Antrim County, Michigan Will Be Forever Remembered…..

There is no way in HELL that SleepyCreepy Joe won this election. What we saw happen in a small county in Michigan happened across every other battleground state that uses the Dominion Democracy Suite to count ballots. Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Nevada plus an additional 23 states use Dominion Democracy Suite. RED county … Continue reading Antrim County, Michigan Will Be Forever Remembered…..

Dear KMAG: 20201106 Open Topic Special Angels of Justice Edition / Wild Angels / Angel Families / Can You Feel It? / Sharyl Attkisson Covers The Grand Energy Treason Conspiracy / Independence Day

Free speech, yada, yada, yada. But don't give Komrade Kamala any excuses to shut us down. This has been addressed elsewhere. Such as HERE: TERMS OF SERVICE: YOU KNOW THE DRILL. Give them nothing but one more day to rue, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Remain LEGAL, generally CIVIL, and possibly even … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20201106 Open Topic Special Angels of Justice Edition / Wild Angels / Angel Families / Can You Feel It? / Sharyl Attkisson Covers The Grand Energy Treason Conspiracy / Independence Day

Twitter Is Censoring This Video, What This Means, and Why There Is No Retreat For Me

From GAB - the last bastion of FREE SPEECH. MCAF18xj @MCAF18xj35m·· QAnon and the Great Awakening Mike Roman, Trump’s director of Election Day Operations shares this video from woman in Penn stuffing the ballet box. Share because twitter is censoring it. CLICK TO WATCH IN A NEW TAB: OK - so you have … Continue reading Twitter Is Censoring This Video, What This Means, and Why There Is No Retreat For Me

20201103: Election Night Watch Party, MAGA ALL THE WAY

Tonight, we are looking for repeat of this: There shouldn't be any nail biting, but more of this please: One more time: And then someone bought off Ann Coulter. Oops. So, tonight: Put on the covfefe, it's going to be one heck of a night.

covfefe 2020

You will recall that fateful Trump Tweet that changed history. You will recall that I have my own theory as to where "covfefe" really came from: Covfefe: The MSM’s Burn Notice PERHAPS you remember this infamous tweet…. Yes, that’s the REAL one. The image I used for this post up top is actually a FAKE Trump … Continue reading covfefe 2020

The Day Of Reckoning Is Upon Us…..

Election Day is here! Our President has done everything humanly possible to win for us. He now needs us to do our part. Trump voters will be voting in record numbers later today. There is absolutely nothing the Democrats, MSM, Leftists, Never Trumpers etc. can do to stop our MONSTER. We have waited patiently. We … Continue reading The Day Of Reckoning Is Upon Us…..

20201102: MAGA Protests Against Stupidity, THE FINAL PUSH in NC, PA, MI, WI

Unless something very odd happens, this is the final day for these rally threads. Today is the final preparation, the day the electorate girds their loins and the forces on the front lines get into position to counter whatever the other side has cooked up to try to prop up any sort of power the … Continue reading 20201102: MAGA Protests Against Stupidity, THE FINAL PUSH in NC, PA, MI, WI