans should not be in positions of power in our government, ever. They always have some tendency, in my opinion, to not be fully America-first.
Which is exactly why non-Native Americans cannot serve as President.
According to the Constitution.
Which TCTB don’t observe anymore anyway.
That ship sailed years ago. 😦
THAT is one amendment I could see along with NO DUAL CITIZENSHIPS.
Looks like the roar of MAGA got through to him.
As it was meant to.
Piss us off bad enough, and we’re hard to ignore. Ask Bud Light.
One time where beer didn’t make Bud wiser…
Lol! Yeah.
Free speech even schooled the guy who brought it back!!!
This is WINNING! Not too much, but it’s WINNING!!!
Excellent! He gets the problem now! It’s gonna get fixed!!!
A Citizen Free Press headline:
This seems like unnecessary fanning of the flames, IMO.
No, it’s setting the negotiating lines.
If that is all it is fine, he’s given direction. However it doesn’t sound like that and based on what he said people will clamor for an unknown.
This explains the strategy:
Where the Art of the Deal Meets the Spotlight by Erik Carlson on Dec 03, 2024
Yes and not sure how that works. We live in a world of Govt and pvt entities, Multi National Corporations and private enterprises competing for resources where we want consumers to be free from most restrictions in fulfilling their needs and wishes based on their capacity to earn. It’s necessarily complicated and absolutism will stymie growth in highly competitive business environments. So what’s Steve Banon’s alternative in fostering commerce? This is just a head line, no substance. It’s also a one size fits all approach. That shoe will pinch runners in a very complicated race. Might be better to fiddle with the controls and fine tune the system then make carve outs when you have viable alternatives.
This. And absolutism will defeat agendas. One reason why Trump is so successful is that he knows how to navigate issues while working with supporters, middle-of-the-roaders, and even his enemies.
Our founders knew this. That’s why they didn’t outlaw slavery in the Constitution. Sometimes it takes time to change hearts and minds, and negotiation is necessary.
Very insightful!!!
Yup! 👍 I want EVERY aspect of EVERY Federal agency & department scoured IN PUBLIC now that X provides us a platform for doing so. The digging and bringing facts, experiences and consequences of gov’t programs to LIGHT is something We, the People, have long been shut out of.
DOGE is going to be epic.
Thank goodness for this lady!
22 days 11 hours precisely until our Once and Future President, Donald Trump, is restored to his Rightful Office as President of the greatest country to ever appear on the globe.
Not that I’m counting, mind you.
I hope there will be many opportunities for her to do some damage to the Deep State/commie/progressive/globalist/Dem cabal.
There are 8 days until Monday, January 6, when the media will trot out all the “horrors” of J6, 2021.
(emphasis mine)
In other words they unnecessarily bound them themselves and didn’t foresee the election turning so decisively for President Trump. It will now take a Trumpian effort to over come their own hurdle and the election showed they don’t have it in them. Not to mention Trump didn’t have to steal the election so any efforts to over come the election will fail of their own accord.
My tinnitus has been overcome by this joyous symphony.
My tinnitus remains in, imperfect harmony.
Annoying as hell, since I noticed it in 1992.
Annoying as hell??? Just hope you don’t get musical ear syndrome (aka musical hallucinations) on top of your tinnitus like I have. They’re frairly well up there on the Universal Annoying Scale.
Both of you make me very very glad my hearing is still fine.
I hope a cure is soon in the offing for both of you.
Neil Bauman’s HearingLossHelp ( ) has a lot of material on musical ear syndrome.
I keep waiting for someone to change to a different channel 😀
I actually exchanged emails with Dr. Bauman a good number of years ago. His info on ototoxic medications was very helpful (although I saw no improvement in my condition) and is the reason I listen to music (carefully chosen in the lower frequencies) constantly while awake.
Lower frequencies?
Boom Box Carl!!
(I can’t picture you listening to hip hop.)
ht Coothie
I figure the guys would like the ‘booty’
The world’s most boring game…. made worse by tea breaks…
I like Rugby. It is the only team sport I like to watch.
Try Australian Rules Football. Makes rugby look downright civilized.
I went to a gang fight and a football match broke out 😆
You know a sport is exciting when you regularly have to ingest caffeine to participate.
That’s why Red Bull sponsors so many sports teams 😀
That’s not just non-denominational, that’s not even money.
When Valerie wanders through, did she see the story of the young Lions fan whose mom bought her a T-shirt?
I did not, but would be interested 🙂
Darn. Even when I wrote that I had already closed the link. Let’s see…..
OK, from memory (’cause I couldn’t find just one link) — a little girl (about 12) went to a Lions game and her mom bought her a tshirt as a souvenir. When they got home, her older brothers absolutely forbid the little girl from wearing it in public, much to the mother’s chagrin, because of the innuendo.
The slogan on the shirt was, “She Loves the D.”
I got the story off of some website somewhere, then closed it, then thought you might have seen it (since it was local), so tried to remind you of it…..
TY for the gist of it 🙂
becoming evil….
in the weird king baby world of X tantrums & thunderous meltdowns of vulgar vulgarities
Wow. Perfect example of why I avoid hollywierd trash, everyday. Totally wasted two minutes of my life there.
Looking for clarity here.
Musk was involved in a discussion on X regarding H1Bs, and quoted this bit from the movie Tropic Thunder as an example of overreacting to the issue.
People who didn’t recognize the quote took it to be Musk’s own words, or claim that he really meant them…..when he was quoting a movie character. Previous and subsequent parts of that discussion thread would have provided a bit more context.
It’s sort of like a long discussion where someone goes, “well, why don’t we just all shoot ’em?” and that’s supposed to be the be-all and end-all of the discussion.
Fundamental question regarding becoming evil stands.
Twatter was evil, in a way beyond any question. X is objectively better, though far from perfect.
Musk is a flawed human being, as are we all. He has his moments of great vision, and he has his weaknesses. He often comes across as amoral because he doesn’t come to morality in the same way that many do, but there are other signs that indicate that he is trying to make the world a better place.
The story of his lifetime has not yet been completely written.
Absolutely. Musk has significant contributions that can be made.
Management required. Trump knows this.
Also applies to Every Trump appointment, 2016 AND 2024.
It applies to all of us. There is within each and every one of us the ability to profoundly change the world for the better. Only a fortunate few will ever bring this opportunity to complete fruition. The rest of us will have to make do with helping old ladies cross a street or something.
While us old geezers hobble across on our own, getting honked at by impatient yoots.
From Honky to Honkee 🙂
As my amputee Brother-in-law calls us — “Temporarily abled.”
Very good.
Though I hate to encourage you. 😂
I’ll stick with raising kids who are all, including the special needs one, more a part of the solution than a part of the problem…by God’s grace AND mercy!
Agree. The path to redemption take more time for some than others.
It’s actually something of a classic scene in a comedy. The joke is that Les Grossman is so out-of-touch in his Hollywood silo that he thinks he can get all abusive and emotional because he doesn’t realize that one of his guys has actually been kidnapped by terrorists in real life. He isn’t dealing with Hollywood agents for a change.
Reinforces my disdain for hollyweird. Truly, to each his own entertainment. (Not you. In general.)
It’s a better flick than you might suppose because it satirizes Hollywood.
It’s interesting that smiley would bring it here.
it shows the type of vulgarity & bullying that the smug, attention-obsessed Musk emulates….
…and then tries to steal.
Are you familiar with “Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra”?
It’s from a Star Trek: Next Generation episode, but it’s a quite common pattern of communication.
It happens here — why am I replying with a video instead of an essay?
Some people have an opinion (often prejudiced) which they hang on to like a dog on a bone… they won’t leave it, no matter how much objective evidence exists against it (e.g. FLERFers).
To quote Don McLeans’s “Vincent”,
“They would not listen
They’re not
Listening still
Perhaps they never will.”
That explains a lot but then I sort of remember what many of you said on my Luna Wolf Pack post 🙂 & no I have not yet watched that STTNG episode w/ Josiah…
Reminds me of the conversation on my first ever Q-Tree post where I was lost for a bit until you guys spelled some stuff out (everyone was riffing on my description of a communication breakthrough with my autistic+ son Josiah) 🙂
Sadly, I don’t think Wolf chose to bring this particular post over to archives for some reason…I was/am still so honored to have been granted authorship privileges 🙂
Probably the better known bit from that movie was —
AMEN to that!
Department of education, like Most of the Federal government Is A Jobs Program With No Value Added.
Actually the ROI is a strong negative factor. The dumb down over the decades was needed to usher in the desires of the NWO.
Very perceptive. There have been alterations made in people so that further evil is not discerned.
A couple of days back, I was talking to Aubergine about the times she knew she had conceived — earlier than tests would indicate. She knew within hours.
I suspect that this had once been the norm, but had to be dulled-down and explained away in order for life to be disconnected from conception.
Absolutely. Like comments can be applied to much of the Federal government. Destruction from within.
“The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” by Charlotte Iserbyt covers this in great detail… she passed away in 2022, but her website (and foundation) still are going strong.
You can download the pdf and the update at
There are other books and a related site there, too.
There was another, much more technical site, “Invisible Serf’s Collar” but it appears to have gone off (or been pushed) into the ether. It might be on the Internet Archive…
The Satanic attack on our youth is coming from many directions nowadays, schools being the largest focal point, but media and unHolywierd also play a large part.
Seems the “West” has become the society that amused itself to death….
Robin, the person who ran “Invisible Serf’s Collar,” was often on WUWT and Jo Nova..
Robin was doing a LOT of digging into Common Core.
Some of the comments I saved.
July 7, 2015 at 12:34 am ·
I actually have copies of the curriculum UNESCO created back in 2002 to be pushed globally in K-12 created in fulfillment of their obligations as Task Manager under Agenda 21. So much for it being just a theory of conspiring. I also documented the Belmont Challenge and Earth System Alliance that this is a part of.
In my book Credentialed to Destroy: How and Why Education Became a Weapon I chronicle the UN entities and the OECD’s confessions of how their use of K-12 education plays into their broader goals. The Secreatry-General of the oECD was especially forthcoming. The thorough use of constructivism globally in K-12 and how it is actually about something other than how to teach subjects is also detailed.
I have also covered on my blog how Queensland has been used by the UN to pilot the transdisciplinary vision for K-12 in something that went by the name the New Basics Project.
There is a theory in K-12 that comes straight out of Marxism that is widely apparent in all the CAGW hype. It doesn’t matter if a theory is factually true. What matters is the effect implementing it as if it were true will have on people and the environment. Never forget the view that There’s Nothing as Practical as a Good Theory if fundamental transformation of people and institutions with governments in charge is the real agenda.
Rereke Whakaaro
July 7, 2015 at 12:58 pm · Reply
The Hitler Youth, that you refer to, in pictures, started out as a Green Movement. Members of the Hitler Youth wore green shirts, and were sometimes referred to as Greenshirts.
One of their pamphlets reads:
“In every german breast the German forest quivers with its caverns and ravines, crags and boulders, waters and winds, legends and fairy tales, with its songs and its melodies, and awakens a powerful yearning and a longing for home; in all German souls the German forest lives and weaves with its depth and breadth, its stillness and strength, its might and dignity, its riches and its beauty — it is the source of German inwardness, of the German soul, of German freedom. Therefore protect and care for the German forest for the sake of the elders and the youth, and join the new German “League for the Protection and Consecration of the German Forest”. [Reproduced in Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn, Auf der Suche nach Arkadien, Munchen, 1990 p 147.]
The brightest and fittest of the Hitler Youth went on to form the nucleus of the Waffen Schutzstaffel (the SS), or in English, Protective Squadron. – Hitler’s private bodyguards.
But they didn’t just protect Hitler, in a personal sense, rather they protected the Furer (or leader), but more importantly, they were sworn and dedicated to protecting the Fatherland – Germany.
Substitute the concept of Gaia, as the Earth Mother, for the concept of Fatherland, as being just Germany, and you have the modern Green Shirts.
Robin says:
August 9, 2013 at 5:12 am
The models won’t go away because environmental catastrophe is at the center of global education reforms insisting we need new kinds of minds. It is all grounded in the Paul Ehrlich and Robert Ornstein book from that convenient and busy year of 1989 New World New Mind.
It’s also at the center of the political efforts that we shift to a so-called cooperative commonwealth model where the common good” as decided by government officials will be paramount. The Democracy Collaborative out of U Maryland has been quite busy on this note as has Gar Alperowitz on his book tour.
None of us may be among the 350 invited guests from all over the world being planned for in this September Meeting of the Minds annual conference but we are all being planned for at the meeting. Don’t miss the US EPA official attending as they work on a different kind of commerce for the 21st century.
They need the supposed AGW crisis. It’s the excuse for all the planning and sought revolutionary transformations.
Robin says:
August 9, 2013 at 5:12 am
The models won’t go away because environmental catastrophe is at the center of global education reforms insisting we need new kinds of minds. It is all grounded in the Paul Ehrlich and Robert Ornstein book from that convenient and busy year of 1989 New World New Mind.
It’s also at the center of the political efforts that we shift to a so-called cooperative commonwealth model where the common good” as decided by government officials will be paramount. The Democracy Collaborative out of U Maryland has been quite busy on this note as has Gar Alperowitz on his book tour.
None of us may be among the 350 invited guests from all over the world being planned for in this September Meeting of the Minds annual conference but we are all being planned for at the meeting. Don’t miss the US EPA official attending as they work on a different kind of commerce for the 21st century.
They need the supposed AGW crisis. It’s the excuse for all the planning and sought revolutionary transformations.
Robin says:
June 22, 2013 at 4:08 pm
As somebody who reads all these reports coming out of the UN and Club of Rome and what Ehrlich says he intends to do etc, the books and reports read like satire and bad fiction. Which they are except intentions coupled to political power and taxpayer financing have actual real effects.
I suspect the early 90s writers were looking at things like the World Order Models Project and the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment and then the hype around Limits to Growth and then the 87 Brundtland Report and realizing this is all an excuse for unquestioned power. AND being the paymaster for all that redistribution.
Understanding WOMP from the early 70s is very enlightening to appreciating the mentalities and lust for money and power that have always been hand in hand with these Save the World by changing human values schemes. lays out WOMP.
The Club of Rome considered WOMP a peer in its intentions and credentials involved.
Wow… then again, that might be where I first heard of her back in the Climategate days….. Her site had a lot of info exposing the bureaucracy and silos of the Ed Biz and the gubmint corruption there as well…
Here is one of the archived links:
And if you click on HOME you get
Not many people realize that the Greens and NaZism are tied together in the ancient EarthWorship cults… couple that with the Hegelian views of reality you mentioned the other day, where to him the only reality was in his mind, and Habeck and his ilk are the result (along with Greta the gangGreenhearted, who has a couple of Satanist parents stirring the (soylent)Green pot)…
I just wish Robin and Charlotte had wider exposure; then again, they’re contrary to TPTB and the Green Agenda.
Backing out of the WHO and the Paris accords will be a good start. Hope that DOGE eviscerates most, if not all of the federal agencies, and returns the small remainder to their original mission and competence…
[Even in the 1950s Kalifornistan’s schools were woke. I wonder if most folks realize how deep the rot is, and how long it’s been there. Screwy Dewey and Mann(iac) were at the root, but there were more. For example, the Maguffy Readers were revised at the turn of the century, and that was before Dewey and Mann… snake oil meets the education system… sigh….]…..
I was very happy to see I could navigate to her other work.
I read quite a bit of it back in the day.
There will be references to this in my next American Stories next week.
We need a Dept of Education to thrust John Dewey’s PROGRESSIVE education down our children’s throats.
The Socialist-Capitalist [FASCISM -CG] Alliance: the Fabian Society, the Frankfurt School, and Big Business: Part I
We need to undo Dewey…
Of Course! I guess I should have added /sarc
I hope that SOB is rotting in Dante’s ninth hell. He certainly did a number on my education. Heck a friend, one year younger, and I SAW the degradation in education when we were in Jr High. It was that obvious and we were in a very high level public school (next door to where the Clinton’s now live)
Carter must have been greatly relieved to have his mantle as the USA’s worst President taken by Obama and then Bye. Done.
Still, the damage that he did to the USA, including the government bloat, the useless, dangerous agencies of which the Department of Education is only one, and the enfeebling of the fabric of the country still continues, and will take years to repair…
The Senior Executive Service was ALSO Carter’s so yeah he was a lot more dangerous than we thought.
The SES is pretty much the same thing as the “Mandarins” are in the British government (and the European Commision, as well). An unelected “ruling class” answerable to no one… 😡 😡 😡 😡
No doubt carefully nurtured and groomed by the oligarch to be their administrators.
Actually, the Mandarins control the Queen/King… goes back to the Regents and the Magna Charta…
Someone skipped over the true history of Plymouth Plantation in their matriculation. The people of that colony went through hell before becoming anywhere close to prosperous.
IIRC, the idea(l)s of communism reared their ugly heads in creating that hell…
In the beginning, yes.
They became prosperous when they shit-canned Communism.
The Great Thanksgiving Hoax | Mises Institute
Keep it 0.0001% as one office for the secretary, but rename it the Department of Public Education (DOPE). Find the biggest teacher’s union dumbfuck and make him/her the secretary.
When everyone stops laughing, THEN abolish the department.
Hubby and I have been advocating home schooling for 3 decades.
i do not understand a whole bunch of this, but I’m bringing it because it’s a hot button issue. I am dismayed that a lot of accounting firms like the visa thing–and colleges?? wth? but the biggest takeaway in this thread (for me) is that the companies aggressively using the visa program are INDIAN owned.
Robert Sterling
12h • 20 tweets • 8 min read •
Read on X
I downloaded five years of H-1B data from the US DOL website (4M+ records) and spent the day crunching data.
I went into this with an open mind, but, to be honest, I’m now *extremely* skeptical of how this program works.
Here’s what I found 👇
Before I start, one note: All charts in this thread are for applications that were “certified” (in other words, approved for entry into the H-1B lottery). I filtered out applications the gov rejected.
All numbers here are therefore for visas employers actually and realistically attempted to obtain.
To start with, this program is MASSIVELY popular with employers. The program has a statutory limit of 85,000 visas per year, but employers routinely receive approval for more than 800k applications per year (868k, or 10x the limit, in 2024).
Contrary to what I expected, the average salary for an H-1B is relatively low—slightly under $120k this year.
Given that much of the H-1B debate pertains to tech workers, I (incorrectly) assumed the average would be higher. But this is the beauty of data, right?
You can see that salaries are disproportionately weighted toward the lower bands:
17% are < $75k (blue)
21% are $75-100k (orange)
22% are $100-125k (pink)
15% are $125-150k (teal)
In other words, ~75% are jobs paying < $150k. Only 25% are $150k+, and, of those, only 2.5% are $250k+ (purple).
I (roughly) categorized job descriptions into computer/software/IT-related roles (teal) and everything else (gray).
Almost all the prominent job categories are tech-related. The two top categories, for software developer roles, are 1.1M over five years by themselves.
Basically every role with 30k+ H-1B applications is for a STEM field, with the exception of accountants and auditors (49k). Most of them IT-related, at that.
There’s a little more variety in roles with smaller numbers, but the overall tilt towards STEM remains throughout.
Let’s review applications by employer (again, with teal representing IT roles and gray being everything else).
There are some HUGE numbers here. 15 companies alone received approval for 20k+ applications each.
We’ll go back to employers momentarily.
Looking at applications by employer NAICS code, 5415 (computer systems design) absolutely dwarfs everything else: 1.2M applications over five years.
The next two largest are 6113 (universities) and 5416 (consulting).
As consultants like to say, let’s double-click into this.
NAICS code 5415 (computer systems design) is the category for many of the larger employers we saw above. Some of the companies here—Google, IBM, Salesforce—are household names.
But what about the other large applicants here, which aren’t as familiar (Cognizant, Infosys, Tata)?
As it turns out, these are ALL Indian companies that import H-1B tech workers en masse:
Cognizant (93k)
Infosys (61k)
Tata Consultancy Services (60k)
Tech Mahindra
These aren’t American companies that needed international talent to fill critical roles. They’re foreign companies that appear to have been founded to place overseas tech workers into US companies as contractors.
What jobs are these companies seeking visas for?
A metric f**k ton of IT and software roles. Over the past five years, 80k+ computer systems analysts (Cognizant is the big player here). 50k+ systems engineers/architects (Cognizant + Tata). Programmers (looks like Wipro and Mphasis concentrate here) and IT project managers (Infosys).
The chart here shows each company’s average salary for each role. I’ve added a shaded gray band between $80-120k to highlight where the preponderance of salaries fall.
I’ve spent my career in M&A and corporate finance, and I’ve been involved in a lot of budget and hiring decisions. Unless we’ve overpaid every developer and IT person at every company I’ve ever worked for, $80-120k for roles like this is NOT market.
The H-1B program isn’t just Indian companies requesting visas for IT workers, though.
The list of companies seeking visas for accountants is a who’s who of Big Four and other prominent accounting firms. EY is crushing the competition with 16k+ applications.
EY also has the largest share of employers seeking visas for finance-related jobs, followed by investment banks Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, and Citibank.
Here are the roles for which EY sought visas, along with average salaries. Everything from accountants (16k) to computer systems analyst (7k) to actuaries (600 or so).
EY isn’t even a major player in the world of actuaries! There’s zero reason why they couldn’t hire these people domestically.
Here’s Amazon’s main H-1B LLC:
Google, not surprisingly, had 45k applications for software developers alone.
You can see where I’m going with this. A casual perusal of the data shows that this isn’t a program for the top 0.1% of talent, as it’s been described. This is simply a way to recruit hundreds of thousands of relatively lower-wage IT and financial services professionals.
America needs to be a destination for the world’s most elite talent. But the H-1B program isn’t the way to do that.
I’m going to stop posting for now, but let me know if there are any other visualizations that would be helpful.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading!
none of his charts showed for me…but here’s the link
In my last gig, I worked with PwC (an accounting firm). The managers I spent time with were Turkish and Swiss.
you seem like a very intelligent guy to me…no desire to BE a manager? do we really need foreign “talent” in the accounting field?
PwC were the external auditors — working for the investors; I was the manager for Internal Audit — working for the management. They got to bring in people from around the world — I was part of a home-grown crew.
I believe we did pretty well.
America needs to be a destination for the world’s most elite talent. But the H-1B program isn’t the way to do that.
^^^ Trump has said like words. But more forcefully. Posted yesterday.
Thanks for bringing the data and link.
Let us start by being honest. We should be stealing the cream of the entire world to enrich the United States. That means that every one we import should move the average UP. We should not be importing those that move the PAY for the average DOWN.
This ^^^. We also know that is not what has happened since its inception. It is a corrupted program.
Oh!Bummer was president of the United States from 2009 to 2017.
Daily Mail — IQ scores in the US have DROPPED for first time in nearly 100 years, study suggests — so is tech making us dim?
Part of that is vaccines, and part is the smart people aren’t reproducing at replacement levels (4 or more children). My family is just as at fault here as anyone, although, not intentionally.
Would be nice if that chart included the years of which they were speaking, say from 1966 through 2023 or so…
I looked but they did not have it DARN IT!
Yup. In its current state it is a scam and has been since inception. Most of us who have worked with larger employers already knew how it worked and was gamed to reduce payroll costs and competition in the workforce, as well as to provide plants and spies to rip us off. India First – MIGA. Just like China First – MCGA.
If PDT wants the program, he will have to end the scam and do it the right way to receive the support of We the People.
Just a thought – proactively addressing potentially contentious issues usually works better than clean up on Aisle 7. PDT already knew how we felt about foreigners taking American jobs and used it attract voters. Playing this game this way on this issue was not his best move IMO.
Unless it was his way of getting the big guys to expose themselves.
I think it was a good way to get a MAJOR discussion going BEFORE the 2017 Congress is seated.
What has happened?
A major spot light has be put on not only H1B but our education system and now student visas.
Remember student visas is how CHINA GETS SPIES INTO THE USA TO RIP-OFF OUR PATENTS! Do you really think ANYONE who is NOT a member of the Communist Party gets to come to the USA to go to school??
Oh, and if you think Trump is in favor of this…
The Dying Chinese Student Visa in USA – Is America Losing its Appeal?
ThanQ. This is critical information. I hope this guy gets lots of exposure – he sure knows how to explain the eye-glaze world of stats.
Back a bit, when I worked with anon-profit that was all about innovation and entrepreneurship, it came out that when the family owned corps corps here sold out to foreign nationals, the first departments to be torn apart were IT. There are plenty of such displaced workers like that out there.
THe fact that India is so pervasive in all of it is interesting.
Happy accident “anon-profit” 😉 😉
Oddly enough, when we want to “look after our own”, we’re called racists, but when other peoples and cultures look after their own, often EXTREMELY strictly, it’s “making the playing field even” or “being inclusive”.
A quick look at Japan or many Asian countries shows that. Arab and African countries do that as well.
I worked at a company that hired an Indian as CIO. Within a year, the top managers under him were all Indian, and the company eventually outsourced almost all of its IT functions to India, the rest to Asia (‘orrible applications, they were).
But IT isn’t the only technical game in town, and in most respects the supply in the USA far outstrips the demand. There shouldn’t be any H-1Bs for IT AT ALL!!!
In other technical fields, there probably are unfillable openings (and yes, even in Germany we have shortages; it ain’t what it used to be) that, until the Ed Biz is fixed, need some stopgap help.
Say Ta Ta to Tata (a reprehensible body shop if there ever was one!)…..
Brief anecdote (OK, I’ll try). I was at ‘orrible in beautiful Redweird Shores, surrounded by a number of H-1Bs from various countries, as well as an Irishman who had just won the greencard lottery. One of these H-1Bs was fresh in from RED China, and was tied to an impossibly onerous “contract” such that if she so much as moved to another department, a $5000 fee and lawyers were involved to move her, or back she went to RED China.
She lived in constant fear. Could explain why the atmosphere there was so toxic… BUT, back then (late 80s/early 90s) the flood of furriners was just beginning… seems we’d finished absorbing all the Vietnamese boat people from the 1970s by then…..
December 29, 2024 6:59 am
There is more over here:
💯 Tickerguy retweeted
Aesthetica @Anc_Aesthetics
Daniel Friedman @DanFriedman81
gees louise!
This type of info spreading is why I think the spotlight is so necessary.
Once the corrupt stinky mess is unearthed, the Demon-Rats/Cabal will have a tough time trying to defend it.
Remember Union Members and minorities are their base. THEIR JOBS are at risk too and THEIR cost of living is rising while importing these SOBs lowers wages via competition.
It is a cascade effect:
IT/STEM grads can not get a job in their field ==> take lower paying jobs ==> displace high school grads.
The entire castle of cards (green and other) has to come down. There are more than just H-1Bs, for instance, there are a whole raft of various specialty visas… and the SatanoDEMONRATS set them up for their own benefit just like they opened the borders.
Btw, that same type of fakery (fakiry?) occurs here as well. A good (and tragic) example is that Moslem Jihadist who drove through a bunch of innocent people at a Weihnachtsmarkt in Magdeburg who claimed to be a doctor. Now it’s come out that he was also a fake (but the libtards were celebrating him as a good example of Fachkräfte “migrating” to Germany). Other staff at where he worked called him “Dr. Google”, but the prevailing political climate both silenced them, and kept the institution from doing anything about it!!!
It’s good that this discussion is happening, and it’s not just a US problem, it’s a WORLDWIDE problem, where the Gore-Bullists are working to eliminate borders and create a worldwide, mobile, rootless workforce than can be dispatched at will anywhere, anytime, anyplace in order to support the “needs” of Klaus “Stavros” Schwab and his minions… Agenda 2030, 2050, and 2060(! in Africa) have it all in plain sight, but I don’t think many people have read them… it’s hard to read more than a few pages without getting unspeakably angry……. 😡 🔥 💣 👹
Again from my old notes:
A bit of explanation first:
Bi-lateral trade deals makes sense. We’re neighbors, you and I make an agreement, and if either one of us violates the agreement, obviously we either resolve it to our mutual satisfaction, or the agreement ends.
Simple, direct, honest. [Think Panama Canal.😉]
Multilateral trade deals make NO sense, unless your purpose is to SURRENDER the sovereignty of your own nation.
If you make a ‘deal’ with TWO or more entities, how does anyone think the ‘deal’ is going to go down if there is a violation? Like two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner, that’s how.
If ‘A’ makes a deal with ‘B’ and ‘C’, and ‘C’ violates the deal, then ‘A’ can’t do anything about it unless ‘B’ agrees. And since ‘B’ is in on the scam with ‘C’, nothing is ever going to be done about the violation.
That is what EVERY multilateral trade agreement is, because they’re piranha feeding off of US.
And no matter how good of a multilateral ‘deal’ you make, it’s only a matter of time before the vultures figure out a way to compromise it.
Our Founding Fathers were a lot smarter than most people, and even so, it didn’t take long for lawyers to figure out how to corrupt our Republic and violate our Constitution.
How long do you think any multilateral ‘deal’ is going to remain intact and functioning according to the original intent and will of the creator?
Not for long!
georgiafl says:
January 22, 2017 at 7:58 am
FULL TRANSCRIPT – Amy Goodman – Democracy Now Interview of Julian Assange – Five Parts –
This very important information our CORRUPT legislators (including TPA Ted Cruz) did not reveal to US citizens.
Wikileaks exposed the DNC,Clintons, Pelosi, Congress and subversive operative Soros.
Passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership would literally end the USA. {Remember Rand Paul was FOR TTP. I have distrusted him ever since.]
UN Agenda 21 is the plan for our new totalitarian society. A cross between feudalism and a company town.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership would allow an international Tribunal to TRUMP THE US SUPREME COURT.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership says ANY treaty signed by the USA is covered and gives enforcement to treaties that up until now had no teeth to force compliance. The Trans-Pacific Partnership would provide the teeth. Remember international law sees no difference between an executive agreement, a congressional agreement or an actual Constitutional treaty. This means all those treaties that Obummer had signed, like the UN small arms treaty, all of a sudden could be enforced by an international tribunal with no regard to the US Constitution, Supreme Court or international sovereignty.
The Sovereignty-Busting Trans-Pacific Partnership – What’s so bad about it? By Fred Elbel
Trans-Pacific Partnership Synopsis FROM THE US GOVERNMENT
[It needs to be read to be believed. Like Europe there would be NO BORDERS for workers.]
TPP’s clauses that let Australia be sued are weapons of legal destruction, says lawyer —
Leading arbitration lawyer says there are critical loopholes in the Trans-Pacific Partnership’s investment chapter that leave Australia wide open
The Groniad says this about the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement:
So the SOBs just opened the borders anyway, without the TTP treaty signed into law.
{Remember Rand Paul was FOR TTP. I have distrusted him ever since.]
I remember that well. I was surprised by his position and it has contributed to me being skeptical as a default position when public policy objectives are being debated. I always have a question in my mind: What aren’t they telling me.?
Could just as well put it the other way around… whence comes the fraud???
I had contract outfits claiming to know our legacy systems who had utterly no clue, especially when hit with detailed questions… but our Indian upper IT manglement would have no other. Then we bought ten or so copies of a terminal emulator (yep, long time ago) which they DIDN’T USE, though they received it and installed it on a couple of their PCs. They were instructed to use ONLY the emulator we sent them, but they didn’t. So by using another one, they crashed a production system with around 2000 users on it. Worse, medical devices division.
They claim innocence, but Cuppa reads the memory dump, and reads back to them what they had done in their terminal sessions, what commands and programs (i.e. the wrong one) they used, and what the stack dump showed leading to the system abort.
Fun time running that one up the manglement chain, but pictures (and stack traces and UI tracebacks) tell more than a thousand words…..
Would have loved to see that high mangler getting reamed by the division manager 🙂
i only understood every other word in your post, but I loved it! LOL
beauty break
A gorgeous bird – delicious shade of red with a lustre – more beautiful than even Porsche Guards Red.
NC’s state bird.
North Carolina designated the northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) as official state bird in 1943.
We have several. One male loves the mirrors on my dually.
BTW, Yesterday our red tailed (I think) hawk was in the yard. It shows up frequently and has for years. It loves to sit on a fence post and wait for us to bush hog a paddock scaring up rabbits and field rats that it quickly grabs.
NC State bird photo:
Red tail hawk:
From Hawks in North Carolina (With Pictures)
It could be a Red-Shouldered Hawk.
we have plenty of hawks here, but few cardinals. what attracts them?
From Brave AI (we have a lot of all of this plus trees to nest in.)
We have a LOT of wild blueberries, grapes, and blackberries. As well as some sort of cherry that still has fruit on it. We also have pecans and the neighbors have bird feeders.
In the past couple of weeks, a decent sized hawk sat on the bird feeder pole. The birds mostly took off. There was one in the forsythia/rose of sharon entanglement. So, the hawk went to where that is and sat on the fence next to it. After a number of tries, the hawk flushed it out, and took off after the little guy when it flew away.
Amazing for being in the city. Of course, we have many owls as well. THey are keeping the rodent population in check, so no complaints.
We have Barred Owls (8 hoot owl) they are some times regarded as a pest because they drive out other owls.
One winter I saw a Snowy Owl siting in a nearby tree. 🤗 they are not supposed to come this far south.
Video with sounds here:
Snowy owl range (BOY was she lost!)
This was the bird that was staring at me.
We have barred, great-horned and many more owl species around. There are also a number of green spaces (parks with BIG trees) within three miles. They found a food source. Great. They are welcome.
Interesting how the hunting birds are slowly moving into more urban areas.
More rats & mice for food thanks to DemonRat mayors?
Here, not so much, I think, but old rivers turned into open storm drains. There’s one about eight blocks from my house. Other parts of the actual city, maybe.
Our mayor here in a close in ‘burb might be gay, but he’s a businessman, and we have seen the difference. Things actually work after about 30 years of liberal wackadoodles.
Spectacular pic!
full disclosure: I didn’t watch the Bannon video…but i LOVE the tagline: Show us the Einsteins! LOL
This comment is made in the light of “Where we go one we go All” and a warning. Our enemy LOVES to use religion as a weapon. Think Obama and that bizarre Church in Chicago, the Trinity United Church of Christ whose pastor, Jeremiah Wright Was a Muslim.
I was booted off Badlands comments because I gently reminded an author that “Where we go one we go All” did not mean just Christians. He had thrown a public tantrum against non-Christians on air.
Wolfie understands why we need a ‘BIG TENT’ and I am so glad he does. So please take this not as a slap at anyone but as a warning to beware of making all inclusive judgements and thus tossing out potential allies.
“…..This is a key reason why philosophies embracing atheism 👉always tend toward violence and tyranny: there is no sense of higher authority and no reason to moderate the whims of those in power.
The idea that defining good and evil depends on preferences or situations is commonly called moral relativism. Scripture rejects this idea as false. The Bible defines some things as “good” and other things as “evil” …..”
Not always.
Ayn Rand, who grew up in the Soviet Union rejected what we call EVIL based on rational thought. She also rejected moral relativism based on her other writings.
Ayn Rand,1905 – 1982 CE, was a Russian-American novelist and philosopher. She is best known for her two novels, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, and for developing a philosophical system she called Objectivism. She was born and educated in Russia, and moved to the United States in 1926. She was first noticed by the media and the general public after the publication in 1943 of her novel, The Fountainhead. In 1957, Rand published her best-known work, the novel Atlas Shrugged. Rand insisted that reason be the only means of acquiring knowledge and she adamantly rejected any kind of adherence to or use of religion. She supported rational and ethical egoism and rejected any form of altruism.
[So Rand was an atheist. -GC]
Excerpts from various works
(From The Virtue of Selfishness. “The Objectivist Ethics” ) About Selfishness:
Given what we have going on in our society now, the following by Ayn Rand seems worth looking at too.
Envy/Hatred of the Good for Being the Good
Isn’t this “Hatred of the good for being the good” what is now being taught to our children? Wasn’t that the MESSAGE SENT when George Floyd was glorified and even deified while Derek Chauvin was sent to prison?
Darren Beattie shows this is not just about George Floyd but a much wider plan.
Globalists Are Using the “George Floyd” Playbook to Cancel Russia and You’re Next
Even today if you visit, you have to open up a bank account there, or carry cash.
Snowy Silence
H/T Robert Baker
While walking on a wintry day,
The snowy silence seemed to say
Seek out yourself, amid the fray.
Stop and be still, be still and pray,
Then go in peace, go on your way.
So I knelt down, there in the snow
Near the cedars, sun hanging low
To speak with God, my heart aglow
To be more like Him as I grow
For He’s Lord of all that I know
I’m sure He’ll respond to my plea
And open my eyes so I see
To be like Him and not like me
To guide my steps, although I’m free
And hold my soul eternally
Thank You Carl 🙂
I like your amplification of the meaning.
BREAKING NEWS; I warned an Alberta leftist activist mom about the Vaccines in 2022. Last month she took her 10 month old for flu and COVID-19 shots and her baby just died suddenly Dec.23, 2024
by William Makis, MD
Yours Truly:
May this baby rest in eternal Peace under the Wings of the Almighty God.
Jessy Roos, the mother that Dr. Makis tried to warn about regarding the dangerous, deadly COVID-19 “vaccines”, took her 10 month old son to the pediatrician on 4 November to get the flu shot and a COVID-19 “vaccine” injection. A screenshot of her experience on that day is below, via Dr. Makis’ article.
Followed by a screenshot, again from Dr. Makis’ post, 27 December 2024:
Ms. Roos is an activist member of the Alberta, Canada, NDP (New Democratic Party), a far-left wing socialist group. She is also a COVID-19 “vaccine” fanatic. She blocked Dr. Makis after he warned her about the “vaccines” in 2022.
Dr. Makis from his article above:
“And now your 10 month old baby is dead, Jessy. Do you understand now?”
(Note: Firefox / Windows / Post Image may not “allow” the first screenshot, from 4 November 2024, to post. Don’t know why. I know I copied the URL correctly. Readers may have to go to the Mole substack link above to see that screenshot.)
One more try at the 4 November 2024 Jessy Roos screenshot:
Sad. The psycho cynic in me says … [y’all can figure out the rest].
Can just picture death cultist Gates notching his DePop belt with a ghoulish grin.
DePop of Bill Gates was a Komrade of Margaret Sanger, and a hideous malevolent Malthusian misanthrope…
Was photographed with FauXi also.
Bill Moyers, Ted Turner, Bill Gates Sr, david Rockefeller, Richard D Parsons Judy Woodruff, Anthony Fauci, Tom Brokaw, George Soros, Mamphela Ramphele, Barbara Walters, David McCullough, Irene Diamond, Keonore Annenberg, Brooke Astor at the Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy 2001
I doubt she actually does. Because IF she does, she would have to acknowledge SHE WILLFULLY KILLED HER BABY. Therefore she will come up with all sorts of alternative explanations.
Gail Combs
One guesses that the death will likely be “blamed” on the flu shot that the baby received at the same time he got the COVID-19 shot.
More likely something else, just like crib death was.
I have to wonder if any of these people vaxxing their infants and children have even read the charts showing the death rate from COVID for the young and very young.
For those rates are vanishingly small; for infants, ZERO…
Then again, the YSM/MCM probably buried it… But BigPharma and BigMedia are the ones who should be buried!!!
They haven’t and won’t. Most still have implicit trust in the medical system. I have so many relatives like that, it’s not even funny. One who was into the shots, etc., went to the doctor, got a clean bill of health, and dropped dead the next day mowing his back yard. No doubt he got a “booster” while at his appointment.
I am to the point I have a tough time holding my tongue in the presence of medical types and ESPECIALLY those who work for Pfizer. (I occasionally see them still wearing their IDs.)
Jessy is thankful, Jesse was Jabbed. It could have been much worse.
Verse of the Day for Sunday, December 29, 2024
“Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings,”
Psalms 17:8 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
What is going on behind the closed doors
What is that banging underneath the floors
Why are they missing and where did they go
What can we do to stop this throbbing throe
The Warring Angels have taken to flight
All ranks and divisions are ready to fight
The Soldiers and Seals are primed and ready
Geared up for the rescue and staunchly steady
We cannot forget God’s precious babies
We must rescue them from deranged crazies
Out of the darkness and into the light
From their oppressors and forceful fright
The horror the nightmares and the torment
For a child of God this torture not meant
From a loving home to a dungeon dark
The eyes of the child have long lost their spark
What can we do post our daily prayers
How can we disrupt their lawless affairs
Their high up positions and their lawyers
Protect the secrets of these evil sawyers
We can expose them to God’s holy light
We can support those who for them do fight
We can disrupt their money flow at last
By crashing the systems that get them past
We can track their victims at entry point
And blow up their tunnels at each joint
We’ll surveil the perps in their hidden lairs
Cut off their supply and their money shares
We will catch them right quick in the act
After the Soldiers and Seals swift attack
By God’s Mighty Hand they’ll be brought right down
To the depths of darkness where they are bound
D01: 07/13/2023
Thank You Duchess! 🙂
We are excited for our day with you
Wonder what unexpected we will do
Unlike what we normally would see
Amazing activities planned by thee
We are spoiled by tech and silly specs
But God’s creation has its effects
Only you know what we need to see
Better for us you just happened to be
We had no idea our time here with you
Would enrich us with memories anew
We cannot imagine our life without
The marvel of God’s creation no doubt
Ah but you Papa are surely determined
We’d eventually be God’s confirmand
Oblivious we’re to what God had planned
An outing with you and this merry band
As we stroll about we will most likely miss
Creatures God blessed with His heavenly kiss
The little ones we take but for granted
His creation to support what’s planted
Maybe someday we will come forth to see
What God had foreseen wanted us to be
Right now we are watching wondering what
We are experiencing that will jut
We might not know that being here now
Is God’s way of reaching us somehow
Through Him and with Him we will always be
Closer to Him and closer to thee – PAPA
D01: 07/28/2023
Thank You Duchess! 😁
How many times have you fallen short
And the accuser has taken you to court
To enumerate the times you faulted
To report your failure to God exalted
What would a loving Father say or do
When He lays His eyes on repentant you
He’d welcome you home in a warm embrace
Your sins He’d forgive and quickly erase
The prodigal son is not just a fluke
Notice his father gave him no rebuke
When he returned he was a broken man
In his wisdom his father knew the plan
Had he not learned in his foolishness
What he had done in his stupidness
Was he better off for what he had done
Or was he regretting his quest for fun
We have all been like the child who was lost
We have paid for our foibles a high cost
We might have justified our acts away
Ignored them for a future time or day
Ashamed to ask Our Father to forgive
We kept them hidden maybe to outlive
We may not realize what is kept inside
Prevents us from moving or ever thrive
Our Father’s Love is like no other
To forgive and forget is no bother
His unconditional love to advise
A Father’s Love will aptly apprise
D01: 09/05/2023
Thank You Duchess! 😁
12 Uplifting Prayers for Dad in HeavenFeb 15, 2020 by Editor in Chief
God’s Love letter for you…(worth watching)
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms
Who Hid the incriminating Biden Family China Photos from the American Public – And Why Have They Not Been Arrested? – James Comer Promises to Investigate Biden-China Photo Scandal (VIDEO)
Can you say 𝕋 ℝ 𝔼 𝔸 𝕊 𝕆 ℕ ??
Only if it doesn’t prosper.
Senator Ron Johnson:”We Have to Know the Truth” About Vaccines, “Right Now We Don’t” (Video)
More at the link.
So they are FINALLY catching up with us.
“…we’ve had a Harvard study that prior to COVID, only 1% of adverse events was actually reported to the vaccine adverse event reporting system….”
Mike Davis:
⬆️ Edited to hide the huge typeface 😳
With fonts like that, who needs enemies 🙂
(OK, typefaces, but that ruins the joke…)….
Well it certainly gets the “point” across. 🤓
Justified at that 😀
To everything, kern, kern, kern… 🙂
(It doesn’t hurt that hubby’s family is 5th generation newspaper.)
this is wild and weird. if the House cannot elect a speaker by Jan 6, there’s no one to declare President Trump the winner. If there’s no speaker as of the 20th, Grassley (???) becomes Preisident?
On “Sunday Morning Futures” on the Fox News Channel, host Jason Chaffetz quoted Fox News senior congressional correspondent Chad Pergram who said:
“The House absolutely, unequivocally cannot do anything until it elects a speaker, period. This also means that the House cannot certify the results of the Electoral College, making trump the 47th president of the United States on Jan. 6. What happens if the Electoral College isn’t sorted out by Jan. 20? Well, President Biden is done, so he’s gone. The same with Harris. Next in the presidential line of succession is the speaker of the House.
“Well, there’s no speaker, so who becomes the president? If the House is still frittering away time trying to elect a speaker on Jan 20, [president pro tempore of the Senate Chuck] Grassley, likely becomes ‘acting president.’ I write likely because this gets into some serious, extra-constitutional turf. These are unprecedented scenarios. Strange lands never visited in the American political experience.”
U.S. Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., the House Oversight Committee chairman, addressed the concern, saying: “No one ran against Mike Johnson. To this day, and here we are inside a week of the speaker’s vote, there is still not a single declared candidate.
“But as you know, we have five Republicans that won’t commit to voting for Mike Johnson, and he can only lose one or two votes. So I sure hope we don’t repeat this, and I’m strongly encouraging my colleagues and go ahead and elect Mike Johnson, and let’s get started on passing President Trump’s agenda.”
What’s Comer doing, making a veiled threat? “Get Johnson elected Speaker of the House, go along to get along, or else Grassley becomes ‘acting President’?”
I have no problem with Grassely but the demon-Rats might.
I’d rather hear a constitutional law specialist give their opinion on the matter…..
Yes. Dave of X22 Report outlined this same scenario last week, so it is making the rounds. I’d like an expert’s take on it, or that of a knowledgeable QTreeper.
Dave’s opinion is that the only possible barrier to this being sorted out by January 20 is if there are delays either from natural disasters or by Dem shenanigans. Delay is the key.
So if the House gets delayed, even with Speaker Johnson in place, would he become acting president on the 20th? In that event, once Trump was certified, he would step in?
I can’t imagine any of this happening. I think it’s a good exercise to make us aware of rules and lines of succession, but I don’t think the more serious members of Congress would allow this kind of crisis to happen.
As I understand it, whoever it is “acts as president” which is not the same as being president, until the 12th amendment process plays out, at which point the winner of the process becomes President.
It’s not like Johnson (or whoever) would get to serve the four year term once inaugurated.
Definitely they would not serve out the term. That would disenfranchise the entire populace.
He wouldn’t be inaugurated POTUS.
He’d be inaugurated Acting POTUS.
I don’t even think there’d be an “inauguration” at least not all the pomp and ceremony. He’d be sworn in as Acting POTUS (as you point out). A big donkey derby “inauguration”?
Johnson will be Speaker.
R-Cons Will get in line.
Bullshit. What is JD – chopped liver? We just ignore him?
More fear porn.
If Trump is not ratified would that not also extend to JD?
The Senate picks the VP if there’s no electoral vote winner. The house picks the potus (one vote per state delegation).
So it’s possible one of the two could be picked but not the other.
NASA’s Parker Solar Probe Makes History With Closest Pass to Sun
Good thing they didn’t name it Icarus 🙂
(also wonder if the GoreBullists will try to hijack the findings… also if anything comes from “the halls of Svalgaard”…)…..
IF the maggot pardons his brother–and this is provable–is that enrichment? and an impeachable offense.
The Vigilant Fox 🦊
NEW: CNN host abruptly ends segment after her defense of Joe Biden’s crimes completely falls apart.
ABBY PHILLIP: “I’m still waiting to see the proof of Joe Biden enriching himself. I take his brother and his son, perhaps.”
REP. MIKE LAWLER: “I’ll give you the direct line. A Chinese company transferred money to a shell company owned by Hunter and Jim Biden that then transferred money directly to Jim and Sarah Biden’s shell company that then transferred the money to Jim and Sarah’s personal account, who then immediately wrote a check for $40,000 to Joe Biden. So to say that there was no evidence is not true.”
ABBY PHILLIP: “Trump was president for four years. He wanted to charge Joe Biden. Why did the charges not come? And I think that still remains an open question. If there is something illegal happening here, there should be charges on the basis of what you’re saying, and there have not been.”
REP. MIKE LAWLER: “Well, he just pardoned Hunter for an 11-year time period.”
SCOTT JENNINGS: “He just wiped the slate! Jim will be next.”
ABBY PHILLIP: “Hang on, guys.” (Ends segment)
Calling AG Paxton!
Texas is a bit different than other states in it, agreements with the USA.
Well, did “Scarf Lady” get a lot of plastic surgery done, or something else? This person was on CNN a couple of days ago, pushing the H5N1 “new version” Avian Influenza “vaccine” and for “testing.”
Screenshot of Dr. Wolf’s tweet:
looks like her to me. she’s wearing bangs now…but i think she’s an older version of this picture.
Could be facial work.
Ouch! 😅
Yes, that’s her. I think it’s just age. 4 years shows up at that age.
nah, i don’t think so. the top left picture of her she is making a face of sorts. her face is tilted down distorting her chin. her lips look the same to me. the picture i posted is from her obama days… a normal facial transition for a woman in the public eye imo.
I think it’s her, too. Wolf’s extreme facial recognition is highly confident.
Mine, too.
Yup. All her. And fairly attractive for a rattlesnake! 😉
I’m calling your optometrist.
Almost posted,
Scarf Wench looks like she was beaten with an ugly stick.But decided not to. Already slapped Scarf Wench around a bit up thread.
Fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down??? 😀
(“borrowed” that from someone at one of the trees long ago)….
I’ve got “hagstigmatism” they said!
You need some hempathy to help out 😆
I agree. It’s her.
21 days, 21 hours, 21 minutes until Our Once And Future President is restored to his Rightful Office.
But who’s counting!
Love it!
Go ahead and give him a tenspot. Inflation, ya know.
Freedom Ring
December 29, 2024 4:08 pm
Jimmy Carter has passed on
Well, that means a Jimmy Carter presidential dollar is on its way.
If so, demand will lag Susan B Anthony.
There is gallows humor and there is cold humor. Kalb, that was funny but very frosty.
Be thankful it’s not Pocahontas!
3, 2, 1…Federal workers, 3 – 5 days off with full pay, to mourn Peanut Boy.
Back to work, ~6 January.
They’ll have to wake Maggot AND interrupt his vacation.
Unless the funeral falls on that day, which is the day to certify the election.
Mentioned this to The Fiancee, who is a Federal worker at the VA. She doubts it and recalls no such activity when GHW Bush passed.
Incidentally, she makes sure time cards are coded properly — and she has no idea what the code is for “mourning deceased former president.”
Admin Leave. I forget the actual code.
Fiancee transitioned from contractor to GS. Job security with great benefits.
May he RIP.
God have mercy on his soul as he had not much when he was in the White House, I understand. There’s a lot more on the public relations front I happen to know. Big faker in a lot of ways. The garment bag he carried up the steps of AF-1 was empty. He got paid big bucks from Habitat for Humanity for using his image, etc.
And then there was the Secret Service having to ask permission to use the tennis courts at the WH. WHy? He wasn’t using it.
God has the final word on him as there are many still on earth who had no use for the man.
Interesting. Surprised here. In hind site, I shouldn’t be surprised. 🤔
Thanks for sharing.
Yup. He had him “moments of humanity”, but in between them, he was a master of “AW, SHUCKS” Southern Democrat politics. He was very good at not pushing back on more political people around him, as a way to find and take the easiest, most blameless, and most politically expedient path forward – NOT the best path. He didn’t have the VISION that VSGPDJT does!
Well, he and Rosalynn worked one week per year on building homes, so there is that. I would like to see the source of the allegations, which might or might not be true.
A good man – a terrible president. God rest his soul. Blessed are the peacemakers.
His confession that he had looked at women other than his wife with lust, was ridiculed by many, but I always thought it was both brave and helpful. Young single men (like me back then) think they know everything – they don’t!
May the Almighty God have mercy on his soul. He is with his Rosalind now.
December 29, 2024 3:07 pm
BREAKING: The Guardian Angels will resume patrolling New York City subway cars following the tragic murder of a sleeping passenger who was burned to death aboard a train.
Hopefully they’re carrying baseball bats wrapped in barbed wire.
And concealed firearms.
Animals only understand brute force, or sure and certain threat of same.
Evening Prayer For Forgiveness
Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me through this day and Lord, forgive me for the times when I have wandered outside Your best will for me, instead of trusting You implicitly.
Thank You, that You are such a gracious Shepherd to me and that You come and rescue me even when I lose my way and stray from the path that You have laid out for me.
As I look back over today, I know Lord that there were things that I should have said and done differently, and times when I reacted in a manner that was not honouring Your holy name. Forgive me I pray, but thank You, Father, that You always faithfully prepared to gently bring me back to Yourself.
Give me a good night’s sleep I pray, knowing that there is no condemnation because I am in Christ, and may I wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to do Your will. In Jesus’ name I pray,
Evening Prayer For Future Guidance
Heavenly Father, as I lie down to sleep tonight, I pray that You would guard my sleeping and protect my mind from wandering thoughts and unnecessary planning. Teach me to wait for Your perfect timing and not to try to plan my future in my own strength.
Lord, I know that You have scheduled every day of my life. Help me to trust You in all things and rely on You to lead me along the straight path and guide me in the direction that You would have me to go.
Give me patience to wait for Your perfect timing, and may I not trust in my own abilities and scheming, but rather rest in Your love and trust my future into Your hands.
And so now Lord, I commit this night to you, asking that I would rest soundly and wake refreshed and strong to do Your bidding. This I ask in Jesus’ precious name,
Prayer Of Thanksgiving In The Evening
Praise Your holy name Heavenly Father, for granting yet another day in my life and for being with me every step of the way. Thank You for the many blessings that You have provided and the love and fellowship that I have with the friends and family that in Your grace You have placed in my life.
My heart is so thankful for all the many blessings that I enjoy day by day, and today I am once again reminded that Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness endures from generation to generation.
Thank You, that I have been brought into Your family and have been made a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Words cannot express my love and devotion to You Lord
I pray that You would watch over me as I rest tonight, and that You would give me a restful nights sleep so that I may wake up in the morning refreshed in body and spirit and ready to do Your will. Guard all those that I love and may we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the days that lie ahead. This I ask in His precious name,
This is from 5 days ago, so it may have already been posted.
Tucker is using my ‘spell’ analogy.
He bought into it, and most of the people there in his audience bought into it, because they could afford to buy into it.
Tucker is very rich. He has always been very rich, he was born that way. The negative consequences of ‘buying into it’ would never affect him in a material way.
So buying the narrative was easy for him, just pocket change, and the purchase would never affect him personally, except in a positive way, greasing the skids of his social circles by espousing ‘acceptable’ thoughts
So when he says ‘we all bought it’, this is his mindset, the mindset of a very rich person.
I didn’t buy it, because I couldn’t afford it.
Rich people can’t see what those who are not rich see, because rich people live in a world of abstract theory and ideology that is untested by an empty stomach and the need to put food on the table and a roof over one’s head.
So what appears to be an epiphany to Tucker, is just obvious to everyone else.
Robert Sterling
21h • 20 tweets • 8 min read • Read on X
I downloaded five years of H-1B data from the US DOL website (4M+ records) and spent the day crunching data.
I went into this with an open mind, but, to be honest, I’m now *extremely* skeptical of how this program works.
Here’s what I found
WOW. That’s actually rather profound.
Why doesn’t the cop have to wear a seat belt on his motorcycle?
Because it wouldn’t help any if he crashes.
So why is he allowed to ride a motorcycle at all, if it is so dangerous that a seat belt wouldn’t even help him?
Because he has free moral agency, and he chooses to take that risk.
So why can’t people choose to take the risk of not wearing a seat belt when they drive a car?
A good man!
Installed Politicians Panicking,Class Action Lawsuits Are Very Effective,Caught Them All – Ep. 3534
December 29, 2024 x22report
The economies of the world are now breaking down, the installed politicians realize it and they are panicking. Employment in the US is down. The Biden admin tried to trap Trump in the H1B visa program by modifying the rules. Agenda exposed. The [DS] knows that Trump and the patriots have caught them all, they are desperately trying to stop him but they do not have the leverage so they must resort to [FF] to distract the world from their crimes. Class action lawsuits can be very effective. Trump has caught the [DS] in everything they have done. These next 4 years are the accountability phase. Time is running out for the [DS].
Ep 3534a – Biden Admin Changed H-1B Rules Before Trump Comes Into Office, Agenda Exposed
Ep 3534b – Installed Politicians Panicking,Class Action Lawsuits Are Very Effective,Caught Them All
Biden Admin Changed H-1B Rules Before Trump Comes Into Office, Agenda Exposed
Obama (the real traitor behind this) is just evil.
X22 is making the same point I am. The H-1B visa discussion/explosion was deliberately ignited.
Looks like student visas are being badly abused, too.
Funny you should ask, I’ve been investigating the fraud in the F-1 Student Visa system too.
It’s just as big of a rabbit hole as the H-1B stuff and the two are very interconnected. Buckle up because this one is something.
Here’s the game. Students from India fake their undergraduate degrees and just apply straight to Masters programs. The reasons for this relate to H-1B reqs and other things but also because colleges have gone full woke and stupidly don’t have any way to verify the undergraduate certificates. So they just accept them most of the time. Canada is much worse btw, they have actual diploma mills with like 80k Indian students.
Once the student has been accepted for their masters the fun part begins. They pay people with masters degrees in India to do the work for them and they have people within the masters programs themselves who are complicit (that whole nepotism thing again) to help them. This means they can skate through the masters program without getting caught. While they are “at school” they drive for uber/doordash for money.
Once they “graduate” and finish their masters they are now here illegally so it’s time to defraud the H-1B system. Enter the Indian H-1B consultants.
The grift is basically this. The employee is a “subcontractor” working for the consulting firm and being subcontracted out to one of their clients. The problem is they don’t have a Visa. So the consulting firm just fakes an H-1B Visa. Since it’s the consulting firm’s job to check, the company is none the wiser that they are actually using illegal labor.
Obviously the “contractor” has no idea what they are doing so this work is also outsourced back to someone in India that the H-1B consultant has set up.
The payment is made to the consulting firm and the worker is paid under the table. From what I’ve been told these are very predatory agreements so it usually means the worker has to still drive uber etc.
Once the first contract is finished. They now have real experience to put on their resume with a real reference and everything. So they begin the process of actually applying for their H-1B.
The consultant once again manages the whole process, commits a ton of fraud to get through the lottery system. Finds a company who needs a permanent IT hire. Company then sponsors the candidate and voila. They’ve committed like 10 instances of fraud but the person is now legit, has an H-1B and can work in the US.
Maybe we should rethink that whole “staple a green card to every diploma” idea.
Daniel Friedman
Dec 28
Why is the right concerned about H1B visas instead of student visas? We issue half a million student visas per year, they provide a firehose of money to woke universities, many of which would shut down if they couldn’t sell visas to foreigners, and the students are mediocre.
Last edited
2:03 AM · Dec 29, 2024
Glad to see you posted that again. It needs to be highlighted.
The Q Tree readers knew about it here first:
Yep, it appears that the DeepState / WEF Cabal are perhaps ** thisclose ** to releasing the “finished product” of the “new version” of the H5N1 Avian Influenza that was developed at the USDA poultry lab in Georgia. That “bird flu summit” in October of this year was a “backdoor tabletop exercise” for the upcoming release.
The DeepState / WEF Cabal are, at the moment, ramping up the “more reports of H5B1 infections in the United States”, putting tools like Dr. Leana Wen and Dr. Deborah Birx on the cable news programs, had Dr. Peter Hotez making threatening tweets regarding “big stuff coming down the pike soon”, etc.
They WANT Plandemic 2.0 They WANT to force people to wear masks again. They WANT “universal testing” for H5N1. They WANT people to line up like good sheeple and take the mRNA H5N1 “vaccine.” They WANT Lockdowns Version 2.0. They WANT to put incoming President Donald Trump under their thumb. THEY WANT COMPLIANCE.
All that said — for interested people who read the above and say, “Nope, no compliance here”, but don’t yet have their “supplies” on hand for “Vitamin IVM”, for Zinc, for Vitamin C and Vitamin D, for HCQ, for Quercetin, for NAC — now is the time to “stock up.”
Screenshot of her tweet:
Liz Churchill
When the Deep State calls these RATS from the Sewers…to go on Regime Media…I can assure you…they’re planning another ‘Pandemic’…
1:28 PM · Dec 29, 2024
Wolf Moon
Thank you for correcting the URL for the tweet! Typing too fast here!
‘Scarf Lady’ Deborah Birx Attempts to Gin-up Fear about Bird Flu PandemicWe need to vaccinate our media against “experts” like Birx.
…This direct quote from Birx provides a glimpse of how Birx squashed President/President-Elect Donald Trump’s reopen orders.
Now Birx is back again, ginning-up fear about the bird flu, a topic which I have covered now for over 2 years…
THEY are trying to put another DAMNED “SHADOW GOVERNMENT” IN PLACE for when Donald Trump is sworn in as POTUS47!
Words of wisdom from PAVAC…
All that said —
I was just thinking I better check supplies!
Well…. they’re not gonna get it 😂 🤣 😂
Guilty rats are scurrying, to exit DOJ. 😂 😅 😂
Federal Prosecutors Involved in Trump Witch Hunts and January 6 Cases Flee DOJ, Fear They will Go Bankrupt
Still can’t find my bottle of croc tears.
Then you need one of these 😀
(funny thing is, I have one; works twice as fast on 220v 🙂 ⚡ 🔥 😮 nah, have to use a trafo)…
“Fear They will Go Bankrupt”
That should be the least of their fears.
Too damn funny…the ignorance of Ukraine AND EU.
Sanction 2234: Europe Screws Its Energy Supply
It would seem that the EU and Ukraine can not “look ahead”
They have yet more sanctions on Russia providing them natural gas.
The problems are several fold. First off, Ukraine was siphoning off some of the European gas and calling it a back flow of gas. But of course, it wasn’t. It was just siphoned off of the Russian gas going to Europe, and the EU agreed to pay for it.
It would seem “someone” actually thought it was flowing to Ukraine from Europe in the same pipeline that was flowing the gas from Russia to Europe. Unclear on “physicality” vs “virtual” I guess.
Ukraine has declined to renew the “Russian gas transit contract”, effectively cutting off EU gas supplies via the Ukraine pipeline. “No problem” they think, our gas is back flow from EU… except it isn’t really.
Suddenly realizing this is “a problem” when winter is being colder than usual… Ukraine cooks up a bizarre scheme to have Russia sell the gas to “someone else” at the border, then have it flow through Ukrainian pipelines without any contract, and “back flow” some to Ukraine. At the last minute. To negotiate a “deal” in the context of multiple overlapping contracts and agreements. Without really knowing who the 3rd party will be… (Lawyers and “couple of days” being incompatible items).
More at…
That is well worth the read!
Seems they forgot that PUTIN, who they royally pissed off, has the final say and guess what it is. 😆 (Maybe Cuppa should head back to the USA. ASAP!)
EM points to this
NOW do you understand WHY they had to kick Assad out of Syria???
Can you say GAS PIPELINE?
Qatar-Syria-Türkiye gas pipeline project: Is it possible after Assad’s fall?
Right now I wouldn’t move across the street (even if we could afford it) 🙁
For folks who read the lingo, this is an incredible site for news about energy and the idiocy of the gubmints over here, economy, etc.
This article talks about our local energy supplier, and the news ain’t good… the fact that our Minsterpräsident of Baden-Württemberg is a Green watermelon doesn’t help…
It gets better (not)… Qatar has said that if the EU decides to enforce their idiotic supply-chain “human rights” regulations, they will stop supplying the EU with LP Gas, further cutting our supplies and killing our economy… Qatar has plenty of other potential customers… popcorn time, but I prefer butter to oil 🙂
(and Nuclear power is the only real solution)…
Past time to part ways with World Bank…
Climate Scam Unraveling: World Bank Really Doesn’t Know Where $41 Billion in Funding Goes
Of course they know…. Into the pockets of corruptocrats.
Nicole Shanahan had a good thread on H1B early on.
Nicole Shanahan
Having lived in Silicon Valley for 20+ years and founded and sold an AI company, I’ve seen firsthand how we rely on H-1B to fill grueling, unglamorous coding jobs. These jobs are essential, and we need capable people doing them. But the system needs an overhaul.
*thread* Here’s why:
10:55 PM · Dec 26, 2024