KMAG 20250115 Open Thread / False Flags, Pedos & Satanists

I first want to say, PLEASE at least skim this article. Gunderson documents the false flags the US government has used to control us for decades. I have run out of time, so please excuse my mistakes. Continuing from last week, now on to the meaty subject of Ted L. Gunderson. He is a whistle-blower … Continue reading KMAG 20250115 Open Thread / False Flags, Pedos & Satanists


💥HUMP DAY!💥 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In this article I am going to take a closer look at Saudi Arabia. It is long because there has been an effort to paint ALL of those of the Muslim faith as EVIL. I hope to add shades of grey and even white to this completely black image. Dr. John … Continue reading DEAR KMAG 20240911 SAUDI ARABIA & DAILY THREAD

Wolf’s Statement on the End of Affirmative Action

I have tried to write this several times. I have decided to be short, blunt, and to the point. Here it is, very simply. I was part of the cover-up of the early failure of Affirmative Action. And when I say EARLY, I mean it failed during the alleged TESTING - meaning the very first … Continue reading Wolf’s Statement on the End of Affirmative Action

More Damning 9/11 Video Fakery Exposed

"Darkness to Light" I have been talking for a while about the "videographic" theories of 9/11 fakery, that convinced me about 4 years ago that 9/11 was largely a psy-op on this world. Well, that whole story just got bigger. Something that everybody missed. Until now. Let me begin by thanking the member here, who … Continue reading More Damning 9/11 Video Fakery Exposed

9/11 Truth-Fest

(still from video, don't click, see below!) I've spent a lot of time on Gab today, and I'm just blown away at the extent to which people are now ultra-red-pilled on 9/11. The amount of evidence pouring out is overwhelming. I'm seeing stuff I've NEVER seen before. Re-evaluating all of this evidence, knowing what we … Continue reading 9/11 Truth-Fest

Fact Checker Lies – Disproving Phony (and Possibly Planted) Evidence to Discredit The Whole

I have made it a minor hobby to study the Soviet methodology of "fact checkers", who have raised political lying to a fine art. I even now use the word "snopesing" for one such technique, which I discussed long ago on my old personal blog. Anatomy of a False Snopes Debunking Today I was happy to … Continue reading Fact Checker Lies – Disproving Phony (and Possibly Planted) Evidence to Discredit The Whole

Saved From The Frankenvax

How a Psycho Vaccine Marrying the Infamous COVID Spike Protein to HIV's Neurotoxic gp41 Was [Allegedly] Canned by a Mere Testing SNAFU How Australia Dodged The First Mad Vax Bullet of the WEF Scamdemic / Plannedemic Darwin Award Vaccine Featured Insane Merger of HIV and COVID But Failed Due to Buggering of AIDS Tests, NOT … Continue reading Saved From The Frankenvax

Transcript: Professor David Clements Interviews Colonel John Mills – “The Deep State, Up Close and Personal”

We present here a TRANSCRIPT of a very long video from THE PROFESSOR'S RECORD, in which Prof. David Clements interviews Col. John Mills. THANK YOU to GAIL COMBS for transcribing this terribly long but absolutely amazing interview. Col. Mills reveals STARTLING information about so much - right out of the gate, he exposes the 2016 … Continue reading Transcript: Professor David Clements Interviews Colonel John Mills – “The Deep State, Up Close and Personal”


Wheatie just put up a GREAT tune called "Oathkeeper" - have a listen.... This will GET YOU IN THE MOOD. This made me remember the patriotic OATHKEEPERS..... many of whom are languishing in prison. .....who were FOOLED, SET UP, and ENTRAPPED by "you know who". Otherwise known as..... And that got me to thinking. … Continue reading OATHBREAKERS


Somebody put Mountain Dew in the Wolf's water bowl, and suddenly he thinks he's wild and free. Indeed, while being WALKED BY HIS DOGHANDED OFF TO HIS WIFELEASHED TO HIS {{{"SMART"PHONE}}}X///RUNNING WITH SCISSORS IN HIS MIND///X But not yet having waved to the patriots who overfly his house routinely to see the giant TRUMP SIGN … Continue reading QArmageddon