The Prelude: CUE THE MUSIC! The First Message: To all who may be locked out at this time PLEASE go to THE U TREE and post a comment - EVEN if it goes into moderation. I will get you out of moderation, and we will get you into here. This strategy has worked for … Continue reading Strengthening The Fortress
Category: FBI
The Attack on Tucker Carlson is Classic Weissmann DOJ/FBI Treachery
I knew there was something wrong with the "NSA" spying on Tucker Carlson. NSA spying is traditionally SO deep and so quiet that nobody ever knows anything about it. That's the way they operate. Big, deep, huge, silent, and NEVER give even a HINT of the magnitude, or the IDEA that it might be abused. … Continue reading The Attack on Tucker Carlson is Classic Weissmann DOJ/FBI Treachery
The Herd Of Jussies Is On The Run
TL;DR - If you want to CUT TO THE CHASE, scroll on down to THE POINT. However, if you want to savor the STALKING OF THE HERD before the CHASE, then turn on the MUSIC and enjoy this whole post. When I realized today just how PANICKED the Plotters of both November 3 AND … Continue reading The Herd Of Jussies Is On The Run
Are The Pelosi Police Going to Do a Job The FBI Won’t, and Go After the January Sixth TRESPASSERS?
It's a simple question, but I think it needs to be asked. My money says Her Slyness, Queen Jussie of Pelosi, is going to do what Chris Wray KNOWS is destroying the FBI - the harassment of patriotic Americans for going to THEIR Capitol and registering the MILD REBUKE of YELLING outside the Capitol Building, … Continue reading Are The Pelosi Police Going to Do a Job The FBI Won’t, and Go After the January Sixth TRESPASSERS?
Did Ali Throw Cover for the RINOs in the “Stop The Steal” Plot Against Trump’s Base?
This is just a simple question, but if the answer is YES, it has huge implications. Now, if you don't know who I'm talking about, I just did a piece about Ali Alexander, a.k.a. Ali Akbar, here: Beware The Ace of FIBs You know, I can be such a chump. But I do have one … Continue reading Did Ali Throw Cover for the RINOs in the “Stop The Steal” Plot Against Trump’s Base?
Beware The Ace of FIBs
You know, I can be such a chump. But I do have one interesting trait. When I get WISE to having been made a chump, I bring an extraordinary amount of justice with me. The justice. Of truth. Known so that all can SEE IT. No violence. The TRUTH can handle itself. And the TRUTH … Continue reading Beware The Ace of FIBs
Give Them Nothing
WOLF HERE! We almost had a bit of a situation..... STEVE did not show up in the drafts or scheduled posts this evening, until about an hour before midnight, Eastern time. I began to act on my suspicion that this was due to some kind of REALITY impinging on him. I decided to begin to … Continue reading Give Them Nothing
Wheatie just put up a GREAT tune called "Oathkeeper" - have a listen.... This will GET YOU IN THE MOOD. This made me remember the patriotic OATHKEEPERS..... many of whom are languishing in prison. .....who were FOOLED, SET UP, and ENTRAPPED by "you know who". Otherwise known as..... And that got me to thinking. … Continue reading OATHBREAKERS
There Is No Constitutional Duty To Defend Bolshevism
What we are seeing now, with "woke Generals", political purges in the military, and various "letters of warning" to the current administration and its military collaborators in the Pentagram - whoops - I mean Pentagon - coming from a lot of current and ex-military, is evidence that we are finally talking about the core of … Continue reading There Is No Constitutional Duty To Defend Bolshevism
DOJ/FBI Watch – Using Investigative Creep To Begin East German-Style Political Intimidation Raids
This is a HEADS UP to all authentic American patriots about our phony globo-nazi "friends" in DOJ and FBI, otherwise known as "Dodge" and "FIB". Let me give you the TL;DR right here. The Bidenistas and Bidenazis are going to try to GO CANADA during however long they remain in power. "FIB" is going to … Continue reading DOJ/FBI Watch – Using Investigative Creep To Begin East German-Style Political Intimidation Raids