There is a guy on Hillary's side, who saw Trump coming - like a sky filled with bombers - but nobody listened. He published his theory of the "danger" of a Trump victory on May 26, 2016. While the author, Ross Douthat, didn't exactly realize what Trump was up to, nor the fact … Continue reading Grey Swan Event Flock – Why Nothing Can Stop What's Coming
Category: Qpinion
Dear MAGA: 20190504 Open Topic
Welcome! The doors are open, come on inside! Come on up on the deck; get comfy and enjoy the view: This Saving the Republic Saturday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. … Continue reading Dear MAGA: 20190504 Open Topic
Green Star at Dawn
Green star at dawnEeyore begone.Wolf Moon's Rules for Sadicals Time for Wolf Moon to get all MARICA on your asses, people! Just kidding. But - yeah - not really. We ALL need a cheer-up now and then, so I'm gonna give you guys one! And that includes even one of my childhood FAVORITES - … Continue reading Green Star at Dawn
The Christmas Tree
Here they are. New Q. A close-up of the image: I am baffled by this. WHAT IS GOING ON? W Sounds like a BOOM - but where's the sound?
It's Happening. But WHAT IS IT?
The last three Q posts: Anons ready? Q Well, I'm almost ready. I have been under fairly intense bandwidth attacks for the last week, that are crimping my style badly, but yeah - other than the normal downside of #WAR, I'm ready. Memes ready? Q Actually, they're not. I usually get them ready on the … Continue reading It's Happening. But WHAT IS IT?
Q-Tips: Random Q Info Drops: 20180924
This thread is for RANDOM - and I mean RANDOM Q / QAnon / Great Awakening information. If it's not related to Q, please use the latest "Dear MAGA" thread. This thread is designed as a general clearing-house for Q-related information. WIDE OPEN. Have at it! W
Q's Parascope
When people say "we are Q", I find it immensely satisfying to consider the reality of that statement, and not to simply brush it off. To look at the totality of our elaboration of Q posts into a movement, and consider how we might do it better. Clearly, understanding Q helps us do it better. … Continue reading Q's Parascope