This is GOLDEN stuff. I knew that we would find this someday. But it's SLICKER than it appears on the surface. You're about to see how. This happened within a short time after the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting. Do the MATH. Whoops. I mean PSYCHOLOGY. Before I even begin, let me say that I'm … Continue reading Tracking Down Possible IC False Flag Recruitment on Gab
Category: Obama
C3: How DNC Communists ROTATED Governmental Branch Functions as a Form of Institutional Sabotage
This is actually beautiful. An H2O molecule has a two-fold axis, C2 , and NH3 has a three axis, C3 . daughnworks247 saw the beautiful thought that led to this larger realization, on today's thread about Lisa Page and David Bowdich, which was inspired by Sundance's post on the same revelations. The same post in … Continue reading C3: How DNC Communists ROTATED Governmental Branch Functions as a Form of Institutional Sabotage
Two-Strzok Smoke and Two Pages in the Hall of Mirrors
Is "Second Strzok" David Bowdich an "Untouchable" or a "New McCabe"? And is Lisa Page an Intelligence Idiot or the Super-Spy Who Fooled Congress? I was wondering why I was picking up heat of certain extremely interesting kinds. Starting and maintaining this troublesome little website was bound to cause annoyance in DC, but I was … Continue reading Two-Strzok Smoke and Two Pages in the Hall of Mirrors
The Trump Doctrine: Bringing Home The Crumple Zone
Why Shutdowns, Resignations, California Emergency Frauds and Cursing Communists Show that the Trump Doctrine of Assigned Responsibility is Coming Home to Roost in CONUS OK, Snowflakes in the GOP. Time to MAN UP and put on your helmets. Things are about to get REAL. I have finally figured out what is going on. The totalitarian … Continue reading The Trump Doctrine: Bringing Home The Crumple Zone
Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20190106
This special WALL DAY ALL DAY FUN DAY SUNDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments. Keep it civil. Treehouse … Continue reading Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20190106
The Framing of a President as the Cover-Up of Treason
Q: How does one deflect and distract from some of the most enormous crimes in the history of humanity? A: By making some of the biggest false accusations in history right next to those crimes, so that there is a plausible reason for some of the key participants to seek out and cover up any and … Continue reading The Framing of a President as the Cover-Up of Treason
The Breaking Wall
I don't think people realize what is going on right now, but they will soon. Pay attention to TWO things in this tweet - the WHEEL and the WALL. Watch the subtle interplay of the ideas. Subtle as a brick through the front window. "....but so is the wheel." Hilarious! Beneath the more obvious … Continue reading The Breaking Wall
Son-of-Mailman Veto of Pro-Gun Bill Marked "Return to Sender" by Buckeye Pols
Trump Boomerang Effect and Trump Unmasking Effect on STEROIDS. Gun owners and defenders of the right to keep and bear arms (RKBA) - that lovely populist poison pill for tyranny - have MOAR WINNING to rejoice. Some, but not all, have been able to stand up to the Deep State machinations which have been arrayed … Continue reading Son-of-Mailman Veto of Pro-Gun Bill Marked "Return to Sender" by Buckeye Pols
VLWC 05: The Cloward-Piven Strategy Rescued By Illegal Immigration
Right now I am researching one of the most horrifying unrevealed cases of Cloward-Piven TREASON which has yet to see the light of day. Once people see this, the jig is up for Bill and Hillary Clinton. Their utter betrayal of Americans will ASTOUND. And they are not alone. There are several other Democrat names … Continue reading VLWC 05: The Cloward-Piven Strategy Rescued By Illegal Immigration
Facts Not Fiction
Q's most recent posts are very helpful in reading the fig leaves on Syria. If you want FACTS, stay away from COMMUNIST FAKE NEWS. We take up the rabbit trail immediately after the Mad Hatter.... Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 28b403 No.4400956 Dec 20 2018 21:02:56 (EST)Rogers departure. Intel.Sessions departure. Law.Kelly departure. Warfare/MILMattis departure. Warfare/MILNotice a pattern?QQ Post 2637 The above post … Continue reading Facts Not Fiction