More Damning 9/11 Video Fakery Exposed

"Darkness to Light" I have been talking for a while about the "videographic" theories of 9/11 fakery, that convinced me about 4 years ago that 9/11 was largely a psy-op on this world. Well, that whole story just got bigger. Something that everybody missed. Until now. Let me begin by thanking the member here, who … Continue reading More Damning 9/11 Video Fakery Exposed

9/11 Truth-Fest

(still from video, don't click, see below!) I've spent a lot of time on Gab today, and I'm just blown away at the extent to which people are now ultra-red-pilled on 9/11. The amount of evidence pouring out is overwhelming. I'm seeing stuff I've NEVER seen before. Re-evaluating all of this evidence, knowing what we … Continue reading 9/11 Truth-Fest

Three Little Graphs That Say It’s All One Big Lie

TL;DR - This post explains three graphs which all gave me "AHA" moments when I saw them. They all reveal lies in public science, which are used to manipulate humanity. Strategic and fundamental lies in climate science and planetary history are used to justify more tactical lies in energy and medicine. Together, these three graphs … Continue reading Three Little Graphs That Say It’s All One Big Lie

Back In My Day: Nothing New Under The Sun – Another Great American Traitorous Deception

So, like me, most of you probably grew up thinking that getting a decent education to whatever level you could attain would lead to a job and eventually a career where you could succeed. For traditional families, that may have even meant no outside job for the wife and mother so that she could handle … Continue reading Back In My Day: Nothing New Under The Sun – Another Great American Traitorous Deception

The Red and the Black

I will try to make this fast. Yesterday evening began a long discussion of Dark Brandon's little speech with the odd lighting that created a Nazi eagle illusion in Independence Hall (yes, they're THAT evil). (H/T RAC) Among the things I said was this: I think this was for the literally satanic part of his … Continue reading The Red and the Black

What could it be…..???

"Hmmmmm.........." In memory of those who 'died suddenly' in the United States, August 8-August 15 (H/T TheseTruths) "What was it?" . . . "What could it POSSIBLY be?" . . . "Was it....." . . . "Oh, I don't know....." . . . . . *bobbles head* . . . . . . . … Continue reading What could it be…..???

Mr Global’s Attack on FOOD Part III

H/T Cthulhu Unfortunately this is all to true. Recently we all heard of Scotland targeting sheep and cattle for removal. A really STUPID MOVE since they produce food from rocky hilly areas unsuitable for crops. So I thought I had better dust off this article I wrote months ago and publish it. I am not … Continue reading Mr Global’s Attack on FOOD Part III

Don’t Be a Yellow-and-Bluseful Idiot

In the fog of war, as I learned from the Balkans, the first side that the sheep are told to pick is usually the wrong side, which is not to say that the other side is great - it's just less of an immediate danger. We in the Fakely Democratic West have learned the hard … Continue reading Don’t Be a Yellow-and-Bluseful Idiot


First of a four part series on the ongoing attack on the American Food Supply including a time line. “In an effort to escape the continuous, racking abdominal cramping, Alex curled up into a fetal position and begged me to hold him. I stroked his face, attempting to calm him, to soothe him. I watched … Continue reading THE HISTORY of MR. GLOBAL’S ATTACK on our FOOD SUPPLY


Trudeau is threatening to confiscate bank accounts. Steve Cortez and others has been warning of coming Stagflation. Steve has been a part of Wall Street as a trader and strategist for almost two decades. Others such as Clif High warn of a coming dollar collapse. Ed Dowd,  a former Blackrock Portfolio Manager, reports on Falling … Continue reading A PRIMER ON MONEY