This special GAB MOON A-RISIN' MONDAY Open Thread is VERY OPEN. As the battle to restore FREE SPEECH prepares to go on offense with Gab's coming COMMENT BROWSER EXTENSION, we bring our readers one of the most interesting Q "decodes" yet. I don't necessarily agree with it, but it leads somewhere EXTREMELY INTERESTING. Observe: (1) … Continue reading Dear MAGA: 20190204 Open Topic
Category: Cabal
The Top 10 Things I Learned During My Absence from The Q Tree
As you can see, I'm back. It's good to be back. Thank you for your prayers - I am not kidding you - they WORKED! <3 <3 <3 If there is one thing to remember, THAT is it. Prayer WORKS. If you're short on time, skip the rest, or just read the headlines. THANK YOU … Continue reading The Top 10 Things I Learned During My Absence from The Q Tree
Déjà Woo
This post is rather long, and it ultimately leads to VALIDATE what Q said about MK. And beyond. WAY beyond. I'm choosing to spill enough now that no matter what happens, or what happens to me, they will no longer be able to keep using MK for murders and getting away clean. People will SPOT … Continue reading Déjà Woo
Preparing for the MK Reveal: Tavistock Basics
I am now convinced that Q is signaling upcoming revelation on what people commonly refer to as "MK Ultra", but which is in reality an array of semi-secret technologies used for a seamless program of individual and mass psychological manipulation. I had been hoping things would go in this direction for a variety of reasons … Continue reading Preparing for the MK Reveal: Tavistock Basics
Top 10 Reasons I Believe the Clinton 1994 Crime Bill Was a Masterpiece of Communist Revolutionary Subversion
I have wanted to get this article out, but I was stuck on "number 10". Sure, I could come up with TEN. EASY. But I needed a good one for NUMBER 10. I mean, I needed a REALLY GOOD ONE. And our blessed President, Donald J. Trump, VSG, just gave it to me today. Stick … Continue reading Top 10 Reasons I Believe the Clinton 1994 Crime Bill Was a Masterpiece of Communist Revolutionary Subversion
First new Q of 2019! Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4a88a1 No.4609173 Jan 5 2019 11:57:15 (EST)DtTs2t-X4AA7yJB.jpg happens when all 'insiders' know the news is FAKE?What happens when all 'insiders' know [AS] is the leak of false data?What happens when a member of the House Intel Comm purposely leaks FAKE & FALSE data to 'friendly' news sources in order to … Continue reading 1Q19
Steve saw it first, only in different units: But then I checked the number of posts on the daily thread, and it was already ALMOST there. Pretty soon it WAS, and I was there to see it. 500 posts in the daily thread is pretty cool. Maybe we've had more before, but I never really … Continue reading 500
Statement on the Info-Bombing of Christmas Eve By Communist Fake News and Satanic Hollywood
In a world where the "5 PM Friday Night Washington Drop" is actually a thing, we might have expected what happened this Christmas Eve. However, we don't have to like it, or even put up with it. Yes, sexual assault happens. Yes, sometimes it's "gay". Yes, sometimes it borders on pedophilia. Yes, sometimes the details … Continue reading Statement on the Info-Bombing of Christmas Eve By Communist Fake News and Satanic Hollywood
No Discussion of Satanic Fake News Release On Christmas Eve or Day
We will NOT be discussing the Cultural Marxist "pedophile" info-bomb purposefully released by Satanic Hollywood and Satanic Fake News on Christmas Eve, until December 26. If you know what I'm talking about, good. If you don't, you'll know it when you see it elsewhere. This was very shrewdly done, and we will DEFUSE it by … Continue reading No Discussion of Satanic Fake News Release On Christmas Eve or Day
For Whom The Bell Tolls
I leave this as an open question, although this thread is ultimately concerned with somebody named Barbara Olson, who died on 9/11. I believe that the method of Barbara's murder is now demonstrated. Introduction The key to solving 9/11 is realizing that it was a CLINTON-centered operation which was launched AFTER the Clintons left the … Continue reading For Whom The Bell Tolls