20200305: Coronavirus Ground Reports

This is a continued thread especially meant for reporting your ACTUAL PERSONAL ground reports - what you are SEEING and HEARING about the coronavirus, and your THOUGHTS in relation to those things. OTHER reports of things relevant to PREPARATION, QUARANTINE, and TREATMENT are welcome. However, please remember that the normal coronavirus thread may be a … Continue reading 20200305: Coronavirus Ground Reports

20200303: Coronavirus Ground Reports

This is a thread for reporting your ACTUAL PERSONAL ground reports - what you are SEEING and HEARING about the coronavirus, and your THOUGHTS in relation to those things. I'll go first. I was at the FLYOVER GROCERY STORE today. These are the things I observed.... People are using the wipes on the cart handles … Continue reading 20200303: Coronavirus Ground Reports

The Empire Strikes Back

On October 20th The New York Times tried to paint a happy face on the full-on attempt to take down America. We all saw the classic somber talking heads repeating their scripted "4 AM talking points" about how honorable people are doing noble and heroic things to save us from ... Donald J. Trump -- … Continue reading The Empire Strikes Back

What is [CROWDSTRIKE]-gate?

What is [CROWDSTRIKE]-gate? Let's begin with the 11 Q Posts with references to CROWDSTRIKE found at Qmap.pub. 1.  436 Scheme Behind Fake Russian Dossier Q!UW.yye1fxo22 Dec 2017 - 2:37:09 PM ONE OF TWENTY TWO: [DNC BREACH / DOSSIER] [DNC] [SR]> [WL]> HUSSEIN> DNI DIR> CLOWN DIR> CLAS: 1-12> GOOG> CROWDSTRIKE> DNC> (SR 187)(MS13 (2) 187)> DWS_DIR> F-I/D-J … Continue reading What is [CROWDSTRIKE]-gate?

Dear KMAG: 20190818 Open Topic

  This very special Steadfast Fortitude SUNDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the KAG!KMAG world. Header photo credit: http://andyporterimages.com/night-sky-at-bryce-canyon Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments. … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20190818 Open Topic