Spies, Spooks, Snakes and The Sea Eye Aye

I was going to do this as a comment but decided it would be better as an article… And then it grew and grew. I think we are going to be adding to this as events unfold. So put on your tinfoil hats, buckle your seat belts, grab your eye bleach and salt cellar and … Continue reading Spies, Spooks, Snakes and The Sea Eye Aye


“As Goliath gets exposed from within, the hunter becomes the hunted.”James O'Keefe https://youtu.be/50kghlaHYvM Welcome back to Wolf’s Pub! Don’t mind the snarl. It’s just I think America is about FED UP with the globalist/communist/Satanist crap. It won’t be too long now. Their second “Dark Winter” is almost upon us. They will see what we are … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 20211015 GUARD DUTY EDITION

Transcript: Professor David Clements Interviews Colonel John Mills – “The Deep State, Up Close and Personal”

We present here a TRANSCRIPT of a very long video from THE PROFESSOR'S RECORD, in which Prof. David Clements interviews Col. John Mills. THANK YOU to GAIL COMBS for transcribing this terribly long but absolutely amazing interview. Col. Mills reveals STARTLING information about so much - right out of the gate, he exposes the 2016 … Continue reading Transcript: Professor David Clements Interviews Colonel John Mills – “The Deep State, Up Close and Personal”

Dear KMAG: 20201113 Open Topic / The Glitch Ain't a Glitch / Theory of Trump's Treason Tweet / Two Swigs of Moonshine / What's at Stake / Get Thee to a March or Rally

Free speech, yada, yada, yada. But don't give Komrade Kamala any excuses to shut us down. This has been addressed elsewhere. Such as HERE: TERMS OF SERVICE: https://wqth.wordpress.com/2019/01/01/dear-maga-open-topic-20190101/ YOU KNOW THE DRILL. Give them nothing but one more day to rue, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Remain LEGAL, generally CIVIL, and possibly even … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20201113 Open Topic / The Glitch Ain't a Glitch / Theory of Trump's Treason Tweet / Two Swigs of Moonshine / What's at Stake / Get Thee to a March or Rally

20191031: It All Comes Back to Ukraine.

For those who still have courage, for those who can read beyond a headline, for those who believe in liberty and our rights, this is our time. It’s been a long path. Along the way, we’ve encountered those who have lied, spied, and died. At times, we ‘ve been distracted by skillful opponents, small and … Continue reading 20191031: It All Comes Back to Ukraine.


By which the HIDING of Means, Motive and Opportunity are accomplished through the use of the most obvious explanation as a form of both misdirection and social persuasion NOTE: The following post was written back in late February of 2020, and was finished in the state you see below on February 29 at 12:50 AM. … Continue reading Plausibility

The Bidening of America – How Cognitive Decline is Being Forced Upon Us All Through the ChiNazis' Useful Idiots, the Mask Nazis

TL;DR - skip down to "Crucial Experiment" and read how you can prove to yourself that masks cause real and measurable cognitive decline that lasts long after you unmask. NPR and other leftists who say masks don't affect you and your children are LYING. LOOK, it's time to be blunt. Senility - Cognitive Decline - … Continue reading The Bidening of America – How Cognitive Decline is Being Forced Upon Us All Through the ChiNazis' Useful Idiots, the Mask Nazis

The Revelations of Sundance of MAGA – Evidence Discussion 02 – Is Clinesmith the End of the Road?

The question of FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith, the indictment of whom was POSSIBLY announced by AG William Barr in response to Sundance's announcement of an imminent release about DOJ, is very interesting. Clinesmith is the guy who altered an email about Carter Page, hiding that Page was a CIA source, and thus allowed the BAD … Continue reading The Revelations of Sundance of MAGA – Evidence Discussion 02 – Is Clinesmith the End of the Road?

MUST-WATCH: Shadow Gate

I urge everybody to watch this, because THIS is who we are up against. LINK: https://banned.video/watch?id=5f37fcc2df77c4044ee2eb03 You will note that Millie Weaver was ARRESTED right before this came out. LINK: https://heavy.com/news/2020/08/millie-weaver/ LAWFARE. https://twitter.com/cjtruth/status/1294733634444894208 These are the people who tried to stop Trump, and they are STILL trying to stop Trump. YouTube has flagged this documentary … Continue reading MUST-WATCH: Shadow Gate

Dear KMAG: 20200710 Open Topic / Second CCP (Control of Coronavirus Perception)

This FREEDOM FROM FAUCI FASCISM AND FEAR FRIDAY open thread is OPEN - VERY OPEN - a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!). https://youtu.be/kFD5sQjIyGg You can say what you … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20200710 Open Topic / Second CCP (Control of Coronavirus Perception)