Selection.Code Movie

My one-line review: "This movie is terrible in so many ways, and yet it's awesome, fascinating, and needs to be seen, so I highly recommend it." I think this is a Mike Lindell movie. It's like an Amazon movie without Amazon. It was clearly made on a shoestring, and the people who made it, clearly … Continue reading Selection.Code Movie

Dear KMAG: 20220919 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President: AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS. This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both). … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20220919 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Back In My Day: Nothing New Under The Sun – Another Great American Traitorous Deception

So, like me, most of you probably grew up thinking that getting a decent education to whatever level you could attain would lead to a job and eventually a career where you could succeed. For traditional families, that may have even meant no outside job for the wife and mother so that she could handle … Continue reading Back In My Day: Nothing New Under The Sun – Another Great American Traitorous Deception

Thank God I’m a Peaceful, Honorable, Law-Abiding, and Constitution-Loving MAGA REPUBLICAN and YOU’RE NOT, President “Adolph” Biden, Puppet of “Uncle Joe Stalin” Obama

I tell you, I'm just sick of these guys. And gals. Between the BIDENISTA commies and the BIDENAZI fascists - all of them kowtowing to the Atlantic Council and the WEF globonazis, we're in for a RIDE. SCREW YOU, ADOLPH!!! MOOD MUSIC - LAUGHING! Know about any "secret treaties", China Joe? NOW, they have … Continue reading Thank God I’m a Peaceful, Honorable, Law-Abiding, and Constitution-Loving MAGA REPUBLICAN and YOU’RE NOT, President “Adolph” Biden, Puppet of “Uncle Joe Stalin” Obama

The Red and the Black

I will try to make this fast. Yesterday evening began a long discussion of Dark Brandon's little speech with the odd lighting that created a Nazi eagle illusion in Independence Hall (yes, they're THAT evil). (H/T RAC) Among the things I said was this: I think this was for the literally satanic part of his … Continue reading The Red and the Black

TrumpWatch™ – A Continuous Proof of Life – Make It Happen

Why the Communist Chinese Behavior of DOJ and FBI Makes Proof of Life Necessary to Prevent Secret Indictment and Arrest of Trump and Associates We are entering a dangerous phase, patriots. The DOJ and FBI are becoming desperate liars. Each day, they act MORE and MORE COWARDLY, like their Chinese and North Korean counterparts, who … Continue reading TrumpWatch™ – A Continuous Proof of Life – Make It Happen

The Population Control Shot – Did Bill Gates Gaffe, Troll, Let it Slip, Or None of the Above?

You've probably heard OF the Bill Gates "and if we do a REALLY great job on new vaccines" quote, which many consider to be an admission of population control through vaccines. What is the real story here? Strap in. This is a complex question, beneath all the lies, counter-lies, half-truths, and diabolical chaos left in … Continue reading The Population Control Shot – Did Bill Gates Gaffe, Troll, Let it Slip, Or None of the Above?

Back In My Day: House of Haslam – Conclusion

When you get time and if you are interested in the subject of the Uniparty and The Club, I hope you will consider reading this HOH four part series. Please forgive my writing style and focus on the content and implications because stories like this one give us big clues. That said, let's finish this … Continue reading Back In My Day: House of Haslam – Conclusion

Truth Social and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny – a Lesson in Dealing with “Disinformation”

I will try to keep this short. I was very shocked, recently, to find that Dr. Sherry Tenpenny was banned from Truth Social for calling the mRNA COVID vaccines "bioweapons". Dr. Tenpenny commented back. Let's take a closer look at that! I can tell you this - by the time I saw this, Dr. Tenpenny … Continue reading Truth Social and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny – a Lesson in Dealing with “Disinformation”

Twitter Knee-Caps a New Biden Scandal Involving Pfizer, UPenn and China. Are Nina Jankowicz and WEF Involved?

It's getting ridiculous, how these Biden scandals NOT ONLY involve the same corrupt forces over and over and over again, but EVEN MORE how they manage to "hook up" more and more of the same corrupt players in each new scandal. It's like they're turning into "all star cast" events. Ridiculous! The reason I became … Continue reading Twitter Knee-Caps a New Biden Scandal Involving Pfizer, UPenn and China. Are Nina Jankowicz and WEF Involved?