On October 20th The New York Times tried to paint a happy face on the full-on attempt to take down America. We all saw the classic somber talking heads repeating their scripted "4 AM talking points" about how honorable people are doing noble and heroic things to save us from ... Donald J. Trump -- … Continue reading The Empire Strikes Back
Category: FBI
What is [CROWDSTRIKE]-gate?
What is [CROWDSTRIKE]-gate? Let's begin with the 11 Q Posts with references to CROWDSTRIKE found at Qmap.pub. 1. 436 Scheme Behind Fake Russian Dossier Q!UW.yye1fxo22 Dec 2017 - 2:37:09 PM ONE OF TWENTY TWO: [DNC BREACH / DOSSIER] [DNC] [SR]> [WL]> HUSSEIN> DNI DIR> CLOWN DIR> CLAS: 1-12> GOOG> CROWDSTRIKE> DNC> (SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)> DWS_DIR> F-I/D-J … Continue reading What is [CROWDSTRIKE]-gate?
Whitey Bulger's Hot Date with Sidney Gottlieb and MK ULTRA
I keep shilling this book that I love to criticize as a CIA cover-up, but my motivation isn't just because if you read it backwards and inside-out, it's like a roadmap to REAL MK, and its amazing tale of [re]discovery. It is also a testament to the GENIUS of Sidney Gottlieb, who scapegoated his brilliant … Continue reading Whitey Bulger's Hot Date with Sidney Gottlieb and MK ULTRA
Dear KMAG: 20191001 Open Topic
This ROCKTOBER [01] [PLACEHOLDER] TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!). This month of ROCKTOBER is dedicated to our ROCK STAR President DJT. HOWEVER.... … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20191001 Open Topic
Five Books That Will Set Us Free
I am in BOOK MODE right now - something that doesn't always happen. There is a reason. The GREAT AWAKENING is coming, and I'm trying to GET THERE as an EARLY ADOPTER. I have made HUGE strides of late, thanks to THESE FIVE BOOKS. Only TWO of which I've actually READ. Yup. That's right. Just … Continue reading Five Books That Will Set Us Free
Red Flag Poster Boy – Another Fine Product of the Murderous Comey FBI
Intro: Comey's Giant Plot I'm surprised it took me THIS LONG to see how Comey's multi-layered scam worked, but hey - James Comey is one slick bastard, as you can tell from his long and complex play against President Trump. Why, Comey's REALLY BIG PLOT is still unfolding right now. His CRAP is of an … Continue reading Red Flag Poster Boy – Another Fine Product of the Murderous Comey FBI
Today is the Day: Comey FBI LIED About Weiner Evidence
The Gateway Pundit has done a great service and reminded me of some news that I completely missed. I was STUNNED to read this - but it turns out that it was OVER A YEAR AGO that Sundance posted this. It's very simple. The FBI JUST PLAIN LIED about examining the Weiner laptop - and … Continue reading Today is the Day: Comey FBI LIED About Weiner Evidence
INHUMAN Comey FBI Murderers Win on El Paso – Walmart Caves
TL;DR - Walmart political outcome of El Paso FBI multi-shooter patsy hoax means WALMART was a target of the FBI plot, which means the politicized FBI actually IS the "event people". Here is the news: https://ktla.com/2019/09/03/walmart-to-stop-selling-handgun-ammunition-request-customers-avoid-openly-carrying-firearms/ https://twitter.com/CNBCnow/status/1168931731333890048 The SIGNIFICANCE of this is much bigger than it appears on the surface. I will explain. It's not … Continue reading INHUMAN Comey FBI Murderers Win on El Paso – Walmart Caves
I Was A Teenage Scare Wolf!
The most amazing ideological child abuse recollection of our time! H/T Duchess, for inspiring the werewolf meme used as this post's theme ADMISSION Eventually, it had to come out. I - notorious anticommunist Wolf Moon - was a communist SHILL as a youth. Of course, I didn't realize at the time that I was shilling … Continue reading I Was A Teenage Scare Wolf!
Light In September
Hot August is coming to a close, and - well - it was HOT. At least, in my opinion it was hot. It started off with a GREAT Trump rally.... At which point the wicked Cabal responded like it always does. Which resulted in 8chan being shut down and Q being DEPLATFORMED. Kinda. As in … Continue reading Light In September