The First Obvious AI-Assisted Attempt By Globo-Nazis To Infiltrate This Site

I'll try to keep this short and understandable. Yeah, good luck with that. Just read from here down to the TL;DR if you need to get out of here fast. There are two main ways that people try to infiltrate this site. One is by hacking into existing accounts by attempted logins using guesswork on … Continue reading The First Obvious AI-Assisted Attempt By Globo-Nazis To Infiltrate This Site

Dear KMAG: 20240101 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic NEW YEAR SPECIAL 2024

HAPPY NEW YEAR! This is our SIXTH New Year, as we are now over FIVE years old. AND HERE WE GO! Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President: AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS. This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20240101 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic NEW YEAR SPECIAL 2024

Back In My Day: Nothing New Under The Sun – Another Great American Traitorous Deception

So, like me, most of you probably grew up thinking that getting a decent education to whatever level you could attain would lead to a job and eventually a career where you could succeed. For traditional families, that may have even meant no outside job for the wife and mother so that she could handle … Continue reading Back In My Day: Nothing New Under The Sun – Another Great American Traitorous Deception

Understanding the Globalist (WEF) Creation and Construction of Volodymyr Zelensky

Thank GOD for India. While America trips over itself, thanks to our WOKE FAIL MEDIA, demented Joe Biden, secret President Obama, and the DNCIA-mediated evils of the WEFFEN SS featuring KlauSS SSchwab, one more BRICS nation stays on track with REAL NEWS by casting SIDE-EYE on Ukraine. Huge hat tip to barkerjim for bringing this, … Continue reading Understanding the Globalist (WEF) Creation and Construction of Volodymyr Zelensky