DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20250128 ❀ Call for Authors ❀ Scientific Opinions on the Medical Case of Susie Sampson

A continuation of Dear DePat’s Tuesday Open Thread

A call for weekly open-thread authors on Tuesday and Thursday

A discussion of various pathological possibilities, including some new ones, and an explanation of why I lean toward particular theories

First of all, the boilerplate.

By reference, I call to incorporate the rules spoken of in any of Deplorable Patriot’s recent posts, such as her final one.

With that settled, I jump to the second item on the agenda.

A call for weekly open-thread authors on Tuesday and Thursday.

I know this seems abrupt, but DePat’s obituary has already published, and I’m already going to talk about even more sensitive topics now – by request – so I don’t feel too much guilt in making sure that DePat’s MISSION of keeping this site running is fully taken care of.

The best thing that we can do, in my opinion, to maintain Susie’s legacy in the MAGA world, is to keep all of her posts here (just under 1000 of them) online and searchable. SO – we need new authors for Tuesday and Thursday, to keep this site running.

Gudthots is thinking about taking over Thursday.

Do we have anybody else, who would like to do Tuesday? Which means that the post goes up Monday night, scheduled for one minute after midnight (I can help with this).

Just to be clear to potential authors, these daily threads are YOUR BABIES – meaning they don’t have to be anything like the way that DePat did them. In fact, it’s probably better not to. I invite new authors to come up with their own new styles.

We do have a very thin guideline post of basics in the sidebar, shown here:

We were actually more rigorous about format then, but it does help that daily open posts publish on the day listed in the title, and that the titles have a searchable format.

Anyway, if you are interested, just leave a comment.

If you are shy about saying something, you can always do “PMTW” (see “Contact”), commenting on this post, and then I can respond anonymously in public, although I recommend just being open.

Looking forward to somebody picking up DePat’s second sword.

angel sword 2021-08-08 10-46-04.png

And now for the big item.

A discussion of various pathological possibilities, including some new ones, and an explanation of why I lean toward particular theories.

I begin by citing relevant portions of FG&C’s report on the “sudden and unexpected” passing of Susie, which he communicated to me privately.

7-8 weeks ago Susie attended a choir rehearsal, during which she had stood right next to a fellow choir member who she learned afterwards had been Covid vax-boosted for the 4th time that day. Perhaps she mentioned at some point in these pages that in the time since that night she believed she had contracted “long Covid”, experiencing physical weakness, insomnia, a persistent cough, and low appetite. She believed she had inhaled “spike proteins” shedding from the woman she stood next to that night at rehearsal, stating that had she known the woman had been so recently vaxxed she would never have gotten so close to her.

Recently, she had stated she was feeling better, the cough all but gone, and in the past week felt she had gotten over the insomnia hump and was getting good rest. I was optimistic. However, on Monday AM….inauguration day….her brother discovered her in her bedroom, unresponsive, after becoming concerned he had not heard her moving about and she had not come downstairs. Paramedics were subsequently unable to resuscitate her, and it is currently believed she suffered a heart attack and passed away in her sleep. After many attempts to reach her (we texted daily), her brother called me this afternoon with the news. I knew you would want to know as well.

I am going to tease this apart very gently, so that you can see all the possibilities that we’re actually dealing with.

Point 1 – “Shedding”

Now, if you were following along with DePat’s posts in recent weeks, then you realize that she was very convinced that she had been subject to shedding of [COVID-19 vaccine-created] spike protein.

The first problem there, is that very near the end, DePat realized that the vaccine-originated shedding would more likely have been the spike mRNA, not the spike protein.

Here is her comment, which was in fact her third-to-last, made on January 17, 2025. “What We’ve Learned from Over a Thousand Vaccine Shedding Reports”, by A Midwestern Doctor, 7 January 2024 (detailing the phenomenon of COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding, and how such shedding affects people);

This one is particularly scary as it claims the shedding is due to mRNA and not the spike protein. Drat.

Does anyone have further evidence on this or a rebuttal? I always thought it was just the spike protein. So far, no heart issues or unexplained pain, true brain fog (I’m sleepy today as the insomnia is FINALLY subsiding. I slept a LOT in the last 24 hours.), or any of the other hard core stuff. A LOT of stiffness keeping warm, and the return of some relatively normal complaints for me in winter.

Fortunately, we haven’t given away the bulk of my mother’s tools she used for the last so many years of her life after the hip replacement, and subsequent ailments. They’ve come in handy. I have another friend who is helping me out in a lot of ways. The next week will be a challenge temperature wise and then I can at least sit in the front door and soak up radiant heat as the sun comes out. Less than a half hour is recommended.

I’ve decided to use this experience as part of writing about an elderly or disabled person. There’s too much challenge at this point to really articulate it, but this is for the birds even if the worst of it is fatigue.

And, yes, stay away from crowds and people you know who get boosters.

So – let me just spell this out. DePat realized that vaccine shedding could be the spike protein, but that it’s more likely (and more dangerously) to be the spike protein mRNA enclosed in lipid nanoparticles that can get into cells. It is by this mechanism that much more spike protein could be created in the body of the shedding recipient.

Not a pleasant thought.

Now – just a side note. DePat and I had discussed all this, many times, WAY BACK in late spring of 2021, so she knew this stuff years ago. Thus, I really believe that she had some brain fog recently. And we know from her comments – DePat understood that she had brain fog, too, despite the fact that it was interfering with her memory.

Years ago, she and I had speculated on the shedding of spike protein, to explain things which were being observed in people close to vaccine recipients. Unlike DePat, I was not a believer in “shedding”, but when Naomi Wolf started reporting observations consistent with some kind of shedding phenomenon, I came up with a scientifically solid explanation of how shed spike protein could actually cause such symptoms, if the spike protein had highly potent, oxytoxin-like pharmacological activities.

The idea of spike protein shedding seemed plausible AS IS, but when Pfizer’s own data, released to vaccine skeptics by the Japanese government, showed the vaccine itself persisting and migrating in test animals, it became clear that shedding of the VACCINE would be an even better explanation.

Which I posted about.

The point about snake venoms and spike protein is an ANALOGY – it’s not direct – but it’s very useful in understanding both potencies and pharmacological and pathological actions.

I want people to understand this. EVEN if it was just the spike protein being shed, if that protein is even slightly like snake venom in pathogenicity, then it behooves us to look at how snake venoms are dealt with in real life.

Specifically, when cages of venomous snakes are being cleaned, those present have to actually wear respirators. Not just masks – respirators. That is because the dust from dried snake venom in venomous snake cages can literally cause dangerous symptoms in people cleaning the cages.

SO – I want people to understand that DePat had a good theory here – namely, the theory that she got many lung-fulls of either spike protein, or (more dangerously) vaccine nanoparticles, from that vaccine-injected choirmate of hers.

According to this theory, not only did the “shed” vaccine cause typical vaccine-related symptoms – it potentially caused myocarditis, aortal embolism, blood clots, or any one of the many serious cardiovascular events that the vaccines are capable of causing.

This is actually a really reasonable theory.

However, it’s not the only one.

Point 2 – Nicotine

DePat’s last post indicates that she was continuing to use nicotine patches as an off-label way to “inhibit spike protein”. Here is that post.

I’m trying, be sure of that.

Others in my family aren’t. They think this will all go away just with ivermectin. I’m not done with the nicotine protocol yet.

OK – so what is this “nicotine protocol”?

The TL;DR is that one of the alternative medical treatments for “spike protein” / “long COVID” – and particularly “brain fog” – is medicinal nicotine, either as chewing gum, patches, or sublingual.

But before I get into this treatment, it’s helpful to see when and where DePat began investigating nicotine as a solution to her ailment. The entire conversation is very instructive, and begins here, where DePat began asking all of us for suggestions about treatment of her condition.


Okay, I need to pick a few brains.

After talking over symptoms with a friend who is in the same boat as many of us are with the COVID shots – she didn’t take them, but her husband did and she’s now suffering with the side effects despite all sorts of alternative treatment – I think whatever this is that I have is related to a choir member getting a booster last month and exposing me. The fatigue symptoms pretty much match what she had. Just unloading and loading the dishwasher is a challenge. Forget actual housework which desperately needs to be done. (When the kids get here on Saturday, I’m using them to deck the halls.) This crap is for real.

Other than making a run for Tennessee, which really isn’t that bad of a drive from here, for Ivermectin, any ideas? My friend ordered me a nebulizer and is willing to help me use it to break up biofilm, etc., but is there anything in anyone’s arsenal of natural remedies that may help? I had a talk with our Lord and Savior at Eucharistic Adoration today, and I’m hoping my Novena for wellness is doing some good, but, really, I have a lot to do and no energy to do it. Just about every old injury has flared up – especially in my torso which are pretty much all from singing – and some other things.

I just want and need this to go away.

Any ideas?


P.S. please pray for a cousin, A, and her husband, K, who are suddenly expecting identical twins over the summer. it’s a CLASSIC case of you make plans, God laughs. They are in their late thirties, and their toddler was born via c-section due to pre-eclampsia. Fortunately, her OB services are through a Vanderbilt extension, so we’re all hoping for the best.

P.P.S. Next week, we are going to have a house full of people, so the posts will be placeholders of a sort. I’m going to resurrect an old one and draft something new for the day after Christmas. Just a head’s up.

Now, at that time, all of us came in with a wide variety of suggestions, but one late response came from a hitherto lurking account, I Hate Acronyms, now registered as Sigma.

Very long time lurker here from the great Q purge OT. Please consider nicotine patches. The highest strength, cut into fourths. Apply one of the fourths to your skin, replacing with a fresh one daily. Do a search on Rumble for “nicotine and spike proteins”. “Nicotine vs nanotech”
If they are going to work, you should see results within days, if not hours. Non-addictive.

As I felt this was earnest and helpful advice, and that the nicotine method had solid science behind it, I approved the comment immediately, hoping it might help DePat.

I am sure that DePat thoroughly investigated this, and found all the same information that I did. If you dig deep enough and far enough on this, you will find all of the following.

  • there are valid scientific reasons to think nicotine might work as a treatment for “long COVID” / “long vax” / “spike protein”
  • there is a wide range of voices supporting treatment with nicotine
  • those voices include more “controversial” ones like Dr. Bryan Ardis and Dr. Tau Braun
  • they also include more widely respected ones like Dr. Peter McCullough
  • there are also discrediting connections to “nanomachines” and the like, which I ignore
  • for some people with long COVID, nicotine has helped when nothing else has worked

I advise just doing the recommended Rumble searches, to learn more.

For example, this video shows a variety of scientific papers which not only explain why nicotine affects spike protein-based symptoms, but also show demonstrated clinical benefit in actual patients.


But now addressing a bigger question.

I do NOT suspect that nicotine poisoning was involved in DePat’s death. Toxic levels of nicotine result in very obvious symptoms (nausea, vomiting, tremors, vertigo, flushing, palpitations, etc.) that quickly make people back off on whatever means by which they were ingesting nicotine. I know, because the first cigar I ever smoked sent me into nicotine poisoning. People learn very quickly how to dose nicotine correctly.

DePat was actually getting some positive results with this method. More specifically, it was making her feel better. I personally think her efforts would have been more successful under a doctor’s supervision (preferably one connected to FLCCC or the like), but when I suggested “doctors and tests” to DePat, she was not a fan.


DEPAT: I’m wondering if some of this fatigue is coming from trying to stay warm in a drafty house.


ME: That sounds very likely to me.

Your body basically sends your periphery into overdrive to stay warm. Long johns / thick leggings and a sweater indoors can be very helpful. Feeling warm indoors can stabilize you.

Also wondering if your doctor is running a yearly thyroid check (TSH) If the numbers are odd or marginal, you may have something going on there.

DEPAT: Doctor? I learned my lesson with conventional medicine a long time ago.

It just seems the bad days are colder.


ME: Sounds a lot like COVID. Have you tested yourself at any point?

DEPAT: No. But I was exposed to two people who had their boosters over a month ago. The coughing fits started on the 17th last month. True weakness and needing to sit down for tasks the three days before Thanksgiving. I think I’m just about at the end.

In my opinion, DePat really needed a complete physical checkup, if only because it might have picked up any underlying conditions. But even more than that, there was a need for better diagnosis of what was ailing her. Simply assuming that it was vaccine shedding was risky, IMO.

Point 3 – COVID-19

Notice that I had asked DePat about COVID. The symptoms of being a “shedding recipient” should be almost the same as “long vax” – which should be very similar to the disease itself. Even more to the point, it is extremely easy to pick up COVID in a place like a choir. In fact, it only takes a much smaller dose of an infectious organism, than it does of a “shed vaccine”, to cause the exact same kind of problems that DePat was having.

DePat seemed very resistant to the idea that she might have had COVID or a similar ILI (influenza-like illness). However, to rule out an actual disease takes some effort. And to PREVENT disease takes even more.

Was she taking her temperature daily or twice daily? As far as I know, NO.
Was she taking ivermectin AT ALL, much less regularly? NO.
Was she taking vitamin D? Had she ever tested her levels of vitamin D? NO.
Was she taking enough zinc? I don’t think she was taking ANY zinc.

DePat’s situation was a lot like Wheatie’s. She KNEW – more or less – what sorts of things might be useful if she ever got COVID, but she had NOT prepared by having those things purchased, fully understood, and on hand, ready for trouble. Even more, she was not ready to DIAGNOSE COVID.

I KNOW that I have had COVID three times, because I’ve done the testing and clinical work to make absolutely firm diagnosis. I know that what I have right now is most certainly influenza, and NOT COVID.

And that brings me to my next point.

Point 4 – Influenza

I think it is VERY likely that DePat had the very nasty influenza that is going around right now, which singingsoul1 suffered from greatly, at almost the same time as DePat, and which I am suffering from at this very moment. As is my wife – so I am studying TWO cases, almost identical.

  • “feel bad”
  • aches and pains
  • persistent cough
  • no appetite
  • insomnia
  • chills
  • fatigue
  • sense of smell OK
  • stuffy sinuses and phlegm – mostly upper respiratory
  • “forget doing housework”
  • need a nebulizer (I use saline spray, myself)

Everything DePat was saying about what she was suffering, sounds like what I’m suffering right now. And, in fact, what MANY people are suffering right now.

And here’s the kicker. Influenza is a PRIME candidate for setting up a heart attack afterwards.

I know that many of you (like me) might suspect that this angle is pure post-clot-shot “explain away the vaccine heart attacks” bullshit, BUT the fact is, influenza has ALWAYS been notorious for killing old people, and heart attacks is one of the ways that it does it. Viral diseases – colds and flu – are also notorious as initiators of pericarditis and myocarditis. They didn’t have to make this shit up, to use it to deflect from their horrible vaccines.

As I love to say, there’s no cover like the truth.

Now – one might think DePat would have known if she had the flu, but this thing my wife and I have, has proven to be surprisingly low-fever – especially for my wife. Even after the fever has subsided, we still feel very ill. Were I not monitoring our temperatures every day, getting actual numbers, and signal over noise, it would have been easy to dismiss this thing as something other than influenza.

At numerous times during the last week, I have thought that maybe this was something other than influenza. But the reality keeps coming back, as I read more and more solid information about influenza and its treatment. What I have – what my wife has – what singingsoul had – and what DePat likely had – was a long, slow case of influenza, with a long recovery time.

Bear in mind that viral diseases often leave patients stuffy and suffering many symptoms for 60 days (2 months), long after the virus is gone. That fits perfectly with the timescale that DePat reported.

I think it is very critical to make a correct diagnosis, and to beware of reflexive “it’s the vaccine” thinking, when DISEASE never went away as a significant threat. Maybe even a MORE significant threat.

It’s entirely possible that DePat was exposed to “shed vaccine” – but I would argue that it’s more possible she was exposed to a nasty flu, didn’t have the right tools to diagnose or treat it, and damage by this flu ultimately led to a heart attack or stroke.

Either way, I now urge everybody – investigate treatments ahead of time. Don’t wait for being sick, because you won’t make it to the store – you won’t make that long trip to Tennessee – you won’t figure out which drug, where to get it, and how to take it.

Do all that ahead of time, if you want to live.

With that, I invite people to give me THEIR opinions. Feel free to disagree with me! After all, we have free speech back. THANK GOD!!!

Finally, this. Say a prayer for DePat and her family – grieve as you need, and you WILL need – but trust that God knows what God is doing, and seek comfort in that knowledge.

Trust in God. He is with us, and DePat is with Him.

All the best,


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Coburn is back!!!


I had to check twice because I hadn’t seen any Coburn photos on the opening thread… and then I realized that it was the top photo. Duh!!!


Isn’t he fabulous?!!!!


A very sensible column.

I am relieved at your discussion of nicotine. I had been worried about it.


I vaguely recall a locked-door mystery where a guy received a huge bout of nicotine poisoning in a locked bathroom stall, leading him to claw through his clothes scratching at himself until his blood ran out under the door of the stall.

There were no needle marks on the guy, and his stomach had no nicotine within. Knowledge of how the nicotine was administered lead directly to the murderer.

How the crime was done
Essentially, toilet paper in that stall was thoroughly moistened with lab-grade liquid nicotine. Since nicotine can be absorbed through any mucous membrane, the victim got a fatal dose when he wiped. Fortunately, there are few bottles of this stuff laying around, so a worker at the only local lab was immediately found to be the killer.




I’d be strongly suspecting murder if she were right-handed.


Gosh … you know stuff.  😉 

Seriously, I appreciate your mini-seminar. Kudos.


I’ve learned so much from Wolf and others on here that has been of direct benefit. More jewels in his crown…


Had asked about nicotine protocol. I do need to look at it nicotine and bookmark information. Maybe put some on the shelf, for, “what if.”


Very interesting. I know that something has been going around here since fall, and it tends to hang on. Thank heaven that DH and I have not gotten it, although I’m pretty sure we’ve been exposed. I’m keeping us on a good cocktail of the basics, throwing in a variety of anti oxidants occasionally, not all at the same time.


So listen. Kiddo went to see his allergist for his routine asthma checkup. Approximately 3 days later he was sick. No cough but felt bad, vomited a couple times, typical sickness. Flushed, starting feverish but i kept him cool. Then after a couple more days he started coughing nonstop. Lo and behold mr gil gets it. 1 day later it was my turn. Kiddo needed a dr visit, prednisone, antibiotics. Then i tried to tough it out and could ABSOLUTELY feel a distict change in my breathing and orientation and alertness after 3 days of fever. Then dr visit, prednisone, z pack.


It is different from Covid. I had now both this is more dangerous because it goes right into the lung and then attacks organs. One cannot fool around with it. I though flu Z-stack wold do it but became apparent after couple of days that Ivm as the key. Honey, olive oil lemon and warm water on empty stomach twice a day was helpful clearing the lung. Tea nettle , elderberry and green tea. Diet homemade chicken soup, eggs and..
blue berries Greek yogurt.
Rest is a must..


That sounds like a good start if you want to be holistic 1st. I jope youre better.


Im glad you said that. How i felt being sick after covid, this was more than a regular flu. Certainly not excusable by stating we are indoors. Esp here in CA it was very warm when it started. Dry outside and no activities were intolerable.


Wow, I didn’t even think about that flu that is going around when DePat was talking about her symptoms. Several of my family members have had it. Thankfully, I haven’t caught it yet, but I’m on ivermectin 4 days a week, so hopefully that would protect me from it.

Wolf, I’m sorry you and your wife are going through this. You’re in my prayers. What are you taking for it?


Wolf prayers for you and wife.


Have you tried elderberry syrup?

Gaia Herbs Black Elderberry Syrup, 5.4 Ounce
Visit the Gaia Herbs Store

Valerie Curren

TY Wolf for spelling out your thoughts here on DePat’s disease & our need to prepare.

Hope you & your wife are quickly back to full strength & speed. Blessings!

Valerie Curren

Rest & fluids are always important for healing. Glad your trajectory is in the right direction so hopefully you’ll kick it completely very soon.


I’m curious to know how, specifically, he was able to turn on the water and where it came from. This is a technological question.


I havent found anything of reference about it yet. I did rain quite nicely the past 2 days, enoughbfor a good ground soaking and washing off the ash and dirt from the bldgs and plants.


This might not answer your questions, but here’s what PDJT says:

comment image


Now to keep NewScum from sending the water to the Pacific.


From the article at Gateway Pundit that Linda posted. The state of California is outright denying what Trump said, effectively and clearly purposely calling Trump a liar:

This is a developing story.

UPDATE: The California Department of Water Resources has denied that the military entered California. “The federal government restarted federal water pumps after they were offline for maintenance for three days. State water supplies in Southern California remain plentiful,” the agency said on X.

The military did not enter California. The federal government restarted federal water pumps after they were offline for maintenance for three days. State water supplies in Southern California remain plentiful.

— CA – DWR (@CA_DWR) January 28, 2025


The U. S. Army Corp of Engineers has been very active in CA since the order. The dipshiz do not even realize they are military or are trying to deflect.

They are hugely on the ground staging operations in NC as well.


State of Komifornia is being shown to be the incompetent fools they are.

State of Komifornia will Never give Trump credit for anything.


There are water gates at the north end of the valley, on the American River.

Not sure exactly how it’s all designed but I remember reading about it once and thinking that guerilla opening of the valves would be very easy.

Cuppa Covfefe

Which is probably why the US Military is there, to keep Gruesome Newscum from re-diverting the water…


Oooo. Steve Hilton reports on the “Trump Pump” and the “Gavin Pump”:


Do we have a second source?

TGP is known for quick-draw hip shooting, if you catch my drift.


O agree w what I understand from your post Wolf. I didnt know she was that averse to doctors entirely. She did need “more” care. Even if that meant labs, cxr, even an ekg.
Did you note how truly sick i was mid dec through still w cough? You, dp, wheatie, me sick w long covid and a lot of similar stories. And look, this year, minus Wheatie, we were all sick badly.
I have mostly recovered but finding a transient cough and tightness. Flu induced asthma. Having to use Albuterol every couple days.
You just be careful with upper respiratory. I had to use expectorant and desperately get a z pack. SEVERE throat pain.
If it induced asthma going after our hearts is easy. This year whatever it is, is the worst post covid. And you know, i have heard NOTHING in the media except weeks ago flu was tracking badly in certain counties in CA.
I wish DP couldve had at minimum some tests done. Thats concrete info and not opinion.


Mr gil had the gi symptoms very bad. Kiddo and i had it mild. Kiddo and i had 2 weeks of not being normal and took probiotics for a week. Yogurt wasnt enough.


When I caught COVID, there was a 2 1/2 day period when my gut swelled up and was literally as hard as a basketball. I got about 2 hours sleep each night for two nights because of the pain involved. I had never read of such a gut response to COVID.


A majority of the immune system is located in the gut, so perhaps a response to the presence of Covid? I had Covid a year ago and my digestive system has changed and become very touchy. I’ve been working on rebuilding my microbiome to strengthen my immune system.


Good plan.


A majority of the immune system is located in the gut…

^^^ One of many daily nuggets I learn here.

I’ve been working on rebuilding my microbiome to strengthen my immune system.

^^^ Time permitting, please expand on this.


Sauerkraut is good and so is Kimchi or any other fermented vegetable. I put Kimchi on my eggs. Sauerkraut I eat raw before a meal.


Gut health is very important.


Thats interesting. So glad you are ok. Were there any longvterm effects?Mr gils covid symptoms were very different than mine. Gi, chills, extreme exhaustion, headaches, loss of smell and taste only during the illness. Im so grateful kiddo was fine through it all.

Last edited 25 days ago by gil00

Good ya home school. No bugs coming home from school.


Yes. I think he’s benefitted from that.


FWIW. Couple yogurt ever evening hour or two before calling it a night.

Mainly so I don’t feel hungry. Also have read yogurt is good for digestive tract.


Best is Greek yogurt or the similar w active cultures. I only buy whole milk yogurt anymore. They throw cornstarch in all the lowfat and nonfat ones bc otherwise it would be like yogurt water. Yuck. Same with sour cream. The only brand i buy is Daisy.
Costco sells plain whole milk yogurt but ive never had plain. Been told its like sour cream but that doesnt sound appealing.


Thanks. I need to look at what’s in the stuff I’ve been buying. Likely the crud you mention. Greek w active cultures coming on the menu.


There are a few brands. French yogurt and nordic yogurt too. Wally world has a decent selection. Same w ralphs. Big containers limited variety but we just get a big vanilla and add a tsp of jam of our choice in it.


I also take “Orgain Collagen Peptides + Probiotics”.
I have a bad knee and now no more pain. Takes about couple of months for benefit.
The probiotics really help and one feels good results. I am very much in tune with my body because I never was much of a go to doctor person even as a child.


^^^ This.

I take a scoop of quality multi protein collagen in my coffee every morning for the past 7 years. I take probiotics eveyr evening. No more arthritis related joint pain at all. Stronger nails, healthier skin.

The collagen costs $45 a canister and lasts a month. Expensive? How much are the doc co-pays, procedures and meds that bad joints cost versus healthy joints and no pain? The probiotics are ordered quarterly and are free with my Medicare Advantage Gold+.


Thank you for sharing. Yes Collagen are expensive .
$ 45 is about right .


Would you please tell us the brand and source?


Along with GA/FL question, what does it do to the taste of coffee?

I see capsules are also available.

Last edited 25 days ago by kalbokalbs

I will try it. My left knee is getting closer to replacement time. Id rsther not…. costco has this for 34.99 for 1.6 lbs.


Best is grass fed organic Greek yogurt.


I imagine that. I think this is what costco sells. Plain.


I keep Labne in the fridge.


So is a Tsp of olive oil. I found “dancing goat” olive oil good. Can get it on the Internet. I got mine from Amos Miller.


What if the different symptoms are due to different strains of a designer disease that each react to a specific genome? Like Irish get sore throats, Germans get stomach distress, etc.? Sure would make it virtually impossible to recognize that a covert military operation was in play.


Last edited 25 days ago by pgroup2

This idea goes along with my absolute suspicion about the DNA collection from ancestry pushers like 23 and me.


I feel like my brain has just been through a washing machine cycle.  😂 


.My doctor was pushing flu shot warned me to stay away from crowed. How dangerous the flu was to me at my age.
My husband is teaching this semester at the University and up to now has not gotten the flu. He has blood type O and I read someplace if one has type O one does not get it easily. He never had the flu a cold yes for about 3 days.


Thank you for this thoughtful analysis, Wolf.

In my opinion, DePat really needed a complete physical checkup, if only because it might have picked up any underlying conditions. But even more than that, there was a need for better diagnosis of what was ailing her. Simply assuming that it was vaccine shedding was risky, IMO…

I think it is very critical to make a correct diagnosis, and to beware of reflexive “it’s the vaccine” thinking, when DISEASE never went away as a significant threat. Maybe even a MORE significant threat.

I had the same thoughts and expressed them indirectly here. We don’t know enough about vax shedding to self-diagnose. We can self-treat by taking the supplements we discuss here regularly, but when debilitating symptoms linger, it’s wise to get a checkup.

I once had a low-grade fever for six weeks, with a cough that was only in the upper part of my chest, no other cold-like symptoms, feeling bad but not bed-ridden, and some lymph node involvement. A doctor prescribed an antibiotic which helped a little, but did not knock it out. A second antibiotic, the same. My temperature started gradually getting lower by about a tenth of a degree from day to day, so I decided to wait and see if it would resolve rather than go to a recommended ear-nose-throat doctor. And it did resolve.

Someone I know “diagnosed” me as having walking pneumonia, and I think that is likely accurate. It was said to be going around at the time, and my symptoms matched what I had read about online.

My point is that I did see a doctor, and I believe I did need antibiotics for a bacterial infection. I had taken IVM in the beginning but had seen no improvement.

I was concerned about the assumptions I saw here that shedding had caused DePat’s illness when there was nothing solid to corroborate that. Hence my stating that we need more information in order to make those kinds of assumptions and decisions. It’s all unfortunate and sad. We have so little trust in the medical profession now, but we need doctors. Some relatives of mine, reluctant to see a doctor, would say, “What are they going to do?” — meaning there’s nothing they can do. Then they would get to the doctor’s office and find they were completely wrong about the condition and needed to be seen. Maintaining health is a difficult tightrope to walk these days.


We need old school doctors and old school wisdom taught in medical school. I dont know what dhs can do w kennedy, but common sense and treating w the least invasive, simplest known remedy has been forgotten.


I agree.

Gail Combs

Heck, around here you are lucky to actually get to see a doctor!

The last 2 times I took my friend to the emergency room they were completely USELESS!

First time — No kidney stones found,,,, 3 days later she was in for emergency surgery because a stone was so large it was blocking the duct from her kidney to the bladder and that was one of SEVEN!


This is why it’s so difficult and frustrating these days, and why some have sworn off doctors altogether, sometimes to their peril. The entire medical system needs to be reworked.

Gail Combs


Seeing misdiagnosis time and time again does not leave you with the warm fuzzies.


How much of this is result of “ObamaCare”?


Oh my gosh. Ive had issues with PA incompetence. RNP have been ok consistently.


“Right To Try” MUST be common.

Heavy handed CDC, FDA, NIH edicts, mandatory protocols kill people.

Last edited 26 days ago by kalbokalbs

Yes, right to try. I expect after the rfk jr vote this week we will hear a lot. I am hoping that theres a big plan already.


That too good post.




The word “diagnosis” comes to mind. It’s from the Greek term (not perfectly translated), “to know” (gnosis) “through” (dia). To know through and through. From what I know, accurate diagnosis requires art, intuition, technology, and knowledge.

The current diagnostic medical and protocol system might provide some but not all of what’s necessary.

This leads me to the question of how to find physicians et al who are stepping out from the current paradigm. For example, I am working my way through Dr. Casey Means’s book, “Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health.” Just info to consider now, because we’re all still working through the Earthly loss of DePat (lurkers, non-lurkers, in-person family, and friends alike).


Physicians who are members of the American College of Physicians and Surgeons, as well as the Independent Medical Alliance doctors (formerly FLCCC), are known to look for the root cause of disease and be open to alternative treatments.

The current diagnostic medical and protocol system might provide some but not all of what’s necessary.

Yes. And sometimes we need the diagnosis it provides, even if we might not agree with the subsequent treatment protocol. Sometimes we need surgery, or various medicines, or therapies that can’t be obtained elsewhere–hopefully, all the while doing everything we can to support our immune systems.

Gail Combs

AAPS are a lot better than the AMA. I just wish the guy in my town could take Medicare so I could afford him.


accurate diagnosis requires art, intuition, technology, and knowledge.

ER quack puzzled with DW symptoms.

ER quack had a hunch. Likely not in play, but wanted to rule stuff out.

ER quacks hunch is the only reason DW aneurism was discovered. Likely saved DW life, IMO.

Quacks MUST have the freedom to practice medicine, to help patients heal.


Took a friend to Urgent Care yesterday. Their symptoms matched Susie’s too closely. I was concerned. Doctor was thorough. EKG, D-Dimer, electrolytes checked. Multiple chest x-rays. Listened carefully. Reviewed medical history. Patient history was important. After ruling out clots, heart trouble, etc. they were sent home with appropriate prescriptions to treat. Grateful friend got good care and has hope for recovery.

I found the symptoms you listed for the recent Flu to be of interest. Friend never had fever, even had low temps. I was worried about heart failure too. They are in their early sixties.

Last edited 25 days ago by Gudthots

Impressed that an Urgent Care place offered up D-Dimer test so easily. Is this an indicator more in the medical community are coming around on the realities concerning the Vax?


Person did not have fever per se. It was 98.6 at urgent care, but they usually run low due to poor thyroid function. Reported sharp pain near bottom of right lobe of lung. Reported shortness of breath for minor exertion (walking 10 steps). The cardio workup was in response to shortness of breath.

Person has history of asthma getting out of control and having to do a steroid course with long taper. This was deemed to be what was going on. Steroids, antibiotic and antihistamine were prescribed.

BUT… many of the symptoms you reported for this recent flu were present. Your list: aches and pains, persistent cough (wet and productive in their case), no appetite, some insomnia, chills (feels cold), (severe) fatigue, sense of smell OK, stuffy sinuses and phlegm (including in chest), “forget doing housework”, using inhaler and nebulizer (but too tired to bother most of the time).

Plus, regularly feeling of possibly blacking out, but not actually fainting. Brain fog. Vision problems. Unusually low temps (93F). Unable to do regular self care.

I can’t rule out the “all of the above” scenario for my friend.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I remember when DePat would assume that anyone who lived more than three days after getting the jab, had gotten saline.

If she was unwilling to see a doctor because she was sure it was vaccine shedding, it is possible that her own preconceptions helped kill her.

Valerie Curren

That’s a sobering thought.


And a sad one, but worth considering by every one of us. It may not have applied with De Pat, but it could apply to our next loss — we must be savvy to evaluate such things.

Valerie Curren

Yes TY


Hi Wolf,
Preparing to set up author stuff and realized gravatar isn’t going to work without creating a new account. I’m probably going to do a “start over” with WP/Gravatar and begin this new season of writing using that. Should be able to get a Thursday post up without all of that in place if necessary.


I can log in directly. It appears that I deleted both WP and G accounts in my housekeeping a while back.


I guess I found that annoying. LOL


WordPress on this site appears to boot me off the site after some period of time and I haven’t bothered to log back in just yet, which is why you don’t see me logged in at the moment.

BTW, the daily page appears to stop serving new comments at around 19:00 hours each day in my browser tab. Once that happens I have to refresh the page to get the newer comments. Been happening for at least 6 months or maybe more.

Between that and not having the notifier, I might miss replies if they aren’t on the current daily page. But as you mention, it’s a trade off with how much wordpress gets to run my life.




Thank you good thoughtful post.
Yes I too would have gone to a doctor if my latest condition had not gone away.


Mike Lee has an interesting thread about letters of marque and reprisal. I hope this link will make it show.

…Letters of marque and reprisal are government-issued commissions that authorize private citizens (privateers) to perform acts that would otherwise be considered piracy, like attacking enemy ships during wartime.

Privateers are rewarded with a cut of the loot they “bring home.”

The U.S. Constitution authorizes these commissions in Article I, Section 8, giving Congress the power to “grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal.”

While Congress hasn’t issued one in over a century, the authority to do so still exists.

Using letters of marque could be a novel, but effective response to unique threats posed by drug cartels—especially in response to threats by the cartels to target U.S. planes returning illegal immigrants to their countries of origin.

• Authorization: Congress could issue letters of marque and reprisal authorizing private security firms or specially trained civilians to intercept cartel operations, particularly those involving drug shipments or human trafficking across borders

• Targets: Focus on disrupting supply lines, capturing high-value targets, or seizing assets like boats, vehicles, cash, gold, or equipment used in criminal activities…

Gail Combs

I had mentioned that earlier for going after illegals and those pardoned by Bite-me.


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Alternatively, they could be told “learn to run pipe”.

Happy go lucky

That’s my favorite thing you’ve ever said here!


Gov. employees aren’t laughing now. I say grab a shovel or scrubber.
I hired a guy who didn’t know how to use a broom. He went into a tailspin when asked to roll up a hose.


i’d start handing out toilet bowl brushes…but i lack class and concern for their feeeeeeelings




If you want to see PDJT, Melania, and a young Barron dancing like Trump and Elon Musk…😅

Ice Ice Baby


It’s Selena Gomez. She released that video of herself crying about “her people” and “the children.” People have been questioning why she wasn’t crying before for victims of illegals’ crimes.

Gail Combs

“Selena Gomez picked illegals over America b/c she’s the 3rd gen descendent of Mexican illegals who received citizenship in the ’87 Amnesty.


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What is Abbott going to do about Colony Ridge?


The BIB question


Let it collapse into foreclosures and/or tax lien sales.

The Economy recycles everything.

The Government can only destroy.


Nothing for now.

Paxton is watching it.

In time ICE will clear it out. Deport entire families. entire subdivision, or whatever it is.

IRS or whoever will look at financials. Likely tie it to illegal stuff, Cartels, whatever. Seize it ALL.

For now, violent criminals, gangs, drug pushers likely primary focus.



Yup – they left just thought they were weaponizing government.

There are getting a heavy dose of LEGAL weapons used by government to vanquish all foreign or domestic enemies of the state.


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A fundamental problem we all have is that there are certain sensations we likely will have very rarely, and are thus unable to properly interpret them. If we had a whole-body sensation simulator that we could plug-in and feel what a heart attack felt like, or pneumonia, or kidney failure…..we could feel the first twinges coming on and dial 911.

Instead, we get to play 20 questions with ourselves — Was that a burp? Did I strain my arm? Has pollen been really bad? Did I eat a bad taco? — and try to determine what to do from there. Being that a certain loss of mental acuity is baked into nearly any serious ailment, we also get to do this with one neuron tied behind our backs.


This can even be the case when you have studied the ailment in question. Decompression Sickness (DCS) is frequently known as “The Bends” because a common symptom is having gas bubbles in your joints, causing extreme pain that curls up the body. But it can appear with all sorts of symptoms.

Even after a local doctor with a DAN specialist on the line diagnosed The Fiancee with DCS and authorized a medevac from Maui, the first thing done at the chamber on Oahu is what is known as a “Kuakini Spike”, where the patient does a dry simulated dive to 200 feet.

The initial damage of DCS is done when gasses that have dissolved in your body under pressure “fizz” after the pressure is lessened or removed. When this happens, you begin to accumulate secondary damage as your tissues react to these bubbles with inflammation. By “diving” to 200 feet, the bubbles go completely away, and the patient can be assessed for such inflammation — in bad cases, the bubbles may have already gone away and all you have is inflammation causing symptoms (which include more inflammation).

They had to carry The Fiancee into the chamber. As soon as they did the Kuakini Spike, the asked her to stand up and move around, which she was readily able to do. After an examination, they readily found that her bubbles were in her cerebrospinal fluid and were “gently” pinching off her peripheral motor nerves, leaving her partially paralyzed. They lowered the pressure in the chamber until she began to show symptoms, and settled her in for a long series of treatments.

A couple of details — when they do a Kuakini Spike, the chamber gets quite warm inside. Also, The Fiancee’s symptoms recurred at a fairly high pressure, which lead the physician in charge to consider the protocol for “sat [saturation] diving”…..which is a huge pain-in-the-butt… takes a large number of days of very small steps to reach normal atmosphere, and the last step is something like four hours at two feet of pressure. We were very fortunate that she was under the care of Dr. Bob Overlock, possibly the most expert physician on the planet for DCS.

Nothing in our training or prior life experience gave us the ability to recognize exactly what was happening while it was happening. The onset was gradual and mimicked normal post-dive fatigue for some time. We acted with an overabundance of caution and used resources like DAN effectively (the local clinic doc did not adequately diagnose). But we got her to the best possible place at remarkable speed and she eventually made a nearly complete recovery.


The hyperbaric chamber at the Kuakini Medical Center is top-of-the-line. The main chamber could fit about ten people inside. Here’s a recent picture of the outside —

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Note the attached sub-chamber to the right of this picture. This can be used for separate treatment [e.g. “The Spike”] or as a way to pass people and equipment in-and-out.

The console in this picture is new. The one when we were there didn’t have all that video and had a big round analog depth gauge in the top middle. Treatment cycles are all about pressure and time, gas mixtures and logging.

Note the frazzled hair on the left-hand operator. This is typical. They are on-call for patients at any hour and work until a relief can get there.

A patient in the chamber is never alone — a “tender” is always “riding the chamber” with them as there is no way to safely step-in or step-out. They are formally trained in CPR and informally trained to deal with patients’ concerns, and are all volunteers. They are also on-call and cannot leave a patient until relieved. There are numerous health risks from being a tender — anything from getting DCS themselves to cataracts from high-pressure oxygen exposure — not to mention the variety of catastrophic risks. They are angels.


Here’s a shot of the inside —

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Hyperbaric chambers are used for more than just the bends. One of the other uses is for treating flesh-eating bacteria.

If you open a tinned ham, you find the ham inside, and around it is a sort of congealed fat gelatin material. The so-called “flesh-eating-bacteria” eats into healthy flesh and leaves something akin to that glutinous glop. Bare flesh contacting high-pressure oxygen resists further colonization with the bacteria, but the goo can cover areas and leave them available for the bacteria to eat further into the flesh. So treatment is to open up the wound and scrape the goo out faster than the bacteria can burrow, until only healthy flesh and oxygen are left.

This would be far more of an academic concern if they could flood the whole chamber with bleach for a few days after every flesh-eating bacteria treatment, but that isn’t how it operates. So every moment you are in the chamber for DCS, you could touch the wrong thing and get flesh-eating bacteria that wasn’t fully cleaned. Fortunately, their cleaning staff is top-notch.

Wyoming Knucklehead

Oooooo That’s enough of that now 😳


Yup 😉


^^^ For The Win. 

Valerie Curren

Wow that’s intense & scary…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As of now, they have not done so. Neither has Bing.

Barb Meier

At the X post, Google replies saying they make changes when the USGS does. Perhaps they have an efficiency issue to resolve.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They may very well read the names out of some database supplied by USGS.

In which case the change will be automatic when USGS releases the database with the name change.

Barb Meier

I bet you are right. They would get the updates when a new release of a USGS database and it would feed into their database.


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“What happens when you put 200 unadopted stray kittens that were due to be euthanised in prison”

This is absolutely incredible

Happy go lucky


Last edited 24 days ago by Happy go lucky

In particular, large numbers of employees of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have been preparing their letters of resignation for the past two months and say they will quit if RFK Jr. is confirmed as HHS Secretary.

So what’s the problem?

Brave and Free

I think some of them were the ones doing it.

Valerie Curren



They’d all rather go and work for the WHO?


WHO soon to be under funded will likely have fewer employees criminals on their staff.

Winning is adictive AND too damn funny.


Collin Rugg @CollinRugg


Singer Avery starts crying, says she has been diagnosed with a bone-thinning disease from Ozempic, begs her followers not to take the drug.

She says she has osteoporosis & osteopenia after taking the drug to lose weight.

“Please use me as an example.”

Valerie Curren

I was thinking more about your post, Wolf, & wondered if AND logic might apply as in DP was dealing with both shedding AND flu or ILI. But then that theory of, I think it was called, viral interference came to mind. Is it possible that she was dealing with both/and & perhaps even other things, including aggravated underlying/dormant conditions?


Thank you, Coothie! Gotham City doing their thing with Bally shysters attached at their hips. What a fantastic expose of what really happens in these offerings. Notice who the marks are and they don’t even try to hide it.

Loved this: I am not an investment advisor, and not your investment advisor. I am, however, a recreational poker player who lives in Chicago. I intend to periodically donate money to the Chicago economy by making poor decisions on the river at Bally’s Chicago.

I do not, however, presently intend to participate in Bally’s stock offering, nor do I presently intend to buy their common stock.

Dude, I doubt you meet the criteria to invest anyway. Your name, if real, is Patrick McKenzie. That does not sound like a minority female’s name to me, but I guess stranger things have happened. 😂

Fools and their money are soon parted.

Last edited 25 days ago by TradeBait2

I agree with the flu theory. Sometimes a visit to the doctor is warranted, if only for testing, and even just to rule something out. Also agree it’s important to have your own pharmacy on hand.

Currently working on building “medical kits” for my kids with instructions about what to take, when and why. Prefaced with a simple explanation about the importance of a strong immune system.


That’s a great idea.


In the past when I smoked cigarettes my fingers were caked in nicotine.
It did not soak through my skin though, as if I ever ran out of tobacco or papers I’d be gasping for a smoke in a very short time.
My question then is what in addition to nicotine is in the nicotine patches.
Is it something in the nature of DMSO which I believe can make almost anything soak through ones skin?


I believe that your fingers were mostly caked in tar.

Your question, however, remains valid. I believe that they (a) used solvents such as DMSO, but also (b) used something in the substance/construction of the patch to open microchannels through the epidermis. It’s something like the hook structure of velcro, IIRC.

Brave and Free

TY Wolf, greatly appreciate your thoughts on what likely happened with DP.
This is definitely a wake up call for us all, be prepared AND find out what we’re battling when we become ill.


Looking past a medical diagnosis in DePat’s passing, being “The One” for a group of people takes its toll, especially when people age and needs increase. My feeling is that she was there for everyone, and not much was left for herself.


agreed. she gave till there was nothing left to give.


Yup. I think her body was exhausted.


but it wasn’t in her nature to refuse to do for others–even those that could do for themselves.


Agree pat.


I wonder if it was also her upbringing. She once mentioned her brother being raised to be a “spanish man” as an explanation for why he expected some one to do for him. That would mean she was probably raised to be the one catering to his and others’ needs. Something like that is hard to shake off, even if you see the problem and want to change!

Happy go lucky

I believe you hit it on the head. She did comment once that her grandmother (or some older woman) made her get up from the dinner table and serve one of the men. That stuck in my craw is why I remember it. Also she recently had commented on her sister’s expectations that she, DePat, was responsible for all the dinner cleanup. I felt like she was pretty bullied, and you’re absolutely correct in saying that’s a hard role to duck out of in a family structure.


Sadly, there is much truth to this. I remember when she was talking about being over-booked and we pushed her to reduce her workload on this site by 50%. How we tied it to her health to avoid her feeling rejected.


It is very sad. There’s a mindset involved where you are almost in a trance where you constantly push yourself to handle anything and everything. You never ask for help. You never take a break. I am a reformed “It Girl” so I know it well and the effect it has on your body.


My feeling is that she was there for everyone, and not much was left for herself.

^^^ Quite evident. DPs big heart, couldn’t see it.


years ago I worked for a local borough and one year they conducted an “emergency response” drill for the county. all borough employees were instructed to go to a specific location and get “orders” from there. I showed up, they handed me a little pack which said “antibiotics” on it. (looked like a baggie with M & M’s in it) I said I am allergic to antibiotics. they read off a list and i nodded each time.
So the man reading the list said to me–go sit over there–you’re dead.
I sat in a chair for the remaining of the exercise. (and they wouldn’t give me ANY M&M’s!)


Spot on analysis IMO, Wolf.

i keep going back to personal experiences such as has been the case with Kal, Scott, Linda, singingsoul and others. Take IVM at the first sign of respiratory distress and in our experiences, no more problems in short order. Gave it with my SIL in the past month – gone the next day. With some it may be HCQ. After a couple of years of doing it, I feel confident that is a solution for many – not all, due to other medical conditions and such. Which means folks should not avoid traditional medicine and testing altogether.

I miss DePat. I wish she had followed recommendations of many on here. Aubergine, Gail, you – there are so many that contribute very valuable medically related advice that if put into practice produces desired results. When you see posts from midwestern doc, Kory, Kirsch, McCullough, etc. that confirm – we need to pay attention.


Agreed. I’m of the opinion that everyone should always have a stock of ivermectin on hand. Who knows how many other viruses they’re going to release. And it seems to work very well for flu.


Thank you for your repeated reminders. Now that I had one round of regular flu in early December and shortly after that one of influenza, probably, I have started to do the same. I managed to push myself to get ready for a big family Christmas after the first round and ended up in bed with a fever on the 25th 😥 . I sent the bug home with two of my kids. They fared worse than I did (they are vaxed, though not boosted), and ended up with bronchitis/pneumonia on top of everything else.


are you better now?


Yes, thank you 🙂 . Back to normal. It took a couple of weeks but I guess I fared much better than some of us here.
Both rounds of illness had me unable to eat much for several days and after 2 weeks + of no coffee while I was sick the last time, I have now all but stopped drinking it. For years I have been using coffee to get through my many rounds of jet lag and push myself to get stuff done, especially on my trips to the U.S.. Now I need to slow down and just do what my body can actually manage without the caffein high. I think that will make a huge difference in how often I end up sick or exhausted. That and prophylactic Ivermectin. Here’s hoping!


stay well!!


Presidential Actions   
January 24, 2025

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered:

Section 1. Policy. For weeks, residents of the Los Angeles area have watched raging fires consume their homes, belongings, beloved pets, and childhood memories. Almost immediately, firefighters were unable to fight the blaze due to dry hydrants, empty reservoirs, and inadequate water infrastructure. Today, at least 28 people have lost their lives and thousands more have lost everything else, with some damage estimates calculating hundreds of billions of dollars in damage.

This tragedy affects the entire Nation, so it is in the Nation’s interest to ensure that California has what it needs to prevent and fight these fires and others in the future. Therefore, it is the policy of the United States to provide Southern California with necessary water resources, notwithstanding actively harmful State or local policies. And it is the policy of the United States to assist Americans in disaster areas through responsive policies that more effectively empower them to rebuild and regain their livelihoods.

Sec. 2. Overriding Disastrous California Policies. (a) The Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Secretary of Agriculture shall expeditiously take all measures, consistent with all applicable authorities, to ensure adequate water resources in Southern California. Each shall report to me within 15 days on all authorities, including emergency authorities, available to ensure, require, maintain, or use infrastructure necessary to fight and prevent massive wildfires in Southern California.

(b) In particular, the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce shall immediately take actions to override existing activities that unduly burden efforts to maximize water deliveries. The Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce shall consider actions including those consistent with the “No Action Alternative” in the Final Environmental Impact Statement issued November 15, 2024, by the Bureau of Reclamation on Long-term Operation of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project.

(c) The Secretary of the Interior, including through the Bureau of Reclamation, shall utilize his discretion to operate the CVP to deliver more water and produce additional hydropower, including by increasing storage and conveyance, and jointly operating federal and state facilities, to high-need communities, notwithstanding any contrary State or local laws. The Bureau of Reclamation shall take all available measures to ensure that State agencies — including the California Department of Water Resources — do not interfere with the Bureau of Reclamation’s operation of the project to maximize water delivery to high-need communities or otherwise, including but not limited to the issuance of a new Record of Decision maximizing water deliveries and consistent with the 2020 Record of Decision.

(d) In accordance with section 6 of the Executive Order of January 20, 2025 (Declaring a National Energy Emergency), the Secretary of the Interior, through the Bureau of Reclamation, and in accordance with section 1536 of title 16 United States Code, shall expedite action related to any exemption under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA), 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq., for the Long-Term Operation of the CVP and the State Water Project for all applicable threatened and endangered species.

(e) The Secretary of the Interior shall promptly review, revise, or rescind any regulations or procedures specific to implementation of section 1536 of title 16 United States Code, as needed and consistent with applicable law, to conform with the plain meaning of the statute.

(f) The Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce shall identify all ongoing or potential major water-supply and storage projects within the State of California for which they have joint responsibility under the ESA or individual responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.

(g) For each such project identified under subsection (f), the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce shall each designate one federal official to coordinate each agency’s respective NEPA and ESA compliance responsibilities. Within 30 days from the date of this order, each designated official shall identify any regulatory hurdles that unduly burden each respective water project, identify any recent changes in state or Federal law that may impact such projects from a regulatory perspective (including Public Law 118-5), and shall develop a proposed plan, for review by the Secretaries, to appropriately suspend, revise, or rescind any regulations or procedures that unduly burden such projects and are not necessary to protect the public interest or otherwise comply with the law. In so doing, each designated federal official will coordinate and share all appropriate information that will enable improved efficiencies. For the purposes of this order, “unduly burden” means to unnecessarily obstruct, delay, curtail, impede or otherwise impose significant costs on the permitting, utilization, transmission, delivery, or supply of water resources and water infrastructure.

Sec. 3. Ending the Subsidization of California’s Mismanagement. (a) The Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) shall review all Federal programs, projects, and activities for all relevant agencies that impact land management, water availability, water supply, water storage and delivery, water infrastructure, and disaster preparedness and response.

(b) Within 30 days of the date of this order, to ensure that State and local jurisdictions promote sensible land management practices and reliable water supply for all Americans, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Agriculture, and the Secretary of Commerce shall jointly report to the President, through the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy and Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, regarding California State and local policies or practices inconsistent with sound disaster prevention and response.

(c) The Director of OMB, in consultation with the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy and Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, shall recommend appropriate action to the President, regarding:

(i)  any lack of compliance by California with the terms of existing Federal grants, contracts, or other financial assistance to States or localities; and

(ii) beneficial additional terms that may be added with respect to any future Federal programs, projects, or activities to ensure sound disaster prevention and response.

Sec. 4. Additional Actions to Help Los Angeles Families. (a) Housing Displaced Families. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and the Secretary of Homeland Security, through the Administrator of FEMA, shall expeditiously provide an Integrated Federal Housing Strategy and Implementation Plan to the Director of OMB and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs that expedites options for housing relief to survivors displaced by wildfires in California.

(b) Expediting Waste Removal. Within 5 days from the date of this order, to accelerate the rebuilding of areas devastated by the recent Los Angeles wildfires, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, through the Administrator of FEMA, and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall develop and execute a plan to expedite the bulk removal of contaminated and general debris.

(c) Effectively Using Grants to Improve Fire Preparedness. The Secretary of Homeland Security, through the Administrator of FEMA, shall immediately implement a plan to enable the timely and appropriate use of Federal preparedness grants for the City of Los Angeles. As of the date of this order, the city has yet to use the majority of its $213 million allotment that has accrued since fiscal year 2021. These Federal preparedness grants shall not be used to support illegal aliens. The Attorney General, in coordination with the FEMA Administrator, shall investigate the misuse of these grants by the City of Los Angeles and take appropriate action to address such misuse.

Sec. 5. Additional Actions to Help North Carolina Families. (a) Clearing Roads. To accelerate rebuilding and community recovery, the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of Homeland Security, acting through the Administrator of FEMA, and the Administrator of the Small Business Administration shall immediately take all necessary and appropriate measures, including through direct assistance, loans, and other available means, to expedite roadway clearance or rebuilding, including the section of Interstate 40 in North Carolina that remains closed, and the repair or rebuilding of roads and bridges on private property in areas of North Carolina affected by Hurricane Helene.

(b) Housing Displaced Families. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and the Secretary of Homeland Security, through the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, shall immediately provide an Integrated Federal Housing Strategy and Implementation Plan to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs that expedites options for housing relief to survivors displaced by Hurricane Helene.

Sec. 6. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i)  the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.


   January 24, 2025.



Grewsome NewScum pushed aside, as an Adult takes charge.

Folks in California really ought to be taking notice, CA government is their direct enemy.


Gruesome has always been scum.


Iow, they have just kicked newsom andvthecstate legislators in the as s and have taken over, due to malicious and ir incompetent mgmt.


They must be seething. 😤


Yes. Embarrassed too.

Gail Combs

Do not worry the Fake News is scrambling to bury the story and MAKE TRUMP LOOK LIKE THE VILLAIN.


January 28, 2025 1:10 am

BREAKING: Senator Mike Lee calls for abolishing TSA.

“Let airlines do their own screening.”

— Ian Jaeger (@IanJaeger29) January 25, 2025

Brave and Free

The TSA has become the USPS of the airline industry. Filled with excess people who need a real job.


Including those on the terrorist watch list.


Thats a great way to put it. And low iq who think they are cops w a need to have authoritah.


100%. TSA is federal bloat.

IIRC. Pre 9-11, screening was funded by airlines and carried out by airports.


it’s a sesspool of gropers getting their fix for free


Scott Bessent @Scott_Bessent wrote after being approved by the Senate:

“As Treasury Secretary, I’m committed to eliminating income taxes, replacing them with a fair consumption tax, and adopting a gold-backed currency. We’ll erase debt, restore financial privacy, and unlock new technologies for a prosperous future. The golden age starts now.”

Like other Trump Cabinet members have done, new Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent, reiterated PRESIDENT TRUMP’S ECONOMIC AGENDA – enumerated below: (Bessent missed a couple that Trump has stated – written in bold, hope he’s all for those too!

1. Eliminate income taxes, 
2. Replace income tax with a fair consumption tax 
3. President Trump also said, tariffs paid by foreign countries, for the privilege of utilizing huge US market, will also help replace burden of income tax on American taxpayers
4. Adopt a gold-backed currency. (Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
5. Audit and end the Federal Reserve
6. Erase our national debt and national economic security.
7. Restore financial privacy 
8. Unlock new technologies for a prosperous future. 


i really would like AUDITS of everyone–not just the fed–but let’s start there!


oh this is good!

January 28, 2025 2:12 am

🚨Update: President Trump is planning on order an immediate audit of the Pentagon!

They have failed 7 consecutive audits!

— US Homeland Security News (@defense_civil25) January 26, 2025



Gail Combs

  :cheers:   :cheers:   :cheers:   :cheers: 

  :pepper:   :banana-mario:   :banana2: 

  :cheers:   :cheers:   :cheers:   :cheers: 


WINNING SO BIGLY! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ✝️✝️✝️


January 28, 2025 2:15 am

The Justice Department and the FBI have launched an investigation into where more than $200 billion in State Department and CIA spending on Ukraine went.

Nuland out…

— Merissa Hansen (@merissahansen17) January 27, 2025


Every agency, including the Pentagon, should and likely will be audited!

Gail Combs

Remember my comment that a lot of the “Lost” Pentagon $$$ probably went to fund Operation Gladio???

So yeah I very much want to see AUDIT THE MILITARY!


I cannot stop laughing hysterically. This is going to be so much fun!


Hope the ‘new technologies’ are Block Chain Security for economic transactions – AND – voting ballots!!!


Yup – Scott Bessent agrees with PDT. He will do as instructed. That is why I commented that PDT had made the correct choice for the position. They are aligned on the big picture and the enemy cannot outsmart Bessent – he is a intense genius at what he does.


Ohhh consumption tax. Thats so awesome.



I’m sorry I fell for a hoax – I will double check sources from now on!


HOWEVER – If Bessent didn’t say it, he should have!


January 28, 2025 2:10 am

Mario Nawfal
In a sweeping move, the White House just ordered every federal agency to stop all grants and loans – effective tomorrow at 5pm.
White House Office of Management and Budget acting director Matthew Vaeth:
“Career appointees have a duty to align Federal spending with Presidential priorities”


In a sweeping move, the White House just ordered every federal agency to stop all grants and loans – effective tomorrow at 5pm.

White House Office of Management and Budget acting director Matthew Vaeth:…

— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) January 28, 2025


Laughing here.

Trump is In Huge Increments, Across the board, getting the federal government in line.

Almost as if Trump and his Team gamed this out in Mara Lago, over the past year or more.


The media is in a tailspin. “Overwhelm the system”! They cannot wrap their lies around any one thing and get tracktion. LOL


Dems and Media, RINOs too all getting the Cloward and Piven Treatment in spades. It’s like Trump has a hundred Trump trains barreling down the track at them at the same time. They get on board or get squashed. 😁

Gail Combs

More like the past DECADE or more…


Sure. Trump knew much of what needed to happen.

Good, bad or indifferent, the past four years Trump did reflect. See what was needed. What didn’t wort in Trump 1.0.

Much savvier these days, regarding the swamp ways of fighting back, ignoring orders,

Formulate a solid, methodical way ahead, ready to thwart swamp Not following orders. We see dirtbags being fired and swamp tools taken away, preemptively.

The intervening four years worked in Trump 2.0 favor. Thankful here.


I think they did it over 2 plus years. Its partly why he had all the wirld leaders visit over the past year. They already were gaming things and having it good to go. Less distraction w pomp and parties. Just getting business done!

Happy go lucky

That’s gonna hit the woke universities hard 🤣


January 28, 2025 2:52 am

Tom Homan: Trump Going to Take The Cartels out
Worldwide Border Czar Tom Homan: “It’s going to get worse Sean, because President Trump is going to seal that border. He’s going to put the cartels out of business.” “He declared them a terrorist organization.” “We got the whole of government is going to dismantle these people and wipe them off the face of the earth. They are not going to go lightly.”
“We are taking them on in the trafficking business, we’re taking them on in the smuggling business and we’re taking them on in the dope business.” “There’s going to be more violence on the southwest border, that’s why trump committed to calling them a terrorist organization. He has.” “That’s why the entire United States government is going to take care of those people and abolish them.”
“We’re going to attack them not just in Mexico, but in the 42 countries the Jalisco Cartel is currently residing in.” “The Trump administration is going to take them on, just like he did the Caliphate, and we’re going to destroy them


Wolf, Great analysis. Thank you.

Not talking bad about DP. Only what DP posted.

DP was adamant. Posted several times. No quacks. No tests. No OTC.

^^^ Serious takeaways here. ^^^


Quacks. I’m certainly distrustful of quacks these days. That said, quacks remain a tool in my way ahead.

Tests, 100% to see what is working correctly AND what may be ,or is out of kilter. Another tool. When I see the quack, I always ask for blood and urine tests. Posted as much.

OTC, tossing in Ivermectin. I and selectively OTC, part of my tool box.

Vitamins and supplements, essential daily tool.

Recurring themes read QTree

  1. Plan ahead. Have stuff ready, when needed. Effective response time is critical.
  2. 🙃 “I can’t afford it.” 🙃
  • It is All About Priorities. Think trade offs. Did I invoke, priorities, trade offs.
  • Willing to bet, everyone here could afford I, if they wanted to. Yes I do know, I is not a cure all.
  • I. Does NOT matter if “I” is pill or paste. Works the same.
  • Vitamins and supplements. Buy incrementally to spread cost over time. TAKE DAILY.

Sliding off my soap box, for awhile. 😂


Not on a soap box. Good dose of reality for some. Practical solutions that work using prioritization of available funds, choices and time. Ignoring or avoiding truth when dispensed is on the receiver of information.

Gail Combs

More from NY Post

Jan. 27, 2025, 4:17 p.m. ET
Catholic Charities draws fire over video coaching illegal migrants on how to duck ICE workplace probes

A Catholic charity that receives billions in government funding has stirred controversy for a video teaching migrants in the country illegally how to evade US immigration law.

In the video, distributed by Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s Refugee & Immigration Services Program, immigration attorney Barbara Graham outlines step-by-step instructions for how migrants can thwart authorities conducting lawful investigations at their workplace….

Matthew Huttle was killed by police on Sunday. — DOJ

An Indiana man who was pardoned by President Trump for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot was shot dead by a deputy during a traffic stop Sunday afternoon, according to authorities.

Matthew Huttle was killed in an altercation with a Jasper County sheriff’s deputy who pulled him over on Indiana State Road 14 near the Pulaski County line and attempted to arrest the 42-year-old, state police said.

Huttle allegedly had a gun on him inside the car, according to authorities.

The slain suspect, who was from the city of Hobart, was granted a pardon from the president last week that wiped away a misdemeanor charge tied to his involvement in the Capitol riot.

I am wondering if Huttle was one of the people brutally beaten by the DC gulag guards and therefore would be easy to trigger. Also was he INTENTIONALLY TRIGGERED???

Note it is ALLEGED that he had a gun on him.

Misdemeanors & firearms from Brave AI

Federal Law: Under federal law, individuals convicted of a “misdemeanor crime of domestic violence” are prohibited from possessing firearms. This includes offenses involving the use or attempted use of physical force or the threatened use of a deadly weapon against a current or former spouse, parent, or guardian, or someone with whom they share a child or have a similar domestic relationship. This prohibition applies even if the misdemeanor is punishable by less than one year in prison.

Restoration of Rights: In some jurisdictions, individuals can have their firearms rights restored if their conviction is expunged, set aside, or if they receive a pardon or have their civil rights restored. However, the rules for restoration can be complex and vary by state and federal law.

These prohibitions aim to prevent individuals with a history of domestic violence from accessing firearms, thereby reducing the risk of future violent incidents.

Man Arrested After Allegedly Assaulting Officers With Pole During Capitol Attack

An Indiana man accused of assaulting law enforcement officers with a flagpole during last year’s deadly Capitol insurrection has been arrested on felony charges, the Justice Department announced Monday.

Federal agents linked Dale Huttle, 61, of Crown Point to the Jan. 6, 2021, violence through photos and phone records

Matthew Huttle (left) and Dale Huttle (right) are accused of unlawfully entering the U.S. Capitol during the 2021 riot.

Huttle’s nephew, 40-year-old Matthew Huttle of Hebron, Indiana, was arrested Monday on misdemeanor charges after being accused of unlawfully entering the Capitol grounds during the 2021 attack, the Justice Department said….

So it was NOT a violent incident.

Gateway Pundit: J6 Protester Pardoned by President Trump Gunned Down by Sheriff’s Deputy During Traffic Stop in Indiana

…Jasper County Sheriff Patrick Williamson released the following statement following the tragic incident:

“For full transparency, I requested the Indiana State Police to investigate this officer-involved shooting. The officer that is involved has been placed on paid administrative leave, which is standard protocol and is our policy in these situations.

“Our condolences go out to the family of the deceased as any loss of life is traumatic to those that were close to Mr. Huttle. I will release the officer’s name once I have approval from the State Police Detectives.”

Fellow J6 political prisoner Richard ‘Bigo” Barnett of Arkansas, who was sentenced to four years in prison for bogus offenses after putting his feet on Pelosi’s desk during the protest, raised suspicions regarding the incident while noting his own experience on J6.

“I want to know every d*mn detail,” Barnett wrote. “Right now I would be pretty touchy if someone tried to arrest me and put me through hell again and they better have a valid reason. I live in a right to carry state. Indiana is also a right to carry state.”…

Remember Indiana is Mikey Pence’s state. Is this MOAR stirring the post by the deep state?

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Gail Combs

This is in the comments:

 LOL 2020
21 hours ago

Escalation of force. Unless Huttle was resisting with a knife or a gun he didn’t deserve a death sentence. Police are out of control.

[Several other comments and the:]

 EndTheSwamp!! 18 hours ago

Absolutely. I know the guy’s family. Patriots each and every one. A couple of the men my age in the family, like me, were LE, now retired, but also citizen militia. That alone is enough to put you on 3 or 4 dozen government lists, if not a death warrant. Gov’t tried to kill me too, Sheriff Buford Pusser style (tampering with my wheels).


Looking forward to more raids in more D-Rat shitholes and states.

Put some fear into illegals that have been coddled by Maggot’s freaks.


might add to coddled…the more criminal disposed illegals as were aided and emboldened by the stand down maggot policy. They basically were given the green light to operate as US cartels


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Homan keeps singing my song….

Tom Homan: Trump Going to Take The Cartels out 

Worldwide Border Czar Tom Homan: “It’s going to get worse Sean, because President Trump is going to seal that border. He’s going to put the cartels out of business.” “He declared them a terrorist organization.” “We got the whole of government is going to dismantle these people and wipe them off the face of the earth. They are not going to go lightly.” 

“We are taking them on in the trafficking business, we’re taking them on in the smuggling business and we’re taking them on in the dope business.” “There’s going to be more violence on the southwest border, that’s why trump committed to calling them a terrorist organization. He has.” “That’s why the entire United States government is going to take care of those people and abolish them.”

“We’re going to attack them not just in Mexico, but in the 42 countries the Jalisco Cartel is currently residing in.” “The Trump administration is going to take them on, just like he did the Caliphate, and we’re going to destroy them


Well, that doesn’t sound like peaceful coexistence.  😂 


January 28, 2025 8:29 am

A hands-on DHS head. They had better run like bad dogs.

BREAKING: Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem is in New York City this morning to help arrest criminal illegal aliens

— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) January 28, 2025


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^^^ This. Observation reveals patterns.


Before reading any comments, I am going to express my opinion about your post, and DP, Wolf.

Looking back over the arc of DP’s illness, it reminds me of another death I saw years ago. Mainly, it’s the weakness and “being cold” part that remind me of it.

What it looks like to me is “heart failure”, not “heart attack.”

Googling “signs of heart failure” gets:

“Signs of Heart Failure 

Heart failure occurs when the heart muscle cannot pump blood effectively. Symptoms may vary depending on the severity and stage of the condition. Common signs include: 

Shortness of breath: Difficulty breathing, especially during physical activity or when lying down.
Fatigue: Feeling tired or weak, even after rest.
Swelling: Fluid buildup in the legs, ankles, feet, or abdomen. 

Rapid or irregular heartbeat: Palpitations or a feeling of racing heart.
Chest pain: May occur in some cases.
Cough: Persistent cough that may produce frothy or pink-tinged mucus.
Wheezing: High-pitched whistling sounds when breathing. 

Decreased ability to exercise: Difficulty performing everyday activities. 

Confusion or memory problems: In advanced stages.
Blueish tint to the skin or lips: This is known as cyanosis and may indicate low oxygen levels. 

Other Signs: 

Nausea, Loss of appetite, Weight gain due to fluid retention, and Increased urination at night.”

When DP died, this was my very first thought. Her heart failed.

The death I was associated with years ago had a similar outcome. The man got weak and tired and cold. The day he died, he was alone. He was cold enough that he ran a hot bath, which he NEVER did. He died in the bath. His heart just quit.

Now, we are left with “why?” What caused her heart to fail. I suspect mRNA spike damage. But, as you say, it could be a flu. But DP was 55 years old and healthy. People that age, in good general health, very rarely die of the flu. But they DO die of heart damage from the Covid vaxx, as we know. And we know the vaxx is shedding.

It is my considered opinion that vaccine shedding killed DP. She was exposed, which she knew. But for whatever reason, she was unable to take appropriate steps to help herself. This part of your post breaks my heart:

“Was she taking ivermectin AT ALL, much less regularly? NO.
Was she taking vitamin D? Had she ever tested her levels of vitamin D? NO.
Was she taking enough zinc? I don’t think she was taking ANY zinc.”

I have come, somewhat reluctantly, to an awful conclusion about Covid and the vaxx; it is doing something to the brain that causes not only brain fog, but a sort of “resignation” that leads to this weird apathy in the victim about what is happening to them. Didn’t we have another Q Tree person who took Remdesivir in the hospital, despite knowing full well it could kill them? And I have heard from people I know that when they had Covid itself, they just knew they were going to die, but they just weren’t up to fighting.

We have been POISONED by something I don’t believe we yet fully understand.


Superb post.


Many months ago, read something like this here QTree.

  • “Resignation” was used for Jabbed folks, realizing they’ve made a mistake AND resigned to being poisoned, Will get sick, Will die from the Jab.

I 100% believe this “resignation” IS happening, fairly widespread.

  • Jabbed folks have and are learning, the Jabs Are Poison.
  • Resignation.
  • They don’t know detox can likely mitigate some / much of the problem.

Yes, at least one QTreeper has acknowledged a dose of Remdisivir. Then, thankfully refused following Remdiivir dose(s). Also, thankfully, lived to post of it.


If its me youre referring to as far as the fauci poison goes, i still wonder if it did anything to me. They got 2 doses in and 1 that thankfully didnt have a working iv pump before i was oriented and strong enough to say no.


 i was oriented and strong enough to say no.

It was. Not being judgmental of your situation. Thankfully I have Never been in anything close to it.

Was incredibly thankful you shared, Telling Them NO Remdisivir.

Also they were not happy with you, for standing up for your Rights.

Still smile over the, No More AND they were pissed off.   :pepper:   :banana-mario:   :banana2: 


Oh not worried. I nearly died and lived through it. More than happy to talk about it. And you know, the ER MD saved my life. He refused to let RT and RN intubate me and made them wait. Unfortunately it was Infectious disease who made the fauci poison protocol. My pulmonary dr was a Christian and a lovely man.

Last edited 25 days ago by gil00

Close call!


Yep. Im certain id be dead.


That virus does that to EVERYONE I have spoken to. It disorients people in a very odd way. It happened when I had it to some degree.


Or an entire kitchen counter with all your remedies visually present so you can just look them over and pick up whichever one is calling to you at any particular time! No need to remember what you have 🙂

Valerie Curren

Reminds me of the “infirmary Christmas” we had one year at my parents’ house. There were a “ton” of people staying there, kids & grandkids, & some type of illness was being passed around. My nephew even got Pink Eye to “enliven” the party. My mom, who was an RN, was in her element & had all sorts of meds lined up in her kitchen box window for easy access 🙂


Agreed. And if you have a family member you can “train” to help if you get sick, all the better.


Thank you.

Yes. It’s very disheartening. I don’t know how much detox will help either. But I know it’s worth doing.

I have said many times, my philosophy of healing if it might help and it can’t hurt, do it. That DP wasn’t taking vitamin D, zinc, and Ivermectin makes me depressed. What are we doing here?


That DP wasn’t taking vitamin D, zinc, and Ivermectin makes me depressed. What are we doing here?

I can’t stress this enough: ➡️Some people didn’t seem to see it, but she was very much on her own track in many areas.⬅️ IMO this is unique to her, not a universal phenomenon. Sadness about her, yes, but no need to be depressed because so many are heeding sound advice.


I agree, TT. Some are predisposed by their nature to refuse well intentioned advice and assistance.


Sometimes people don’t value themselves enough or are just too overwhelmed to make the simplest effort.

Cuppa Covfefe

Matthew 6:19-21:

19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

(Interestingly enough, verse 20 is usually the only one quoted, yet 19 and 21 provide important context and expansion…)….



Valerie Curren

That has to be kept in balance. They say, when travelling with someone needing assistance on an airplane, if cabin pressure drops to put on Your oxygen/air mask FIRST So You Are Then Able to assist the other person. None of us can help others if we are passed out!

Happy go lucky

I really appreciate that thought, wolf, and I felt the same way. I was bawling when I read the news, but mostly for myself because I don’t think that I ever made plain to DePat how much I enjoyed and relied upon and reshared all of the funny and sweet things she brought. Regrets are a burden.

But then mostly I was happy for her. Susie ran the race, man, like a champ! And then she got to go Home 🙏


It is very easy when one is tired unable to function to become overwhelmed . I know for myself when I felt so bad getting what is going around that I hand my health to God in acceptance.
This flu yes one gets cold and I could not get warm even though I had a stack of blankets quilts .and wool sweater on in bed. I forced myself out of bed just to sit up. I am finally catching bit by bit up on housework.


There is another group who took the jab who are in denial that the covid jab is dangerous. I hear all the time that they know better. I let it lie there and move on.


Can’t fix stoopid.

I don’t even try these days, unless someone asks or expresses interest, opens the conversation.


I know and knew that DP was on her own track as you put it. When I say it depresses me, it is more that I find it sad that there are people who are still not doing the basic things that we know are so important. DP is not the only one, but she is the one I know who just died.

Gail Combs

Aubergine, it takes planning and attention to make sure you get the nutrients you need.

It is not just Ivermectin, it is selenium, zinc, E,C,D3, K2 Nattokinase, NAC…. Plus planning the correct foods.

D-Pat was taking care of her mother AND the rest of her family AND the Q Tree AND choir and….

It is real easy to forget to take your vitamins and then shrug it off.


I know. I have a “vitamin holder” that I load at the beginning of every week, and a set time to take it (with breakfast). If I didn’t, I could let it go, too.

Gail Combs


I need to set mine up again.


Yes, I know you’re aware. After I wrote that I thought about all the people who can’t/won’t see the truth, including relatives and friends of people here. When I said so many are heeding sound advice I was thinking about most people on this site.


Fair prognosis. One of those finger clamp oxygen meters might have led her to safety.
She’ll be laid to rest on 8 Feb. 18 days seems a long time but I’m not familiar with those kinds of things. Makes me wonder though if a medical inquest is taking place. D dimer kind of thing if I remember correctly.


That’s funny.

Happy go lucky

I love elephants


I hope there is an autopsy.


Yes, I agree. Without data, it is ALL speculation. It is very frustrating.


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Thank you, Duchess! You are very sweet.


Major league obervations. Thank you!




Nice Q patriot and J6 dr lady gunned down in front of her home on 2 Oct 2024. No doubt the harassment she was receiving contributed to her death.

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Gail Combs

The comments are more or less saying she got what she deserved…

Cuppa Covfefe

Another left-coast city that deserves to sink into the Pacific or feel the wrath of Cascadia…..


Not all. Many recognized they went after and took her license to practice medicine, thus her income and this ultimately resulted on foreclosure on her home, something she was obviously fighting. No doubt she was hounded into this unfortunate situation by a vengeful Justice Department and tried to stand on principle. I believe part of it was also her being vocal about the jab. Unfortunate.


Lots of arrests need to be made in CA.
Los Angeles schools distributing ‘red cards’ to help immigrant families ‘assert constitutional rights’

Schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District are now distributing “red cards” – also known as “Know Your Rights” cards – and other resources to remind immigrant community members what their legal rights are. 

The cards, which are about the size of a credit card, will help immigrant Angelenos “assert their constitutional rights in encounters with federal law enforcement officials,” according to the Community Resource Guide for Immigrant Angelenos, which was put together by the L.A. Mayor Karen Bass’ Office of Immigrant Affairs and is now being made available by LAUSD. 

Available to citizens and non-citizens alike, the documents were created by the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) and are available in 16 languages from Spanish to Haitian Creole to Tigrinya. Click here to access them.

An unprecedented demand for the “red cards” has caused ILRC officials to temporarily suspend their program that allowed non-profits to access the cards for free. The quickest way to get a card, officials say, is to print them on your own. 

Per the Nov. 2024 school board resolutions, LAUSD is a “sanctuary district” and safe zone for families threatened by immigration enforcement, according to district officials.

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Paging Tom Homan…




There should be a national presidential commission of some sort, led by doctors who weren’t fooled by covid and vaxx nonsense, to investigate the source and cause of what can only be described as mass-psychosis or delusion of the political Left.

It is insanity.

They believe they are being righteous and virtuous, when their actions are immoral and unjust.

They claim to oppose violence, when their actions and beliefs result in violence.

They believe themselves to be ‘tolerant’, when they are the most intolerant people of all.

They believe in all sorts of propaganda hoaxes, frauds, scams and lies, from globull warming to J6 ‘insurrection’ and everything in between.

In Commiefornia, arsonists are burning down the major cities and AFAIK the arsonists are all illegal alien invaders, but they want to protect the invaders from deportation.

They purposely create conditions for massive fires, while claiming to believe carbon is bad for the environment and will lead to an apocalypse. They have no water to put out the fires because they pump it out into the ocean to save a ‘smelt’ that apparently they can’t even find. They defund the fire department, and all three top leadership positions (IIRC) in the fire department are held by extremely well paid, totally incompetent lesbian DEI hires.

They’re like a crazy train that has run off the tracks.

And nobody questions any of it.

They also have severe Trump Derangement Syndrome, and reflexively reject any input that favors reality or contradicts their dream world.

It’s like they are under some form of mind control.

Whatever it is, it certainly rises to the level of being worthy of investigation, they’re freaking lunatics.


hmmm…remind me again…when did Boston become a country?

Bostonians Against Mayor Wu


Boston Mayor Wu (
) says that the federal government has no authority to intervene in Boston. She insinuates that illegal aliens are Boston residents and that she will continue prioritizing their safety.



Arrest The Bitch. Waist chain for handcuffs. Ankle chains.

Televised, streamed…

(Slow Guy is in a mood these days.)


HA! been there, done that (mood wise)
I agree MAKE AN EXAMPLE of how lawlessness will be treated under the new administration.


Perp hopped instead of walked would be a nice touch.

Cuppa Covfefe

Roller skates with square wheels 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Boston baked has-beens…


“SHE insinuates that illegal aliens are Boston residents and that she will continue prioritizing their safety.”


More often than not, it seems that Leftist WYMYN in positions of power and authority are completely detached from reality.

I suspect it has something to do with unchecked girl-boss power (in the current radical feminist environment, who will oppose them to their face, about anything, ever?) and unchecked emotionalism.

There are certainly also Leftist men in positions of power and authority who go along with the insanity (e.g., Greasy Gavin, Kakala’s running mate whose name I’ve already forgotten), but the Leftist men frequently come across as criminal grifters and con-men rather than true believers.

The Leftist women are either better liars, or they’re true believers who have checked out of reality.

Or possibly many of the local, state and even federal institutions have been captured by drug cartels, and the people in charge (the public faces) are owned by the drug cartels, saying whatever they are told to say and doing whatever they are told to do, regardless of reality.

Leftist women would be more easily controlled and manipulated by male cartel members, in the same sense that female prison guards are frequently manipulated and controlled (and used sexually and for smuggling drugs and other contraband into the prison) by male inmates.

Something is very, very wrong, and it’s always obvious, right out in the open, every time a Leftist public official steadfastly refuses to acknowledge reality, most obviously in crisis situations.

Like the mayor of Los Angeles at the meeting with Trump the other day. Citizens are being told it will be 18 months before they can even get to their own property to rebuild. Trump is calling out the ridiculousness of such delays, and the marxist female mayor had to backpedal under DJT’s relentless calling her out, but she steadfastly refused to take any responsibility or say anything definitive, just word salad.

Last edited 25 days ago by scott467

January 28, 2025 10:33 am


🚨#BREAKING: In a SHOCKING interview about FEMA after President Trump’s visit to Western North Carolina…

Officials in Avery County confirm only 2 temporary homes have been delivered to victims by FEMA in 4 months…

…at least 80 homes are just sitting behind a guarded fence

— Matt Van Swol (@matt_vanswol) January 27, 2025


Maggot had no clue what happened in NC, East Palestine, Lahainia, CA wild fires…

Maggot content with ice cream on time and a basement.

We need the absolute truth how the ‘office of the president” was (mis)managed for four years.

  • Prosecute the guilty collaborators.

🖕 FEMA. Shutter that criminal agency.

Gail Combs


G.Edward Griffin wrote an excellent article after Katrina.

Griffin: Goal Of FEMA, DHS During Katrina Response Was “Not To Rescue People, But To Control Them”

I do not have the link any more unfortunately.


SAD news.   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 

BREAKING: Jim Acosta Reportedly OUT at CNN
Last week, it was revealed that the struggling network was moving Acosta to the waste land of midnight or 2 AM. As a result, he was allegedly threatening to quit.

Now it’s happening. His dozens of viewers will be very sad about this.



Verse of the Day for Tuesday, January 28, 2025

“O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth.” 

Psalms 96:9 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.



Nothing like it has ever happened before in American history. In fact, nobody even thought it was possible. Useless media has lost the plot — Trump’s war against the deep state is fully underway.
Jeff Childers
Jan 28, 2025

Gail Combs

WOW!!! That just killed all those NGOs supporting the illegals and a heck of a lot more!

…Between the OMB memo and the State Department stop-work order, the Trump Administration is forcing a total reset on federal spending, and collecting all spending into a centralized database where an agency like DOGE can have any hope of overseeing it.

It also means the Administration is forcing a total reset on federal policy, since spending is policy.

You could not possibly imagine a more disruptive strategy. It’s a live wire. You can mess around with DEI all you want and probably get away with it, but start messing with people’s money, and get ready for the fur to fly. The stoppage affects everything— red states, blue states, foreign countries, local governments, and 👉perhaps most importantly, all the so-called NGOs.👈

It’s an absolute masterstroke of disruption. The OMB memo and State Department stop-work order aren’t just administrative policy shifts—they are a full-scale financial coup over the federal government. This is not just about budget cuts, or ideological targeting—this is about power.

Until now, government spending has operated on autopilot. Government money printer go brrrrrrr. Money flowed freely through an opaque, closed-top strainer, without transparency or direct executive oversight, and bureaucracies, NGOs, and foreign governments knew they would always get paid regardless of who was in the White House….

  :pepper:   :banana-mario:   :banana2: 


Sheryl Collmer is another excellent and thoughtful writer on my regular trapline. The theme of today’s essay complements C&C’s:


Fanning out orders like a Las Vegas blackjack dealer paid by the hand, he is showing us, right before our very eyes, that it never had to be any other way: that abandoned families need not have survived in tents in the dead of winter, four months after Helene. That California homeowners need not be barricaded from starting work on their own property in Los Angeles. That pardoned prisoners need not wait for days on interminable ‘paperwork.’

“Now we can see that all that stonewalling, small-spirited obfuscation, was ill-willed. At any time, our government could have solved the problems that plague us; for decades, they have chosen not to. Trump, by his barreling locomotive energy, is showing their malfeasance by blinding contrast.

“The unjustly imprisoned pro-lifers? Freed on Day 4. Illegal alien criminal gang members? Already on the radar and practically on their way back to their home countries. Taxpayers forced to fund abortion? Gone on Day 5. Central Bank Digital Currency? Dead in the water. World Health Organization? Make it on your own.

“See, it didn’t take any time at all. We thought that it was an inalienable characteristic of public service to foot-drag, multiply excuses, go home early (or not show up at the office at all). All this time, we could have been getting things done. Now that we know it is nefarious actors and institutional laziness obstructing every effort at recovery, we won’t put up with it.”

I daresay that her views on now fixing the Catholic Church (of which she is a devout member) are similar to DePat’s.


“Thank you Sheryl, your article clearly outlines how easily corruption is set aside. Now may the Catholic Church follow the same path…Sheryl Collmer: Trump Lights Up the World – Crisis Magazine”




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Hear my prayer, O Lord – please hear my cry;
Hide not Thy face from me – stand closely by;
Incline Thine ear to me – answer my call;
For I am helpless in my wherewithal!

My days are consumed – in pain, I move not;
My heart beats in vain – overwhelmed, besought;
I struggle to breathe – I implore Your aid;
Begging for mercy – and yet, unafraid!

Strengthen me, Lord – as only You know how;
Send forth Thy Comforter to help me now;
Send forth the angels to hold me upright;
Help me, Lord – Help me to live, love, and fight!

The enemy plagues me both day and night;
His demons work to discourage me right;
He taunts me, haunts me, and laughs at my pain;
My prayers he sees worthless – and all in vain!

Be it Your will – with Your power and might;
Remove this affliction – far out of sight;
Defeat the devil – his power disband;
Help me, Lord – with Your Healing Hand!

You called me, Lord – in Your Service to be;
Your minister, Lord – bring people to Thee;
How can I manage – for people to care?
With this heart sorely in need of repair?

I ask not for me this healing take place;
I ask not this suffering You erase;
I ask only to stand for You, O Lord;
To bring others to You in one accord!

If in this state, You still want me to serve;
If it be Your will, my heart you preserve;
Whatever you decide – I will endure;
With You by my side – of that I am sure!

Help me, Lord to accept what You decide;
In You and with You – I long to abide;
Through You and for You – my heart is alive;
Heal me, Lord – Help me – to live, love, and thrive!

D01: 5/14/2013


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms





That’s pretty interesting.


I agree with your thinking, Wolfie, and I remember being dismayed when DPat first mentioned how bad she was feeling that she did not have a supply of various remedies on hand, despite all we discuss here. She was so careful about her singing voice; it seems incongruent and yet, she was responsible for so much and so many in her life, that prep for herself got lost in the rest. And, of course, we’ll never know if any remedy would have worked.

A couple thoughts … I absolutely concur that it is vital to keep a wide inventory on hand, and replace as needed if used or expired. NO ONE is capable – mentally or physically – of thinking about remedies or going to the store once you’re ill, especially when we need a couple weeks to order/obtain ivermectin.

In addition to the many supplements normally listed, a stock of chicken broth or soup AND a few bottles of Pedialyte are great to keep on hand.

Another MUST DO before becoming ill because it’s not enough to have supplies on hand… It is best ahead of time to list each item, the daily dosage/qty AND the priority and/or combo in which you want to try them. Your mind is muddled when ill; prep ahead for your specific protocols to try, depending on your symptoms.

Final caveat, people here list their proticols, and I am grateful for all that input. At the same time, it is important to know your own body and its limitations with supplements. For example, I cannot tolerate the daily levels of Vit C and zinc that some have recommended here. They disrupt my digestive tract and result in mouth lesions (from experience). Quercetine does the same so stopped taking it. Will take only when sick (I eat onions & garlic almost every day, thus reserve the quercetin boost if I ever do get ill).

I also get an annual Vit D test and, like Aubergine, I know exactly what I need for every season. I am convinced that THIS, above all other protocols, is what has kept my husband and me from any illness for the last six years.

Above all, as FG&C reminded us yesterday, your positive & grateful mindset and prayers are strong preventives.

My prayers continue for DPat’s family & friends, and much appreciation for her presence & contributions here at the QTree. 🩷✝️


GOOD for you for getting your D levels checked! So important. And doctors generally only test it if you request it.


1.28.25: LT w/ Lara Logan, Fight for TRUTH + Illegals, Helena victims, īRS, MSM lies, PRAY!

And We Know


A link! And we can go back to start 😁


🔥🔥🔥 😂

She’s a stone cold killer.



Holy Shinola. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


I didn’t even see a binder 😂😄😂


A lot of binding going in the room by the presstitutes


It was lovely ❤️

Cuppa Covfefe

What? S&M week in DC for the presstitutes?

Talk about getting tied up in their lies…


With a beautiful smile 😊


And she’s pretty 😍👍‼️ 🇺🇸 ‼️
They should have these briefings aboard the space shuttle open the air lock and dump the nasty rude idiots. The smart one should fall in line. 🤗‼️🇺🇸‼️

Cuppa Covfefe

KInd of like “Moonraker”, where Bond sends Drax out the airlock telling him to “take a giant step for Mankind”… 🙂

(and saying “Man”kind should drive them totally over the edge 😆 )…..

Last edited 25 days ago by Cuppa Covfefe

She’s certainly a merit-based hiree! 💥 

Valerie Curren

That was epic!


Woo! She is a pistol!


Certainly poised, Has her thoughts well for formulated and delivered delivered.

Presstitutes dunno how to handle her.



Endless Thank You’s for today’s post. I don’t think this was an easy one to write.

I will weigh in with my thoughts:

IMO, our good DePat was a “sitting duck”, in some ways, for what I firmly believe was being terribly negatively affected by COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding.
— She was, for the last 18 months or so (perhaps longer), the caregiver for her late mother (who herself passed away from cardiac complications from the Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” doses that she had taken);
— During this period, and after her mother’s death, DePat took over the household work and responsibilities that her mother had done (cleaning, cooking, shopping, etc.)
Because of the above, IMO, there’s a good chance that her natural immune system was getting hammered on a regular basis.

— She also had to keep up a demanding professional schedule as a vocal soloist in her choir. This also meant doing daily vocal practice at home.
— She lived with other COVID-19 “vaccinated” members of her family (father and at least one brother.)
Because of the above,since there is a 99.999% likelihood that the other members of the choir were also COVID-19 “vaccinated”, she was potentially exposed to COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding on multiple occasions.

That leaves what happened to her on / around 17 November 2024 at choir rehearsal. This is the rehearsal where DePat was beside a choir member who had just been “boosted” with COVID-19 “vaccine” shot #4.

Many of the symptoms that DePat described about her condition after 17 November match those found in the Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest section of this report about BNT162b2, given to the FDA on 30 April 2021:
For examples: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (page 2 of the Appendix 1.); Cough (page 3); Inflammation (page 5).

But I will posit that there’s something else in play here: the LIPID NANOPARTICLES in the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” — the chemical compounds that carry the “payload” of the modRNA to every cell in the “vaccinated” person’s body — and are ALSO carried by the EXOSOMES in the “vaccinated” person’s body to places like the SKIN and onto the BREATH.

These LNPs are TOXIC and DANGEROUS. They were formulated so that the “vaccinated” person’s body either doesn’t recognize and destroy them; or, that the “vaccinated” person’s body DOES recognize them but can’t eliminate them.

Now, here’s the thing:
It’s now DIFFICULT to find complete MSDS Safety Sheets for the ALC-0159 or for the ALC-0315 lipid nanoparticles used in the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.” One used to be able to see complete MSDS Safety Sheets on these compounds. Not now. In fact, Yours Truly has found multiple chemical company supplier websites stating that “customers must call for further information”; and, even “this information is not available to the general public. It is only available to the FDA.”

For example, the MSDS Safety Sheet information for ALC-0159 and for ALC-0315 by Cayman Chemical now has THIS for Section 4 of the MSDS for EACH of these compounds (below is for ALC-0159; for ALC-0315 it is the same):

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HOWEVER, Yours Truly downloaded the MSDS for BOTH ALC-1059 AND for ALC-0315 back in 2023, BEFORE this 2024 revision was done. Here’s the Section 4 for ALC-0159 FROM 2022 (the Section 4 for ALC-0315 from 2022 is the same);

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What I’m getting at here is that, IMO, our good DePat WAS COVID-19 “vaccine” shed upon by that choir member in November 2024; that she immediately began to have “Long COVID”-type effects from it; that the ingredients that were shed onto DePat from the COVID-19 “booster shot” that the choir member had just taken ALSO contained the lipid nanoparticles ALC-0159 and ALC-0315, which then also shed onto DePat; and, due to her natural immune system being already undermined, that a cascade of negative effects took over.

Below is a paper that describes the pro-inflammatory effects of the LPNs in the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”;
“Pro-inflammatory concerns with lipid nanoparticles”
Seyed Moein Moghimi, Dmitri Simberg
28 April 2022

May our good DePat rest in eternal Peace.

Last edited 25 days ago by PAVACA

If shedding is a legitimate concern — which it appears to be — then there are any number of public activities which pose a medical threat to people who have made an informed and conscious decision to avoid exposure to the vaxx by not taking it.

Those people are now being exposed to the vaxx secondarily, via shedding, and it is killing those people in largely the same way as the injection of the vaxx is killing the people who chose to take it.

Since there is no way to visually identify who has taken the vaxx, people who have consciously chosen to not take the vaxx have no way of knowing if they are being exposed to the vaxx via shedding by those who have taken it.

This means parents who made an informed medical decision on behalf of their child to spare their child from the negative effects of the vaccine are having that protective measure circumvented via shedding of children at school (and via friends in the neighborhood) whose parents did not make an informed decision (or at least not a well informed decision) regarding the vaxx.

Another area of concern is worship services, where a large number of people are packed into a large room sitting shoulder to shoulder for an hour or more.

In churches where the whole congregation sings songs and hymns before and/or at the conclusion of the worship service, everyone could be getting exposed to shedding in the same way as DePat believed she was affected, by standing next to someone who was recently vaxxed and breathing the same air.

Until or unless ‘proper authorities’ address this matter publicly, there is effectively zero chance of convincing school officials or church leadership that the vaxxed have exposed themselves to a legitimate danger (which could then be mitigated with various treatments and supplements), much less that those same people pose a legitimate danger to the unvaxxed.

There must be hundreds of similar scenarios, from the barber shop or hair salon (where you get breathed on for 15 minutes to an hour or more, depending on the length and style of one’s hair), to group activities of all kinds (sports, concerts, clubs, restaurants, etc., etc.).

Masks are as pointless now as they were before.

Even if authorities recognized the problem and informed the public, what could (or would) be done to minimize the danger to the most hated group of people, the ‘unvaxxed’?

You would have to divide society into the the ‘vaxxed’ and the ‘unvaxxed’, and that’s not going to happen, even if it was possible, which it wouldn’t be.

You could withdraw your kids from public school — which is no small decision — but you can’t withdraw your kids from socializing with other children.

If you withdraw from church, you place your spiritual condition at risk, the consequences of which are potentially far longer (and worse) than dying from covid.

If we withdraw from most other social activities, how much does one’s quality of life suffer in the attempt to preserve it, and at what point is the harm from avoiding public social contact as bad as (or worse than) being exposed to shedding?

Once they set that thing loose on the world, this was always going to be the outcome, because there is no way to avoid exposure.

Which is why I speculated from the start that there must be some kind of prophylactic or antidote developed in conjunction with the covid virus and pseudo vaccines, because the people who created them know better than anyone how dangerous they are.

To not have developed a means to protect oneself from it would be tantamount to suicide.

And to the great detriment of the population of the world, the people who developed these bio-weapons are not suicidal.

So, what to do…

Last edited 25 days ago by scott467

Thank you.
All I can do is to offer my thoughts on what ** may ** have happened to our good DePat.

What I believe is that the pieces of human feces who created the COVID-19 virus and the COVID-19 “vaccines”, made it their business to create these bioweapons in such a way as to damage or destroy the human body in as many ways as possible.

Recall that the EXACT ingredients of the created mRNA of the COVID-19 virus, and the EXACT ingredients of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, is still largely unknown. The FDA- issued fact Sheets and the Package Inserts of the COVID-19 “vaccines” only, IMO, list what the FDA and the “vaccine” manufacturers WANT people (and the health-care professionals who administer these injectables) to know.
I feel that some progress is being made regarding finding out the EXACT ingredients. What IS being discovered more quickly is what these ingredients DO to damage or kill people.

I may be wrong, or have incomplete information, about the role of the lipid nanoparticles in the “vaccines” as regards potential “vaccine” shedding. But the very fact that these created chemical compounds are in the “vaccines” raises many questions.

So, as to the question of “What to do”, I believe that all people must be taking some kind of “COVID-19 detox protocol”, whether they are “vaccinated” or not.

I will again emphasize that I am NOT advocating that people become “hermits”.

Last edited 25 days ago by PAVACA

…there must be some kind of prophylactic or antidote developed in conjunction with the covid virus and pseudo vaccines, because the people who created them know better than anyone how dangerous they are.

I used to think that those in the know who pretended to be vaxed had had a saline solution injected. But if shedding can be so dangerous, they would need actual protection, as you say, from vaxed people around them. This needs to be investigated, as does the extent of shedding damage that can be done. I think we are far from knowing the truth and that it’s dangerous to latch onto one theory either way — that shedding is no big deal, and that shedding is a tremendous danger to all unvaxed people and that any illness we get can be attributable to shedding.



First: I misspelled ALC-0159 in one of the iterations above. I am correcting that here.

Second: all the images from the MSDS Safety Data Sheets for ALC-0159 shown above are from Cayman Chemical.


January 28, 2025 12:57 pm

Another Confirmation in the Senate:
BREAKING: U.S. Senate confirms Sean Duffy to be Secretary of Transportation with 77-22 vote
⚠️BREAKING: Sean Duffy confirmed as Trump’s Secretary of Transportation, 77-22.
🇺🇸Join👉 @SGTnewsNetwork


First press conference for DJT’s new press secretary. The drones were from the FAA, for research.

Seats in the press room will be provided to podcasters and other alternative media outlets.


Press Sect on drones

@Jules31415 BREAKING: Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt has an update on the drones directly from President Trump, saying they were “authorized to be flown by the FAA for research and various other reasons. Many of these drones were also hobbyists, recreational, and private individuals that enjoy flying drones. In time, it got worse due to curiosity. This was not the enemy.”


Beg to differ.

FFA acted as an enemy, by not being transparent.

Some asshole(s) in FAA need to be fired.


A couple obvious unanswered questions:

1) WHY was the FAA flying drones, causing a national disruption, and hiding their activity from the American People?

2) do ‘hobbyists’ have drones the size of SUVs, that are capable of instantly draining the power of other drones that approach it?


good questions…you need to address the new Press Sect.


DOGE interrupted and stopped a $37 million payment to the W.H.O.

DOGE interrupted and stopped $50 million that was almost sent to Gaza for CONDOMS.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That latter stop may have been a mistake, as now they’re liable to reproduce more.


I’m sure not even one cent was ever going to condoms.

If anything, the money would be direct-deposited into a HamISIS terrorist account, with 10% then kicked back to Biden’s bagman, another 40% kicked back to dozens of professional democrats and Republi-con chicken-hawks like Lady Graham, and the remaining 50% going directly to fund terrorist activity in Gaza.




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From the press conference:

Apparently DJT signed an executive order cutting off funds to NGOs that facilitate bringing illegal alien invaders into the country, and when asked if that included “Catholic charities”, the answer was “yes”.


From the press conference:

Presstitutes tried to accuse DJT over the rising cost of eggs, this apparently being the best shot the press corpse can take.

Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt said the reason for the rising cost of eggs is that the Biden administration directed the mass killing of over ONE HUNDRED MILLION CHICKENS in 2024.


press corpse? LOLOLOLOL


An oldie but a goody! 👍😁

Cuppa Covfefe

Fits with the newest episode of “Beat the press” 😆


i like that too!  :wpds_lol: 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or there’s always “deadmeat the press”


another good one!  :wpds_lol: 


Upcoming daily WH press conferences should be hilarious, once the podcasters, youtube influencers, Rumble streamers and Twitter / X people receive security clearance and are seated in the press conference room.

For the first time in my lifetime, conservatives, pro-Trump reporters and even relatively unbiased reporters will be able to ask questions instead of just Leftist jackals and hyenas.

Looking forward to the new people saying daily, “Ms. Leavitt, I would first like to take this opportunity to apologize on behalf of my colleagues in the dying legacy media and the insane Left for their lack of professionalism and blatant agenda-driven bias” before asking their question.

Youtubers pointing out the lack of professionalism of the ‘professional’ legacy yellow-stream presstitutes is going to be pure gold… 😂

Last edited 25 days ago by scott467

” Zelensky is now an illegitimate leader and cannot lift his own ban on holding negotiations with the Russian Federation, but if he wants to, there are ways to do this, Putin said .
Negotiations can be conducted with anyone, but Zelensky, due to his illegitimacy, cannot sign anything, the Russian president noted. #
Putin also stated that during possible negotiations with Kiev, Russia will strive for what corresponds to its interests.
In signing documents between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, “there cannot be a single miss, not a single rough spot, everything must be polished.”
Without sponsorship money and cartridges, “everything will end in a month, a month and a half, or two.” ”

There’s a 10 minute video but without translation not much use.
I only understood one word “no”.×540/5eNkZzXnNYqXpDep.mp4?tag=14


T. Turtle
January 28, 2025 2:23 pm

Senator Cruz says China is controlling the Panama Canal violating their treaty with the United States. We will take it back.
“China’s influence on Panama Canal poses ‘acute risks to US national security,’ Sen. Cruz warns”
President Donald Trump has said ‘China is operating the Panama Canal’ and ‘we’re taking it back’
“Chinese companies are right now building a bridge across the canal at a slow pace so as to take nearly a decade. And Chinese companies control container ports at either end. The partially-completed bridge gives China the ability to block the canal without warning and the ports give China ready observation posts to time that action,” said Cruz, who is the chairman of the committee. 
We cannot turn a blind eye if Panama exploits an asset of vital commercial and military importance, and we cannot stay idle while China is on the march in our hemisphere,” he concluded.


Trump is right yet again! Our President has an eagle eye for threats to our national interest, national security and stability.

Last edited 25 days ago by GA/FL

It’s criminal negligence (at best) that such a national security threat was ever allowed to develop in the first place.

Assuming they won’t just give it back, because even if they wanted to, the CCP won’t let them, then either pull another Trumpian coercive economic threat out of the rabbit hat, or show up with overwhelming force and take it back for violation of the original contract / treaty.

Or destroy the canal so it can’t be used by anyone.

Or build a new canal and make Panama pay for it, using modern technology and equipment, in a more friendly country, rendering chineeze control of the Panama Canal strategically moot.


January 28, 2025 3:05 pm

Kindergarten is in session. 🙂

🇺🇸 “How many of the migrants that were deported have a criminal record?”

Leavitt: “All of them, they broke our immigration laws.”

— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) January 28, 2025


They asked her that several times trying to parse the language. 🙄🙄🙄 What’s that Law about having to pretend not to know something 😫

Thank God for our new Press Secretary. Talk about an upgrade … she’s more like a total reboot of the system. 🙌


“What’s that Law about having to pretend not to know something ”


The Mamet principle.

According to SD:

Media’s Use of ‘Mamet Principle’ Running on Autopilot…
February 9, 2017

“Liberal turned conservative David Mamet famously said: In order to continue advancing their illogical arguments modern liberals have to pretend not to know things…

I have not been able to find or verify that quote independently.

Last edited 25 days ago by scott467

Yeah, that’s it!

of course the nastiest of our ‘urinalists’ go beyond the Mamet ‘pretending’ straight to Aubergine’s ‘intentional harm’ principle.


I tried calling St. Roch’s at (local) 12:30 and got the answering machine. I will next try at 1:00.


No joy at 1:00. Next 1:30.


Governments are like that.


I left a brief message on the answering machine this time, mentioning that Susie had family, and friends, and musical friends, and internet friends — and I was calling for the internet friends who would have the most difficulty attending the service.


No answer at 2:00 (local). That would be 4:00 there, I believe. My next call will be my last for the day. Can someone else call tomorrow morning? 1-314-721-6340. They say they’re only open Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and I’ve been working Tuesday afternoon every half hour.

Again, “internet friends” scattered around the world would want to be with our dear friend. If they need any resources to stream or upload, find out what they would be.


No luck on the last Tuesday call. Volunteers to call Wednesday morning when eldritch horrors on the West Coast are still abed?


Thank you for doing this.

Tatonka Woman

(Ooops. Just posted this in TradeBait2’s thread in error. Did I mention my life is scattered and hectic right now??)

Okay. Just throwing this thought out here. It could be a hit or a miss, but here it is.

RE: Tuesday Author

There is no way with my current personal daily challenges right now, plus outside commitments I have, that I could be a weekly author. However, I have a strong writing background, and some certain topics and experiences that I would enjoy sharing here, and that I believe would stir some interest and conversation on the board.

I believe, too, that there are others here that could say “ditto” to that paragraph. Periodic posts by TradeBait2 – the latest on January 26th – is one example of that. There have been others.

So…my thought is that Tuesday could become an author anthology day. Maybe something like “Tuesday Time Travel” where the topics deal with history and personal events that tie in with today’s political, health, and social issues. Or…whatever.

Again, TradeBait2’s occasional posts could be done as the Tuesday thread.

Wolfie could be the head author, doing the actual thread post. A potential author could let Wolfie know they are interested in doing one for such and such a date, email the actual article to him, and he could schedule the post.

Just a thought.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

An interesting thought.


I like it. Whoever can help and wants to help would be welcomed, no doubt.

As one whose macular degeneration makes authoring impossible (I had to retire at Sylvia’s), I’m far more likely to read the current ‘special posts’ like Trade Bait’s if they are the daily. Too much screen time is murder on my eyes so I’ve really cut back my time online.


Wolf is completely free to do whatever he likes with my posts. As I get more time toward the middle of spring I may be able to be more consistent. I have been trying to post weekly with the current subject matter, which is being well received. I currently have enough content planned to go for nearly a year. I have begun the process of building up an inventory of completed stories so that if i have a conflict one week, there will be others in the can. Whatever Wolf and others desire is fine by me.


Sounds like you can just add “open thread” and a date and were all set. More but not necessary, would be section out a few daily happenings, amusements or such that have caught your eye but trust we’ll add plenty once we have something to write on. 😁

Tatonka Woman

I just threw out a thought on how to resolve the Tuesday author need. If anyone is/was planning to step up for a weekly authorship, that is wonderful! And, however you plan to offer up your additional content – as a regular weekly or periodically – I look forward to it!!

Whatever any of us can do to support Wolfie, and this Treeper haven right now is a welcome blessing to all.


January 28, 2025 3:26 pm

Congratulations to Tennessee Legislators who are working hard to pass School Choice this week, which I totally support. We will very soon be sending Education BACK TO THE STATES, where it belongs. It is our goal to bring Education in the United States to the highest level, one that it has never attained before. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

I have a dream that one day, from sea to shining sea, the intentionally dumbed-down sons and daughters of Americans will once again be able to sit down together and learn how to read and write and do basic arithmetic.

I have a dream that one day even the District of Criminals, a district sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that little white children will one day live in a nation where they will not be hated and discriminated against because of the color of their skin, and their oppressors will be judged by the content of their malicious character.

I have a dream today!

I have a dream that one day, down in Leftistland, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with words like “transgender” and “DEI” and “Glo-bull Warming” — one day right there in Leftistland, little American boys and girls will be taught how to do math and science, making the need for H1-B visas obsolete, so wealthy elitists with names from third world countries — where they poop in the streets — can no longer disparage or denigrate Americans for their lack of skills and qualifications.

I have a dream!

Last edited 25 days ago by scott467

January 28, 2025 3:28 pm

Leo Terrell reports the DOJ Building has been evacuated under an emergency order… and nobody knows why.
BREAKING: The Department of Justice building in Washington, D.C. is being evacuated due to an unidentified threat.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm… that might make it so that those let go can’t pack up their personal belongings and leave….. sounds like a stalling trick…..


Some unexpected fire alarm or some such, get every one out of the building before they have time to “tidy things up”.


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Practical Solutions: US Engineers turn Salty Seawater into Drinking Water with New Cheap Method
Posted on 27 January 2025 by The Tactical Hermit

US engineers turn salty seawater into drinking water with new cheap method
Researchers have developed carbon cloth electrodes that efficiently remove boron from seawater, potentially replacing costly chemicals in desalination.
The electrodes remove boron from desalinated water by splitting molecules into ions. Hydroxide ions bind to boron, which adheres to positive electrodes, ensuring safer drinking water production.
The breakthrough, developed by a team of engineers at the University of Michigan (UM) and Rice University, marks a crucial advancement in making seawater safe for drinking.
“Our device reduces the chemical and energy demands of seawater desalination, significantly enhancing environmental sustainability and cutting costs by up to 15 percent, or around 20 cents per cubic meter of treated water,” said Weiyi Pan, a postdoctoral researcher at Rice University and a study co-first author, in a statement.”

Last edited 25 days ago by patfrederick

see if this image posts

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From OT:

60 USAID Officials Removed From Duty
January 28, 2025

SD: “According to media reports, President Trump has removed the entire leadership structure of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), previously run by Samantha Power.

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This is not necessarily a domestic issue. Those who walk the deepest political weeds well understand that USAID is the cover agency for the interventionist efforts of the CIA. USAID is the agency silo that coordinates the meddling in foreign elections, organizes the revolutions and political opposition of those deemed out of alignment with global democratic norms, funds the NGOs who do the ground operations, and generally seeks to replace foreign leaders.

President Trump has just removed the entire leadership structure of the USAID enterprise, approximately 60 government officials. You can bet that nationalist leaders of foreign countries are smiling now while Brussels (EU Commission) is left wondering who will pay for the foot soldiers.

(Via Politico) – […] The order — sent via email to members of the senior executive and senior Foreign Service — was issued close to the end of the business day Monday and was effective immediately, according to two current USAID officials and three former USAID officials told of the communication. It comes as USAID and the State Department have been ordered to impose halts on a vast number of humanitarian and related programs around the world.

The decision appears to affect nearly every career staffer who holds a top leadership role at the agency, at least in Washington — around 60 officials, the current and former officials said.

The cuts have left many offices within the agency entirely devoid of senior non-political leadership. The entire cadre of leaders who run USAID’s bureau for global health, for example, was put on leave, according to two of the officials.

“This is a huge morale hit,” said a former senior Trump administration official who was also told of the move. “This is the leadership of the agency. This is like taking out all the generals. I don’t know what they hope to accomplish by it.” (read more)

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We can be sure the ‘bureau for global health‘ has never helped the health of anyone on earth. There’s a far better chance it funds abortion mills all over the world, when it’s not playing ‘hide the Ivermectin’.

Pretty sure that’s just John Kerry (D-bag, MA) in drag.

Has anyone ever seen the two of them together at the same time?

Last edited 25 days ago by scott467

They are twins.

USAID was caught ignoring Trump’s orders to stop all aid.

It was a matter of time until USAID swamp rats were culled from Federal work force.

Every day, all day, we keep winning.   :cheers: 


Our President is flushing out the deep state. 🙂


“This is a huge morale hit,” said a former senior traitor embed Trump administration official who was also told of the move.”




“This is the leadership of the agency. This is like taking out all the generals.”



Duplicate that process all across the federal treasonment!


“I don’t know what they hope to accomplish by it.”


Liar. Obviously they expect to bring USAID to a grinding and unceremonious HALT.

Gail Combs

By By, Operation Gladio…


j x
January 28, 2025 4:56 pm

BREAKING: NY AG Letitia James sues the Trump administration after freeze on federal funding

The lawfare campaign against the President continues!

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 28, 2025

Tatonka Woman

How the…HECK…does she think she has ANY legal control over how the federal funds are spent???


NEW: Journalist Catherine Rampell has a meltdown after Scott Jennings tells her to lawyer up after she suggested Elon Musk is aligning himself with Nazis.

CNN is now directly accusing Elon Musk of doing a Nazi salute at Trump’s rally.

Rampell was morally outraged over Musk’s hand gesture and has appeared to convince herself that Musk was pledging his allegiance to Nazis.

Jennings: You better lawyer up.

Rampell: *Has meltdown*

Cuppa Covfefe

Godwin’s law writ large…

Many, MANY Germans I know, say that that gesture that Musk made is anything BUT a Hitlergruß…


I’m serious, it’s the wymyn.

Look at “The View” (but don’t look for too long) as exhibit ‘A’, but there are lots of others.

Look at the ‘nasty woman’ as DJT called the CNN woman (here she is, interviewing Homan) with the long dark hair, I think she was at the press conference today, being nasty to Ms. Leavitt.

Look at the female mayors and governors (Hochul, Witchmer, mayor of L.A., etc.).

Hateful Leftist wymyn are all over the legacy media.

The Leftist men, like Jake Tapper, Jim Acosta, etc., are rarely hostile, because hostile would be masculine, but the Leftist men are all feminine simps.

It’s the Leftist wymyn who are aggressive and hostile (masculine), practically shrieking at Trump administration officials with barely contained hatred in their eyes.

Last edited 25 days ago by scott467

Rampell was doing her ‘impudent woman’ routine.



I’m surprised there was any mention of ‘far Left’ at all.


Just saw Trump pulled Milley’s clearance.

Looking for the sauce.

The day just keeps getting better.




January 28, 2025 5:33 pm


Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth has REVOKED General Mark Milley’s security detail and security clearance.

Hegseth is now planning on DEMOTING the General.

Hegseth also ordered the removal of all Pentagon portraits of Milley.

Total Humiliation

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) January 28, 2025


Milley earned this! Milley is a disgrace to the uniform, US Military and America.

Saw a blurb with other retired generals cited. Did NOT read it.

Fuck sticks are prolly besides themselves. They are all money whores for MIC and self grandeur as talking heads.

I do wonder if Milley accepted Maggot’s pardon.

Either way. Does not change, Milley earned losing his security detail, clearance and whatever demotion the asshole gets.

Cuppa Covfefe

“Shaving” Private Milley….. 🙂


Milley’s chineez handlers are gonna be so mad.


He deserves prison. This shows Pete setting the example. You dont get away with it. I sure hope he does this to all the ds there.


Mean while Miss Lindsey is all in a tiff about Bolton loosing his security detail and security clearance. I imagine this will make his head explode 😆

Lindsey Graham Says Trump Needs to Be Investigated For Pulling John Bolton’s Security (VIDEO)Cristina Laila Jan. 28, 2025 1:30 pm 2283 Comments


Sounds like there may have been a luv connection between Johnny B and Lady Gay.


Demotion is yuge!


Demote down to the lowest rank there is.

It almost seems like DJT’s administration is now doing to them what they constantly did to us.

Provoke and provoke and provoke to outrage, in hopes that their enemies will do something truly stupid in response.

I hope the Leftists are enjoying the treatment.


May his pink hair live on in infamy!

Cuppa Covfefe


A true Pinko, as we used to say in the 1950s/60s…


A federal district judge just temporarily blocked Trump’s freeze on federal grants and loans — pausing the plan for a week and setting a hearing for further arguments on Monday morning.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) January 28, 2025


I realize lawfare is lawfare, but he is the executive andvthe judiciary is not in charge of the executive when it comes to spending. How does this have legal standing?


Lib / Woke judges have legal standing because they say they have legal standing.

And we don’t have legal standing because those same judges say we don’t.

Simple, huh?


About right.

Valerie Curren

Sounds about “right” 🙁


It won’t.

Trump is the President. He will do what is legal for him to do, and tell the courts to get bent.

Cuppa Covfefe

The House approves funding, but the executive, i.e. VSGPDJT, has the discretion to NOT SPEND IT… I think this was hashed about eight years ago or so… they cannot force VSGPDJT to spend money if he deems it inappropriate…



Gail Combs

If I recall there was a big fight about that during Nixon’s admin. I think we are going to see that fight renewed.

….Impoundment, the practice of presidents declining to spend money Congress has appropriated, has a long history, with multiple presidents dating back to Thomas Jefferson taking some action against federal spending.

After President Richard Nixon took impoundment to an extreme and canceled billions of dollars in spending, Congress passed the Impoundment Control Act, which says presidents can only use the impoundment power by submitting requests to Congress about funds they don’t want to disburse; lawmakers then have to approve those requests within 45 days, otherwise the funds are released.

Trump and his allies, including incoming Office of Management and Budget Director Russell Vought, have argued the Impoundment Control Act is unconstitutional and the president has expansive power to cancel congressionally authorized spending, going against the prevailing interpretation of federal law, which is that presidents cannot unilaterally cancel congressional funds….

Gail Combs

If I recall Biden completely ignored orders from the Supreme Court. I think it was about student loans.

“That Didn’t Stop Us” – Biden Brags About Ignoring Supreme Court on His Scheme to Unilaterally Cancel Student Loan Debt 

CNBC reported on Biden’s new student loan cancelation plan:

President Joe Biden unveiled his new plan to forgive student debt on Monday, less than a year after the Supreme Court blocked his initial attempt.

Valerie Curren

As did Obola about the Gulf drilling after there was that oil spill or platform fire, I forget the details, but Obola just did what he wanted, iirc.


So the Trump administration should immediately appeal to a higher court and get it reinstated.

Trump now has the unlimited resources of the federal government behind him, instead of against him.


Trump Studied The Enemy, What Happens When A Threat Is Dismantled & Removed, Fire At Will – Ep. 3558
 January 28, 2025  x22report

The [DS][CB] are struggling right now. Trump is in the process of shutting down the money laundering by the criminal syndicate. Jerome Powell will try to fight back and those above will try everything. The people of this country have had enough and Trump is now seeding the narrative to restructure the Federal Reserve. Trump over the last eight years has studied the [DS]. He has looked into the agency and mapped where money has been flowing to. This is how Trump can move so quickly. This is why he was able to give DOGE and mandate of 7/4/26 because the leg work was done way ahead of time. What happens when a threat is dismantled and removed. Fire at will commander, we have a special place for GS.

Ep 3558a – Trump Is Shutting Down The [CB]/[DS] Money Laundering, Trump Just Revealed His Plan

Ep 3558b – Trump Studied The Enemy, What Happens When A Threat Is Dismantled & Removed, Fire At Will



Prayer For Grace At The End Of The Day

Heavenly Father, as the day is drawing to its close I ask that Your continued love and presence be with me and with all that are Your children in Christ. Guard us through the long hours of darkness this night I pray, and keep us safe from all harm and dangers that may try to cross our threshold. 

Give us, I pray, an untroubled night of rest and quietness of heart. May we be refreshed and renewed in body, soul and spirit as we rest our weary hearts in You through the hours of the night. 

Lord, I pray that by Your great grace and mercy, You would grant us untroubled sleep so that we may rise up in the morning strong to do Your bidding. May we all rejoice for the dawn of a new day, knowing that Your mercies are new every morning. In Jesus’ name,



Prayer Of Reflection On The Past Day

Loving Lord, as the day is coming to an end, I want to thank You for being with me in all that has taken place today. I also want to lay the whole day before You, asking that you would show me if there is anything that I have done to hurt or harm another person unknowingly, or if I have done anything that is displeasing in Your sight, or quenched the work of the Spirit in me, so that I may turn away from such things in the days that lie ahead.

Lord, I desire to do Your will in all things. I pray that You would cleanse me of any wrong thoughts or attitudes that may have surfaced in my heart today. Wash me in Your cleansing flood, I pray. 

Thank You, that You are a God who forgives our transgressions when we are willing to confess them to You, knowing that such cleansing before You immediately draws us back into sweet fellowship with Yourself. 

Give me a good night’s rest I pray, and may I rest quietly in Your loving arms in the knowledge that in Christ, I am eternally secure, due to Your amazing grace, for which I praise You. In Jesus’ name, 



Prayer Of Thanksgiving In The Evening

Praise Your holy name Heavenly Father, for granting yet another day in my life and for being with me every step of the way. Thank You for the many blessings that You have provided and the love and fellowship that I have with the friends and family that in Your grace You have placed in my life.
My heart is so thankful for all the many blessings that I enjoy day by day, and today I am once again reminded that Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness endures from generation to generation.
Thank You, that I have been brought into Your family and have been made a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Words cannot express my love and devotion to You Lord
I pray that You would watch over me as I rest tonight, and that You would give me a restful night’s sleep so that I may wake up in the morning refreshed in body and spirit and ready to do Your will. Guard all those that I love and may we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the days that lie ahead. This I ask in His precious name,



More winning.

Italy leaving the WHO


Italy got nailed by COVID due to the Chi-coms infecting the garment workers over the Chyna New year and sending them back to Italy and France to work.


Correct. And that was followed up by the EMA (European Medicines Agency) approving the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, plus the viral vector DNA COVID-19 “vaccine” from Astra-Zeneca. So millions of Italians got “vaccinated.”


Wolf, Taller Half has had one plus of Pfizer, and I have not had any symptoms. Ever.

But state of NY, so I cannot identify any batches in any other state.

Gail Combs

WSB, I think it depends on the individual to some extent. If you have allergies, I think you are going to be a lot more prone to have systemic inflammation (cytokine storm)


Yes, that could very well be.


Taller Half has had one plus of Pfizer, and I have not had any symptoms.

This is why we need a lot of research and information about shedding. Being affected by shedding does not seem to be a universal phenomenon.


Around Thanksgiving 2023 I was part of a mixed group with some loving their boosters. I felt off and sickish for weeks after. Repeat at Thanksgiving 2024. I believe I am prone to having things trigger mast cell activation. So far alternating MB and CDS plus my usual remedies has been enough to get back to baseline.


What little I know…This Deepseek AI Model out of China that unveiled last week is open source, very cheap in comparison with American AI and has thrusted it self into strong competitor status that is on par with American AI. Already over 1 Trillion dollars have fled AI markets this week in seek of fortune else where. Essentially it is a game changer for AI going forward as it opens the door to many competitors that plan on taking advantage to the open source models. Apparently Gab is positioning itself to be one of the competitors adding two Deepseek platforms to it’s AI suite. From my email.
Disclaimer. I don’t use AI with the exception of trying out Grok yesterday and was rewarded with two things. One was to find out if Mary Conover Mellon ever wrote a book or was the subject of a book and Grok found one for me. It’s on the list to order. The other was after the Rubio announcement I had a long argument with Grok and I got it to confirm that the two photos below are likely of the same woman.

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Speaking of Grok, Grok includes it’s own assessments next to some tweets that have large engagement with the tweet folk. This is what it says about Deepseek. Not much deeper than my own assessment.

Grok summary

The launch of DeepSeek R1, a Chinese AI model, has significantly impacted global markets, causing a reported loss of one trillion dollars in the U.S. stock market and affecting major tech companies like Nvidia.

  • DeepSeek R1 has been highlighted for its superior performance compared to existing AI models, leading to discussions about its implications for the AI industry.
  • There are posts on X suggesting that DeepSeek R1’s efficiency and open-source nature have caused a “meltdown” in Silicon Valley, with some users humorously noting the panic among U.S. tech firms.
  • The model’s release has sparked conversations about the competitive edge in AI technology, with some posts on X linking the market crash directly to DeepSeek R1’s capabilities.

Anyway. Back to the Gab Email I received.

Gab AI


We’re thrilled to announce that DeepSeek models R1 and V3 — the groundbreaking AI tools making global headlines this week — are now fully integrated into the Gab AI dashboard! These powerful models join our growing suite of AI options, including Claude, ChatGPT, and others, giving you more versatility than ever to explore, create, and innovate.

Click Here To Try DeepSeek V3

Why DeepSeek on Gab AI Matters

DeepSeek recently captured the world’s attention by open-sourcing its models, democratizing access to cutting-edge AI. However, many rightly raised concerns about data privacy and security when using platforms hosted in mainland China. At Gab, we’ve solved this problem: DeepSeek R1 and V3 are now hosted exclusively on U.S. servers, ensuring your data remains secure under American laws and free from foreign surveillance.

Click Here To Try DeepSeek R1

A Growing AI Ecosystem

While no third-party model matches our core model Arya’s unwavering commitment to free speech and uncensored outputs, we recognize diverse needs. Claude excels in creative writing, ChatGPT offers polished responses, and DeepSeek brings unique technical capabilities. Switching between models is seamless, letting you harness the best of AI in one trusted platform — all while your data stays private.

Support Uncensored AI: Upgrade to Gab AI Plus

Every upgrade to Gab AI Plus directly fuels our mission to resist AI censorship, whether from woke Western corporations like OpenAI or authoritarian regimes like China. By choosing Gab, you’re not just accessing premium tools — you’re defending free speech and ensuring AI remains a force for truth, liberty, and human flourishing.


Upgrade to Gab AI Plus Today


Thank you for standing with us in this critical fight. Together, we’re proving that ethical, uncensored AI isn’t just possible — it’s inevitable.


With gratitude,

The Gab AI Team

Summing up…and the Trump take.


“They” are completely freaking out and thoroughly overwhelmed by the MAGA onslaught.

Enjoy! 👇

(Note: someone please remind me how to properly include a twitter link so that it appears in a post rather than just a link. Thanks!)

Last edited 25 days ago by ForGodandCountry
Tatonka Woman

“…they followed the facts, applied the law, did their job…”  😂   😂   😂 

Unprecedented?? I seem to recall Clinton firing all 93 US Attorneys in one fell swoop.

I hope this guy and all his ilk suffer from indigestion for the next 4 years!

Gail Combs

I want them behind bars!


That makes 2 of us!

Tatonka Woman

Prison food will do that to you.
Don’t ask me how I know…..


The hand wringing. Music to my ears.

Last edited 25 days ago by kalbokalbs

someone please remind me how to properly include a twitter link so that it appears in a post rather than just a link.

The only way I know to do it is to do exactly what you did: substitute “twitter” for “x.” It’s a gamble; sometimes the content will show, and many times it won’t.







Gail Combs

I just put “cancel” in between the “x” and “.com”

samey samey


I don’t know if you’re an X user. I’m not, so I can’t sign in. When I use “cancel” after the “x” it allows me to see comments that I otherwise could not see. Unfortunately, it does not make the content show here.

Valerie Curren Sometimes works but it’s inconsistent


The victory of @realDonaldTrump is a huge defeat for the whole Soros network. Now it’s our turn: 2025 is a pivotal year for removing the influence of the Soros network from Brussels and from Europe.


This is all to damn funny AND about time.

Hope to see EU swirling the bowl within months.

PANIC IN BRUSSELS: Trump and Secretary Rubio Reportedly Ignoring the European Union, Focusing on Bilateral Relations with the Countries
US President Donald J. Trump and his Secretary of State Marco Rubio are reportedly focusing on bilateral relations with some European countries, and totally ignoring the European Union in their early diplomatic moves.

But, come to think of it – why wouldn’t they?

The EU is pushing every losing, crippling Globalist agenda under the sun – from unchecked mass migration to the Net-zero obsession of the ‘Church of Global Warming’; from DEI nonsense to Transgenderism for children, to advancing a ‘forever war’ in Ukraine… Brussels is destroying their nations to obey the orders of the Globalist overlords.

Yesterday (27), it arose that Top EU diplomat Kaja Kallas had sent an open invitation to U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio to attend a regular meeting of the European foreign ministers.

It’s not that Rubio politely declined: he reportedly ignored it.

Politico reported:

“She [Kaja Kallas] told journalists she had asked him to come “to explain the views of the United States” — which now include taking over Greenland, home to 55,000 EU citizens. Rubio didn’t show up at the meeting on Monday. Or hop on via Zoom. In fact, there was no sign he replied.

[…] Rubio’s silence is triggering anxiety among officials in Brussels who suspect that President Donald Trump’s administration is deliberately freezing out the EU as represented by Brussels and pan-European diplomatic frameworks in favor of national figures — all part of a divide-and-conquer strategy to weaken the bloc.”

Gail Combs

The EU was the template for the New World Order.


And it was inverted.

It’s launch was based upon a currency…the Euro….rather than a true commonality in values, culture, and law, as it was here in the USA with the original 13 colonies.

In short, such social commonalities are what forms a genuine, authentic “union”…a currency comes as a by-product of that union. As happened here in the US.

Some are predicting that the “Euro” is going to fail

If that happened, and one played currency speculator George Soros, then one could have Sorosed the EU.

And that’s a happy thought.

Last edited 25 days ago by ForGodandCountry
Gail Combs

I sure do hope that malignant tumor fails!


absolutely IS a WEF construct

without question

Last edited 25 days ago by ForGodandCountry

R-Com Thom Tillis is a slime ball piece of shit. Tried to derail Hegseth.
WOW! Here is the Sneaky GOP Senator Behind Pete Hegseth’s Ex-Sister-in-Law’s 11th Hour Hit Piece Affidavit
The Wall Street Journal revealed that GOP Senator Thom Tillis was behind helping Pete Hegseth’s former sister-in-law get her 11th hour affidavit with allegations of abuse to Senators before the confirmation vote.

Gail Combs

Yeah, he is a real SOB just like Burr.


There is a lot of GOPe dung to clean out of the Republican stalls


Stephen Miller shreds Fake Snapper.

JUST IN: Stephen Miller shuts down CNN’s Jake Tapper after he tried asking a “gotcha” question on illegal immigration, Miller says he can stay for 30 minutes explaining the topic so Tapper can understand.

I missed these interviews.

Tapper: How are you going to avoid deporting illegal immigrants working in agriculture?

Miller: “Only 1% of alien workers in the entire country work in agriculture. The top destinations for illegal aliens are large cities like New York, like Los Angeles…”

Tapper: “You’re kinda changing this subject.”

Miller: “Give me 30 minutes, I’ll go as deep as you want.”

Gail Combs

It is real SIMPLE we HAVE agricultural visas…

Next question?


H | 2A Visa: For Agricultural Workers in the United States

The United States does not have a cap on H-2A visas. … The maximum stay in the United States under the H-2A visa is for three years.


This is like watching a mental Mike Tyson beat up on mental midget.

Absolutely brutal, and shamefully entertaining.


That’s a hilarious AND spot assessment.   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 


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Gail Combs

That is a Pay per View!


Must watch WH presser. 😂


Zekensky just wants more money and permanent US sponsorship. He can gfh.


Zelensky’s fifteen minutes has expired.

Robert Baker

I wonder what would happen if the US dropped out (or was kicked out) of NATO and a week later Trump announces a non-aggression treaty with Russia. Therapists would surely be a growth industry.


NATO gone. No more Russia, Russia, Russia. Great news by me.

Not to mention, popcorn time.


Slow Guy figures Denmark feels Greenland, slip, slipping away. 😂
Denmark Rolls Out $2 Billion Arctic Security Plan After Trump Threatens to ‘Get Greenland’


Today. Lots of vids of F35 tumbling out the sky up in Alaska. Pilot parachutes to safety. 100 million wasted.


I wonder what happened.


LAPD Source: Police Could Not Help Fire Evacuation Because Guarding Biden

Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) source told Breitbart News on Tuesday that there were not enough officers available to direct traffic and assist the evacuation from the Palisades Fire because they were guarding President Joe Biden.

Biden was in Los Angeles from January 6 through 8, largely for family reasons, as his first great-grandchild was born. But because LAPD officers had been detailed to help protect him and his family, officers struggled to reach the Pacific Palisades as the Palisades Fire began to burn, and frightened residents became stuck in a traffic on Sunset Boulevard.

“We tried to get over here [the Palisades] in time, but we couldn’t,” the source said. “We were detailed to the president.”

These people ran for their lives and homes, pets, people burned bc of demented joe.


Hmmm. I assume that when DJT and Melania were there on Friday, they did not divert LAPD resources to themselves. Why would Brandon need these resources?  🤔 


Maggot had no idea there was a fire. Taco Jill couldn’t be bothered.

Valerie Curren

Returning again late to the party to just get us to this “milestone” 😉

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