DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20250318 ❀ Tuesday Placeholder ❀ Cholesterol and Statins

We continue to mourn the untimely passing of our beloved compatriot DePat, known in real life as Susie Sampson, and also as author Patricia Holden. Until we have a dedicated author for the Tuesday daily open thread, I will be posting "placeholders" like this one, which may or may not be spiced up with additional … Continue reading DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20250318 ❀ Tuesday Placeholder ❀ Cholesterol and Statins

KMAG 20250226 Open Thread, Mad Cows & Raw Milk

I wrote this almost 2 decades ago. Most of the reference documents have been removed, archived or changed. However the basics remain the same. Raw milk is a product whose safety CAN be assured by means other than pasteurization. The first is herd isolation and constant testing of the herd for diseases such as tuberculosis … Continue reading KMAG 20250226 Open Thread, Mad Cows & Raw Milk

DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20250218 ❀ Tuesday Placeholder ❀ Fenbendazole

The Wolf Part..... We continue to mourn the untimely passing of our beloved compatriot DePat, known in real life as Susie Sampson, and also as author Patricia Holden. Until we have a dedicated author for the Tuesday daily open thread, I will be posting "placeholders" like this one, which may or may not be spiced … Continue reading DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20250218 ❀ Tuesday Placeholder ❀ Fenbendazole

Dear KMAG: 20250210 Trump Won Three Times ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden never won. This is our Real President - 45, 46, 47. AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS. This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20250210 Trump Won Three Times ❀ Open Topic

DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20250128 ❀ Call for Authors ❀ Scientific Opinions on the Medical Case of Susie Sampson

A continuation of Dear DePat's Tuesday Open Thread A call for weekly open-thread authors on Tuesday and Thursday A discussion of various pathological possibilities, including some new ones, and an explanation of why I lean toward particular theories First of all, the boilerplate. By reference, I call to incorporate the rules spoken of in any … Continue reading DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20250128 ❀ Call for Authors ❀ Scientific Opinions on the Medical Case of Susie Sampson

Dear KMAG: 20250127 Trump Won Three Times ❀ Open Topic

This is our President. AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS. This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both). And yes, it’s Monday…again. But … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20250127 Trump Won Three Times ❀ Open Topic

Health Friday Open Thread 1.3.2025 VERSION 2: Mental Health in the Age of COVID—An Opinion Piece

NOTE: It appears that some comment was able to wreck the prior version of this thread. Continue commenting HERE. I will figure out this attack. Until then, I ask that people be careful copying and pasting a bunch of stuff - especially CODE - into comments. W LATER NOTE: I fixed the original thread, and … Continue reading Health Friday Open Thread 1.3.2025 VERSION 2: Mental Health in the Age of COVID—An Opinion Piece

My Cancer Journey (by Linda) and 20241204 Open Thread

by Linda of The Q Tree (a.k.a. Linda from Oregon) A Complete Description of an Alternative Chemotherapeutic Approach Which Quickly Led to 100% Cancer Freedom Foreword by WOLF MOON Most of the regular denizens of The Q Tree are familiar with Linda's journey through the terrifying uncertainty of a cancer diagnosis and treatment during the … Continue reading My Cancer Journey (by Linda) and 20241204 Open Thread

Is the Freedom to Deceive Others About the Quality of Food and Drugs Really a Freedom We Want?

A Simple but Nagging Question Brought to Us by RFK Jr., "Sudden Death", Unnaturally Red Salmon, and My Dearly Beloved Cheese Balls I must begin this discussion by admitting that I'm very pro-freedom - and that includes the freedom to conduct honest business without government intervention - which intervention would include taxes. In fact, I … Continue reading Is the Freedom to Deceive Others About the Quality of Food and Drugs Really a Freedom We Want?

Health Friday Open Thread 11.1.2024: The COVID-19 “Vaccines” Information File, Part One

40283 The above vintage image of a Rolodex is courtesy of CSA Images via Google Images. Today's Health Friday is a very Special Edition. God Bless You, my brother Sam --- 24 November 1948 - 29 October 2024. Requiescat in pace aeterna, et Lux Perpetua luceat tibi. You are now with your beloved wife in … Continue reading Health Friday Open Thread 11.1.2024: The COVID-19 “Vaccines” Information File, Part One