As I have been researching and writing these stories I have been deeply moved by how each patriot started as well as how they finished their respective journeys in life. I am of the philosophical camp that it is not how you start, it is how you finish. However, the exercise of researching and writing … Continue reading American Stories: When in the Course of human events – Part 10
Author: TradeBait2
American Stories: When in the Course of human events – Part 9
Since I brought up the subject of Shay's Rebellion in Part 8, we might as well dig into the subject briefly. Most of us were never educated in school about the truth that not all of our citizens got along after defeating the British. Everything did not just become hunky dory within our nation's boundaries. … Continue reading American Stories: When in the Course of human events – Part 9
American Stories: When in the Course of human events – Part 8
Stories about the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War period would not be complete without a discussion about one of greatest speeches ever made in a public setting by an American colonist. Yet, it was made by a leader who refused to sign the Declaration as he was fearful that signing … Continue reading American Stories: When in the Course of human events – Part 8
American Stories: When in the Course of human events – Part 7
Wait a minute. I just remembered that I told readers that Benjamin Rush was a hero for helping Federalist John Adams and Anti-Federalist Thomas Jefferson to reconcile. That must mean those two strong willed, highly intelligent American patriots had a falling out? I thought they were great friends? What gives? Continental Congress The two first … Continue reading American Stories: When in the Course of human events – Part 7
American Stories: When in the Course of human events – Part 6
Now would be an excellent time to pay honor to a great American who is probably enjoying the show in our nation from Heaven. America is back! God bless America and all freedom loving people worldwide. Time To Get Into The Weeds This is an appropriate time to discuss Federalism versus Anti-Federalism. Since our … Continue reading American Stories: When in the Course of human events – Part 6
American Stories: When in the Course of human events – Part 5
Saratoga. Everything hinged on Saratoga. From we have the following: "British strategy in 1777 involved two main prongs of attack aimed at separating New England (where the rebellion enjoyed the most popular support) from the other colonies. To that end, General John Burgoyne’s army marched south from Canada toward a planned meeting with Howe’s … Continue reading American Stories: When in the Course of human events – Part 5
American Stores: When in the Course of human events – Part 4
This series is now dedicated to DeplorablePatriot, Susie Sampson. RIP and enjoy the company of Heaven, friend. We will carry on here and try to do you proud. The post below probably reflects the more crude sentiments of most of the 77+ million voters for President Trump, which was probably over 90 million if all … Continue reading American Stores: When in the Course of human events – Part 4
American Stories: When in the Course of human events – Part 3
Before we begin this inspiring part of our signers of the Declaration of Independence series, I have one more note for the readers on the research involved in this series. Many of the historical accounts disagree with each other on specifics. For example some may have a person leaving a town for another in one … Continue reading American Stories: When in the Course of human events – Part 3
American Stories: When in the Course of human events – Part 2
Before we go farther, I want to inform readers about the sourcing of my information, which should have been done in the opening story. All of the content is in the public record and accessible via the internet. As a result I am not listing the individual sources in my stories with one exception. I … Continue reading American Stories: When in the Course of human events – Part 2
American Stories: When in the Course of human events…
November 5, 2024 happened. It is time. God answered the prayers and groanings of His faithful as well as all MAGA supporters with an intervention. We start this story by going back in history to build the foundation. It was also a time of God's intervention into human events. Most people ignore or gloss over … Continue reading American Stories: When in the Course of human events…