Dear KMAG: 20250205 Open Thread & The Hidden Rulers

This is ENTIRELY SPECULATIVE. I want to say that up front. My goal is to figure out WHO our hidden rulers are. I am using a two prong attack. What is the motive, and what is hidden and how. Since as usual this has turned into a book instead of an article, I am going … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20250205 Open Thread & The Hidden Rulers

KMAG 20250115 Open Thread / False Flags, Pedos & Satanists

I first want to say, PLEASE at least skim this article. Gunderson documents the false flags the US government has used to control us for decades. I have run out of time, so please excuse my mistakes. Continuing from last week, now on to the meaty subject of Ted L. Gunderson. He is a whistle-blower … Continue reading KMAG 20250115 Open Thread / False Flags, Pedos & Satanists

Dear KMAG: 20240930 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President: AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS. This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open - VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both). … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20240930 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

American Stories: FIRE!

She died a recluse in 1895, ostracized and shunned by society. She withdrew from social interaction and refused to talk about the events of that period. She denied her cow caused the fire until her death. Over a century later, Mrs. Catherine O'Leary and her cow were officially exonerated by the Chicago City Council in … Continue reading American Stories: FIRE!

National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200

Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (THE KISSINGER REPORT) December 10, 1974 CLASSIFIED BY Harry C. Blaney, III SUBJECT TO GENERAL DECLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 11652 AUTOMATICALLY DOWNGRADED AT TWO YEAR INTERVALS AND DECLASSIFIED ON DECEMBER 31, 1980. This document can only be declassified by the White House. Declassified/Released … Continue reading National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200



As I documented in the article, GREENHOUSE, ICEHOUSE OR CLIMATIC MADHOUSE?, the late 1960s & early 1970s were a pivotal time period. The Milankovitch Theory of glaciation was confirmed, there was a world grain crisis due to the cold weather, and Kukla and Matthews alerted President Richard Nixon the present interglacial might be ending. George … Continue reading DEPOPULATION – NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE

Russia’s Attack on the Western “Allies” of Ukraine, by Outing WEF Support for Pedophilia Using “True Disinformation”

Russia is playing a masterful game against the Western allies of Ukraine, by striking at the very heart of their neo-liberal, globalist, "rules-based" order - the World Economic Forum (WEF). Russia has found the Achilles heel of WEF - pedophilia - which is a practice solidly rejected by almost the entire citizenry of every country … Continue reading Russia’s Attack on the Western “Allies” of Ukraine, by Outing WEF Support for Pedophilia Using “True Disinformation”

Is Ukraine Killing Newborns To Harvest Stem Cells?

The dates for these stories about Ukrainian babies sacrificed for parts is 2006 -2007. I am going to address Putin first since he is the most likely scapegoat if the story goes viral. Also he, like President Trump has repeatedly called out the pedophilia in the West. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin[c] (born 7 October 1952) is a … Continue reading Is Ukraine Killing Newborns To Harvest Stem Cells?

The Log In Our Eye: ‘Christians Are Responsible for the State of American Politics’

REALLY? Should we take this criticism from an FBI agent? Or is blaming Christians just more "Battered Christian Syndrome"? More "blame the victim"? Or are Christians SUPPOSED to actually risk some battering? It's certainly BRAVE to make this claim to fellow Christians. And FBI? Well....... Complicated business. I'll be brief. This is a possibly tough … Continue reading The Log In Our Eye: ‘Christians Are Responsible for the State of American Politics’

The Red and the Black

I will try to make this fast. Yesterday evening began a long discussion of Dark Brandon's little speech with the odd lighting that created a Nazi eagle illusion in Independence Hall (yes, they're THAT evil). (H/T RAC) Among the things I said was this: I think this was for the literally satanic part of his … Continue reading The Red and the Black