Popcorn Time!!! Be sure to ask yourself the QANON QUESTION OF THE CENTURY.... Whitaker = Scaramucci ? Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 01febf No.4186896 Dec 6 2018 18:41:11 (EST)https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/420131-feds-received-whistleblower-evidence-in-2017-alleging-clinton-foundationRead carefully.Why is "The Clinton Foundation" back in the news?QQ Post 2560 https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/420131-feds-received-whistleblower-evidence-in-2017-alleging-clinton-foundation When did POTUS make the statement "Calm Before the Storm?"When was HUBER activated by SESSIONS?Who was/is assigned to HUBER?ACTING AG PRIMARY … Continue reading Scaramooch, Scaramooch, Will You Do the Fandango?
Category: Conspiracy theory
Occam's Razor, Tool of Deception
I was originally going to entitle this post something else - something cuter and more grandiose about "my life-long sword-fight with Occam's razor". Hence the opening image. However, that goal was WAY too big for a blog post. I could literally write a book on it. The fact is, I have MANY issues with Occam's … Continue reading Occam's Razor, Tool of Deception
Now Landing in Guantanamo Bay
Required viewing. https://twitter.com/MrEdTrain/status/1069614628378939392 The content creator behind this video (you really need to see more of them) is creating some of the absolute best WAKE THE FXXX UP psychological propaganda I have ever seen. It IS propaganda - heavy, emotion-laden, driving, cultural Marxist music - and it is pointed straight back with STUNNING precision at the … Continue reading Now Landing in Guantanamo Bay
Nothing Can Stop What's Coming
Fresh Q is here! Will add more as they come in! But wait! There's more! https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/419901-fbi-email-chain-may-provide-most-damning-evidence-of-fisa-abuses-yet https://www.foxnews.com/politics/obamas-fbi-brass-hollowed-out-after-latest-resignation-of-key-official There you have it. The latest Q. It's very clear what he's talking about. INFORMATION REBELLION. Goodbye, Goolag. W FIND RUSSIA'S NON-REMOVABLE PRICE TAG
Zero's Paradox
You can do a lot with zero - and yet it's nothing. "Mueller Time" is likely going to turn out a whole lot different than anybody expected. https://twitter.com/LisaMei62/status/1070133638749134849 Watching the comments on this Twitter thread was fascinating. All of those liberals saying that Flynn had "flipped" on Trump. And yet, there was a certain hesitation … Continue reading Zero's Paradox
Q(uantum) R(evolution) Code
Q dropped some amazing posts. We will need to discuss these to some extent - it looks like he's revealing some things about the Q project! "GRANULAR, BABY! You know - like CRUMBS!" (Seriously - I <3 LOVE <3 the term "granular" for a whole bunch of reasons, and I know some of y'all love … Continue reading Q(uantum) R(evolution) Code
The Q Tablet
This is just a GREAT perspective on Q - very similar to my own - and I recommend that everybody check it out. Big fan of the quality journalism on Tablet "Magazine" - this is no exception. The mystery of Q articulated very nicely. Enjoy! https://twitter.com/Atchison1220/status/1070076289988653056 Link here: https://www.tabletmag.com/scroll/264627/the-story-of-q What this amounts to, is just … Continue reading The Q Tablet
The Ex(odus)plainer
A while back, I caught WordPress rather stealthily suspending one of my favorite blogs - Fellowship of The Minds (FOTM). Instead of looking like what it looks like above, it looked like THIS: It turned out that FOTM wasn't the only blog that WordPress had very quietly shut down. These were just a few of … Continue reading The Ex(odus)plainer
TREMORS: The 5:5 on D5 is Here
Here it is folks. Get your popcorn. It's MOVIE-TIME. Good GRIEF! Q won't stop posting! 😀 LMAO!!! Here's the YouTube link - Pence on CHINA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeVrMniBjSc https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2018/12/01/pence-shares-picture-him-meeting-swat-officer-wearing-qanon-conspiracy-patch/?utm_term=.2b48530fdb42 https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/07/the-details-about-the-cias-deal-with-amazon/374632/ Christie on a bicycle! Q will NOT stop posting. I am updating every few minutes! LOL!!! There you go. D5 is coming. Explains all the TREMORS. W … Continue reading TREMORS: The 5:5 on D5 is Here
The Empire Strikes Back
I think Sundance is right. The Empire is striking back. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/11/30/foreboding-fbi-raids-home-of-clinton-foundation-whistleblower/ This is what he's talking about: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/11/30/foreboding-fbi-raids-home-of-clinton-foundation-whistleblower/ I urge people to read both links - the DC article immediately above, and Sundance's analysis. In my opinion, we are now seeing an open civil war in the federal government. This is completely analogous to what … Continue reading The Empire Strikes Back