Critical Documentary for Understanding the Dynamics of Great Reset vs. Great Awakening

Thanks to Grandmaintexas for finding this amazing video, which I am promoting to a post, so that other bloggers and websites might see it and pick it up. Most of us are familiar with all the elite names, but we really don't understand even a tiny fraction of how, precisely, they relate to each other. … Continue reading Critical Documentary for Understanding the Dynamics of Great Reset vs. Great Awakening

The Molnupiravir Contradiction

Why would we mass treat a virus with a drug which forces the virus to mutate, when mutation is how the virus creates new variants that reinfect the vaccinated? Before I explain the title contradiction, let me start with an admission. Most of my life, I have been very friendly with the pharmaceutical industry. I … Continue reading The Molnupiravir Contradiction

It Is Your Duty To Rebel Against COVID Communism

Just watch these videos. (H/T para59r) Please find more and better copies of this street-corner speech!!! I will add them here. Yeah, we know this stuff, but this is like the "check-mark red pill" that seals the deal and shows the URGENCY of turning this shit over. This old boy puts it all together … Continue reading It Is Your Duty To Rebel Against COVID Communism

Vladimir Putin Confirms: America Has a Bolshevik Problem

Sundance has a great article up right now, in which he shows why his warning about Western COVID authoritarianism is coming true, by highlighting a speech by Vladimir Putin. Let me back up a bit. Sundance has been saying that the increasing authoritarianism and brutality of the Western "democracies" over COVID mandates, is placing those … Continue reading Vladimir Putin Confirms: America Has a Bolshevik Problem

Transhumanism – The Great New Reset Is The Same Old Serfdom

A Guest Post by Gail Combs 1. “Own Nothing and Be Happy”: The Great Reset’s Vision of the Future What does the Elite Cabal actually have planned for us and what indications are there showing how they are going to implement those plans. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND There are really only two types of governments. A government … Continue reading Transhumanism – The Great New Reset Is The Same Old Serfdom

Health Matters of Various Kinds

TL;DR - Wolf needs to take care of health matters - both HIS and THE SITE'S. This should not significantly impact things here in the short term, and in the long term, it will improve things. However, this means that Wolf's appearances on the site will be even more unpredictable than they already have been. … Continue reading Health Matters of Various Kinds

The Clot Shot, The Explanation Thereof, And The Faucist-Lysenkoist CDC That Pretends Not To Understand

I. The Clot Shot First things first. Nobody would be calling ALL of the various full-length stabilized SARS-CoV-2 S1 subunit spike protein vaccines "the clot shot" if there weren't some clear and obvious problems with the full-length stabilized SARS-CoV-2 S1 subunit spike protein ITSELF. We already know that clotting dysfunction is key to COVID-19 pathogenicity. … Continue reading The Clot Shot, The Explanation Thereof, And The Faucist-Lysenkoist CDC That Pretends Not To Understand

Weffen SS Demands Our “Bloody” Papers – But What Are They Looking For?

This is a response to an interesting post by Sundance over at CTH. Please read that FIRST. LINK: MORE: It's important that you read what Sundance says AFTER the video. The following line is critical: The entire premise of the World Economic Forum’s “COVIDPass” is predicated on a blood test being able to … Continue reading Weffen SS Demands Our “Bloody” Papers – But What Are They Looking For?

OAN Hosts Amazing Anonymous Documentary on Discovery and Suppression of Ivermectin for COVID, and How Gilead and Fauci Gamed a Remdesivir Study

My dear wife is the one who found this, so let me start off by thanking her. After working outside Tuesday night, I came in the front door, and my wife IMMEDIATELY told me to start watching what was on OAN. It was an anonymous Rumble video about ivermectin and remdesivir that OAN re-bannered and … Continue reading OAN Hosts Amazing Anonymous Documentary on Discovery and Suppression of Ivermectin for COVID, and How Gilead and Fauci Gamed a Remdesivir Study

Dr. Charles Hoffe’s Observation of Spike Protein mRNA Vaccine-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension

A Beautiful Demonstration of Real Science in Action, and How Political Correctness Prevents Obvious Correlations and Causations From Being Seen by Monetarily Dependent Scientists Being "Sherlock Holmes" is easy, when everybody else in mainstream science has turned into a character from "The Muppets" or "Sesame Street". Except for Dr. Charles Hoffe, plus a bunch of … Continue reading Dr. Charles Hoffe’s Observation of Spike Protein mRNA Vaccine-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension