We Are Mighty To Save This Republic

The Truth About Our January Sixth Protest I was there, and I am PROUD of it. I am proud of the thousands and thousands of patriots who showed up to make an historic statement that the other side could only TRY to stop, by besmirching its beauty with their LIES and TRICKERY. Yes, their LIES … Continue reading We Are Mighty To Save This Republic

Was Nashville A Drone Strike?

Shades of TWA 800, the jump-on-comments shills are already pitching the exhaust trail backwards. Nice bookends to multiple decades of LIES. Thanking Wheatie for bringing my attention to two videos that make sense about what is going on. Please collect everything here. I will add explainers below as this WORK THREAD progresses. Bottom line - … Continue reading Was Nashville A Drone Strike?

DEAR KAG: 20201218

The hunt is on my fellow howlers! https://www.livingwithwolves.org/how-wolves-hunt/ Red meat and red wine this day. I suggest a ruby swirl of a good French Pinot Noir to go with the veritable flood of information we are seeing. Cistercian monks cultivated the pinot noir grape, which truly is the King of Burgundy wines. A little history … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 20201218

With Each Passing Day, We Are Getting Closer To the Truth PREVAILING…..

The process that is being played out is going as planned by our President and his legal team. It is really easy to get frustrated that things are not happening quickly. There are days that I feel that frustration. However, I have to tell myself to be patient because our President and his legal team … Continue reading With Each Passing Day, We Are Getting Closer To the Truth PREVAILING…..


As the 2020 Presidential Election falls into pieces, and the left in utter desperation tries to make us believe their SICK FRAUD - which is apparently the culmination of YEARS of sick frauds, they make some extremely cynical moves. The Treehouse is Deplatformed… Update From WordPress/Automattic on Treehouse Deplatforming… Prepare for the Great Decoupling – … Continue reading #WordPrexit

The Time Has Come to Secure the Internet, to Preserve Peace and Freedom

How I was led from prayer at a patriotic rally to resolution that we must NEVER concede to either the stolen re-election of President Trump, or the deplatforming of The Last Refuge, and that NOW is the time to send in the troops. The key is WHERE. The order in which this happened should be … Continue reading The Time Has Come to Secure the Internet, to Preserve Peace and Freedom

Dear KMAG: 20201106 Open Topic Special Angels of Justice Edition / Wild Angels / Angel Families / Can You Feel It? / Sharyl Attkisson Covers The Grand Energy Treason Conspiracy / Independence Day

Free speech, yada, yada, yada. But don't give Komrade Kamala any excuses to shut us down. This has been addressed elsewhere. Such as HERE: TERMS OF SERVICE: https://wqth.wordpress.com/2019/01/01/dear-maga-open-topic-20190101/ YOU KNOW THE DRILL. Give them nothing but one more day to rue, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Remain LEGAL, generally CIVIL, and possibly even … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20201106 Open Topic Special Angels of Justice Edition / Wild Angels / Angel Families / Can You Feel It? / Sharyl Attkisson Covers The Grand Energy Treason Conspiracy / Independence Day

Dear KMAG: 20201016 Open Topic Special 3 Babe Moon Issue / OMG, This Chick Is Smart / OTOH, This One's Smart Glasses Ain't Workin' / The Wolf Who Cried "Boy!"

Free speech, yada, yada, yada. But don't give Komrade Kamala any excuses to shut us down. This has been addressed elsewhere. Such as HERE: TERMS OF SERVICE: https://wqth.wordpress.com/2019/01/01/dear-maga-open-topic-20190101/ YOU KNOW THE DRILL. Give them nothing but one more day to rue, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Remain CIVIL and possibly even GENTEEL. https://youtu.be/ROxvT8KKdFw … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20201016 Open Topic Special 3 Babe Moon Issue / OMG, This Chick Is Smart / OTOH, This One's Smart Glasses Ain't Workin' / The Wolf Who Cried "Boy!"

Boogaloo Wolverine Bakers Are Extremely Dangerous To Our Democracy!

..... and especially when Hillary's missing emails are published! I'm sorry, because things are seriously BAD, but I am just DYING OF LAUGHTER. YUP. The COUP is coming, and the FIB is getting ready to SHUT UP those QAnons when they try to PUT OUT THE TRUMP FIRE. The trouble is, nobody in Q-LAND is … Continue reading Boogaloo Wolverine Bakers Are Extremely Dangerous To Our Democracy!

Dear KMAG: 20201002 Open Topic / ACB vs. The Climate Commies / Bolshevism Does NOT Equal Judaism (DUH)

Free speech, yada, yada, yada. But don't give Komrade Kamala any excuses to shut us down. This has been addressed elsewhere. YOU KNOW THE DRILL. Give them nothing but one more day to rue, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth. https://twitter.com/SharylAttkisson/status/1309343655447146498 Remain CIVIL and possibly even GENTEEL. Today, we have only TWO SHORT LESSONS … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20201002 Open Topic / ACB vs. The Climate Commies / Bolshevism Does NOT Equal Judaism (DUH)