Is Team GOF-Grift at NIH and Pfizer Dog-Whistling to Dirty Merrick Garland for the Next Gestapo Action?

Or did Dodge-and-Fib arrange the drama, as with the National School Board rogue Democrats? mood music: If you've been following the machinations of the DOJ-FBI-KGB-SS during the major distraction of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, then you already know that DOJ-FBI sent their first school board jack-boots after a "super-mom" in Colorado, under the pretext … Continue reading Is Team GOF-Grift at NIH and Pfizer Dog-Whistling to Dirty Merrick Garland for the Next Gestapo Action?

Transcript: Professor David Clements Interviews Colonel John Mills – “The Deep State, Up Close and Personal”

We present here a TRANSCRIPT of a very long video from THE PROFESSOR'S RECORD, in which Prof. David Clements interviews Col. John Mills. THANK YOU to GAIL COMBS for transcribing this terribly long but absolutely amazing interview. Col. Mills reveals STARTLING information about so much - right out of the gate, he exposes the 2016 … Continue reading Transcript: Professor David Clements Interviews Colonel John Mills – “The Deep State, Up Close and Personal”

So What Is Going On With Our Hosting Company?

Perhaps you remember THIS post..... Please Pray For Our Hosting Company As we have been repeatedly warned - even by the VERY ENEMIES who are attacking us (i.e., KlauSS "Hog-Jowls" SSchwab and the WEFFEN SS), there was going to be a "cyber war" this summer - obviously timed to deal with the "fall" of the … Continue reading So What Is Going On With Our Hosting Company?

The Belfer Gang: How the Election Thieves Cased Our State Election Offices

A huge THANK YOU to Dr. Shiva and marymorse for discovering the path into what will be the most CYNICAL aspect of THE STEAL since they bragged about "fortifying the election". Indeed, "fortifying the election" was a "bragging clue" that they put right under our noses. You see, that is EXACTLY how the scam worked. … Continue reading The Belfer Gang: How the Election Thieves Cased Our State Election Offices

Apple Commits to the Iceberg – Abandon Ship!

The REEEEE you are about to hear are Apple employees being cut loose when WOKE goes BROKE. TL;DR - Apple is definitely full steam ahead on "client side user photo analysis and reporting", and has issued an evasive, sneakily worded denial of concerns about expansions of surveillance, as it rushes the new software into place. … Continue reading Apple Commits to the Iceberg – Abandon Ship!

Nick Fuentes “De-Banked” for Being NEAR Capitol on January Sixth

Very simple. Read this. LINK: "Can't buy or sell." Methinks somebody GOOD knew something about future people BAD. This is NOT America any more. W

Nuremberg II

Featured Photo: Meeting of the War Crimes Executive Committee, which decided on the arrangements for the Nuremberg trials. Note the garage pull in the background - Exhibit F1b. I am dying of the China Virus. I had the virus itself in the latter half of January, 2020. I became symptomatic on January 18, and thus … Continue reading Nuremberg II

Why I Am Dumping Apple and Warning Everybody To Leave NOW

Thanks to Cthulhu, we were warned EARLY about Apple's surveillance plans. Sounds very innocent, right? I will explain exactly why this is not. This is INCIPIENT POLITICAL SPYING AND PRETEXT FOR ARREST. "But it's for the CHILDREN!" You remember the last people on the left who used that line to "save children"? THEY'RE BACK. Apple … Continue reading Why I Am Dumping Apple and Warning Everybody To Leave NOW

The Time Has Come for States to Stop Extradition to Communist-Occupied Washington

It's quite clear to me now that the January Sixth Prisoners are being treated in a completely SOVIET way. There is an easy answer. DO. NOT. EXTRADITE. Get some balls, people. NO Republican governor of any integrity should extradite prisoners to DC. END IT NOW. Example LINK: This is complete BS. Not only … Continue reading The Time Has Come for States to Stop Extradition to Communist-Occupied Washington

Harden Your Q Drop Access With Q Dot PDF

If you've ever used Q Alerts - the Q drop site - then you know what the site looks like. It looks like the "dark mode" images of drops that I "redrop" all the time. These guys / gals / whoever have stayed ahead of the curve, when other Q sites have folded for … Continue reading Harden Your Q Drop Access With Q Dot PDF