The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: I hope you take the time to read this because it may very well have a great impact on events in the near future. I wrote most of this over the weekend so I have no idea if these theories are true. Also … Continue reading KMAG 20250319 OPEN TOPIC & OPERATION GLADIO — JFK ASSASSINATION


The USS Liberty Colonel Towner has mentioned on more than one occasion that God is guiding her. If she's speaking and she comes to a dead end, someone in her audience pipes up with “Have you read…” and she is off and running again. The same has happened to me. I was wondering how I … Continue reading DEAR KMAG 20250305 USS LIBERTY & DAILY THREAD

Dear KMAG 20241211

NOTE FROM WOLF Gail Combs is still having intermittent trouble both editing and posting on WordPress. This is her draft, fixed up and key-worded as best as I could, on short notice. W Gail Combs: At first I was going to do a round-up of all of POTUS Trump’s picks via screen shots and then … Continue reading Dear KMAG 20241211

National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200

Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (THE KISSINGER REPORT) December 10, 1974 CLASSIFIED BY Harry C. Blaney, III SUBJECT TO GENERAL DECLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 11652 AUTOMATICALLY DOWNGRADED AT TWO YEAR INTERVALS AND DECLASSIFIED ON DECEMBER 31, 1980. This document can only be declassified by the White House. Declassified/Released … Continue reading National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200

Transcript: Professor David Clements Interviews Colonel John Mills – “The Deep State, Up Close and Personal”

We present here a TRANSCRIPT of a very long video from THE PROFESSOR'S RECORD, in which Prof. David Clements interviews Col. John Mills. THANK YOU to GAIL COMBS for transcribing this terribly long but absolutely amazing interview. Col. Mills reveals STARTLING information about so much - right out of the gate, he exposes the 2016 … Continue reading Transcript: Professor David Clements Interviews Colonel John Mills – “The Deep State, Up Close and Personal”

The Attack on Tucker Carlson is Classic Weissmann DOJ/FBI Treachery

I knew there was something wrong with the "NSA" spying on Tucker Carlson. NSA spying is traditionally SO deep and so quiet that nobody ever knows anything about it. That's the way they operate. Big, deep, huge, silent, and NEVER give even a HINT of the magnitude, or the IDEA that it might be abused. … Continue reading The Attack on Tucker Carlson is Classic Weissmann DOJ/FBI Treachery


Wheatie just put up a GREAT tune called "Oathkeeper" - have a listen.... This will GET YOU IN THE MOOD. This made me remember the patriotic OATHKEEPERS..... many of whom are languishing in prison. .....who were FOOLED, SET UP, and ENTRAPPED by "you know who". Otherwise known as..... And that got me to thinking. … Continue reading OATHBREAKERS

Do Leftists In Government Create Phony Secret “Manhattan Project” Responses To Their Phony Crises?

The title is a simple question that I am finding has much power to explain things. I'm going to leave this a little bit "loose", so that everybody can "jiggle it into place". If I just say "that guy was a crisis actor!" as evidence, or even just "potential evidence", we get away from the … Continue reading Do Leftists In Government Create Phony Secret “Manhattan Project” Responses To Their Phony Crises?


Somebody put Mountain Dew in the Wolf's water bowl, and suddenly he thinks he's wild and free. Indeed, while being WALKED BY HIS DOGHANDED OFF TO HIS WIFELEASHED TO HIS {{{"SMART"PHONE}}}X///RUNNING WITH SCISSORS IN HIS MIND///X But not yet having waved to the patriots who overfly his house routinely to see the giant TRUMP SIGN … Continue reading QArmageddon

Buffalo Jump: Mafia Princess Mysteries

Impeachahontas Now Wearing Two Diapers Nobody expected Chris Wray to play Mafia Nan's queen of diapers face-up on January 6, but that is exactly what appears to have happened. The only question now is WHY. To quote a friend from a former life, "AYE-YI-YI!" OK - let me back up a bit. First, I want … Continue reading Buffalo Jump: Mafia Princess Mysteries