The Q Junction

We are at a very interesting time. I had a great Twitter conversation with a fellow Treeper, which explains WHY this moment is interesting, and I'd like to share my side of it - more or less - with everybody. The subject was the recent FBI/DOJ plea bargain with James Wolfe. Discussed at the Treehouse … Continue reading The Q Junction

Logical Thinking

I want to directly address Q's latest, very long post (number 2381 on  I believe that it is critical for sorting out what is happening right now - not only with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, but also with FBI Director Christopher Wray. Jeff Sessions is directly addressed by Q's post.  However, it was by … Continue reading Logical Thinking


"Fiat justitia ruat caelum." "Let justice be done though the heavens fall."    It's not every day when Q makes reference to the same great legal, moral, and religious principle that this darn blog is named after (well - more like dedicated to - see the "Q" image below), so you can bet your last … Continue reading SkyFall

Q's Parascope

When people say "we are Q", I find it immensely satisfying to consider the reality of that statement, and not to simply brush it off.  To look at the totality of our elaboration of Q posts into a movement, and consider how we might do it better. Clearly, understanding Q helps us do it better.  … Continue reading Q's Parascope

Q, Sessions, SCOTUS & Trump

Treeper Johnny Bravo had a great question yesterday: Right here is the Q post in question: Before getting into that, it's worth looking at the Q post right BEFORE that one, which may or may not be related: Treeper RAC then asked this excellent question: To which I responded: Followed by this graphic: From this … Continue reading Q, Sessions, SCOTUS & Trump

Truth to Power

Here is QAnon Post 2208: I DID listen carefully, and WOW! If you haven't listened, here it is:   I am struck by how much IG Horowitz doesn't just sound like an Inspector General, but actually sounds like a WHISTLEBLOWER.  Listen for it.  You can HEAR IT. That is a big deal.  This man … Continue reading Truth to Power