The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: I hope you take the time to read this because it may very well have a great impact on events in the near future. I wrote most of this over the weekend so I have no idea if these theories are true. Also … Continue reading KMAG 20250319 OPEN TOPIC & OPERATION GLADIO — JFK ASSASSINATION

KMAG 20241218 Open Topic and JAN 6th UPDATE

The 2020 coup/color revolution must be resolved. Hopefully the fraud is so egregious that the ‘pardons’ and laws enacted during the last four years are wiped from the record. In a nutshell, Marc Elias used lawfare to get the Constitutional election laws changed via court cases in the critical states. However nowhere in the Constitution … Continue reading KMAG 20241218 Open Topic and JAN 6th UPDATE

Dear KMAG 20241211

NOTE FROM WOLF Gail Combs is still having intermittent trouble both editing and posting on WordPress. This is her draft, fixed up and key-worded as best as I could, on short notice. W Gail Combs: At first I was going to do a round-up of all of POTUS Trump’s picks via screen shots and then … Continue reading Dear KMAG 20241211

Dear KMAG: 20241120 Place Holder Under Arrest ❀ Open Topic

About This Placeholder Post Gail Combs can't get into the WordPiss editor - it's some kind of browser/WordPiss compatibility problem. Doesn't matter - we shall overcome. I am able to get past the problem, thankfully. Thus, this PLACE HOLDER UNDER ARREST post, which is a tweaked copy of a post I made on 20240403, which … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20241120 Place Holder Under Arrest ❀ Open Topic

Make Black Kick-Lynching a Federal Crime

It's time to fight the Democrat BIGOTS - who tolerate black racism with approval and smirks - just like the criminal ex-KLAN members that they are. And the best place to fight them, is on their own badly managed "social justice" turf. When gangs of black "yout" kick lone white kids or elderly into a … Continue reading Make Black Kick-Lynching a Federal Crime

Are Climate and Animal Rights Extremists Infiltrating Food Processing and Production Facilities on Behalf of WEF?

Sometimes, the answer is right under their nose rings. extinction rebellion banner reads: "CLIMATE CHAOS = WAR + FAMINE" The master stroke of the globalists is to create what they want in the name of stopping the same thing. The ultimate satanic deceit. People have been getting scared by the seemingly coordinated yet … Continue reading Are Climate and Animal Rights Extremists Infiltrating Food Processing and Production Facilities on Behalf of WEF?

Back In My Day: Civilized War – Taking On The Devil

It had become time to face the devil and take him head on. The devil that was facing me from my poor choice of employers and the same snake who wanted me to suffer and die personally. I started the legal response process by talking with my personal attorney who had handled the employment contract. … Continue reading Back In My Day: Civilized War – Taking On The Devil

Russia’s Attack on the Western “Allies” of Ukraine, by Outing WEF Support for Pedophilia Using “True Disinformation”

Russia is playing a masterful game against the Western allies of Ukraine, by striking at the very heart of their neo-liberal, globalist, "rules-based" order - the World Economic Forum (WEF). Russia has found the Achilles heel of WEF - pedophilia - which is a practice solidly rejected by almost the entire citizenry of every country … Continue reading Russia’s Attack on the Western “Allies” of Ukraine, by Outing WEF Support for Pedophilia Using “True Disinformation”

The Ongoing January Sixth MKULTRA Experiment on Patriots

I just realized something horrible, which makes it even more imperative that we either get our American prisoners out of DC Gitmo, or ask our military to bomb a certain building conducting inhumane experiments on American prisoners of war. The House, now under Patriotic American control, needs to stop pussyfooting around. The fastest way to … Continue reading The Ongoing January Sixth MKULTRA Experiment on Patriots

Was “Trust and Safety” a CCP Trojan Horse?

Thanks to Darren Beattie, Elon Musk, and Gail Combs, I have been struck by lightning, and can now see the origins of the highly successful "trust and safety" censorship paradigm. I survey the catastrophe that "Trust & Safety" has been for not only Twitter and Apple, but all of Big Tech, America, and the world, … Continue reading Was “Trust and Safety” a CCP Trojan Horse?