Dear KMAG: 20250205 Open Thread & The Hidden Rulers

This is ENTIRELY SPECULATIVE. I want to say that up front. My goal is to figure out WHO our hidden rulers are. I am using a two prong attack. What is the motive, and what is hidden and how. Since as usual this has turned into a book instead of an article, I am going … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20250205 Open Thread & The Hidden Rulers

Dear KMAG 20250101 / Happy New Year 2025 from Wolf / Rewriting History

HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE! Thanks to Gail Combs for persisting with the writing of this article for the New Year 2025 post. Gail is having incredible difficulty, trying to publish from her computer - in my opinion more than just the usual WordPress crappiness. Again, IMO, it is most likely due to "plausible reasons" of … Continue reading Dear KMAG 20250101 / Happy New Year 2025 from Wolf / Rewriting History

Thank God I’m a Peaceful, Honorable, Law-Abiding, and Constitution-Loving MAGA REPUBLICAN and YOU’RE NOT, President “Adolph” Biden, Puppet of “Uncle Joe Stalin” Obama

I tell you, I'm just sick of these guys. And gals. Between the BIDENISTA commies and the BIDENAZI fascists - all of them kowtowing to the Atlantic Council and the WEF globonazis, we're in for a RIDE. SCREW YOU, ADOLPH!!! MOOD MUSIC - LAUGHING! Know about any "secret treaties", China Joe? NOW, they have … Continue reading Thank God I’m a Peaceful, Honorable, Law-Abiding, and Constitution-Loving MAGA REPUBLICAN and YOU’RE NOT, President “Adolph” Biden, Puppet of “Uncle Joe Stalin” Obama

The Red and the Black

I will try to make this fast. Yesterday evening began a long discussion of Dark Brandon's little speech with the odd lighting that created a Nazi eagle illusion in Independence Hall (yes, they're THAT evil). (H/T RAC) Among the things I said was this: I think this was for the literally satanic part of his … Continue reading The Red and the Black

Dear KMAG: 20220124 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic / Epic Music Night / Gear Up For The Great RINO Vacation of 2022

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President: AND our MEGA/MAGA-stylish REALFLOTUS. Get your rest, Trumpy Bear! You're going back to the White House!!! The Business At Hand This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20220124 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic / Epic Music Night / Gear Up For The Great RINO Vacation of 2022

DEAR KAG: 20211224 – Christmas Eve – The Pub is OPEN / How Bill Gates Took Down Hydroxychloroquine

The Pub is OPEN again! With a blend of humor and seriousness, like any good bar, we celebrate this grand re-opening of WOLF'S PUB on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2021, by actually opening near closing time on Christmas Eve Eve, but what the heck. IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS. While our beloved bartender takes a needed break … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 20211224 – Christmas Eve – The Pub is OPEN / How Bill Gates Took Down Hydroxychloroquine

Reality Check: Jussie Smollett is Multi-Generational Russian Red Diaper Supported Throughout his Life by Numerous Marxist Fronts

Watch carefully, because you will RARELY see angry, vicious, red diaper communist hoaxing exposed as CLEARLY and DEEPLY as it has been with Jussie Smollett. Here is the New York Post, calling it like it is. Well, almost. Jussie Smollett guilty of staging race-baiting hate attack to boost career By Gabrielle FonrougeDecember 9, 2021 6:18 pm  Updated Career … Continue reading Reality Check: Jussie Smollett is Multi-Generational Russian Red Diaper Supported Throughout his Life by Numerous Marxist Fronts

DEAR KAG: 20211119

Welcome to Wolf's Pub! We are awaiting the verdict in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. It should've been a slam dunk acquittal, but an emasculated judge and a feckless prosecution have allowed things to spiral out of control. The traitorous press has shaped the narrative. Let's take it back. According to Jack Posobeic, there are … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 20211119

Dr. Charles Hoffe’s Observation of Spike Protein mRNA Vaccine-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension

A Beautiful Demonstration of Real Science in Action, and How Political Correctness Prevents Obvious Correlations and Causations From Being Seen by Monetarily Dependent Scientists Being "Sherlock Holmes" is easy, when everybody else in mainstream science has turned into a character from "The Muppets" or "Sesame Street". Except for Dr. Charles Hoffe, plus a bunch of … Continue reading Dr. Charles Hoffe’s Observation of Spike Protein mRNA Vaccine-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension