News Flash Today, it is still the case that Joe Biden didn't Win. I realize that to some readers, this might be a shock; surely at some point things must change and Biden will have actually won. But the past cannot actually be changed. It will always and forever be the case that Joe Biden … Continue reading 2022·08·06 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
Author: SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
2022·07·30 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
The Chinese Should Think Before Wiping Us Out As Sometimes They Need Us To Solve Their Problems For Them Okay you knuckledragging ChiComs trying to take us down…here’s a history lesson for you. For millennia, you had to suffer from this: Yep. Steppe Nomads. They laid waste to your country, burned, raped and pillaged (but … Continue reading 2022·07·30 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
2022·07·23 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
Wow, I don't even need to muck with this first part. Guess who's in the news again, even if only slightly. Message for Bill Barr You're dirt. Your job was to pursue justice impartially. Instead, you decided it was worth being partial just to get rid of the Orange Man with the Mean Tweets. I … Continue reading 2022·07·23 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
2022·07·16 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
SPECIAL SECTION: Message For Our "Friends" In The Middle Kingdom I normally save this for near the end, but...basically...up your shit-kicking barbarian asses. Yes, barbarian! It took a bunch of sailors in Western Asia to invent a real alphabet instead of badly drawn cartoons to write with. So much for your "civilization." Yeah, the WORLD … Continue reading 2022·07·16 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
2022·07·09 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
Yo, Jim Acosta! I see from video of your "conversation" with MTG that someone posted recently, that you are still a pugnacious, lying, puddle of bearded dragon shit. How you can look at yourself in a mirror is beyond me, unless your conscience has been replaced by a dedication to Leftist goals. It certainly isn't … Continue reading 2022·07·09 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
2022·07·02 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
Change my title? I've got to admit, I recently thought of changing my title to reflect a more current controversy. After all "Brandon" not winning has been beaten into the ground around here. But recent revelations of slightly less recent events--I speak of the news about Wheatie--have cause me to harden my stance. Change the … Continue reading 2022·07·02 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
2022·06·25 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
The Chinese Should Think Before Wiping Us Out As Sometimes They Need Us To Solve Their Problems For Them Okay you knuckledragging ChiComs trying to take us down…here’s a history lesson for you. For millennia, you had to suffer from this: Yep. Steppe Nomads. They laid waste to your country, burned, raped and pillaged (but … Continue reading 2022·06·25 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
2022·06·18 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
Message for Bill Barr You're dirt. Your job was to pursue justice impartially. Instead, you decided it was worth being partial just to get rid of the Orange Man with the Mean Tweets. I imagine you sleep easy at night, though, because in your alleged mind, you saved America. The America you saved was the … Continue reading 2022·06·18 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
2022·06·11 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
SPECIAL SECTION: Message For Our "Friends" In The Middle Kingdom I normally save this for near the end, but...basically...up your shit-kicking barbarian asses. Yes, barbarian! It took a bunch of sailors in Western Asia to invent a real alphabet instead of badly drawn cartoons to write with. So much for your "civilization." Yeah, the WORLD … Continue reading 2022·06·11 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
2022·06·04 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
Yo, Jim Acosta! I see from video of your "conversation" with MTG that someone posted recently, that you are still a pugnacious, lying, puddle of bearded dragon shit. How you can look at yourself in a mirror is beyond me, unless your conscience has been replaced by a dedication to Leftist goals. It certainly isn't … Continue reading 2022·06·04 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread