Back In My Day: Arkansas – Follow the Money

This part of Goober Gump's adventures will finish the story of my college friend before divulging the money players of the Arkansas mafia back in my day, whose descendants have continued the "family" businesses. I will expand the parallels and comparisons in the part that follows this one. Don't think that ole Goober is just … Continue reading Back In My Day: Arkansas – Follow the Money

Back In My Day: Arkansas Field of Dreams – Grooming

I was a pig being led to a slaughter by a trail of crumbs from the table of the butchers. I had not yet become a hog in Razorback country, which is when the slaughter would occur. This is figuratively where we left the last Arkansas Field of Dreams BIMD. With this one we will … Continue reading Back In My Day: Arkansas Field of Dreams – Grooming

Back In My Day: Baseball and Arkansas? Why?

At one time earlier in my life, the state of Arkansas became my "field of dreams" for some reason that I still cannot determine. This series will explore the next dozen years of my life after high school graduation. This part will provide background and set the stage for what follows. Background I left my … Continue reading Back In My Day: Baseball and Arkansas? Why?

Understanding the Coming Threats to Innocent Americans from DOJ and FBI

ABOVE TL;DR - DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE TL;DR - We are headed back to the Hillary Waco days, only it's a much wider target zone of victims. It is starting out with simple Gestapo tactics, but it will likely progress to violence unless DOJ and FBI are reined in. Right now, NOT TALKING … Continue reading Understanding the Coming Threats to Innocent Americans from DOJ and FBI

Selection.Code Movie

My one-line review: "This movie is terrible in so many ways, and yet it's awesome, fascinating, and needs to be seen, so I highly recommend it." I think this is a Mike Lindell movie. It's like an Amazon movie without Amazon. It was clearly made on a shoestring, and the people who made it, clearly … Continue reading Selection.Code Movie

9/11 Truth-Fest

(still from video, don't click, see below!) I've spent a lot of time on Gab today, and I'm just blown away at the extent to which people are now ultra-red-pilled on 9/11. The amount of evidence pouring out is overwhelming. I'm seeing stuff I've NEVER seen before. Re-evaluating all of this evidence, knowing what we … Continue reading 9/11 Truth-Fest

Back In My Day: Nothing New Under The Sun – Another Great American Traitorous Deception

So, like me, most of you probably grew up thinking that getting a decent education to whatever level you could attain would lead to a job and eventually a career where you could succeed. For traditional families, that may have even meant no outside job for the wife and mother so that she could handle … Continue reading Back In My Day: Nothing New Under The Sun – Another Great American Traitorous Deception

Back In My Day: Coal Country Heroes – Music Edition

What could be more boring to some of you than talking about dirty, black dust smudged coal miners exiting a filthy, death trap of a mine day after endless day? Why go there with one of your stories, TradeBait? I have better things to do like walking the dog, staining the deck, and washing the … Continue reading Back In My Day: Coal Country Heroes – Music Edition

The Population Control Shot – Understanding the Peoples Climate Temple

In cases of religious mass suicide/homicide, such as Jonestown, Heaven's Gate, and Aum Shinrikyo, it is very difficult to regain a humanitarian understanding of the key participants after the infamy of defining events sears the conscience and redefines reality. Even more difficult, however, is the opposite - to BEGIN to think the unthinkable and speak … Continue reading The Population Control Shot – Understanding the Peoples Climate Temple

The Population Control Shot – Did Bill Gates Gaffe, Troll, Let it Slip, Or None of the Above?

You've probably heard OF the Bill Gates "and if we do a REALLY great job on new vaccines" quote, which many consider to be an admission of population control through vaccines. What is the real story here? Strap in. This is a complex question, beneath all the lies, counter-lies, half-truths, and diabolical chaos left in … Continue reading The Population Control Shot – Did Bill Gates Gaffe, Troll, Let it Slip, Or None of the Above?