Scaramooch, Scaramooch, Will You Do the Fandango?

Popcorn Time!!! Be sure to ask yourself the QANON QUESTION OF THE CENTURY.... Whitaker = Scaramucci ? Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 01febf No.4186896 Dec 6 2018 18:41:11 (EST) carefully.Why is "The Clinton Foundation" back in the news?QQ Post 2560 When did POTUS make the statement "Calm Before the Storm?"When was HUBER activated by SESSIONS?Who was/is assigned to HUBER?ACTING AG PRIMARY … Continue reading Scaramooch, Scaramooch, Will You Do the Fandango?

Occam's Razor, Tool of Deception

I was originally going to entitle this post something else - something cuter and more grandiose about "my life-long sword-fight with Occam's razor".  Hence the opening image.  However, that goal was WAY too big for a blog post.  I could literally write a book on it. The fact is, I have MANY issues with Occam's … Continue reading Occam's Razor, Tool of Deception

Now Landing in Guantanamo Bay

Required viewing. The content creator behind this video (you really need to see more of them) is creating some of the absolute best WAKE THE FXXX UP  psychological propaganda I have ever seen. It IS propaganda - heavy, emotion-laden, driving, cultural Marxist music - and it is pointed straight back with STUNNING precision at the … Continue reading Now Landing in Guantanamo Bay

Nothing Can Stop What's Coming

Fresh Q is here! Will add more as they come in! But wait!  There's more! There you have it.  The latest Q. It's very clear what he's talking about.  INFORMATION REBELLION. Goodbye, Goolag. W FIND RUSSIA'S NON-REMOVABLE PRICE TAG

Zero's Paradox

You can do a lot with zero - and yet it's nothing. "Mueller Time" is likely going to turn out a whole lot different than anybody expected. Watching the comments on this Twitter thread was fascinating.  All of those liberals saying that Flynn had "flipped" on Trump. And yet, there was a certain hesitation … Continue reading Zero's Paradox

Q(uantum) R(evolution) Code

Q dropped some amazing posts.  We will need to discuss these to some extent - it looks like he's revealing some things about the Q project! "GRANULAR, BABY!  You know - like CRUMBS!" (Seriously - I <3 LOVE <3 the term "granular" for a whole bunch of reasons, and I know some of y'all love … Continue reading Q(uantum) R(evolution) Code

The Q Tablet

This is just a GREAT perspective on Q - very similar to my own - and I recommend that everybody check it out.  Big fan of the quality journalism on Tablet "Magazine" - this is no exception.  The mystery of Q articulated very nicely. Enjoy! Link here: What this amounts to, is just … Continue reading The Q Tablet

The Ex(odus)plainer

A while back, I caught WordPress rather stealthily suspending one of my favorite blogs - Fellowship of The Minds (FOTM). Instead of looking like what it looks like above, it looked like THIS: It turned out that FOTM wasn't the only blog that WordPress had very quietly shut down. These were just a few of … Continue reading The Ex(odus)plainer

TREMORS: The 5:5 on D5 is Here

Here it is folks.  Get your popcorn.  It's MOVIE-TIME. Good GRIEF!  Q won't stop posting! 😀  LMAO!!! Here's the YouTube link - Pence on CHINA. Christie on a bicycle!  Q will NOT stop posting.   I am updating every few minutes!  LOL!!! There you go.  D5 is coming.  Explains all the TREMORS. W … Continue reading TREMORS: The 5:5 on D5 is Here

The Empire Strikes Back

I think Sundance is right.  The Empire is striking back. This is what he's talking about: I urge people to read both links - the DC article immediately above, and Sundance's analysis. In my opinion, we are now seeing an open civil war in the federal government.  This is completely analogous to what … Continue reading The Empire Strikes Back