Why I Am Dumping Apple and Warning Everybody To Leave NOW

Thanks to Cthulhu, we were warned EARLY about Apple's surveillance plans. Sounds very innocent, right? I will explain exactly why this is not. This is INCIPIENT POLITICAL SPYING AND PRETEXT FOR ARREST. "But it's for the CHILDREN!" You remember the last people on the left who used that line to "save children"? THEY'RE BACK. Apple … Continue reading Why I Am Dumping Apple and Warning Everybody To Leave NOW

Lies, Damn Lies, and Chronologistics

Seeking the Truth About Joe Biden's Two Marriages What follows is not exactly what I thought I would write, originally. I didn't know where, exactly, this would go. I'm not even sure now, that it went where it went. It's almost too unbelievable. We may be looking at so many lies, the truth may never … Continue reading Lies, Damn Lies, and Chronologistics

Are The Pelosi Police Going to Do a Job The FBI Won’t, and Go After the January Sixth TRESPASSERS?

It's a simple question, but I think it needs to be asked. My money says Her Slyness, Queen Jussie of Pelosi, is going to do what Chris Wray KNOWS is destroying the FBI - the harassment of patriotic Americans for going to THEIR Capitol and registering the MILD REBUKE of YELLING outside the Capitol Building, … Continue reading Are The Pelosi Police Going to Do a Job The FBI Won’t, and Go After the January Sixth TRESPASSERS?

Wolf’s Red-Hot Date With Retrotranscriptive Faucipox

Alternate Title: Is Persistent Reverse Transcription a Hidden Virus/Vaccine Objective? Gloating Pre-Preface There are few feelings of satisfaction like opening up the NEWS and knowing one's theories and understandings are WORKING even better than one thought. Let's see if they use this one for damage control, and get the "new science" out before the STORY … Continue reading Wolf’s Red-Hot Date With Retrotranscriptive Faucipox

The Demoralization of Country Music

WARNING: This post is for CULTURE WARRIORS ONLY. You were warned. INTRO I thought about doing this post for a long time - maybe even before I started this site, which was back in September of 2018. Then I actually FINISHED this post on September 14 of 2019. And then I just let it sit … Continue reading The Demoralization of Country Music

DEAR KAG: 20210129 Biden Lost, Bigly

It’s Fight Back Better Friday again! Wolf’s Pub has opened its doors. Today we celebrate! Today we toast the gamer investors who took on the Wall Street part of the SYSTEM and beat the tar out of it. The GameStop Story lit the match that has started another populist fire. If you go to the … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 20210129 Biden Lost, Bigly

DEAR KAG: 20210101 The Year of Justice

Wolf’s Pub is open and serving hangover remedies! When I bartended eons ago, the regulars always wanted a bitters cocktail to curb a hangover. I concur. A Bloody Mary with bitters was always preferred by customers. If you can’t bear the hair of the dog, I suggest strong coffee, a greasy breakfast and copious amounts of water. From … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 20210101 The Year of Justice

DEAR KAG: 20201218

The hunt is on my fellow howlers! https://www.livingwithwolves.org/how-wolves-hunt/ Red meat and red wine this day. I suggest a ruby swirl of a good French Pinot Noir to go with the veritable flood of information we are seeing. Cistercian monks cultivated the pinot noir grape, which truly is the King of Burgundy wines. A little history … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 20201218

Dear KMAG: 20201030 Open Topic / Watch The Water / Fake News Drain-Circling Psychosis / Why I'm Shilling Novavax / Calling All Prayer Warriors

Free speech, yada, yada, yada. But don't give Komrade Kamala any excuses to shut us down. This has been addressed elsewhere. Such as HERE: TERMS OF SERVICE: https://wqth.wordpress.com/2019/01/01/dear-maga-open-topic-20190101/ YOU KNOW THE DRILL. Give them nothing but one more day to rue, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Remain CIVIL and possibly even GENTEEL. Today … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20201030 Open Topic / Watch The Water / Fake News Drain-Circling Psychosis / Why I'm Shilling Novavax / Calling All Prayer Warriors

Chinese Metamorphosis / Perestroika Exploding Onto Twitter and Gab

Trump's Imminent Reelection Already Causing Chinese Political Collapse and Supernova to Eject CCP and Anti-CCP Elements of Influence Into American Social Media I hate to say this, but it needs to be said. You are not going to have a choice. Nothing can stop what's coming. Twitter sticks its head in the SAND, while the … Continue reading Chinese Metamorphosis / Perestroika Exploding Onto Twitter and Gab