I said when I saw this YouTube on Monday, that I would explain why I agree with Colonel Towner about Mike Benz. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLOGvTHUIuc&t=462s BOMBSHELL: Obama’s Smith-Mundt Move LEGALIZED PROPAGANDA in U.S.! With TAXPAYER MONEY! In 1948, Congress authorized taxpayer funds to manipulate the news cycle overseas. However, the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 established a "Chinese … Continue reading KMAG 2025326 OPEN TOPIC & Operation Gladio Cont.
Author: Gail Combs
The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: I hope you take the time to read this because it may very well have a great impact on events in the near future. I wrote most of this over the weekend so I have no idea if these theories are true. Also … Continue reading KMAG 20250319 OPEN TOPIC & OPERATION GLADIO — JFK ASSASSINATION
DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20250318 ❀ Tuesday Placeholder ❀ Cholesterol and Statins
We continue to mourn the untimely passing of our beloved compatriot DePat, known in real life as Susie Sampson, and also as author Patricia Holden. Until we have a dedicated author for the Tuesday daily open thread, I will be posting "placeholders" like this one, which may or may not be spiced up with additional … Continue reading DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20250318 ❀ Tuesday Placeholder ❀ Cholesterol and Statins
Before I get into the meat of this controversial subject, I want to cover a bit of background. …. The three topics are, Oligarchs, Propaganda, and Astroturf Terrorism. Since those three are critical to understanding our current situation, I am going to make this a stand alone article. OLIGARCHS This author has a very good … Continue reading KMAG 20250312 Daily Thread and GLADIO, BANKSTERS & MERCANTILISTS
The USS Liberty Colonel Towner has mentioned on more than one occasion that God is guiding her. If she's speaking and she comes to a dead end, someone in her audience pipes up with “Have you read…” and she is off and running again. The same has happened to me. I was wondering how I … Continue reading DEAR KMAG 20250305 USS LIBERTY & DAILY THREAD
KMAG 20250226 Open Thread, Mad Cows & Raw Milk
I wrote this almost 2 decades ago. Most of the reference documents have been removed, archived or changed. However the basics remain the same. Raw milk is a product whose safety CAN be assured by means other than pasteurization. The first is herd isolation and constant testing of the herd for diseases such as tuberculosis … Continue reading KMAG 20250226 Open Thread, Mad Cows & Raw Milk
When I wrote about Mercantilism last week I mentioned merchant princes and bankers. I neglected to mention transport. You can not have trade without transporting trade goods from one place to another. If you look at American Indians, they had trade routes and used humans, canoes, dogs & camelids for transport. In Eurasia they were … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20250219 BRITISH TRADE & DAILY THREAD
DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20250218 ❀ Tuesday Placeholder ❀ Fenbendazole
The Wolf Part..... We continue to mourn the untimely passing of our beloved compatriot DePat, known in real life as Susie Sampson, and also as author Patricia Holden. Until we have a dedicated author for the Tuesday daily open thread, I will be posting "placeholders" like this one, which may or may not be spiced … Continue reading DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20250218 ❀ Tuesday Placeholder ❀ Fenbendazole
Dear KMAG: 20250212 Open Thread & Mercantilism: The Motive
I have noticed what I think is a thread throughout history. In my article, on Operation Gladio, I mentioned Mercantilism. Investopedia defines Mercantilism thus: Mercantilism and the Colonies of Great Britain Mercantilism is an economic policy designed to increase a nation's wealth through exports, which thrived in Great Britain between the 16th and 18th centuries. … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20250212 Open Thread & Mercantilism: The Motive
Dear KMAG: 20250205 Open Thread & The Hidden Rulers
This is ENTIRELY SPECULATIVE. I want to say that up front. My goal is to figure out WHO our hidden rulers are. I am using a two prong attack. What is the motive, and what is hidden and how. Since as usual this has turned into a book instead of an article, I am going … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20250205 Open Thread & The Hidden Rulers