The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: I hope you take the time to read this because it may very well have a great impact on events in the near future. I wrote most of this over the weekend so I have no idea if these theories are true. Also … Continue reading KMAG 20250319 OPEN TOPIC & OPERATION GLADIO — JFK ASSASSINATION

Ukraine: Another Playground for Evil

This new post is being created for us to collect newer Ukraine history, background, details on the actors on the stage, corruption, shadow government evil-doings, and so on. There are older, related posts on this site by Daughn, here, and here, and a detailed timeline here. But for today's focus, let's start with this interview … Continue reading Ukraine: Another Playground for Evil

Health Friday Open Thread 1.3.2025 VERSION 2: Mental Health in the Age of COVID—An Opinion Piece

NOTE: It appears that some comment was able to wreck the prior version of this thread. Continue commenting HERE. I will figure out this attack. Until then, I ask that people be careful copying and pasting a bunch of stuff - especially CODE - into comments. W LATER NOTE: I fixed the original thread, and … Continue reading Health Friday Open Thread 1.3.2025 VERSION 2: Mental Health in the Age of COVID—An Opinion Piece


💥HUMP DAY!💥 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In this article I am going to take a closer look at Saudi Arabia. It is long because there has been an effort to paint ALL of those of the Muslim faith as EVIL. I hope to add shades of grey and even white to this completely black image. Dr. John … Continue reading DEAR KMAG 20240911 SAUDI ARABIA & DAILY THREAD


NOTE ADDED BY WOLF: Please save all crucial information about the attempted assassination of President Trump HERE. There may be other articles later - we will make sure to link those HERE. Please also add reference links back to this post. Thank you! W I am going to put this up fast. It will … Continue reading TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT

The First Obvious AI-Assisted Attempt By Globo-Nazis To Infiltrate This Site

I'll try to keep this short and understandable. Yeah, good luck with that. Just read from here down to the TL;DR if you need to get out of here fast. There are two main ways that people try to infiltrate this site. One is by hacking into existing accounts by attempted logins using guesswork on … Continue reading The First Obvious AI-Assisted Attempt By Globo-Nazis To Infiltrate This Site

ChiNazis In Their Own Words

Emerald Robinson Drops the Must-Read CCP Reich-Speech in the Aftermath of What Looks Like WWII Nazi Sabotage with a Cyber Update Speaking of "coincidences" in the aftermath of the "accidental" destruction of a critical bridge, I think it's no coincidence that the brave and prescient Emerald Robinson dropped this particular post. The Secret Speech … Continue reading ChiNazis In Their Own Words

Dear KAG: 20231206 Open Thread

This is a Wolf Moon Emergency Wednesday Post. You ain't gonna get the usual stuff. This is a perfect opportunity for me to address this whole question of QAnon, Trump, "a pause" and the existence/nonexistence thereof, "The Plan", etc. Try to imagine a continuum of infinite dimensions (that would be reality per se) but let's … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20231206 Open Thread


OH CRAP! The DemonRat Commies plans just became clear as I wrote this comment! It explains John Kerry's travels and consultation with Iran during the Trump Admin. and so much more. I am going to flesh it out into an article. The DemonRats were ALWAYS PLANNING ON USING TERRORISTS TO DESTROY THE USA and the … Continue reading THE DEMOCRATS PLAN REVEALED


NOTE FROM WOLF: This post is a necessary introduction to certain ideas and statements from the World Economic Forum (WEF), which I believe are indicative of their involvement in the release of SARS-CoV-2 and the high-level design of the mRNA "vaccines", and upon which an upcoming post of mine will depend. That post will follow … Continue reading FORESHADOWING: THE 2020 WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM