Why Won't WaPo's Devil N. Barrett Cover Andy McCabe Testifying Against Comey, Lynch and Brennan?

PUBLIC THREAD: Because this is meant for public consumption, I will refrain from the usual colorful language of our work threads, where I normally don't give a damn. I want people in Washington to see this article with NO EXCUSES to look away. Consider this article a terrorist device - an information land-mine - which … Continue reading Why Won't WaPo's Devil N. Barrett Cover Andy McCabe Testifying Against Comey, Lynch and Brennan?

WORK THREAD: How I Now Believe "Dead Eyes" Bromwich Got Dirty Andy McCabe Off

WARNING: Do not post on this thread unless you are addressing the purpose of the thread. All other responses will be sent to trash. No rah-rah, no Eeyore, no praise, no prayers, no Q (OK - we need a little on this one), no “[whatever] Trust [whatever]”, no whatever. Take it back to the Open … Continue reading WORK THREAD: How I Now Believe "Dead Eyes" Bromwich Got Dirty Andy McCabe Off

WORK THREAD: Department of Justice Deconstruction Begins

WARNING: Do not post on this thread unless you are addressing the purpose of the thread. All other responses will be sent to trash. No rah-rah, no Eeyore, no praise, no prayers, no Q, no “[whatever] Trust [whatever]”, no whatever. Take it back to the Open Thread. Highly general background responses linking things to the … Continue reading WORK THREAD: Department of Justice Deconstruction Begins

WORK THREAD: How In The Hell Did McCabe Skate?

WARNING: Do not post on this thread unless you are addressing the question. All other responses will be sent to trash. No rah-rah, no Eeyore, no praise, no prayers, no Q, no "[whatever] Trust [whatever]", no whatever. Take it back to the Open Thread. LURK if you must. DO NOT POST. Violators will be temp-banned. … Continue reading WORK THREAD: How In The Hell Did McCabe Skate?

Department Of Jussie

Sorry, boys and girls and TWITTER CENSORS - yes - that's something called a MEME - namely of OUSTED Swamp Rat "Jussie" K. Liu..... .....but the REAL ONE IS FAR WORSE (hint: read the caption carefully)..... .....So now where were we? AH, YES..... .....How the DOJ Became Terminally Infected with Criminal Communist Democrats, and Needs … Continue reading Department Of Jussie

How President Trump Just Obtained Nuclear Superiority Over The Swamp

It is now very important to RECONFIGURE YOUR THINKING about what is going on in Washington. They are going to try to distract you with LOOK, SQUIRREL..... when the thing you should really be looking at is the LIU-K, WOLFE! President Trump, in firing (in two brilliant steps) the CORRUPT Jessie K. Liu, has just … Continue reading How President Trump Just Obtained Nuclear Superiority Over The Swamp

In the Bubble: Trump’s Presidency Reveals 7 Undeniable Facts About The Swamp

February 8, 2020 by Doug “Uncola” Lynn: from TheTollOnline.com This wonderful post is being "manually reblogged" from its source with the permission of the author. It originally appeared here: https://thetollonline.com/2020/02/08/in-the-bubble-trumps-presidency-reveals-7-undeniable-facts-about-the-swamp/ It made its way to The Burning Platform, here: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2020/02/09/in-the-bubble-trumps-presidency-reveals-7-undeniable-facts-about-the-swamp/ Ultimately, it was picked up by ZeroHedge, here: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/bubble-trumps-presidency-reveals-7-undeniable-facts-about-swamp Please consider putting a follow on the … Continue reading In the Bubble: Trump’s Presidency Reveals 7 Undeniable Facts About The Swamp

Dear New York Times – You Tipped Your Hand, And Now It's Time To Talk About Violent Extremists

(Original Title: "Who Are The New Bernie-Killers?") In Which Timing, and Timelines, are Everything SEE: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hillary-clinton-supports-death-penalty-for-dylann-roof_n_57507737e4b0c3752dccde7c AND IF I WAS Y'ALL, I WOULDN'T TRY IT AGAIN! FROM: https://armandsrancho.blogspot.com/2016/02/new-hampshire-primary-drudge-report.html As a "dangerous conspiracy theorist", it is now my duty to do my job, and post a rather startling conspiracy theory. However, there needs to be a … Continue reading Dear New York Times – You Tipped Your Hand, And Now It's Time To Talk About Violent Extremists

Gab Chat and Private Messaging Are BACK!

This is just to let you know that Gab Chat and Private Messaging are BACK and in BETA TEST - but the beta product is REALLY GOOD (although it does NOT work on Firefox yet - BECAUSE FIREFOX). REPEAT - GAB CHAT AND PRIVATE MESSAGING DOES NOT WORK ON FIREFOX YET! PLEASE USE ANOTHER BROWSER … Continue reading Gab Chat and Private Messaging Are BACK!