Health Friday 2.14.2025 Open Thread: Special Valentine’s Day Edition — Dark Chocolate!

The above image is courtesy of See’s Chocolates and Google Images.

Health Friday is a series devoted to Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. Today’s offering is a Special Edition in honor of Valentine’s Day. However, the discussion is not limited to what is presented here: It is an Open Thread.

There are Important Wolf Moon Notifications, the Rules of our late, good Wheatie, and certain caveats from Yours Truly, of which readers should be aware. They are linked here.

Yours Truly begins the exploration of the delicious, highly-desired, and — surprise! — nutritious, beneficial food known as Dark Chocolate, here: https://nutritionsource.hsph/ Yes, dark chocolate has a long and “rich” (no pun intended) history. The ancient Mayans discovered chocolate (what we would call “dark chocolate”) and drank it as a bitter concoction that was sometimes mixed with herbs. From the Harvard article:

The Mayan culture actually used chocolate for currency and for trade. Only members of the royal family and of the nobility were permitted to drink or otherwise consume chocolate. Please see:, “Ancient Mayans Used Chocolate for Money”, 29 June 2018.

When the Spanish Conquistadors discovered what is now Mexico, they began to send chocolate back to Europe. At first, again, it was used there among royal and noble classes as a beverage or as a food item that was chewed. In fact, King Louis XIV of France would send for shipments of chocolate from Mexico for his Spanish-born Queen, Marie Therese, which were packed in roses and herbs to “keep them fresh.” Over time, the availability and consumption of dark chocolate began to increase among all levels of society.

Dark chocolate has several important health benefits. One example of an article that describes these benefits is here:, “7 Proven Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate — Healthline.”, 13 July 2022. The seven benefits:

Dark chocolate is packed with nutrition: A 100-gram bar of dark chocolate with 70% – 85% cocoa has, among other things, 11 grams of fiber and 66% of the daily recommended amount of iron.

Dark chocolate is a strong source of antioxidants, as it contains polyphenols (compounds found in plant foods) and flavanols (a subgroup of flavinoids.)

Dark chocolate can lower blood pressure and help blood flow in the body.

Dark chocolate raises the HDL (“good” cholesterol) level in the body, while also lowering the damage that some forms of LDL (“bad” cholesterol) can do to the body.

Dark chocolate may reduce the risk of heart disease, due to the lowering of the LDL damage as described above.

The flavanols in dark chocolate can help protect the skin from sun damage.

Dark chocolate may help to improve brain function in older persons, while at the same time, assisting in blood flow to the brain in younger persons.

However, there are a couple of negative aspects about dark chocolate of which consumers should be aware. The first is that Lead and/or Cadmium (heavy metals) can be added into the manufacturing process. Please see here:, 14 February 2023. There is an embedded link in this article to a Consumer Reports piece regarding high Lead and/or Cadmium levels that were found in certain brands of dark chocolate. The second drawback is that the same 100-gram bar of Dark Chocolate described above also contains about 43 grams of fat. Please see here:, “What are the benefits of dark chocolate?”, by Jamie Eske, 25 October 2023.

There are scientific papers published on Dark Chocolate. Here is an example:, ‘Dark Chocolate: An overview of its biological activity, processing, and fortification approaches”, Sharmistha Samanta, et al., 15 October 2022. Below is the Abstract of the paper:

And, from the same paper, Figure 2, on the health benefits of Dark Chocolate:

Finally, a recipe, courtesy of Lorraine Elliott, for Dark Chocolate Energy Bars:

Yours Truly is not advocating that people consume Dark Chocolate as their principal source of antioxidants, fiber, and so on. On the other hand, the above facts may come in handy to rebut allegations along the lines of, “Well, Dark Chocolate is just fattening and can hurt your arteries” from persons who do not know the information in today’s offering. “Moderation is the key.”

Happy Valentine’s Day to all! Peace, Good Energy, Respect: PAVACA

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Isn’t dark chocolate a ray-ciss slur?

  :wpds_silly:   :wpds_lol: 


Not if the speaker is a black person. For anyone else, yes.

The usage double-standard MUST be enforced, ya know.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! “Candies of color” – does that include Candace Owens?



Cuppa Covfefe

Nahhh, it’s a Netflix remake of Willie Wonka…

Doc Chocolate… 🙂


Happy Valentine’s Day to you and to all, and thank you for this article!

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Happy Valentine’s Day, CV! I hope yours is worthy of your Amazing self!

Last edited 1 month ago by cthulhu

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I ❤️ being on the govt watchlist
With all of you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Violets are blue
Roses are red
We must not let collectivists watching us
Go to our collective head!


Rose are red
Commies are too
They can all go to hell
And eat lots of poo

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



More states are red
Than those that are blue.
The people awaken
Who once had no clue.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey, I like that one!


Bravo – !!!


❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Though violets are blue
Some roses are yellow
All of this spying
Can get to a fellow!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




I would be insulted if they left my name off.


😂 🤣 😅

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Happy Valentine’s Day! 💖


I’ve been thinking that a cup of hot cocoa for lunch every day in the winter is a very reasonable approach to life.

Thank you for your support!

Gail Combs

I like a cup of dark cocoa in the evening and a piece of dark chocolate as a ‘nightcap’


And here I was thinkin’ pink!

Gail Combs

I found it interesting that my ‘Health care professional’ last week, asked if I ate chocolate and whether I preferred dark chocolate.

Someone must be doing a study.


Likely some bureaucrat added the chocolate, dark chocolate questions, to the checklist of mandatory crap, quacks are required to ask.

Not /s.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I think you’re right.

Very soon there will be a prescription-only, patented nutraceutical based on dark chocolate, produced by a Pfizer subsidiary, that will then go generic and be produced in India because only the Indian generic will be covered by Medicare.


All the women in the world will rise up in protest .. never ever mess with a woman’s chocolate, especially dark chocolate. This is a necessity based on a cycle that is absolutely not debatable. Seriously 😉
OTC only keep the ladies happy. If mom ain’t happy ….. mumble, murmur hissssssss


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Run little piggies.

Clawback is coming.

Thanks for leaving a trail to follow.


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However, it’s not like there’s nothing else going on. PDJT’s administration is making major news multiple times every day. 😁


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Broccoli. That’s COLD!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

At least it is not brussels sprouts. The taste of broccoli can be smothered with a nice sharp cheddar cheese melted over the top. Or a flavorful dip if eaten raw.


My mom (the world’s worst cook) would very rarely cook brussels sprouts…..and just the smell was enough to warrant evacuating the house.

Gail Combs

AMEN! Even the dog would not eat them. I sat at the kitchen table all night because that was the one veggie I absolutely refused to eat.

Robert Baker

Gail, you apparently picked up your iconoclastic creds early on. By reasonable extrapolation the Q Tree can thank an innocent unassuming vegetable for your stubborn commitment to the truth.

Gail Combs

Yes, I am stubborn when needed.


My husband loves them 🙄 . But he doesn’t get them as often as he’d like!


I love roadted ones w some balsamic n pepper. Yum.


That sounds good. I have tried some similar ways of preparing them but DH always wants them cooked-almost-to-mush in salt water with at most a pat of butter on them. Butter does help.


Cut 1/2 lengthwise, rolled in Moroccan spice, drizzled with olive oil and roasted until a little crisp. Whole different world.

Last edited 1 month ago by Gudthots
Cuppa Covfefe

They’re actually good, raw, sort of micro-cabbages…

Cooking them should be considered a crime against humanity…

Gail Combs

The only cabbage I like is bok choy. And cole slaw if made WITHOUT Mayo.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sauerkraut? (enormous amount of vitamin C, and great on hot dogs) (but NOT CHILI DOGS… for any West Virginians out there 😆 )…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow! I didn’t know about the vitamin C!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Roast them fast and hard, for maximum fire-roasted flavor and minimum loss of crispness. Then olive oil, pepper, and whatever.

One can actually get many haters on board with roasted Brussels sprouts.

Gail Combs

Does it come with a close-pin for your nose?

Cuppa Covfefe

Would a little tube of Silly-Putty (or Arctic Silver) do? 😆

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Good point… just as long as they don’t slip through the grill 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Roasting, garlic olive oil, and cracked black pepper can make Brussels sprouts really good.


I’m one of the few who LOVE brussels sprouts!! Steamed then served with a bit of olive oil, dill and poppy seeds … as awful as they smell while cooking, they have a delicious sweet taste (honest).

And roasted – with Wolfie’s recipe – are excellent (but restaurants never roast them long enough so they are tough to chew).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup! Good chefs cost money precisely because they can make ordinary crud taste amazing – and not screw it up!

Cuppa Covfefe

I think K&B construction on the “Tool Time” segment of “Home Improvement” could do it… a little olive oil, some “secret ingredient” Oregano, and a blowtorch would work wonders with Brussels Sprouts 😆

Cooking a Meal with Power and Steel


Love those K&B hard-hatters 😂🩷🩷 They make the best music!!


Okay, that’s funny.


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First of all, “migrants”? They were no doubt here illegally. I would think that some arrests are in order.

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Claw it all back, and that which can’t be clawed back, get back by restitution by seizing the assets of EVERYONE involved, from the biggest to the smallest.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Kathy Hokum living out of a hostel sounds like the beginning of justice.

Gail Combs

A TENT in winter in the  Adirondack Mountains just like FEMA was doing to the people of NC.

Goose –> Gander.

Brave and Free

Speaking of the Queen of NY.
We will audit you, but you’d better not audit us. NY has many ways to control what the regime wants done, fall in line with our environmental adjectives. Oh and WE won’t audit the union guy’s, because ya know there’re all on the up and up.

Gail Combs

Business just needs to LEAVE NY esp after what they did to Trump.

Cuppa Covfefe

A LEAKY tent…




The entire democrap party can be locked away for life or put to death by this law, based on their own public exclamations and the number of Americans murdered by alien invaders whose entry was paid for by democraps with stolen U.S. taxpayer funds.


Could it be that USAID was paying to build all those apartment complexes in conservative areas as part of a vote steal scheme?


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More than generous.

By rights, we should clawback at least 30 years worth of imbalance and appropriated wealth.


“On trade, I have decided, for purposes of Fairness, that I will charge a RECIPROCAL Tariff meaning, whatever Countries charge the United States of America, we will charge them — no more, no less!”


It sounds so reasonable and magnanimous…

Until you realize that everyone else is charging us 500% plus tariffs, and we haven’t been charging any tariffs to anyone, so effectively he’s just imposing gigantic (reciprocal!) tariffs, same as before… this just sounds much nicer 😂🤣😂

Gail Combs

AND it is a LOT HIGHER in $$$ than the ‘original’ plan. 🤓


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I like the mental image of this dog overseeing things. 😅


American heroes, charging straight into the belly of the Beast! 👍👏😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The DOGE meme dog i just so cool.

Barb Meier

Here’s what Grok says about the Doge dog…

The Shiba Inu is a small, agile dog breed from Japan, known for its spirited and independent nature. Here are some key points about the Shiba Inu:

Origin: Originating from Japan, the Shiba Inu was bred for hunting small game in the mountainous regions. Its name translates to “brushwood dog,” reflecting its historical role in flushing game from underbrush.

Appearance: Shibas have a compact, muscular body with a double coat that sheds seasonally. Their coat colors include red, black and tan, sesame, and cream, with distinctive white markings known as “urajiro.” They have a fox-like appearance with pointed ears, a wedge-shaped head, and a curled tail.

Temperament: Shibas are known for being bold, alert, and somewhat independent or even stubborn. They’re affectionate with their families but can be aloof with strangers. They have a strong prey drive and can be vocal, sometimes known for their “Shiba scream.”

Grooming: Their double coat requires regular brushing, especially during shedding seasons, to manage the amount of hair they shed. They’re generally clean dogs that groom themselves similar to cats.

Health: Generally, Shibas are healthy dogs with a lifespan of 13-16 years, but they can be prone to conditions like patellar luxation, allergies, and hip dysplasia.

Exercise Needs: This breed needs daily exercise to match their energetic nature. They enjoy activities like hiking, agility, and fetch but should be leashed or in a secure area due to their hunting instincts.

Training: Training a Shiba can be challenging due to their intelligence and independence. Positive reinforcement works best, but consistency and patience are key.

Popularity: In Japan, the Shiba Inu is the most popular companion dog, and it has gained significant popularity worldwide, partly due to its representation in internet memes, notably the “Doge” meme.

Cultural Significance: In Japan, Shibas are considered a natural monument, reflecting their cultural importance.

If you’re considering a Shiba Inu, understand that they require an owner who can provide firm, consistent training, ample exercise, and who appreciates their unique personality traits. They’re not typically recommended for first-time dog owners due to their independent streak but can be wonderful companions for those who understand and cater to their needs. Remember, if you want more detailed information or are looking for specifics like current trends or popularity, I can perform a search to provide more up-to-date insights.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cool! Thank you!

Brave and Free

Reminds me of those little rat dogs running around under your feet. I’m sure that’s how the left feels about now, very annoying.
And that’s fine by me.


That dog is smarter than every Demoncrat in Congress!

Gail Combs

Not to mention the Autists, that dog represents.

Cuppa Covfefe

Git along, little (OK, great big) DOGEs… 🙂


Dog Food Advisor › breeds › shiba-inu
Shiba Inu Dog Breed: Size, Personality and More4 days agoThe Shiba Inu is an ancient Japanese breed and may have arrived in Japan as early as 7000 B.C.. They were bred for hunting small game and ground birds in the mountainous areas of the Chūbu region. Due to their popularity, three separate regions in Japan developed their own types of 

Primitive Dogs › hachi-dogs-tale-movie-review
Hachi: A Dog’s Tale | Movie Review | True Story – Primitive Dogs

  • Release date: 13 June 2009 (USA) Director: Lasse Hallström Writers: Stephen P. Lindsey (screenplay), Kaneto Shindô (screenplay for the original Japanese movie “Hachikō Monogatari”) Stars: Richard Gere, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Joan Allen, and others. Runtime: 93 min “Hachi: A Dog’s Tale” is a heartbreaking movie of the great loyalty between the dog and its owner.

Nope I’m totally wrong the dog is an Akita … sorry. Move along nothing to see here.


Better put poor old Jimmy Carville on suicide watch 🤣


Last edited 1 month ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Watching the Ragin’ Cajun lose his shit is priceless. 😎

Gail Combs

He looks like Gollum in the Tolken Trilogy.


Wonders what he’s done with Mary Mataln?

Okay there is this story from Jan 2025.

Fine but still wonders what he did with Mary Matalin.

Gail Combs

Eric Daugherty:

BREAKING: House declassification task force led by Anna Paulina Luna will have its first hearing NEXT MONTH and will focus on the assas*ination of President John F. Kennedy

I don’t mean to be a downer on this, but what she says in the video gives me no confidence that we will see all the documents. They’re going to have to go through hearings and briefings and decision-making processes. She says:

“Our first hearing is March and will focus on the assassination of President Kennedy. We have already engaged with relevant agencies to provide briefings this month regarding the universe of documents connected to these areas of interest. Upon receiving these briefings we’ll move immediately to review documents and if necessary earmark them for release to the American people.”

“If necessary”? I have no idea what that last sentence means. Why would it be necessary to earmark documents for release if you’re going to release everything?

Later, she says:
“It’s important to note that we don’t have documents yet and we also don’t hold declassification authority. The task force seeks to operate with coordination with the administration to ensure that the American people receive the documents needed to answer questions that we have been asking for far too long.”

“That the American people receive the documents needed” indicates to me that it won’t be all the documents. Someone will be deciding which documents we “need.”

I’m not getting my hopes up about this, and it sounds like a tick-tock. I hope I am wrong.


Release ALL documents, and Americans will go through all of it in hours, and post the results all over the Internet the same day.

Congressional hearings go nowhere, accomplish nothing, and waste everyone’s time.

There is a REASON why they don’t want this information out, and there is NOTHING IN THIS WORLD Anna Paulina can say to make them crack and spill the beans on national TV.

So just RELEASE EVERYTHING and we’ll take it from there.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

It’s congress.

Nothing Congress does, especially their silly “task forces”, or “investigations”, etc. can or should be trusted.

You are entirely right to be skeptical, particularly given that Luna is a JUNIOR representative at the beginning of her 2nd term with the clout of a wet knat. I mean, WTF? Something as monumental as the JFK assassination is gonna be run by a sophmore rep??

While I’m ranting…

It is BEYOND INFURIATING that BOTH McCarthy AND Johnson have refused to release all the Jan 6 tapes.

This shit is just rat cheese to keep us mice satiated. I would RELISH being proven wrong, but crap in one hand and hope in the other and see which one fills up first.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You know, I’m thinking about publishing all my J6 pictures. Maybe after tax season, because it’s gonna be a lot of work, but I think it might be helpful to some of these former defendants, or really anybody interested in the truth.


Might think of editing metadata first.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep…change the photog to “Hunter Biden”… 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The question is then which to leave, and why.


Leave date and time, and potentially GPS coordinates. Remove type of camera, s/n of camera, owner of camera, (if phone) phone service, phone number, phone ID…..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, and keep such things as focal length, ISO, aperture, exposure time.


Transparency was promised.

All documents must be released in a publicly available searchable database.

Zero redactions. Let the chips fall where they may.

Anything less is NOT what has been promised.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

Ultimately classification — Declassification is vested in the PRESIDENT.

Dispelling Myths: How Classification and Declassification Actually Work

…Yet, despite the long history of classified document scandals, many journalists, judges, lawyers, and other outside observers hold fundamental misconceptions about how classification and declassification actually work in the federal government on a day-to-day basis. Since the Mar-a-Lago scandal broke, numerous well-intentioned articles have attempted (see herehere, and here) to explain classification and declassification to the public, along with prolific pontificating from “experts” on Twitter, but this commentary often overlooks basic realities about how the U.S. classification system operates. Drawing from the authors’ experiences at the Central Intelligence Agency and Department of Defense, this article seeks to dispel several myths that have emerged about classification and declassification, particularly regarding presidential and vice-presidential authority, while also providing perspective on how these processes are carried out in the real world.

Classification 101

At its core, classified information is information relating to national security that warrants special protection from unauthorized disclosure, due to the damage to national security that may result from its release. Ostensibly, this information assists presidents in carrying out their constitutional duties as commander-in-chief and other responsibilities relating to national security and foreign affairs. But in reality, only a small fraction of this information actually reaches the president; the vast majority is used by rank-and-file government employees who perform a broad range of national security functions to support these presidential powers. It is also important to understand that the executive branch’s consistent position across administrations is that 👉classified information is created, owned, and controlled by the president,👈 and that Congress and the courts have extremely limited power to intrude on the president’s authority over this information…..


Unless it is ALL released, unredacted, it’s a broken promise in my book..


Gail Combs

I am fairly sure it will be released esp after they made a couple tries at assassinating POTUS Trump.

Gail Combs

I am wondering if POTUS Trump is building up Anna Paulina Luna’s street creds.


I want to know about the attempted assassinations of Donald Trump SIX MONTHS AGO!

JFK’s assassination is interesting in an academic sort of way. But the people who were complicit in DJT’s attempts are still running around and must be brought to justice, before they can try again.

I’m tired of the “bread and circuses.” We The People need real action.


Trump has ordered all of both of the assassination attempts be delivered to him.

Agree and I don’t care where the chips fall.

We need to know everything about attempts on Trump.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So where does that leave spending on mind control and bootleg UFOs?

Cuppa Covfefe

Not to mention flat-earth surfing championships! (H/T Filly, and PAGING STEVE) 😆

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That appears to be the point of know return…

In Kansas, where you’d least expect it 😁

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Last edited 1 month ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhhh, but they’ll just end up as dust in the wind, erm, water… and nobody’s home 🙂

Sounds like a Wayward Sun to me 🙂
They should Fight Fire with Fire… or be a Rock Star…


Ha, Ha, Ha 😅🤣😂


Seems like a good place to remind that Congress hasn’t passed a budget since 2013…

…which is 10 years worth of basic govt obligation IGNORED.


Actually since 2008.


Even worse. Thank you for the correction.

Gail Combs

Interesting that it comes from Vivek.


He’s getting rehabilitated.


It says “regularly”, you know, every couple of hundred years or so😉


This blog is getting downright cynical.  😂 

Cuppa Covfefe

You’re having a bad influence 😀


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Not seen any other confirmation of this…

Intel Slava

Ukrainian officials say they have begun printing ballots for the presidential election. Previously, the Trump administration and the American president himself said that elections must take place

Cuppa Covfefe

Kamel-the-HOE had a bunch left over…..


… snort 💦💦😝👍‼️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! As a lover of dark chocolate, I will enjoy it even more, knowing these health benefits!


The Vigilant Fox:

EYE-WATERING MOMENT: RFK Jr. delivers an emotional tribute to President Trump after being sworn in as HHS Secretary.

“For 20 years, I’ve gotten up every morning on my knees and prayed that God would put me in a position where I could end the childhood chronic disease epidemic in this country. On August 23rd of last year, God sent me President Trump.

“He’s now given me—he’s kept every promise that he’s made to me. He’s kept his word on every account and gone way beyond it. I’m so grateful to you, Mr. President. A lot of people told me that I couldn’t trust President Trump—that I better get it in writing.

“And we did a handshake, and everything that he told me he was going to do, he has done. And I’m so grateful to him. And I’ve told you before, I genuinely believe that you are a pivotal historical figure, and you are going to transform this country.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Actually I believe RFK Jr & Trump had a long standing agreement given Trump’s friendship with his murdered cousin.



Great statement. Hope it was carried live by some of the Pravda News outlets. Though they’d likely cut away.

Surely the Kennedy Clan continues to lose their minds. Another reason I’m thankful for both RFK Jr and Trump.

HHS clean up starts today!



Everyone needs to watch this video..

This video needs to reach every member of Congress and the Senate.

They need to see the hurt and anger that so many of us are feeling right now!!

This gal expresses what so many of us are thinking and feeling. She speaks for 8.5 minutes, covers a lot of what’s going on, and effectively expresses outrage and feelings of betrayal at what is being revealed now. More people are seeing the truth, and it’s hitting them hard because they trusted the government.


They need to see the hurt and anger that so many of us are feeling right now!!


It is hopelessly naive to think Congress needs to see the ‘hurt’ and ‘anger’ so many are ‘feeling’, right now!! (two exclamations points!!)

Congress doesn’t care.


Many of them even enjoy causing suffering to others.

Not one person in D.C. would even waste their time watching a video like this, much less have a ‘come to Jesus‘ moment, suddenly see the light, put on some Santana, and change their evil ways (baby…).

Imagine living in D.C. for the last 30 years. Their entire universe is the district of criminals.

They have been corrupt for so long, they don’t even remember what it was like not to be corrupt.

Every discussion and meeting they have throughout every day is an argument over splitting up stolen loot, and who gets what, and how much.

We the People don’t even register on their radar. We don’t exist to them. Not as individuals, only as the unwashed masses, whose only purpose is to be exploited by them.


In time she will realize this, too.


I just watched the video, it was good. She understands a lot more than most people do.

But people are not nearly angry enough yet.

Hopefully that’s coming.

Gail Combs

And do not forget the parties where ‘fresh meat’ is shipped in.

Barb Meier

And it’s not Angus.

Gail Combs

No it is not!

It is also why so many unaccompanied children crossed the border


Wow, aren’t you a bit too optimistic? And cheerful?



SENATOR RON JOHNSON definitely does care about hurting Anericams!!


they trusted the government


Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

She sounds like an anon, but the USAID stuff was a big reveal.
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Abject terror on that kid’s face… 🤣


She’s going to be really hurt and angry when she realizes the Congress and Senate don’t give a shit how hurt and angry she is.



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Then Sec Def Rumsfeld admitted in Congressional testimony that a Congressionally mandated audit and investigation ordered in 1999 could not account for $2.3 TRILLION in DoD spending. 😳🤯

Rummy’s testimony took place on the afternoon of Sept. 10, 2001.

Less than 18 hrs later, on 9/11, it was (later) claimed (by the govt) that a commercial jet had flown (at ground level, mind you) into the Pentagon, hitting the giant building EXACTLY where all the documents and records of the mandated DoD IG audit were being stored. How about that?

And not only that, buy soon afterwards America was dragged into it’s longest and most costly war in it’s history.

But hey….I’m SUUURE this was all merely just a coinkydink.


Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch won a FIOA lawsuit and obtained parking lot video of the object that hit the Pentagon. Here it is….


Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

Looks like a missile.



Brit Hume:

From John F. Harris, writing about Donald Trump in Politico: “For the first time, he is holding power under circumstances in which reasonable people cannot deny a basic fact: He is the greatest American figure of his era.”

Harris is a cofounder of Politico.


I like how Harris implies he is a reasonable person by making this long overdue admission.

Fuck you, pal. And all your CIA buddies, too.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The good news is that saying that probably gave him indigestion.




Finally a sciency blog I can understand. Has no problem with these or Hersheys. Buys the 72oz bag and it usually last 2 weeks.

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Daily Dose at least 4 to 5 times a week 😁

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





Slow Guy learned something again.

Need to swap out semi-sweet morsels, for dark chocolate morsels.
But in my defense, I do use white dish thingy like in the picture.   :wpds_cool: 


Touch of class there, Kal. Did not realize you were a man of culture.

Cuppa Covfefe

A well-refined Petri Dish indeed 😆


Yeah semi-sweet chocolate chips aren’t for baking. Don’t tell anyone 🤫☺️

Cuppa Covfefe

Just like semi-trailers or semi-conductors 🙂


…. 😂😜

Gail Combs

There is also Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa.I mix a tablespoon into my no sugar Swiss Miss when I make my cuppa.

Last edited 1 month ago by Gail Combs
Cuppa Covfefe

Along with a half-cup of Peppermint Schnapps 😆

Gail Combs

Actually I add cinnamon or mint.


Dark Chocolate Guinea Pig guy says after seeing his recent blood glucose results that I’m likely over doing and should cut back by maybe 4/5ths. (sorry to disappoint 😁)

That particular bag has 8g of sugar per serving. Very very low for dark cholate.
But my consumption is rather high and in one serving as shown from the cup I’m consuming about 80g (10 times above a regular serving) of sugar each time I indulge which is about 4 to 5 times a week. Which is rather high.

Dark chocolate is the lowest in sugar being between 5g to 30g.

Now there is another issue with chocolate that over indulgers like my self should likely be concerned with. At the end of 2022 their was a chocolate scare concerning levels of heavy metals in Chocolate, primarily lead and cadmium . I don’t believe there were any recalls involving this but this article seemed rather balanced and once again over indulgers like my self likely need be the only ones concerned. If you wish more info on this search Chocolate and Heavy Metals. One thing the article did point out that excess levels of heavy metals in Chocolate are required to be put on food labels. If your in California where rules are stricter and seem to be the source of the scare you might see more Chocolates with scare warnings.

Gail Combs

I try to keep it at 5-10 grams of sugar.


President Donald Trump expressed that he wants the Department of Education to be “closed immediately,” describing it as a “big con job.”

When asked by a reporter how soon Trump wanted the Department of Education to be closed, Trump criticized how the United States education system was ranked 40th compared to other countries but ranked number one in terms of “costs per pupil.”

“Oh, I’d like it to be closed immediately,” Trump answered. “Look, the Department of Education is a big con job. We’re ranked — so they ranked the top forty countries in the world. We’re ranked number 40th, but we’re ranked number one in one department, costs per pupil. So, we spend more per pupil than any other country in the world, but we’re ranked number 40. We’ve been between 38 and 40, the last time I looked it was 38 and then I looked two days ago … it came out at number 40.”

“Norway, Denmark, Sweden, I hate to say it — China, as big as it is, it’s ranked in the top five,” Trump continued. “That’s a primary competitor. We’re ranked number 40 — so, if we’re ranked number 40, that means something’s really wrong, right?”

Trump continued to state that the United States government should send education back down to states, “I say send it back to Iowa, to Idaho, to Colorado.”

“We probably have 35, maybe 37 states that will do as well as Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden,” Trump added. “They’ll be just as good.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump is absolutely right. Send it back to the states.

And if the progressives complain, here is my answer to them.

“We must allow natural evolution of education to make it strong again – to find the winning solution, and the states are the proper way to do that.”

Dems can’t argue with “evolution”.


Why don’t we just put the Department of Education in charge of chyna’s schools?

They’re probably already running the department anyway.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Because CHYYYNA would realize it was an ACT OF WAR!!!


““We probably have 35, maybe 37 states that will do as well as Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden,” Trump added. “They’ll be just as good.””


I wonder which states won’t be just as good?

Could it be… blue states?

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467



The Jeeemy Catah con…


Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie

USAID funded an organization that fabricated evidence which was used to impeach President Trump.

The Deep State frequently funds regime change efforts abroad, but when it uses taxpayer money to undermine our own government, isn’t that treason?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey – just out of curiosity – did we ever consider the possibility that maybe “funding regime change efforts” made us the bad guys?


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This moment from the USAID House Hearing is 🔥🔥🔥!!!


 does have a security clearance, he has a top secret security clearance, by God he makes the rockets for NASA! But the suggestion that he somehow can’t be trusted to dig in to how we’re spending our money is nothing but a smokescreen to hide the corruption and the wasteful spending that has occurred there!”

Elon Musk @elonmusk

I’ve had a top secret clearance for many years and have clearances that themselves are classified. 

That said, FAR too much information is made “classified”. If something is easily found online or patently obvious, it should NOT be classified. This impedes effective communication within the government.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

and have clearances that themselves are classified. 

Read that over and over, because that is why problematic people like Mary McCord are dug in like ticks.


Don’t you burn tick off with a lit cigarette? Sounds fun.

I don’t know if this is related to the topic but … it sounds like the putz govt ops

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My parents used to remove ticks by making sure they were in the smoke from a lit cigarette.

The tick would actually disconnect from you and move to get out of it.

It could then be captured and put into a jar, for later examination (for Lyme disease) by a doctor.

Last edited 1 month ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It ain’t right.


… have clearances that themselves are classified.

Q, is that you?


Bravo! That was excellent. 👏


When they do it abroad, it ought to be considered an act of terrorism or an Act of War.


Mmm…. mmm… chocolate… :9

What a great start to the Friday!

Happy Valentine’s Day!


This was funny. Big Mike was trending yet again on twitter where in existed this meme.
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Douglass Mackey


BREAKING: Trump Acting Deputy Attorney General Emil Bove accepts New York US Attorney Danielle Sassoon’s resignation in explosive letter

“You lost sight of the oath that you took when you started at the Department of Justice by suggesting that you retain discretion to interpret the Constitution in a manner inconsistent with the policies of a democratically elected President and a Senate-confirmed Attorney General.”

Full letter below

9:23 PM · Feb 13, 2025


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Douglass Mackey


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9:24 PM · Feb 13, 2025


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Douglass Mackey


Heads are rolling at the SDNY as it appears AG Pam Bondi will not tolerate even a hint of insubordination.

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9:26 PM · Feb 13, 2025



Very considerate of Acting Deputy Attorney General Emil Bove to write the letter in such a way that it is easy for the public to understand and difficult for fake news media to mischaracterize.

No doubt Sassoon already knows the citations, but providing them, along with relevant quotes, preemptively educates and arms the public against the anticipated treason-media narrative.

Well done 👍


I agree. Chainsaws are so messy.


“I’ve been shot. In the heart. I’m feeling faint.”
— last words of the late Danielle Sassoon


Cuppa Covfefe

Danielle or Vidal? 🙂

Gone… Sa sooon….? 😀


MORE FRAUD: President Trump Reveals “Staggering” Government Waste Numbers, Including $521 BILLION in Fraud Per Year (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson


Below is a list of the numbers the President announced:

Up to $521 billion federal dollars lost to fraud per year

An estimated $236 billion or more in improper payments were made in 2023

$2.7 trillion in improper payments, including payments that went to the wrong recipient, made since 2003

$162 billion in total improper payments in 2024, including:

Earned Income Tax Credit: $15.9 billion

Food stamps: $10.5 billion

Restaurant Revitalization Fund: $8.7 billion

Supplemental Security Income: $6.5 billion

Unemployment insurance: $5.6 billion

Social Security Disability Insurance and Survivors Insurance Program: $8.3 billion, including $6.5 billion in overpayments



Douglas Macgregor

Zelensky has twice ordered attacks against the UN inspectors traveling toward the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) to stop the rotation of UN Obervers/Inspectors at the site. Ukrainian Army leadership is also reportedly formulating a contingency plan to seize and hold the plant hostage in case the Ukrainian front collapses or pending negotiations fail. US allied military leaders should take note. They will be held accountable for the catastrophe that ensues if they do nothing to stop this madness in Kiev from happening.

Douglas Macgregor

BREAKING: Drone strikes shelter protecting the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.


I just put in the search term…

“Drone strikes shelter protecting the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.”

These were the first hits at the top of the page, and all said it was a Russian drone.

Honestly it’s like watching a flock(?) of starlings doing synchronized flying.


Were they all funded by USAID?

Or were any of them not funded by USAID?

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

Don’t know about that but all are globalist water carriers, and over 50% are uk so maybe we should be looking at MI5 or 6 whichever does the foreign stuff.

Last edited 1 month ago by RAC

I heard today or yesterday that Reuters received funding from USAID, and heard about the BBC receiving funds from USAID a couple days ago.

I think NYT and CNN are also on the list, along with Politico.

I suspect all narrative control centers, globally, are subsidized by USAID. Why wouldn’t they be?

The money was free (didn’t cost the Deep State one cent), but the control is priceless.


If you were a girl, I’d kiss you for that last sentence.  😊 

Valerie Curren

Wifey Might object 😉


Not funny but laughing. As I read the list, USAID was first thought.

So, USAID funds that have not fully been obligated?

UK, France, Germany have their own version of USAID? Assuredly.


“UK, France, Germany have their own version of USAID? Assuredly.”


Yes, and it’s called USAID.

U.S. taxpayers fund ALL of it, globally.

America is the piggy bank for the whole global progressive, Leftist, fascist, WEFfen SS, Soros, Central Bank, drug cartels, rogue ‘intelligence’ agencies and human trafficking cabals.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

No, actually we DO have similar funds, and they are black holes of evil, infected the same as USAIDS…

Seems the deep state made Germany think it has to still repent and restore 80 YEARS after WWII ended…. Yep, I think the Brits and MI5 MI6 are behind that…

Hell, we’re still paying to help out the former East Germany 25 years after the Berlin Wall fell (albeit in the wrong direction)….. 😡 😡 😡 😡


From Dr. Malone, on DJT’s nomination for White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response:

Vaccine Deep State Insanity
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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Robert W Malone MD, MS

Feb 13, 2025

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You have all heard the term “Deep State.” Informed by Kash Patel’s book “Government Gangsters,” in the glossary for our book “PsyWar,” we define the deep state this way:

Deep state is a type of governance made up of potentially secret and unauthorized

networks of power operating independently of a state’s political

leadership in pursuit of their own agenda and goals.

PsyWar Glossary, p 372

Like everything in the US Government, the structure of informal “Deep State” organization is parsed into silos based on subject areas and interests. Those making decisions about which governments are friends, which are to be treated as foes, and which should be targeted for “regime change” are not the same ones making decisions about what biological agents are potential threats, how to monitor those threats (bio-surveillance) and how those threats should be mitigated (biodefense).

Each of these silos have their own “Overton window” of allowed ideas and discourse. Basically, there are allowed and allowable ideas and ways of addressing the problems that a particular silo is tasked with managing. Those who do not respect those boundaries of thought, speech, and potential solution sets are shunned, excluded, and in some cases ridiculed.

Of course President Donald Trump is one example of someone that thinks, speaks, and acts in ways that are often outside of the allowable Overton windows of Deep state silos, and of course he has been shunned, excluded, and ridiculed.

Suppose your objective is to fit in and obtain the trappings of power and privilege that come with a senior presidential appointment within the US Government. In that case, respecting the relevant Overton window is generally necessary. If your goal is to create change in one of those silos because the currently allowed solutions are not working or are suboptimal, if you are more interested in innovative solutions rather than not rocking the boat, then the idea of restricting yourself to the range of currently allowed thought, speech and actions is unthinkable.

This is how we end up with the recurring problem of groupthink within and across the US Government.

Now in industry (Big Business), say for example in the Detroit automobile industry, if the insiders all agree on a business solution, say for example, rapidly transitioning to electric automobiles, and the market (auto buyers) does not buy into that solution, then market forces will punish those insiders. That is often referred to as market discipline.

Companies will have to downsize, and the “insiders” that previously supported the Overton window, the allowed range of thought, speech and solutions will be seeking new employment.

In Big Government (and big Academia), there is no force akin to market discipline with the possible exception of warfare or voter action. Democracy is supposed to be the source of market discipline, but that requires accountability and transparency so that voters actually know what they are voting on. A lack of accountability and transparency allows the Deep State to develop and thrive, step by step, year by year. The DC insiders all agree on and act to reinforce the Overton window.

They only permit discussion (in meetings, the press or congressional debate) of allowable options. When they get things wrong or do not correctly foresee and avoid the consequences of bad decisions (ergo blowback), they have developed a wide range of methods to avoid accountability.

These methods now include propaganda, censorship, weaponization of information via controlled media, obfuscation (hiding behind fancy language), and a variety of other time-honored methods for avoiding accountability. That suite of techniques, which one might call psychological operations, PsyWar, or a variety of less disagreeable euphemisms, is deployed to avoid government, politicians, and administrators from being held accountable by the electorate.

With that background in mind, please consider the nomination (appointment?) of US Army Colonel (retired) Gerald (“Gerry”) W. Parker to head up the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, which was Congressionally created with the PREVENT Pandemics Act attributed to Senator Patty Murray (D-WA).


As reported by CIDRAP, a biodefense and infectious disease research insider website:

Created in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy was established under the 2022 PREVENT Pandemics Act and launched in July 2023 with the aim of keeping the country ready for biological threats and pathogens. Among its many tasks is overseeing the development of next-generation countermeasures, including vaccines and treatments.

To date, the office has been primarily responsible for coordinating the federal government’s response to the H5N1 avian flu outbreak in US poultry and dairy cattle, which has involved the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, and the US Department of Agriculture.

In a July 2024 interview with Time magazine, then-candidate Trump suggested he would disband the office if elected. But as CBS News reports, the selection of Parker suggests Trump is not planning to do away with the office entirely.


Colonel Parker is a veterinarian with a PhD. He currently serves as Associate Dean for “Global One Health”. Together with the American Veterinary Medical Association, he is a major supporter of the “One Health” initiative which was examined in a prior substack essay. The “One Health” initiative elevates animal health and welfare to be on par with human health, and is very lucrative for the Veterinary industry and their Pharma partners.

One Health and the Deep StateRobert W Malone MD, MS
Feb 12

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What is One Health?
Read full story

Colonel Parker is a textbook example of the type of government employee that constitute the “Biodefense” Deep State silo, and is a strong advocate for government-sponsored development of vaccine-based solutions to potential biothreats.

Just as he is a strong advocate for the “One Health” globalist initiative, which is sort of the “Biodefense industrial/biomedical/government complex” version of the “Green New Deal,” “Diversity Equity and Inclusion” initiatives, “fifteen-minute cities”, open borders, and the whole host of other UN Agenda 2030 programs.

(more at the link near the top)

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

Will be very much looking forward to your insights on this!


Is President Trump aware of this ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⁉️⁉️⁉️



I would guess no, but he certainly needs to be made aware of it, asap…


L♥️VE the opening, PAVACA – you are a Sweet ♥️ Heart!!!


“Only members of the royal family and of the nobility were permitted to drink or otherwise consume chocolate.”


Because the nature and character of people who inherit power never changes. Always and forever putting their boot on the throats of the People, even to such pettiness as forbidding their fellow man to eat chocolate.

The overthrow of such people would make for a good bedtime story.

As far as I have been able to ascertain, the only thing that makes any family ‘royal’ is their unwavering willingness to imprison or murder anyone who would challenge their totalitarian power.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

Then, all in on the darkest of chocolate!


“In a related action, President Trump signed an Executive Order [SEE HERE] outlining that anyone from the State Department or CIA who attempts to retain their involvement in Ukraine and subsequently defies the expressed change in approach by President Trump, will be removed from their position.”

XO – […] “All officers or employees charged with implementing the foreign policy of the United States must under Article II do so under the direction and authority of the President. Failure to faithfully implement the President’s policy is grounds for professional discipline, including separation. The personnel procedures of executive departments and agencies (agencies) charged with implementing the President’s foreign policy must therefore provide an effective and efficient means for ensuring that officers and employees faithfully implement the President’s policies.” [excerpt, sec 2 – link]”


THIS IS BIG – 🔔🇺🇸 ♥️♡ 💙 🇺🇸 🔔 – !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited 1 month ago by GA/FL

The personnel procedures of executive departments and agencies (agencies) charged with implementing the President’s foreign policy must therefore provide an effective and efficient means for ensuring that officers and employees faithfully implement the President’s policies.”


Definitely a mission for DOGE.

The darkest, most rogue, most renegade, most secretive, most corrupt, most independently operating agency of them all, with the least oversight (none) and the most power, can hardly be expected to “provide an effective and efficient means” to reform itself.

I do like the new theme song chosen for the CIA, though:


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Article II” Straight back to the Constitution.



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🔔🇺🇸 ♥️♡ 💙 🇺🇸 🔔WAY TO GO, FOUNDING FATHERS!!!🔔🇺🇸 ♥️♡ 💙 🇺🇸 🔔

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What you don’t find the convoluted government sites about the budget to be transparent enough?

Just because a neutrino couldn’t get through that mess without being absorbed doesn’t mean it’s inadequate transparency. Come now!


Happy Valentine’s Day!
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Just for Steve…
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Cuppa Covfefe

Wiener, wiener, chicken dinner (diener?) 🙂
(ducks and runs, erm, waddles)…


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Gail Combs

I wonder how much government regs + Insurance have added to the cost of healthcare?



Gail Combs

At least 50% I would think.

Brave and Free

Hopefully Elon has an answer.


Back in the day, it was estimated that only 1/5 of what was spent on “healthcare” actually went to physicians, nurses, medications, and other care for health. The rest was “overhead”.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The insurance companies love to brag about how little they add to costs.

That’s because they force the doctors to do the paperwork.

Your doctor’s office employs a small army of clerks that do nothing but insurance paperwork.

Imagine how much lower the cost would be without that parasitic drag.


4000%. A doctor’s visit was $4 in the 50’s

Cuppa Covfefe

Or maybe a booster into outer space…


Feisty Hayseed
February 14, 2025 12:27 am

Smart Jihadist starts his own NGO to rip off USAID
(The Center Square) – Of the billions of tax dollars spent by the U.S. Agency for International Development Office (USAID) that are being questioned by the Trump administration, millions went to fund terrorism.
A multi-year investigation brought by the Justice Department and U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia reveals the scope of how funds were used in one recent terrorism-related case.
It involved a Syrian national, Mahmoud Al Hafyan, who was charged with illegally diverting more than $9 million of taxpayer money through USAID to armed combatant groups, including the Al-Nusrah Front (ANF), a designated foreign terrorist organization affiliated with al-Qaida in Iraq.
According to the indictment, Al Hafyan led a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Syria, managing 160 employees.
Since Syria’s civil war began in 2011, and through 2020, U.S. taxpayers funded more than $12 billion of USAID money to Syria intended for food and medical supplies that was supposed to be administered by United Nations agencies and NGOs.
The NGO that Al Hafyan led received $122 million over a three-year period, diverting food kits meant for refugees to ANF commanders, according to the complaint. ANF, fighting to overthrow the Syrian government, was known for committing human rights atrocities, including conducting mass executions of civilians, suicide bombings and kidnappings.


He needs a wee dose of Drone Juice!


So they are going to go with repainting it as “the jihadist did it” instead of Sampo recruiting for maximized destruction?


video in tweet


Sarah Adams, former CIA targeting officer and Counter terrorism expert reveals we are paying welfare to Taliban martyrs families.

Every Taliban martyr who died during the war with us our U.S. government is paying them a stipend.…

🦅 Eagle Wings 🦅 (@CRRJA5) February 11, 2025


If true, likely happening in Iraq, Syria…

DOGE needs to stop this nonsense.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That would just make them mad and then they might become terrorists.

Oh wait.

Valerie Curren

Happy Val’s Day Q-Tree!

Please enjoy this blast from the past that my whole family loves LOL

Gail Combs

GEE, I liked my electric Stihl Chain saw…

Valerie Curren

I have Zero Doubt that you are Not a “typical” wife…or woman for that matter! You are exceptional in every way, Proverbs 31+++ 😉

Gail Combs

  :insane:   :wpds_oops: 


Exactly!   :cheers: 
Guys get a bum rap.   :wpds_unamused: 

Here guys are just trying to be helpful. Gifts that keep on giving, as DW takes care of our castle, us. 😍
What’s not to like?   :pepper:   :banana-mario:   :banana2: 

Hell. If I get something for the garage, a tool, for the truck, I’m thrilled. Something useful.   :wpds_razz: 

Gail Combs

A nice dinner to go with the practical gift also helps. Plus a sappy gift if the wife is touchy.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Nothing says love like a gum tree 😆


Yea. Always give DW something nice. Happy Wife. Happy Life.

Cuppa Covfefe

“Sounds like it was a great bargain”…

“Yep. It was a real Stihl” 😆


I was hoping the poor guy had secreted a piece of jewelry within the vacuum cleaner. 😂

Valerie Curren

That’ll teach ’em LOL

Valerie Curren

Thank you to so many of you who offered prayers, encouragements, AND great helpful info in relation to my comment yesterday on my mom’s health situation, so very much appreciated!  😍  God Bless!!!

I’m just finishing up reading a book that one of you recommended, How Doctor’s Think, by Dr. Jerome Groopman. Here are some suggested questions for patients to use in communications with doctors/providers to help facilitate correct diagnoses & treatment:

“What else can it be?”

“Could two [VC edit: other, why stop at 2?] things be going on to explain my problem?”

“Is there anything in my history or physical examination or lab tests that seems to be at odds with the working diagnosis?”

Using these inquisitive tools may assist healthcare providers in approaching actual truth!

Cuppa Covfefe

That is a fantastic book… and is well worth reading, for anyone, and not just for medical examples… Thinking outside of the box seems to be a lost art…

(we have that book in English and German, and it came in really really helpful when my son was having terrible problems years ago)…

Valerie Curren

Great Endorsement, Cuppa! Were you the one who previously recommended it here? For some reason I thought it might have been Robert Baker but am not sure 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, I recommended it because it really helped us, and it shows just how “siloed” the medical industry can be… especially over here…

Valerie Curren

As I shared on Gab…

comment imageValerieCurren
 Valerie Curren

Reflecting on censorship, survival, spiritual solace, & story; snippets of my journey so far.



LO♥️E is mentioned 686 times in the NIV Bible – 425 times in the Old Testament and 261 times in the New Testament


“A new command I give you: LO♥️E one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – John 13:34-35 

Whoever does not love does not know GOD, because GOD is LO♥️E . – I John 4:8

The Way of LO♥️E 

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels,

but I do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 

And if I have prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge,

and if I have all faith so that I can remove mountains,

but do not have love, I am nothing. 

If I give away everything I own,

and if I give over my body in order to boast, 

but do not have love, I receive no benefit.

Love is patient, love is kind, it is not envious.

Love does not brag, it is not puffed up. 

It is not rude, it is not self-serving, it is not easily angered or resentful. 

It is not glad about injustice, but rejoices in the truth. 

It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never ends.

But if there are prophecies, they will be set aside;

if there are tongues, they will cease;

if there is knowledge, it will be set aside. 

For we know in part, and we prophesy in part, 

but when what is perfect comes, the partial will be set aside. 

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.

But when I became an adult, I set aside childish ways. 

For now we see in a mirror indirectly, but then we will see face to face.

Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known. 

And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is L♥️VE. – I Corinthians 13 – NET Bible


❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Retigiger on McConnell’s Nay Vote on Patel

 February 14, 2025 6:53 am

 Reply to  CountryDoc
the IC has protected Mitch …leveraged him might be a better term. His ties to china and all manner of corruption has been allowed, and not investigated provided he extends protection to the IC, namely FBI and CIA, Homeland, and DOD.
which he has done with his influence in the Senate, which is quite remarkable in scope. He seeded the same corruption to others.
He knows sees the tea leaves which are on fire. Even at his age, he knows he is in real real big trouble.
The People are going to learn some incredibly BIG UGLY things about specific people and in no small way, Mitch will find himself in many of these corrupt schemes.
prediction: we are about to learn how the FBI refused to investigate off shore holding for thousands and thousands AND THOUSANDS of people…many in Congress. many who are court judges. Many who are former Presidents. Many who are heads of agencies, governors, officials and all the way down the ladder.
when people say “deep state”…it’s always been a loosely construed means to describe a general intuition based on fact patterns that there are a group of people who are organized and that do coordinate schemes that create wars, skim from contracts, take advantage and trade on priviledged/insider information, and who also create shell companies offshore that get funneled money through various complex transactions to obscure the links between the ownership parties and where the money originated. 
noting: this the real reason Joe malarkey pardoned his spawn. He was told to do it. Told to do it, because it had the potential in court discovery to learn things that the IC did not want made public. And of course, he also pardoned his dump because he is a cheat and liar. Which explains why he was installed and the election defrauded to get him in. They needed the MOST corrupt person alive and it was bonus that he lost his marbles.
now all of that has changed. We have real American Patriots who take their responsibilities very very serious. it’s not a cliche to Kash. he has never been on the take. He is about to yank the curtains down and light a fire.
This is good. We need to see this era of corruption end and people go to prison…removed far away from power….and a strong message for THE WHOLE WORLD TO WITNESS>
God Bless America

Gail Combs

Nice summary

Gail Combs

Gail Combs( Gail Combs)

 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

 February 13, 2025 20:43

Wolfie, this Jaw dropping.

~28 t0 32 minutes about Chiang Kai-shek & Taiwan.

Shek was a CIA drug and arms dealer. It is NOT CHINA BUT TAIWAN THAT IS A SOURCE OF FENTANYL! The chip industry is the cover/excuse for why the USA protects TAIWAN.

So Cocaine Mitch had a handler from Taiwan to PROTECT the drug trade!

Operation Gladio – Part 2 “Relevance” (2 hours, I am 30 minutes in )

Replying with THIS COMMENT (LINK)

para59r( para59r)

 Reply to  Gail Combs

 February 13, 2025 23:34

Seemingly plausible in light of USAID revelations and Large Scale Social Deception operations (LSD) and intel agencies that like to deny the origins of COVID but I’d suggest that is still a very loose theory and she gave little but generalities to back it up….. 

This is the second in a, so far 44 ‘chapter’ video series. So it is part of a much longer discussion. If you go back to part 1 that I discussed a week ago Colonel Towner says:

Colonel Towner: “I am a big reader. I already had 2-300 books… Because my entire reason for enlisting was to get a college degree, at the end I had 6 degrees because I just like learning and they were free thanks to the tax payer. My idea was to give that information back… And to use my experience and education to help others understand what is going on in the world. You find out we have been lied to about everything. I now have about 800 books in my library….

On her own channel she goes thru those books. She also says she wants RECIEPTS, cabels, email financial transactions… for example:

“…They did the same thing with Nazism. When Hitler is in prison, Do you know who ‘paid’ to help him write Mein Kempf? We did! We took money from 120 Broadway.

Anthony Sutton has the actual transactions because they were carried in diplomatic pouches thru the State Department to transfer the money to pay for his ‘Aide’ to write that doctrine. The Reichstadt fire was a false flag…. It was all set up to create Marshall law and usher in Hitler….

I say that because it is important to understand under the Strategy of Tension, if you don’t have chaos and control, then you can not manipulate people….”

Operation Gladio & Colonel Towner PART 1 –February 13, 2023

I am slowly munching my way thru that series. The discussions are 1 -2hrs long. mostly 2 hours. AND that does not even include Colonel Towner’s own channel. (Think drinking via a fire hose.)

So yeah, I am willing to let her slide given she has the details else where to back up what she is saying.


Provides the Wikipedia link to The Triad again as it supports your suppositions.
It’s just that the media treats the indifferently as mattering no more than the Mafia here at home in the bigger scheme of things.

Meanwhile China not pointing fingers could easily be Triad influence in China itself. We have some weak understanding of the corruption of the Communist Regime and all it’s many power brokers. They may be willing to take all the slings and arrows concerning Fentanyl to shield that operation from Taiwan especially considering they still want Taiwan in their full control.

I think everything is on the table at this point.

Gail Combs

“…I think everything is on the table at this point.”

I agree. I took a very quick peak at China and the triad two years ago.

China, Opium, the Triads and the British East India Co.


Criminal gangs are found throughout China but are most active in Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenyang and Guangzhou as well as Hong Kong. The number of people involved in organized crime on the mainland has risen from around 100,000 in 1986 to around 1.5 million in 2000…

Triads are the most well-known organized crime group in China, Hong Kong and Macao….

This makes me wonder if the ‘Legacy Families’ especially in Shanghai, are connected to the Triads. It would help explain Xi’s targeting that area.

@ 1:42:00 BB says he thinks Xi PLAYED the globalists. The media was cheering Xi several years ago and is now saying Xi centralizing power is BAD. Xi is the one who coined the term multipolar world order not Putin. That is NOT a globalist World Order. Xi wants REGIONAL power structures. BB knows an American in China and his region did not get locked down….

You have been seeing regions like Shanghai were really really bad. And what’s funny is when you dig into all the arrests… of CCP members, most of them are happening in Shanghai. Shanghai standing committees, Shanghai regional government. A lot of the people in these kind of regions are the ones who have been arrested and put before committees.

I could be wrong and Xi is consolidating power to launch a war against the USA but the moves he is make seem to me … he is forcing these American Super Corporations out of his country. Covid and the lockdowns allowed China to cut off trade. To break the supply chains which wasn’t good initially. There is short term pain associated with that. Just like there was for us….

But now a lot of that stuff is being on-shored which is a good thing. Which is a long term good thing. You need to turn that around and think of it from China’s perspective as well… China can produce all it’s own stuff. The only reason they have needed us is because Chinese Oligarchs and these regional magistrates, these legacy families, they have owned everything. They have had this slave labor going on…. I think we could be heading towards a place where places like Russia and China are starting to nationalize, get rid of this American Oligarchy and what will hopefully be happening is the growth of real middle classes…. What sparked this thought is Xi is not putting tariffs on the United States but on specific companies….


Your theory is growing wings. Note the highlighted Biden involvement. Also this story is from Today!

Prosecutors to investigate Chang An-lo drug claims

By Wang Ting-chuan / Staff reporter

Prosecutors have launched an investigation into Chang An-lo (張安樂), better known as the “White Wolf” (白狼), alleging he heads a Chinese gang working with Mexican drug cartels to produce and distribute fentanyl in the US.

It came after an interview by US author Peter Schweizer, talking about his book on the opioid epidemic in the US, Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, published in February last year.

Supreme Prosecutors’ Office spokesman Wu Yi-ming (吳怡明) in a statement on Wednesday said that the Taiwan High Prosecutors’ Office would conduct an investigation, “following reports in US and Taiwanese media alleging Chang An-lo, the ‘White Wolf,’ is leading his Bamboo Union gang to assist Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel in the fentanyl drug trade.”

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Chinese Unification Promotion Party founder Chang An-lo is pictured in an undated photograph.

Photo: Wang Ting-chuan, Taipei Times

Schweizer alleged that Chang and the Bamboo Union gang are producing and trafficking fentanyl in the US.

Chang is a well-known public figure who, together with Chen Chi-li (陳啟禮), or the “King Duck” (鴨霸子), founded the Bamboo Union gang, a criminal syndicate mainly consisting of people who fled with the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) regime to Taiwan in late 1940s following the Chinese Communist Party’s victory in the Chinese Civil War.

Born in Nanjing, Chang has been active in politics after founding the China Unification Promotion Party, known for its pro-China stance and clashes with pro-Taiwan independence groups.

Chang left Taiwan to study in the US in 1975 and was allegedly connected to the 1984 murder of Taiwanese writer Henry Liu (劉宜良) in California when Chang operated a restaurant in Los Angeles, which served as a base for organizing the Bamboo Union gang activities in US, such as debt-collecting and intimidation.

Chang in 1985 was convicted of trafficking heroine and cocaine and handed a 15-year prison sentence. He was paroled after serving 10 years.

Chang returned to Taiwan in 1995, but fled to China the next year and stayed there until 2013.

Schweizer said that the opioid epidemic had resulted in many deaths in the US, pointing to the roles of Chinese Communist Party propaganda and covert operations to influence the social justice movement and medical establishment to sow chaos in the US.

He wrote that during former US president Joe Biden’s term, Biden and his family members had received millions of dollars from Chinese oil tycoon Ye Jianming (葉簡明), who set up a petroleum company with a business partner, who Schweizer said was a drug lord known as the “White Wolf” who heads the Bamboo Union gang.

The gang also “has a partnership with Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel and helps them in the production and distribution of fentanyl in the US,” Schweizer said, adding that the gang was pivotal in turning the Sinaloa cartel into the “Kings of Fentanyl.”

He also wrote that the White Wolf has close ties with the Chinese government and that senior Chinese Communist Party officials call him “Big Brother.”

He said that the gang has been involved in the international drug trade for decades, and is one of leading Chinese gangs active in US cities with large Chinese diaspora populations, such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Honolulu, Chicago, Houston, Miami and Phoenix.

The gang has built up a sophisticated US network capable of supplying members with guns, narcotics and fraudulent identity papers to operate internationally.

It has been cooperating with Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel to traffick fentanyl into the US, resulting in the deaths of many Americans, Schweizer said.


1:17 to about 2:10 talks about Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. Was she there to get the triads to reroute the Fentanyl trade?

Also note Fentanyl history. Originates in Belgium. 9:10

Your theory might be good for a deeper dive on your next post.

Seems to be lots there when searching for Fentanyl/Taiwan.

Valerie Curren

I hope this was transcription error, not the Colonel’s “Marshall martial law”, fwiw…


This will be good – Bondi will make mincemeat of AOC.


😂🤚‼️‼️‼️🔴 Ahhhhhh gee wiz I sure hope that’s on tv 📺 …. BWAHAHAHA BWAHAHAHAHAHA


gees I feel so bad for them…snicker, snicker

Alex Mark
February 14, 2025 8:23 am
200,000 probationary federal employees fired


Great news on this Friday.

Hoping most of the 87,000 armed IRS are included.


PDJT is sending them to the border…lol

Cuppa Covfefe

Which side? 😀

Make a run to the border  🌮 


What’s not to like … ?


Thank you, Pavaca!!! Interesting dive into a subject we all like to get our teeth into!





“BIG NEWS ‼️ Business owner in Chicago says ICE has been contacting businesses and will be doing employee immigration checks

The businesses will be fined $20,000 FOR EVERY ILLEGAL WORKER that ICE finds “This is real. It’s happening in the city of Chicago — $20,000 dollars for every worker you have in your business that’s not legal in this country

“It seems that several colleagues have already received a notification from ICE telling them that they are going to do a review of workers to their business.”

This guy has a Mexican restaurant in Chicago and he says he’s “Very concerned” (maybe he shouldn’t be hiring illegals and he’d have nothing to worry about)”


Last edited 1 month ago by GA/FL

I missed this zinger yesterday. 14 seconds.

President Trump absolutely TORCHES Fake News CNN’s @kaitlancollins
for rudely interrupting: “Excuse me, we haven’t asked you to speak yet”


Better than duct tape of super glue, ummmm super glue hmmmmmmm


… cough🫢 … or 🙄😑😐

Cuppa Covfefe

In Caitlin’s case, it’s stupor glue…




Exclusive— Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth: Woke Generals ‘Will Have a Different Job in Due Time’


I hope they get a cool job like smacking bombs with a hammer to make sure they’re not duds!


h/t Filly
“President Trump Establishes a MAHA Commission Via Executive Order”
Robert W Malone MD, MS, Feb 14, 2025

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“Below is the executive order for the formation of a White House MAHA commission. The text below is copied directly from the White House website.
MAKING AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN: Today, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order establishing the President’s Make America Healthy Again Commission.

  • Chaired by U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the Commission is tasked with investigating and addressing the root causes of America’s escalating health crisis, with an initial focus on childhood chronic diseases.
  • Within 100 days, the Commission will produce an assessment that summarizes what is known and what questions remain regarding the childhood chronic disease crisis, and include international comparisons.
  • Within 180 days, the Commission will produce a strategy, based on the findings of the assessment, to improve the health of America’s children.
  • The Commission has four main policy directives to reverse chronic disease:
  • Empower Americans through transparency and open-source data and avoid conflicts of interest in all federally funded health research.
  • Prioritize gold-standard research on why Americans are getting sick in all health-related research funded by the federal government.
  • Work with farmers to ensure that U.S. food is the healthy, abundant and affordable.
  • Ensure expanded treatment options and health coverage flexibility for beneficial lifestyle changes and disease prevention.
  • The Commission aims to restore trust in medical and scientific institutions and hold public hearings, meetings, roundtables, and similar events to receive expert input from leaders in public health.

ADDRESSING THE RISE OF CHRONIC ILLNESSES: President Trump understands that America’s healthcare system is largely focused on treating chronic illnesses rather than preventing them, leading to a growing health crisis with serious economic and national security consequences.

  • Based on all health indicators and global comparisons, Americans are becoming sicker, beset by illnesses that our medical system isn’t addressing effectively.
  • In the United States, six in 10 adults have at least one chronic condition, and four in 10 have two or more.
  • Prior to COVID, American life expectancy averaged 78.8 years, while comparable countries averaged 82.6 years, creating a gap that equates to 1.25 billion fewer life years for Americans.
  • The United States has the highest age-standardized cancer incidence rate across 204 countries, nearly double the next-highest rate.
  • From 1990 to 2021, the United States saw an 88% increase in cancer.
  • Asthma is far more common in the United States than in other parts of the world, including most of Europe, Asia, and Africa.
  • The rise in chronic conditions is not limited to adults.
  • Childhood is usually the healthiest period of life, yet as of 2022, 30 million (40.7%) United States children had at least one health condition like allergies, asthma, or autoimmune diseases.
  • Autism now affects one in 36 children, a staggering increase from rates of one to four out of 10,000 children identified with the condition during the 1980s.
  • 18% of teens suffer from fatty liver disease, nearly 30% are prediabetic, and more than 40% are overweight or obese – these conditions were virtually unheard of in prior generations.
  • The incidence of childhood cancer, while still rare, increased 0.8% per year since 1975—an over 40% increase over 45 years.
  • Overmedication, particularly among children, is a growing concern. More than 3.4 million children are currently taking medication for ADD/ADHD and diagnoses continue to rise.
  • Chronic disease has widespread effects, including on our military and our economy.
  • 77% of young adults do not qualify for military service without a waiver, primary due to being overweight, drug use, or mental and physical health issues.
  • 90% of America’s $4.5 trillion healthcare expenditure is directed at managing chronic and mental health conditions.
  • The United States spends almost twice per capita what other wealthy countries spend on healthcare.
  • Americans have lost trust in our health system, skeptical as to whether they are receiving honest answers about the causes of the country’s health crisis and how to improve it.
  • Only a third of Americans trust the U.S. health system, a near-record low.

TAKING ON THE HEALTH CRISIS: President Trump is fulfilling his promise to tackle the health crisis facing America.

  • President Trump pledged that upon returning to the White House he would establish a special Presidential Commission that’s “not bought and paid for by Big Pharma, and I will charge them with investigating what is causing the decades-long increase in chronic illnesses […] And then, I will ask them to publish recommendations for how every American child can have a safe and healthy childhood.”
  • In his first term, President Trump lowered healthcare costs, provided more healthcare options, and ensured better care for the American people.
  • President Trump has consistently championed initiatives aimed at improving the health and well-being of Americans. Select actions from the prior Trump Administration include:
  • Passed Right To Try to give terminally ill patients access to lifesaving cures.
  • Signed an executive order to fight kidney disease with more transplants and better treatment.
  • Accelerated medical breakthroughs in genetic treatments for Sickle Cell disease.
  • Declared the opioid crisis a nationwide public health emergency and signed the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, the largest-ever legislative effort to address a drug crisis in our Nation’s history.
  • Expanded access to telehealth, especially in rural and underserved communities.

End of the White House Executive Order.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This right here is huge if we ACTUALLY enforce it.

avoid conflicts of interest in all federally funded health research.


elon going to look at the pentagon? hope they’re better protected this time!
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Gail Combs

Notice the SIZE of the plane vs the size of the projectile that actually hit the building in that video footage that was FOIAed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



So that part of 9.11 ive not read about. What is thought to have caused it? Explosives inside or?

Gail Combs

If you look at the video that Judicial Watch FOIAed and stop start it at the beginning you can see something headed towards the building before the explosion. However it is NOT a plane, so some sort of explosive device/missile.

The video is on this page.


Whatever was on the video came in way too low to be a plane, and it didn’t really look like one either, including the shape of the shadow it cast on the ground. A long shiny cylindrical thing, no wings and nothing that looked like it could be the tail either.

Which raises another question, what became of that plane if it didn’t crash into the Pentagon?


Same as Malaysian flight 370 (777ER). Davy Jones Locker.

Cuppa Covfefe

At the bottom of the deep blue sea…..


People also mentioned light poles still standing


guess she needs to get another job pal.

February 14, 2025 9:50 am
Go ahead and whine you little b…., we don’t care about your view and are rejoicing instead.

“My Wife has a contract, it had $1M to go, the money just stopped”

Former British Conservative MP Rory Stewart is angry his wife isn’t receiving money from USAID any longer.

— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) February 13, 2025


I think her grant was for exposing and explaining art to Afghan women..something stupid like that


…. 🙄😣🤚‼️


Dear Rory,

We need a good laugh, at both of our expenses.

Exactly what was your biotch wife’s deliverable, for the $1M had she gotten it.

Please also provide examples of her deiverables from this contract and previous contracts, if any.

Just for gins. How many years has your biotch wife been on the American taxpayer dole?


YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY … tuff stuff ya putz, cry me a river‼️‼️



never heard that one before (tuff stuff ya putz) gonna steal it!!! LOLOLOLOL

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep…. right up there with “toot toots tootsie, goodbye… toot toots tootsie, don’t cry”….. and, according to the Bee, it’s OK to refer to female colleagues as “Toots” again 😆

Win Win 🙂


LOL 😂🤚♥️ … please ♥️


Another little gravy train at its termination station, and now out of service.

The violin here isn’t small enough, and no-one would want to hear me try and play it anyway…

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Another fallen flag hag…

Cuppa Covfefe

Conservative MP?

They’re probably swimming in money already, as landed gentry…. they can drown in their crocodile tears….


Rob, Working his way towards 2028.

Abolish property taxes? DeSantis endorses the idea and explains how it could be done in Florida‘I agree that taxing land/property is the more oppressive and ineffective form of taxation,’ DeSantis said


In a state with as many retirees as his, that should be very popular.


Gut splitting line JD delivered in Munich.

“If the American democracy can survive 10 years of Greta Thunburg scolding, you can survive a few months of Elon Musk,” JD Vance in Munich.

Cuppa Covfefe

Funny, too, was that he paused for a laugh, and no-one laughed…

The pearl-clutching here is breathtaking…. I haven’t had time to read it yet (doing battle with my computers here), but it’s all over the alt-media, and, of course, all over the presstituted YSM/MCM…

Von der Leyen has the vapors, of course (then again, so did the farmlands not far from where I grew up every fall… Cauliflower left to rot in the fields when the rains began in the fall… smells about the same as the EC (European Comission)) 🙂

Last edited 1 month ago by Cuppa Covfefe

BOOM … 😂👍‼️


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Trump Trains, always make my day!


Tom Homan and Eric Adams joined forces on Fox & Friends today, discussing how to REMOVE illegal aliens from New York.


Behind the Scenes in the West Wing of the @WhiteHouse as @POTUS @realDonaldTrump welcomes the Prime Minister of India, @NarendraModi


Modi- MAGA plus MIGA it becomes MEGA


Unforced error. Intentional traitorous action, by Texas R-Con.

Outrageous Betrayal: Republican-Led Texas House Names Democrat as Speaker Pro-Tem, and Hands Half of New Subcommittees to the Left


This is brazen treason in an open carry State.


Below may have already been posted.

Secretary of State Marco Rubio’s plane forced to turn back for an unknown reason while en route to Munich Germany to high-level negotiations with Russia over the war in Ukraine.

As seen in the image, the plane dropped around 20,000 feet over the course of 10 minutes

Hmm…what’s going on with the aircraft taking Secretary of State Marco Rubio to Munich.

It has turned around and is flying just above 10,000 feet and has remained at that altitude for five minutes.

I don’t know what his itinerary is beyond that he’s expected in Munich tomorrow.


I read it was a cracked windshield – not an emergency but preferable to turnback & take a different plane 🤷‍♀️


Everything should be suspect in this day and age. Adjust my tin foil hat and sits up straighter.

I’d test the windshield for bird residue. If none then I’d suspect something else was at play like a miniature drone simulating a bird. I would think pilots, crew chiefs or at least ground teams would have inspected cabin glass each time they fly.

Btw… added a comment to my Nestle Dark Chocolate Post below for Chocolate lovers that should balance out my over indulgence.

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably some dropping(s) from Turkey… as Kalbo said, better safe than sorry. Maybe some stress fractures aren’t as visible as others (thinking back to rocks and windshields and such… though those on planes are a few orders of magnitude higher quality…


Agree. Better to be safe. Not imperative to arrive in Munich immediately.


Thank you PAVACA 🙌 Hubby and I are daily dark chocolate nibblers. I met my dearly beloved on Valentine’s Day 38 years ago, and we’ve been living happily ever after since then. 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷

In case this hasn’t been posted, JD’s speech this morning to a mostly snooty hostile Munich Conference audience is one for the ages … we “deplorables” will not be ignored, and Europe ignores theirs at their peril 🙌🇺🇸🇺🇸 Well worth a 10-15 minute listen.


https://twitter. com/k_ovfefe2/status/1890397807380467832

This has a link to his speech in youtube.


Absolutely loved that speech, brilliant, going to watch it again.


Link direct to YT.

Superb speech. Calling out countries across Europe by name. Nine minutes in…

As an aside. JD just called out UK for arresting someone for silently praying for outside abortion clinic. Seems the US has a similar moronic law(s).


Hes just about out of time.

Pope Francis was admitted to hospital for bronchitis treatment Friday and has canceled all scheduled events for the next three days, according to the Vatican.“This morning, at the end of the audiences, Pope Francis was admitted to the Policlinico Agostino Gemelli for some necessary diagnostic tests and to continue his treatment for bronchitis,” the Vatican said in a statement.

Says this pic was feb 9.

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He looks bad.

Wish Viganò was Pope.

Gail Combs

Puffy, likely heart problems.




Have a nice day! 👍 Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️

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MAGA dads should send out the little card to their daughters! 😁


likely better kids should give their teachers one too, unsigned just in case. 😆


Ha. Splodey head teachers.


Love the dog with the heart on their head 😍♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️



I would have to try hard to develop a love for dark chocolate – my favorite chocolate is so plebeian – Hershey’s milk chocolate with almonds – bars, nuggets or kisses – I love the slight hint of condensed milk, buttermilk, powdered milk, or sour cream in it.


Sometimes the cocoa beans are dried by the side of the road and they still have leaded gas, so lead contamination that way. Older trees can take up cadmium from the soil.

The other issue some people look at is child labor/slavery that can be in use. I try and get Fair Trade cocoa for that reason.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh, the old “Looking for Mr. Goodbar” 🙂

Wonder how much Hershey’s had to pay for that product placement…

I’ve always liked Ghiradelli, and Ghiradelli Flicks (like giant chocolate chips) that came in a tube… not sure if they exist anymore… and not as good since GoldenGrain bought them (back in the 1960s… sniff)…..


Ghiradelli Flicks…them were the days…decades ago. Great memories.

Cuppa Covfefe

When I was in high school we’d go caroling, then take BART to Ghiradelli square, and carol there, finally having hot chocolate with marshmallows… we’d split up (there were 8-16 of us) and get the whole train singing carols…. that was a loooooooong time ago… early 1970s…. couldn’t do that now…

But it was so much fun… can’t believe I had the guts to do that 🙂


Pam Bondi already has an effect. Newscum doesn’t want to go to jail.

Benny Johnson @bennyjohnson

🚨BREAKING: Gavin Newsom has changed course, aligning with Trump by vetoing a bill that would have restricted ICE’s access to California’s state prisons. 

This comes after AG Pam Bondi threatened to take legal action against sanctuary cities.


Matters not. The California legislature can easily override his veto.


Then IMO, which could be wrong, ICE should be able to go after them for supporting aid to illegals. I also don’t know how brazen they would decide to be, given Bondi and Homan’s vows to prosecute officials too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Newscum may see this as a way to betray his “fellow leftists” to gain more power.


LOL what a maroon sissy … good 🤨👍‼️


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Awwwww that’s sooooooooo sweet 🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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A bump in the road. PDJT has every authority to appoint Musk.

Gail Combs

She needs a through Colonoscopy.

She was  Born in Kingston, Jamaica. I can find nothing on WHEN she became a citizen or even IF.


Interesting. From Wiki:

Her father Winston Chutkan is an Indo-Jamaican doctor, and her mother Noelle is an Afro-Jamaican who was one of the leading dancers at the National Dance Theatre Company of Jamaica

Nothing about Tanya’s childhood. Most sources skip over it completely. But this source says:

She came to the United States for the first time at age 17 to attend George Washington University in Washington, D.C. 

And that she is a citizen:

Tanya Chutkan will preside over the trial of Donald Trump in the same courthouse where she took the oath to become a U.S. citizen.

This site says she has dual citizenship:

She has citizenship of both Jamaica and America.

Cuppa Covfefe

So she came to the US AT 17 to study at GWU?????

I believe that about as far as I can throw my car…

Wackypaedia and Britannica (no longer British, by a long shot)… fact-free content, high fiber bs…..

Hmmm. Jamaica… just like Kamel-the-HOE…

Triangle trade comes back to bite us… “Molasses, to Rum, to Slaves… oh, what a beautiful waltz…”…..

Last edited 1 month ago by Cuppa Covfefe


Verse of the Day for Friday, February 14, 2025

“For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.” 

Proverbs 2:6 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.







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What is that entity called knowledge
Is it something you learn in college
Is it acquired through solid study
Can you share openly with a buddy

What do you do with it once you have it
Does obtaining it become a habit
Is it stored in your brain for further use
Do you hoard it or is it oft obtuse

Without understanding knowledge is useless
Without discernment knowledge is juiceless
For clarity understanding is key
It is how the brain can function and see

If knowledge aligns with understanding
And discernment becomes notwithstanding
You’ll begin your journey to wisdom way
For the fear of the Lord comes when you pray

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of
Wisdom that comes directly from above
Knowledge of the holy is understanding
By the Power of God comes the branding

So if you seek wisdom study real hard
And if you’re approved it will be your guard
If the fear of the Lord is just the beginning
You’re well on your way to wisdom winning

The corollary of this lesson will be
Knowledge + Understanding you will see
Gives way to wisdom a treasure for sure
There will be nothing you cannot endure

Wisdom is the principal thing therefore
With all of your getting there is much more
When you marry knowledge to understanding
Wisdom is better than strength or standing

D01: 07/12/2023


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms






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When God gave His Only Begotten Son;
The ransom for souls – the victory won;
He demonstrated His great love to be;
For all His Beloved – for you and me!

By the Blood of the Lamb – we are redeemed;
There’s no other way it could be it seemed;
His sacrifice was pure – untainted by sin;
Let the suffering end – His new life begin!

There is no greater love one man can give;
Than to lay down His life and to forgive;
He forgave His oppressors – yes He did;
His victory over death – all amid!

What does God want in return for His love?
Is it peace among men or branch of olive?
For what do we strive to do day after day?
What is it we need – to live only His way?

We must love Him with our mind, heart, and soul;
Serve Him through others – His heart to console;
Serve no other gods – no idols have we;
The servant of all – He wants us to be!

We must keep our Sabbath to worship Him;
Not just for one day – but surely passim;
We must honor our earthly mother and dad;
The best of caretakers we ever had!

We must not kill our brother – any way;
In spirit or slander or libel – betray;
We must take not – what belongs not to us;
Or covet the goods of another thus!

We must not covet the wife of any man;
Or lust in our hearts because we can;
No envy or malice can we keep inside;
Nor from God should we ever seek to hide!

We must love our neighbor as Jesus loved;
Do all that we can – make him so beloved;
For it is in giving that we will receive;
And it is in dying – we come to believe!

Dying to self – to follow Jesus, Our Lord;
Is that which will bring us to full accord;
Keeping His Word – we must strive to do;
For God’s Great Love lives in me and you!

D01: 07/26/2013


Good morning, C&C, it’s Friday! Happy Valentine’s Day! Today we have a jam-packed roundup; I tried to cram in everything. Please forgive any typos or mangled text, I’m writing at a furious pace trying to keep pace with the rush of events. In today’s unbelievable roundup: all our hopes and dreams were fulfilled yesterday as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was confirmed as our new Secretary of HHS and unleashed on the corrupt public health establishment; Trump caps it all off with an amazing MAHA executive order; quiet case approaches the Supreme Court and it could be ’seismic;’ Trump reciprocal tariff plan tips the financial world off its axis; Democrats still struggling to understand what’s hitting them over and over; and the Trump Team begins to focus on the Proxy War with spectacular results.


February 14, 2025 11:16 am

Acting Solicitor General has notified Congress that they are petitioning the Supreme Court to remove the protections on unconstitutional agencies such as Federal Trade Commission, National Labor Board, and Consumer Product Safety Commission.
They want the Supreme Court to reexamine Humphrey’s Executor which came out of the New Deal era that made these agencies independent of accountability to the people or the president.
Expect massive shock and pearl clutching with screams of dictator. Rechecking popcorn supplies.

Gail Combs

LOVE IT! What a great Valentine’s day gift!





Cuppa Covfefe

There’s only two kinds of music: country, and western 😀



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I guess I will need more bacon!!!

(I literally was eating bacon while Trump took the oath of office.)

Last edited 1 month ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This should appeal [no pun intended] to Roberts.

He’d like nothing better than to have his tenure as chief justice describe “The Roberts Court” as a significant point in the history of America.


2.14.25: We have it ALL, END NEAR? Alpha/Omega RT, RFK JR in, Hang on to the RAILINGS, PRAY!

And We Know


Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
We beat Jack Smith,
We’ll Beat Chutkan, too.


Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
If you do drugs,
You are so screwed.

Cuppa Covfefe

Roses are red,
Asphalt is black,
Deported illegals,
You aren’t coming back…


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New Geography.


This used to be considered hopium from Cates. Now it is considered a timeline of future events.


That thread is a good description of what’s going on. More people are starting to see the financial fraud, which is infuriating because everyone pays so much in taxes and has to work so hard. That knowledge and anger will pave the way for people to come to terms with horrible crimes against humanity. They will more easily believe the evidence, given that they already know how they’ve been cheated out of their money and are learning that the government is not working for them.

Gail Combs


Old Notes:
The U.S. Census Bureau reported in September 2014 that: U.S. real median household income was $51,939
Married Filing Jointly deduction = $12,600 = Taxable income: $39,339

Taxable income: $37,451 to $90,750
Tax rate = $5,156.25 plus 25% of the amount over $37,450 or an additional $1,889 = Total of $7045.25
or 13.6% of total income.

The combined rate for Social Security and Medicare = 15.30% (You didn’t really think your employer actually paid 1/2 now did you?)
TOTAL overt Federal tax = 28.9%

NC the tax rate is 5.499%
0.50% local sales and use tax is for the benefit and purpose of the Research Triangle Regional Public Transportation Authority in addition to the general 4.75% State and Wake County local 2.00% sales and use taxes for a total rate of 7.25%.

Property tax is ~ 1.0%< depending on county. Median price of homes currently listed in North Carolina is $225,000 or $2,250 or 4.3% tax (You don’t think your landlord pays that tax do you?) NC also taxes tractors, farm equipment and any other real property they can think of.

Motor Fuel Tax in NC is 35 cents per gallon.
Federal Motor Fuel Tax per gallon:
$0.1840 Gasoline … $0.2440 Diesel

For NC miles per licenced driver = 15,729 miles for year 2014 or ~31,458 miles for a two car household divided by 22 mpg times 53 cents per gallon or $758
On top of that the trucking industry paid $39.9 billion (39,900,000,000) in federal and state highway taxes in 2014 and hauled 70.1 percent of total U.S. freight tonnage . There were 123,230,000 households in 2014. Or an additional $ 324 in fuel taxes for a total of $1,082 in fuel taxes or ~2% in tax.

A typical American household with wireless phones paying $100 per month for wireless voice service and now paying nearly $225 per year in taxes, fees, and government surcharges or another 0.43% tax.

So adding up the tax on your median household income of $51,939
28.9+5.5+7.25+4.3+2+.43 = 48.38% in identifiable tax on that income.

When I added up the actual tax back in Taxachusetts in 1985 when I first started my small business I was paying 64.5% in the taxes I could identify.

Now add in the 151 taxes on a loaf of bread, over 1/2 the cost (President Reagan) and you are lucky to keep 25% of what you earn!

Valerie Curren



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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If it’s OK for youtube to fact check pages…then this is too.


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Valerie Curren



Absolutely right.
Let them be JUDGED by their behavior!


MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow saying President Trump gave Elon Musk a $400 million contract with Tesla, but it was Joe Biden. Did Maddow just open MSNBC up to same massive lawsuits?


UPDATE: Trump State Dept cancels $400 million Telsa armored Cybertruck deal made by Biden admin

The Trump State Department has canceled a deal made by the Biden administration to purchase $400 million in armored Tesla Cybertucks. Procurement plans for 2025 also include a purchase from BMW. The Biden administration had implemented an electric vehicle mandate and had plans to replace much of the federal fleet with electric vehicles. On his first day in office, Trump reversed the initiative.

“The solicitation is on hold, and there are no current plans to issue it,” the State Department said once the procurement plans came to light. The Trump administration has been diligent in rooting out excess spending and government waste and is working through all federal agencies.

The Cybertruck, which has a stainless-steel body, would be the vehicle most able to be upgraded with body armor, which is likely why the make was chosen by the Biden administration, per the New York Times. The Times, which revealed the plans for the big buy, also noted that the State Department’s procurement list had not been updated since Trump took office and was likely a holdover from the previous administration…

I think Musk also has said that he is renouncing any government contracts.


How far would a charge take them if they were carrying all the extra weight?


Good question. I don’t know that I would want to rely on an EV as a getaway car even if it had bullet-proof glass.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hmm, a bullet into the battery…yeah sounds like that could be entertaining.


“I don’t know that I would want to rely on an EV as a getaway car even if it had bullet-proof glass.”


Nobody would. If the secret service wasn’t filled up with DEI idiots, they would never agree to use an electric car for security purposes.

You don’t fix what ain’t broke, when protecting the life of the POTUS is the objective.

Reminds me of the clown show who thought it was a good idea to fix (replace) the steam catapult system on aircraft carriers, which had worked perfectly since at least WWII, with some new system.

A new system which cost obscene amounts of money, and could not be made to work reliably enough to use anywhere.

All it did was disable the carrier it was tested on.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467
Cuppa Covfefe

Gives a whole new meaning to a General yelling “CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” 😆
(or, rather, 🙁 )…..


I think Musk also has said that he is renouncing any government contracts.

IIRC, Musk said no more subsidies for any of his X companies.Perhaps this includes grants. I think Musk is good with USG contracts.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs

“The Cybertruck, which has a stainless-steel body, would be the vehicle most able to be upgraded with body armor, which is likely why the make was chosen by the Biden administration, per the New York Times.”


Nope. That would indicate at least a semi-rational thought process, which the insane Left does not (indeed, cannot) possess.

Cuppa Covfefe

Erm, typical of the “Old Gay Lady”…. Stainless steel is notoriously difficult to weld

Even on Tuesday…


Gotta admit, though — the Tuesday welds are better-looking than average….


She’s such a cutie pie, a real Einstein 🙄😑 don’t’cha know?! Bwahahaha … 😂🤚‼️


Intel Slava

Zelensky reported that a Russian drone allegedly attacked the sarcophagus of the very fourth power unit of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant last night. According to the enemy, the shelter was “seriously damaged,” but the radiation level was not elevated. An amazing coincidence, just a miracle.×720/zfWPx2oL94b-ci_n.mp4?tag=12


It’s ridiculous to think Russia would do that. This is about 7 to 10 miles from Belarus, there is no fighting in this area, the winds are turning up toward and blowing into Russia. Many are accusing Zelensky of trying to sabotage the peace effort going on to day. Twitter is alive with denunciations of this false flag attack.


My thoughts: An ordinary drone zelensky could have launched without permission and help from his western puppeteers.
Or he could have launched it with their full knowledge or even on their suggestion, we don’t know how unbalanced his mentors are.
Another option, one that would be appealing to the IC mindset, would be to electronically take over the control of a genuine Russian drone in the air and cause it to hit an embarrassing target, it would not surprise me if that were technically possible.

Last edited 1 month ago by RAC

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Honestly, I think they ought to have a special lottery. All citizens have a chance to win 1% of the stupid mistake uncovered today. One mistake per day, one lucky winner every day. What could you do with 1.9 million dollars?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

1 percent of 1.9 billion is actually 19 million.

Even better.


Lol! Dammit!

Nobody said there would be math!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It sucks that we tend to think in percent…but the numbers go up by factors of a thousand.

I doubt we’ll be switching to permils (‰) though. (It’s obscure enough that dictionaries can’t even agree on how to spell it. permil? per mill? permille?)

Last edited 1 month ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhhh, the money was actually being used to fund a new Rap group….

Boyz In Da HUD… 🙂




Have you ever tried to delete a piece of malware and it starts screeching that this will destabilize and crash your operating system?

That’s basically what’s happening with USAID

— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) February 14, 2025

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s called Windoze 11…


h/t Filly
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Cuppa Covfefe

Yep… with all that fat and waste beneath it….. 🙂


Nuclear [FF] In Ukraine, Declas Clock Has Begun, Power Returning To The People – Ep. 3572
 February 14, 2025  x22report

Lee Zeldin is cancelling as many environment grants as he can, the latest is a 50 million savings. US retail for Jan declined, this is the Biden economy. The Gov needs lower rates to pay the debt, Trump will use this. The [DS] is afraid DOGE will audit the source of their funds, tick tock. The [DS] wants the war to continue in Ukraine, a drone hit the nuclear plant in Ukraine, the blame is on Russia but it looks like Ukraine staged a [FF]. Ann Paulina Luna lets everyone know she is following declas procedure and the clock has already started and the materials she has will be released to the people. DOGE will audit every department, the amount of fraud is astronomical. The GOA is supposed to be doing the audits, either they are part of the system, or they were stripped of power. Trump let us know what he was going to do in 2016, and here we are today, promises made, promises kept.

Ep 3572a – Maxine Is Worried About Elon Auditing The Federal Reserve, Why, It’s The Source

Ep 3572b – Nuclear [FF] In Ukraine, Declas Clock Has Begun, Power Returning To The People


I would guess the entire U.S. budget — all of it — is fraud, waste and abuse.

If there is even a single thing the gov’t spends our money on that actually accomplishes the objective we’re paying for, without waste, fraud and abuse at least tripling the cost, what would that be?


Almighty God, we give you thanks for surrounding us, as daylight fades, with the brightness of the vesper light; and we implore you of your great mercy that, as you enfold us with the radiance of this light, so you would shine into our hearts the brightness of your Holy Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Grant us, Lord, the lamp of charity which never fails, that it may burn in us and shed its light on those around us, and that by its brightness we may have a vision of that holy City, where dwells the true and never-failing Light, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

O Lord God Almighty, as you have taught us to call the evening, the morning, and the noonday one day; and have made the sun to know its going down: Dispel the darkness of our hearts, that by your brightness we may know you to be the true God and eternal light, living and reigning for ever and ever. Amen.

Seek him who made the Pleiades and Orion, and turns deep darkness into the morning, and darkens the day into night; who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out upon the surface of the earth: The Lord is his name. Amen.

Amos 5:8


Mooresville, IN – Authorities have released alarming details regarding an 18-year-old Indiana teenager accused of plotting a Valentine’s Day mass shooting at Mooresville High School.

Court documents reveal the suspect, Trinity Shockley, allegedly idolized Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz, harbored homicidal intentions, and had been planning the attack for at least a year.

According to a police affidavit, Shockley—who identifies as a transgender male and goes by the name Dex—expressed a desire to kill others and was fixated on Cruz, even carrying a heart-shaped locket with his photo.

The Mooresville Metropolitan Police Department received a tip from the FBI on February 11, 2025, regarding an individual allegedly planning a school shooting.

Investigators identified Shockley as a suspect and executed a search warrant at their residence in collaboration with Mooresville School Police and the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office.

Authorities took Shockley into custody, and on February 13, prosecutors charged them with:

  • Conspiracy to Commit Murder
  • Two Counts of Intimidation with a Threat to Commit Terrorism

The FBI’s tipster reportedly informed police that Shockley had access to an AR-15 rifle and had recently purchased a bulletproof vest.

Shockley allegedly told the tipster that they intended to kill their best friend first before carrying out a broader attack.

During a police interview, Shockley allegedly admitted to being “emotionally attached” to Cruz and wanted to prove themselves as his “number one fan.”


Tranny – mentally ill.


Yep. And its true, more girls than boys. Social contagion masking illness w adolescent body changes.


“They”?? “Themselves”?? UGH!!!


Inhabited by the Legion.

Cuppa Covfefe

Luke 8…



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

How does one person constitute a conspiracy?


Derp! She mustve been in some online tranny forums.


See my other comment about this. That’s a big group!


“Authorities took Shockley into custody, and on February 13, prosecutors charged them…”



How many is he?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Enough to be a conspiracy, evidently.

Cuppa Covfefe

Legion… Luke 8:27-30ff


“The Mooresville Metropolitan Police Department received a tip from the FBI on February 11, 2025, regarding an individual allegedly planning a school shooting.”


So naturally ‘Trinity’ the flaming fruitloop tranny was on the FIB’s ‘radar’, like every single other ‘shooter’ in the last 25+ years.

Only this time, for the FIRST TIME EVAH, the Fibbies actually prevented the shooting instead of facilitating the shooting.

What a difference a President makes.


And she’d been planning it for a year.


The next obvious question is how did the Fibbies get all this information — how do the always get all the information before mass shootings — and the only answer that even begins to be plausible is illegally.

Because it’s part of the outrageously unconstitutional total surveillance police state, combining aspects of the Patriot Act with A.I. and who even knows what else, to spy on every person in the country, 24/7/365.


Yep. I guess thats how they find the ones to use too. Key words and website visits.


As I listened to JDs speech.

With each comment regarding Europe ignoring, destroying democracy, Ukraine came to mind.

There is zero democracy in Ukraine.

Looking forward to a readout from JD meeting with Zelensky.

This may be the first AND long overdue bitch slapping Zelensky ever had.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am not the only one on X who’s been pushing back [very gently and kindly] on SD’s recent negativity – and I will bet that “the algorithm” is helping us.

But even beyond that, I think JD is doing a great job merely by what he says.

TL;DR – SD periodically shows his own scars from his own version of battered conservative syndrome, but he snaps out of it with just a wee bit of reality therapy.

Last edited 1 month ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hope he does. It’s ridiculous over there right now. People in comments are saying “Eeyore” a lot.

J.D. Vance is a phenom.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If he keeps this up, I might just have to vote for him in 2028.


If he keeps this up, he’s 48 for sure.


Can anyone here personally remember a time when the VP was so strong and qualified in his own right as a young man? GHWB (older) seemed to be so, but how did that turn out?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

GHWB wasn’t all that young even back then.


No, he wasn’t. And he had a lot of background that many of us (including me) didn’t look into at the time. Of course, it was harder to look into then, because we-all pretty much relied on print, radio, or TV for information.

Last edited 1 month ago by MarieUrsula

I don’t remember any VP being much more than a placeholder at events the President didn’t want to attend.

Barb Meier

The wildest shit is happening near Washington DC, here is Arlington VA

Everything is being put on the market

Barb Meier

Comments say the graphic is from realtor dot com.


Relocation timing worked well.   :wpds_wink: 


I hope they don’t move here…  :wpds_question: 


If you look at the tweets under his, there are graphics for spikes in Google searches in D.C. for “immunity” and “extradition.”

In a court of law, this kind of thing is referred to as “consciousness of guilt.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Even during the post-J6 period, when the Biden regime was eagerly looking for ways to get me, I was only considering the need to move to STATES where Nancy Pelosi’s “Capitol Hill Police Stations” (so much like China’s overseas secret police stations, it’s quite curious) were not welcome.

Speaking of which, maybe Trump can work with Mike Johnson to close those “Pelosi Police” stations down.


Laughing here.

Those prices will be dropping bigly.

Poor saps that bought with interest rates high AND have little, if any equity equity.

Happy go lucky

I’ve been waiting for this 😎

Cuppa Covfefe

They’ve always been on the market… except it wasn’t houses that were being sold 😀


Rough look

Draw around 495. 2,000+ on the market. 7 days or less, 225.

With all of the retirements AND feds getting canned, gonna be a whole lot more homes going on the market.

Home buyers market.

Robert Baker

My new wish for DOGE. Make Arlington, VA, middle class again.


Aw..such a shame that the illegals are being rooted out and trashed…if uSAID wasn’t also being rooted out and trashed think what nice neighbors some 3rd world Haitiians or some TrenDA folks be! Arlington could contact Springfield to find out what fine people they are…alas…NGOs are out of “resettling” money right now


Thanks for posting.

Many will remember I recently pointed out the bludgeoning of the market that will occur as they bail out.

If you are moving in with the winning team it will be a bottom feeder’s dream. Just watch out for local tax increases to make up for future shortfalls.

The next thing that happens is northern VA goes from deep blue to red. VA is solidly back in the win column.


I just went over to and took a look. I look on Zillow a lot, but this is the first time I have seen listings that say “on market February 27,” on market February 20,” etc.

It’s like the people who are taking the deal to leave their jobs are keeping the house off the market until they take off. Probably going to the Bahamas to shed their liberal tears for a while, since they will be getting paid (with our money!) until September.

Good riddance.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Until they show up in flyover country wanting a job.


Their resume will be under consideration. They may end up in Starbucks.

Cuppa Covfefe

Then there’s hope for AOC 😀

Oh, wait…

She’ll probably be steaming milk in Leavenworth or somewhere like that 🙂


Lol. She was a bartender. They can put her in charge of the pruno.

Happy go lucky

Ohhhh…. I just did Fairfax County, a sanctuary county.

There are 1,848 listings and almost half, 918, in the last 30 days.

Barb Meier


See new posts


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Paul A. Szypula


Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA), who recently threatened violence against President Trump, Elon Musk, and the Trump administration, came to the US illegally.

No wonder he has no respect for our laws.


needs to be expelled from Congress and deported.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Volunteering my boot for the kickout.


Threatened POTUS? If so, seems he should be arrested, prosecuted and deported. Found guilty, maximum fine.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs

Chip him (tag him like a dog) then let him go to …. A nice touch would be for the chip to beep, constantly. Kind of like submarine sonar.

Cuppa Covfefe

How about a ThinkGeek Annoy-a-tron? 😆


Ah. I had wondered. He was 5 and came w his mother from Peru. All his education free from CA. I didnt get anything free. Hes also part of the rainbow.

Last edited 1 month ago by gil00

Seriously?! We can NOT have Congress-critters who came here illegally. That is just unacceptable bullshit.


The Planned-emic Enabled Massive theft…

Witness at First DOGE Hearing Confronts Lawmakers with Scale of Covid Fraud: ‘They Stole $1 Trillion’ 

Haywood Talcove, CEO of Lexis Nexis Risk Solution, described to lawmakers the different kinds of criminals exploiting U.S. government benefits systems, pointing out that Covid relief provided a windfall of over $1 trillion to those criminal elements.

“Outdated government systems permit criminals to access unlimited sums of money. During the pandemic, they stole $1 trillion dollars, 70 percent of those dollars went overseas. Shockingly, it’s just not criminals exploiting the system, it’s the flawed system itself acting as the accomplice. If left unchecked, the U.S. government will continue to lead the world in funding cyber criminals,” Talcove said.


Happy Valentine’s Day Lego style


This is so awesome ‼️ Lego chocolate ⁉️‼️ … hmmmmmmmmm 😏


Glad you liked it


It’s so cool 😎♥️ …


Ahhh chocolate.
Holds up Nutella!

European chocolate is the best!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yup I tried a Hershey kiss a few weeks ago. Yeah no.


I gave my better half 😍 and my son a valentine card and three pieces of Lindt dark chocolate today. ( cough .. there were extras soooooooo, yum 😋)


Awwwwwww LOL

Ohhhhh extras.

I gave my Mom an ice cream cone does that count! 😁


Absolutely and totally deliciously wonderful …. 😋👍‼️


Surprise. Maggot appointed judge…

WHOA! Judge RIPS Into Lawyers for Fired Inspectors General — Forces Them to Withdraw TRO Motion, Threatens Them with Sanctions!


Another surprise. hussein appointed judge chucker…

UPDATE: Judge Chutkan Skeptical of Democrat State AGs’ Request For Emergency TRO to Stop Elon Musk and DOGE


DOGE leaks top secret information about intelligence agencies on its website – sending spies scrambling

Elon Musk‘s Department of Government Efficiency’s latest attempt at creating change in the Washington swamp has seen classified information posted to its website.

DOGE – launched by Donald Trump and chaired by Musk to cut government waste – started a website on Wednesday that claimed to let citizens ‘trace your tax dollars through the bureaucracy.’

While the site claims to not post information from the various American intelligence agencies, that appears to have been breached.

A search by the Huffington Post shows information about the National Reconnaissance Office is readily available.

The federal agency is in charge of America’s intelligence satellites, from design to upkeep.

A Defense Intelligence Agency told Huffington Post Friday that spies are in complete flux. 

‘DOGE just posted secret NOFORN info on their website about [intelligence community] headcount, so currently people are scrambling to check if their info has been accessed,’ the anonymous worker said. has reached out to the White House for comment.  

A spokesperson for the NRO merely said: ‘We defer to the Department of Government Efficiency for comment on the release of information posted on’ 

NOFORN is short for ‘Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals’ which means that it cannot be spread to anyone outside the federal government without permission. 

NRO is the only one of the 18 American intelligence agencies that appear to have its information released to the DOGE site so far. 

One Senate aide called this ‘absolutely a problem under the current intelligence standards.’

There are debates within the intelligence sector, however, as to whether the NRO should be a matter of public record or not. 

Another Senate aide claimed that the information is kept private to avoid American enemies from learning what the US’ spying priorities are. 

They both agreed that it posed questions as to what Musk and his ‘nerd army’ are up to. 

‘These 25-year-old programmers, I don’t think they have enough experience to know what they don’t know,’ they said. 

‘Really, the question is: Where did they get this information and what are they doing with it?’ 

This is a developing story.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This shows how nuts things are in Washington. Almost everything is “secret” – and it’s impossible to make the “most stupid secret stuff” “no longer secret”.


I’m betting it was intentional. Directly supporting your post.


So, excuses!


HuffPost has been on my “highly questionable” list for years. Daily Mail, hmmm. Notice that no sources are named for verification purposes.

Last edited 1 month ago by MarieUrsula

The story is an exaggeration. If your lucky enough to find the National Reconnaissance Office the only thing you would fine would be generic graphs on population density of people working there, listing things like average salary in years served brackets. Nothing useful and likely found through other searches on public domains. Story is junk but they want us to be wowed.


This is my favorite thing of the week. Lol, Trump hung his mugshot outside the Oval Office door!




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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Saturday in the can…a bit light on content, alas.


No rocks, then?

Cuppa Covfefe

Suds Lite? 😀


The ‘Blackity Black Black’ Chief Equity Officer At HHS Hides From Trump With New Title

DEI staffers are changing their resumes across government to keep their jobs, a Daily Wire investigation found.


Little late but from the heart
“Happy Valentine”🍷


Love is the answer—but you ought to own a handgun just in case.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Louisiana!


Welp, ICE got half a dozen Tren de Aragua villains in Bozeman, Montana today.

I was seeing a whole bunch of non-English-speaking Hispanics around my little town for about the last year, but now, poof! They have vanished.

Lol, I wonder why?

Last edited 1 month ago by Aubergine

That’s funny. Happy for Bozeman and Montana.

Gitmo population will increase in a day or so.




In bozeman!? Are they going onto the reservations? Illegals do down here.


Oh, I’m certain they are on the Rez. That will have to be cleaned up, too. I’m not certain how ICE operates on reservation lands, however.


Libtard DOJ lawyers are caving, when provided an ultimatum…

SHOWDOWN: Public Integrity Lawyers Cave After Trump’s Acting Deputy AG Puts Them Into Room with One Hour to Decide Who Will Dismiss Adams Charges – Or All will be Fired


Two more days of winning, until Monday.


They should fire them anyway for bringing political charges to start with.

Valerie Curren



Seems the latest baby for Elon with ashley st clair is true. She not a prize for it either. That means his baby mama he lives with was 3 months pregnant when st clair decided to throw herself at him. This is really gross.


I learned years ago (starting in 2009, when Susan Boyle became unexpectedly famous) that The Daily Mail in UK is more or less a tabloid that hooks readers with sensational and often smarmy headlines. A number of us Susafans from the USA, UK, and elsewhere made a list of news sources in our countries that were basically reliable or NOT when reporting on Susan.

In keeping with this general rule, I cannot remember the last time I took seriously any of the celebrity-focused papers or magazines in the racks near the grocery store check-out counters.

I tend to proceed with caution, especially these days when TPTB are doing everything possible to discredit Team 47.

Last edited 1 month ago by MarieUrsula

They are that type of place I agree, but they do post video and links for things i have interest in for researching other places.
This Ashley St. Clair posted her confirmation on X while the DM appears to have followed it up.
I have found reliable pieces from DM and then read a lot of clickbait. Frustrating, but being cautious is a good idea.


I was a big Susan Boyle fan and spent a lot of time on her fan site. I also attended her US concert. I am not a big tabloid fan not TV fan 🙂


Susan’s USA concerts in 2014 were fabulous. I attended two of them in California. By that time, she had grown sooooo much more confident in her public performances.


Susan’s first and largest volunteer-run-and-paid-for fansite is still active, for those interested:

The people who keep it going are comfortably in touch with Susan’s peeps, having proven to be trustworthy over many years.

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s not without reason that they’re known as The Daily Fail… and that was true even in the early 1960s…

Carrying on the tradition of Yellow British Journalism (that hurts, I’m half English) along with the Grauniad, the non-Independent, the “Excess”, and of course page3-presstitute “The Sun”…


Hmmmm how about some Aachener Printen!


It actually sounds good!  😀 


They really are!

Cuppa Covfefe

Just wait until they use a 3D printer to make them…

3D printen Aachener Printen 😆

(ducks and runs from flying Spaetzle presses, clockless Cuckoos, and other Stollen items 😀 )….




I found the paper on Vitamin C.

TL;DR summary:

Vitamin C is a macronutrient.
Mammals make it on demand as needed via glucose metabolism in the liver.
Human babies and some human adults continue to make on demand.
Many humans have defects in metabolism leading to low C levels.
There appears to be a way to assist humans to restore C metabolism.

Key section:

Vitamin C Synthesis: Initially Present and Gradually Lost

Substantial evidence exists that indicates the ability of the human liver to make vitamin C is present at birth and for a variable amount of time thereafter. It would appear that some epigenetic factors are commonly acquired after birth which work to prevent an accurate and/or complete translation of the mRNA coding for vitamin C. In an early study, the authors asserted that “the amount of ascorbic acid in blood plasma from the umbilical cord blood of infants is from two to four times greater than that in maternal plasma taken at the time of delivery”. [64] In another study, the growing fetus appeared to make a large amount of vitamin C, with brain levels ranging between 400% and 1,100% higher than most adults.

Furthermore, the umbilical blood was found to have 400% more vitamin C than the maternal blood. [65] Research on breast-fed babies showed that vitamin C blood levels persisted at a level 200% higher than that of the mother, and that there was no correlation with the vitamin C levels measured in the breast milk. The vitamin C blood levels in the breast-fed infants were also noted to maintain themselves at the same or higher concentrations than the vitamin C-supplemented infants fed by bottle. [66]

In Bantu community infants in South Africa, researchers demonstrated that despite extraordinarily minimal amounts of vitamin C intake (3 to 8 mg/day), the symptoms of scurvy or vitamin C deficiency were never seen. The investigators actually concluded that “the only alternative is to postulate an endogenous production of the vitamin”. [67] It is tempting to speculate that these babies in their relatively isolated “primitive” cultures were exposed to much lower amounts of environmental toxins (food, water, air) than their young peers living in the large cities. Just as with any other medical condition, it is the presence of pro-oxidant toxins that precipitates and maintains disease, and epigenetic defects appear to arise for the same reasons. In a study on mice, it has been shown that their ability to synthesize vitamin C declines markedly over time, likely indicating that the ability to make optimal amounts of vitamin C is not absolute, but directly related to an increased expression of epigenetic defect(s) due to the chronically increased toxin exposures seen with increased age. This reasoning also fits with the concept that decreased vitamin C blood levels play a prominent role in promoting the diseases associated with aging. [68]

Some adults also appear to make their own vitamin C, or at least maintain normal vitamin C blood levels through some other undefined mechanism, whatever that could possibly be. In one study, an adult female continued to show high blood levels of vitamin C as the vitamin C intake was progressively decreased. Another woman went 149 days without any significant dietary vitamin C intake, and she never developed any deficiency symptoms. [69] Similar findings were seen in some other humans and guinea pigs as well. [70-72]

At the very least, then, the preceding studies are clear that the inability of humans and guinea pigs to maintain normal vitamin C levels is not absolute. The precise mechanism by which some humans can keep vitamin C levels in the normal range without supplementation or very high dietary intake might remain open to speculation for some. However, vitamin C is simply not stored in sizeable amounts anywhere in the body, and the continued presence of normal vitamin C blood levels over an extended period of time in the absence of significant intake can only come from an ongoing internal source of vitamin C, since mobilization from various tissues in the body can simply never come close to supplying the amounts of vitamin C in question into the bloodstream. Internal vitamin C synthesis would appear to be the only logical conclusion.


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