COVID Vaccine Showstopper CONFIRMED: Antibody-Dependent Enhancement – DO. NOT. TAKE. THE. VACCINE.

HUGE news today. The article that I was going to write about "I think they're hiding immune enhancement" no longer needs to be written. They ARE hiding immune enhancement. Gail Combs alerted me to this video this morning - it is a must-watch. If you know who is talking - Robert Malone - then you … Continue reading COVID Vaccine Showstopper CONFIRMED: Antibody-Dependent Enhancement – DO. NOT. TAKE. THE. VACCINE.

TLDR: The Virus is Real, the Pandemic is Fake, the Vaccines are Wrong

THE END. That is the ultimate TL;DR - the title. You can take that and walk away with an understanding of the situation in three parts. Want to know more? Stick around. It's a coming post. But I want people to get the TL;DR NOW, before Monday, because things are going to start popping HARD. … Continue reading TLDR: The Virus is Real, the Pandemic is Fake, the Vaccines are Wrong

Phony WEFFEN SS Cyberwar Strikes The Q Tree

OK, folks. I have just been informed that our host is experiencing heavy traffic and resource usage of our site, on our server, for the last 3 days, which affected other customers. wants to implement a CDN for free. Other server options loom behind that one. My guess is that this is coming … Continue reading Phony WEFFEN SS Cyberwar Strikes The Q Tree

The REAL “Unite The Right” – A Eulogy for Black Rifle Coffee to Create a Million Hardened Information Warfare Veterans

I just read one of THE BEST and most intelligent pieces of bleeding edge conservatism EVER WRITTEN. Please enjoy. Afterwards, we'll talk. MOAR: Ah, yes - how we wanted to believe. If you read all the way to the end, the last three paragraphs are gold. And I quote: Many members of the military … Continue reading The REAL “Unite The Right” – A Eulogy for Black Rifle Coffee to Create a Million Hardened Information Warfare Veterans

Five* Studies Showing the Potential or Actual Superiority of Disease-Conferred Immunity in COVID-19

*And One Study Showing How Much of a SCAM Fauci's Beloved Remdesivir Actually Was The old wisdom of science and medicine, from when I was a kid, has never been disproved. Stated simply: Disease-conferred immunity in the recovered is always superior to any form of vaccination. This is why, when we were kids, most scientists … Continue reading Five* Studies Showing the Potential or Actual Superiority of Disease-Conferred Immunity in COVID-19

Beware “The Prestige” of Democrat Black Magic Acts

Democrats are fakers, scammers, and con artists of the highest order. If you THINK they are doing something stupid, you had best reevaluate - they are almost certainly doing something EVIL and covering it up with something that's merely stupid. The above is AUBERGINE'S RAZOR - a wonderful formulation by QTreeper Aubergine of my earlier … Continue reading Beware “The Prestige” of Democrat Black Magic Acts

Should We Be Skeptical of Industry and Media Denials of Use of Graphene Family Nanomaterials in Vaccines?

At this point, I don't really know the answer to this question. I've only been studying it for a few hours. However, given the sordid track record of the Faucisphere in government, the duplicitous alien planet Big Pharma, and that wonderful global organization of medical liars and policy-reversing Tedros types, the United Nations of China, … Continue reading Should We Be Skeptical of Industry and Media Denials of Use of Graphene Family Nanomaterials in Vaccines?

The Attack on Tucker Carlson is Classic Weissmann DOJ/FBI Treachery

I knew there was something wrong with the "NSA" spying on Tucker Carlson. NSA spying is traditionally SO deep and so quiet that nobody ever knows anything about it. That's the way they operate. Big, deep, huge, silent, and NEVER give even a HINT of the magnitude, or the IDEA that it might be abused. … Continue reading The Attack on Tucker Carlson is Classic Weissmann DOJ/FBI Treachery

I Was A Teenage Communist – Hilarious Once Again For All The Right Reasons

Springtime for Hitler just went full Bolshevik. Never go full Bolshevik! Most of all, in CHINADA. This is actually a lot of fun, in a kind of sick / maybe not so sick way. It's complicated. Stay with me on this and you'll see. SCTV had an old (1982) skit, I Was A Teenage Communist, … Continue reading I Was A Teenage Communist – Hilarious Once Again For All The Right Reasons

The Herd Of Jussies Is On The Run

TL;DR - If you want to CUT TO THE CHASE, scroll on down to THE POINT. However, if you want to savor the STALKING OF THE HERD before the CHASE, then turn on the MUSIC and enjoy this whole post. When I realized today just how PANICKED the Plotters of both November 3 AND … Continue reading The Herd Of Jussies Is On The Run