As you can see, I'm back. It's good to be back. Thank you for your prayers - I am not kidding you - they WORKED! <3 <3 <3 If there is one thing to remember, THAT is it. Prayer WORKS. If you're short on time, skip the rest, or just read the headlines. THANK YOU … Continue reading The Top 10 Things I Learned During My Absence from The Q Tree
Category: Hollywood
Statement on the Info-Bombing of Christmas Eve By Communist Fake News and Satanic Hollywood
In a world where the "5 PM Friday Night Washington Drop" is actually a thing, we might have expected what happened this Christmas Eve. However, we don't have to like it, or even put up with it. Yes, sexual assault happens. Yes, sometimes it's "gay". Yes, sometimes it borders on pedophilia. Yes, sometimes the details … Continue reading Statement on the Info-Bombing of Christmas Eve By Communist Fake News and Satanic Hollywood
For Whom The Bell Tolls
I leave this as an open question, although this thread is ultimately concerned with somebody named Barbara Olson, who died on 9/11. I believe that the method of Barbara's murder is now demonstrated. Introduction The key to solving 9/11 is realizing that it was a CLINTON-centered operation which was launched AFTER the Clintons left the … Continue reading For Whom The Bell Tolls
Facts Not Fiction
Q's most recent posts are very helpful in reading the fig leaves on Syria. If you want FACTS, stay away from COMMUNIST FAKE NEWS. We take up the rabbit trail immediately after the Mad Hatter.... Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 28b403 No.4400956 Dec 20 2018 21:02:56 (EST)Rogers departure. Intel.Sessions departure. Law.Kelly departure. Warfare/MILMattis departure. Warfare/MILNotice a pattern?QQ Post 2637 The above post … Continue reading Facts Not Fiction
Holder's Propaganda Farms Under Attack and ON FIRE!
Ever since DOJ deception, obstruction, and suppression of evidence in the Trayvon Martin case, which I always thought was the TRUE beginning of the Obama/media war on our CIVIL RIGHTS.... Ever since the sketchy, FBI-allowed, Jarrett-and-Holder linked, therapist-encouraged, "propaganda shooting" at #Parkland.... Ever since "The Bridge" fell on the careers of Florida Republicans after information … Continue reading Holder's Propaganda Farms Under Attack and ON FIRE!
Castling Moves
Well, today was a pretty extraordinary day in DC, and I missed most of it, although I had some extraordinary thoughts on things. And Q had a big day, too. If I had to sum it up with a metaphor, Obama's big castling move was Eric Holder as a corrupt Attorney General. Having communist radical … Continue reading Castling Moves
After Comey firing on POTUS, Q fires back in MEGATON MODE! I can barely keep up getting the captures. Will start this thread with just a few and keep adding..... This is where we are now. WOW. A lot to talk about. I will have many comments below. W I have … Continue reading BEAT-DOWN TIME!
Occam's Razor, Tool of Deception
I was originally going to entitle this post something else - something cuter and more grandiose about "my life-long sword-fight with Occam's razor". Hence the opening image. However, that goal was WAY too big for a blog post. I could literally write a book on it. The fact is, I have MANY issues with Occam's … Continue reading Occam's Razor, Tool of Deception
Now Landing in Guantanamo Bay
Required viewing. The content creator behind this video (you really need to see more of them) is creating some of the absolute best WAKE THE FXXX UP psychological propaganda I have ever seen. It IS propaganda - heavy, emotion-laden, driving, cultural Marxist music - and it is pointed straight back with STUNNING precision at the … Continue reading Now Landing in Guantanamo Bay
Ride-'Em Skippy!
How the Real Story of Russian Collusion Nukes Robert Mueller and the DNC with John Podesta If you noticed the EERIE BLUE-VIOLET GLOW around John Podesta's head in my little graphic, don't worry. It's not RADIATION, even though I just put that idea into your head and you can do NOTHING about that, because you … Continue reading Ride-'Em Skippy!