Dear KMAG: 20201016 Open Topic Special 3 Babe Moon Issue / OMG, This Chick Is Smart / OTOH, This One's Smart Glasses Ain't Workin' / The Wolf Who Cried "Boy!"

Free speech, yada, yada, yada. But don't give Komrade Kamala any excuses to shut us down. This has been addressed elsewhere. Such as HERE: TERMS OF SERVICE: YOU KNOW THE DRILL. Give them nothing but one more day to rue, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Remain CIVIL and possibly even GENTEEL. … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20201016 Open Topic Special 3 Babe Moon Issue / OMG, This Chick Is Smart / OTOH, This One's Smart Glasses Ain't Workin' / The Wolf Who Cried "Boy!"

The Revelations of Sundance of MAGA – Evidence Discussion 01 – Weissmann Panic in DC

OK, people. PRO or CON, you have all gotten your Sundance YA-YAs OUT OF YOUR SYSTEMS on the other thread, namely: The Revelations of Sundance of MAGA (With A Foreword by Attorney General William Barr) I am now asking that all discussion of "YAY" or "NAY" on Sundance be kept on THAT THREAD. You want to … Continue reading The Revelations of Sundance of MAGA – Evidence Discussion 01 – Weissmann Panic in DC

The Revelations of Sundance of MAGA (With A Foreword by Attorney General William Barr)

Get it all in here, fellow cultists! This thread is meant to contain most of the fighting over Sundance's upcoming revelations about DOJ, and whatever AG. Bill Barr seems to be doing to preempt those revelations. We will spawn more threads as needed over the … Continue reading The Revelations of Sundance of MAGA (With A Foreword by Attorney General William Barr)

Why Won't WaPo's Devil N. Barrett Cover Andy McCabe Testifying Against Comey, Lynch and Brennan?

PUBLIC THREAD: Because this is meant for public consumption, I will refrain from the usual colorful language of our work threads, where I normally don't give a damn. I want people in Washington to see this article with NO EXCUSES to look away. Consider this article a terrorist device - an information land-mine - which … Continue reading Why Won't WaPo's Devil N. Barrett Cover Andy McCabe Testifying Against Comey, Lynch and Brennan?

WORK THREAD: How I Now Believe "Dead Eyes" Bromwich Got Dirty Andy McCabe Off

WARNING: Do not post on this thread unless you are addressing the purpose of the thread. All other responses will be sent to trash. No rah-rah, no Eeyore, no praise, no prayers, no Q (OK - we need a little on this one), no “[whatever] Trust [whatever]”, no whatever. Take it back to the Open … Continue reading WORK THREAD: How I Now Believe "Dead Eyes" Bromwich Got Dirty Andy McCabe Off

WORK THREAD: How In The Hell Did McCabe Skate?

WARNING: Do not post on this thread unless you are addressing the question. All other responses will be sent to trash. No rah-rah, no Eeyore, no praise, no prayers, no Q, no "[whatever] Trust [whatever]", no whatever. Take it back to the Open Thread. LURK if you must. DO NOT POST. Violators will be temp-banned. … Continue reading WORK THREAD: How In The Hell Did McCabe Skate?

Department Of Jussie

Sorry, boys and girls and TWITTER CENSORS - yes - that's something called a MEME - namely of OUSTED Swamp Rat "Jussie" K. Liu..... .....but the REAL ONE IS FAR WORSE (hint: read the caption carefully)..... .....So now where were we? AH, YES..... .....How the DOJ Became Terminally Infected with Criminal Communist Democrats, and Needs … Continue reading Department Of Jussie

Radium Rod

Well, I was right. I didn't want to believe it, but I was right. That DAMN Deep State. Or "DS" as I like to call them. You see, thanks to WHEATIE WARRIOR..... LINK: And Sharyl Attkisson..... And FBI White Hats..... I now know the truth. SAY WHAT? You mean all that stuff … Continue reading Radium Rod

SpyGate Book Sneak Peek

If you're a fast reader, you have THREE DAYS to check out an author copy of an e-book/paperback on SPYGATE, free of charge, before deciding if you want to buy it. THIS BOOK: This book is the work of this site's frequent denizen, prognosticatasaurusrex, or P-rex as I call him for short. Here is … Continue reading SpyGate Book Sneak Peek

For The Sake of One Honest Man: Why I'm Supporting Susan Collins

I get an enormous amount of mail, email, texts, and flyers for Republican candidates. I think I must be on every list of every candidate in every state. From California to Maine, Florida to Alaska, I get mailings and urgent texts like I live there. The reason is that I am cursed to see the … Continue reading For The Sake of One Honest Man: Why I'm Supporting Susan Collins