OK - we're going to have some fun here - but stick with me, and you could learn A LOT. Cue the music! Borrowed from Wheatie! https://youtu.be/yx6538VnfZ8 Previous posts helped put both the SPIKE PROTEIN DISEASE and the SPIKE PROTEIN VACCINE into deep perspective. We were seeing that the SOLUTION was a significant part of … Continue reading No New Bioweapon Under The Sun
Category: Cabal
Dear KAG: 2021-04-30 Fearless Friday Edition
It’s Friday and thank goodness for it. Welcome back to Wolf’s Pub, the best place in town to find intelligent talk, stellar wit and wisdom, and amazing camaraderie all in one cozy accommodation. We’ll have some liquid courage in a bit, but let’s get to brass tacks. It’s going to take courage to overcome the … Continue reading Dear KAG: 2021-04-30 Fearless Friday Edition
Dear KAG: 2021-04-16 It’s “Let’s Wreck Wokeness” Friday!
Welcome to Wolf’s Pub, where Wokeness comes to die! Let us get out the sharp knives of intellect and just plain common sense, and stab it to death. Then we can sit back and enjoy a drink. First, a fantastic Heritage Foundation Panel that gives the foundation of Wokeness and its genesis in Marxism. Give … Continue reading Dear KAG: 2021-04-16 It’s “Let’s Wreck Wokeness” Friday!
Dear KAG: 2021-04-02 The Light at the End of the Tunnel: Good Friday
Wolf’s Pub is open on this best of Fridays. Today the pub is dry but let us gather together, share a morsel of bread, and speak of momentous events. “What is truth?” a man once asked Christ Jesus, just before he condemned him to death. https://youtu.be/IJffBsSg1kU That is a question that has echoed down the … Continue reading Dear KAG: 2021-04-02 The Light at the End of the Tunnel: Good Friday
The Demoralization of Country Music
WARNING: This post is for CULTURE WARRIORS ONLY. You were warned. INTRO I thought about doing this post for a long time - maybe even before I started this site, which was back in September of 2018. Then I actually FINISHED this post on September 14 of 2019. And then I just let it sit … Continue reading The Demoralization of Country Music
Dear KAG: 2021-03-26: The Great Wakee Wakee Edition
JOE BIDEN IS A TOOL, and not a very sharp one.It’s We-Don’t-Suffer-Fools-Gladly Friday at Wolf’s Pub. Oh, I hope the Meme Magic is strong today and we can soundly and roundly mock the Swamp Things in D.C. They richly deserve it.It’s just got to be said over and over and over again:Joe Biden Didn’t Win!He’s … Continue reading Dear KAG: 2021-03-26: The Great Wakee Wakee Edition
DEAR KAG: 2021-03-12
It’s Fight Like a Flynn Friday at Wolf’s Pub. Welcome back! I think you would agree there is freedom, and then there is FREEEEDOMMM! https://youtu.be/0zFAvzf0Mv0 What does it mean to be truly free? Can the body be imprisoned but the mind free? How does one free the mind? Are there things worse than death? Is … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 2021-03-12
DEAR KAG: 2021-03-05 Freeman Edition
“Oh thus be it ever when freemen shall standBetween their loved homes and the war’s desolation;Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued landPraise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation!Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,And this be our motto: ‘In God is our trust!’O’er the land of … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 2021-03-05 Freeman Edition
Know Your Villains: Mitch, Love, and China, Part Three
I don’t know how much more of this book I can read, but here goes. Chapter 8 of Mitch McConnell’s memoir, “The Long Game” is titled ‘Love.’ It begins thus: “It was my friend Julia Chang Bloch who had first suggested that I meet Elaine. I’d known Julia and her husband, Stuart, since I was … Continue reading Know Your Villains: Mitch, Love, and China, Part Three
DEAR KAG: 20210212 Know Your Villains
It’s Know Your Foes Friday. Welcome to Wolf’s Pub, and before we go any further: CHINA JOE BIDEN DIDN’T WIN Foreign and Domestic actors conspired in ways great and small to install Resident “Cha China!” Biden in the White House. Chilling. Speaking of chilling, this cold snap is heinous. Even down here in Texas we … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 20210212 Know Your Villains