Let's start with our dear friend's post in a recent daily: GA/FL Offline Coyote November 16, 2022 07:03 Democrats know more than a dozen ways to commit election fraud – they are good at it and have lots of practice. They have cheated since the days of Huey P Long, Gene Talmadge, and the Chicago Mob … Continue reading Back In My Day: Battleground Arkansas Conclusion – Votes, Beans, and Civil War?
Category: Cabal
Back In My Day: Arkansas – Follow the Money
This part of Goober Gump's adventures will finish the story of my college friend before divulging the money players of the Arkansas mafia back in my day, whose descendants have continued the "family" businesses. I will expand the parallels and comparisons in the part that follows this one. Don't think that ole Goober is just … Continue reading Back In My Day: Arkansas – Follow the Money
Back In My Day: Arkansas Field of Dreams – Grooming
I was a pig being led to a slaughter by a trail of crumbs from the table of the butchers. I had not yet become a hog in Razorback country, which is when the slaughter would occur. This is figuratively where we left the last Arkansas Field of Dreams BIMD. With this one we will … Continue reading Back In My Day: Arkansas Field of Dreams – Grooming
Back In My Day: Baseball and Arkansas? Why?
At one time earlier in my life, the state of Arkansas became my "field of dreams" for some reason that I still cannot determine. This series will explore the next dozen years of my life after high school graduation. This part will provide background and set the stage for what follows. Background I left my … Continue reading Back In My Day: Baseball and Arkansas? Why?
Back In My Day: Coal Country Heroes – Finale
As BIMD stories have been told, you may have begun to see the parallels between them as well as what you may have experienced in your life or happened in the lives of others during similar time periods and events. As has been noted, many of the featured people seized their opportunity to accomplish what … Continue reading Back In My Day: Coal Country Heroes – Finale
Dear KMAG: 20220926 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic
Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President: AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS. This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both). … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20220926 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic
Why I’m Glad I Watched the Ken Burns PBS Propaganda Special Blaming the Holocaust on America’s Evil Trump Supporters (Or Their Terrible Nativist Parents and Grandparents)
TL;DR - Watch this sucker while ignoring the myopic neo-Bolshevik "refugee" propaganda, but instead keeping in mind the current COVID/WEF insanity, to get a grip on the incipient climate-excused holocaust of the depopulationists, which is the fault of SOCIALISM, same as the soon-to-be-dwarfed "Holocaust" of the 1930s and 1940s. OK - just a bit more … Continue reading Why I’m Glad I Watched the Ken Burns PBS Propaganda Special Blaming the Holocaust on America’s Evil Trump Supporters (Or Their Terrible Nativist Parents and Grandparents)
Selection.Code Movie
My one-line review: "This movie is terrible in so many ways, and yet it's awesome, fascinating, and needs to be seen, so I highly recommend it." I think this is a Mike Lindell movie. It's like an Amazon movie without Amazon. It was clearly made on a shoestring, and the people who made it, clearly … Continue reading Selection.Code Movie
Jab Club
Are YOU a Member of JAB CLUB? Well, if you are, then start ACTING LIKE IT! If you are saying BAD THINGS about the wonderful coronavirus vaccines with safe and effective mRNA technology, which have never killed or harmed anybody, then you need a REFRESHER COURSE in the RULES OF JAB CLUB. #1 - The … Continue reading Jab Club
Dear KMAG: 20220919 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic
Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President: AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS. This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both). … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20220919 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic