Trump: “They wanna kill our cows! That means you’re next!”

“They wanna kill our cows! That means you’re next!” ~ VSGPOTUS Donald J. Trump, Des Moines, Iowa, January 30, 2020 Update 1: Rally Video Added! Keep an eye out for further updates . . . Lots of opportunities for contributions on this one . . .To a crowded Trump Rally in Des Moines, Iowa, President … Continue reading Trump: “They wanna kill our cows! That means you’re next!”

Please Don't Send Me Bomb-Making Instructions. QAnon is a Peaceful Movement.

File this post under Classes For Patriots: Plausibility 101. First, the background. Yesterday, I got into a great discussion with Gail Combs, which began by her pointing out the suicide of a Charlottesville "tiki torch" participant, Andrew Dotson. I will just warn you that the link provided, which makes a good point about not letting … Continue reading Please Don't Send Me Bomb-Making Instructions. QAnon is a Peaceful Movement.

SpyGate Book Sneak Peek

If you're a fast reader, you have THREE DAYS to check out an author copy of an e-book/paperback on SPYGATE, free of charge, before deciding if you want to buy it. THIS BOOK: This book is the work of this site's frequent denizen, prognosticatasaurusrex, or P-rex as I call him for short. Here is … Continue reading SpyGate Book Sneak Peek


It was Wheatie's wonderful musical selection, early this morning on the daily open thread, that - as they say - HIT ME HARD, BRO!!! Here it is - a beautiful musical selection for Christmas.... My immediate thought upon seeing this beautiful video and hearing the young boys with their sweet voices was … Continue reading Remoralization

Twitter's Comfy Couch For Conservatives

Not to put TOO FINE a point on this, but you know - I'm just TIRED of sitting on Twitter's comfortable fancy leather couch that GOES NOWHERE. Now - WE may not have BABS and MANDY, but we do have LINDA and CHRISTIE. Two very nice ladies - TWITTER WARRIORS - who helped get … Continue reading Twitter's Comfy Couch For Conservatives

Purple Diaper Red Diaspora Spawn Socialist YouTube CEO Susan Wocommie BANS Classic Explanation of Communist Subversion by Soviet Defector Yuri Bezmenov as "Hate Speech"

And yes - we are HERE. LINK: A BRIEF ASIDE..... YOU CAN GET OFF YOUTUBE NOW. TWITTER SHOWS BITCHUTE VIDEOS. There are even TOOLS to help you get off YouTube and onto BitChute with your videos - see below. Exhibit ONE - Bezmenov Video On YouTube and Twitter. Exhibit TWO - Bezmenov … Continue reading Purple Diaper Red Diaspora Spawn Socialist YouTube CEO Susan Wocommie BANS Classic Explanation of Communist Subversion by Soviet Defector Yuri Bezmenov as "Hate Speech"

Pesky Wolf Throws Radioactive Tin Foil on the Democrat Nuclear Reactor Hoax in Columbus, Ohio

Ah, yes. It's the TIMELINES that always get them. AS YOU WILL SEE. In my opinion, somebody like known provocateur ROBERT CREAMER has to be behind the Columbus "nuclear reactor escalation" hoax, and hopefully, when we have a new head of the Department of Energy fully operational - and some new leadership at the top … Continue reading Pesky Wolf Throws Radioactive Tin Foil on the Democrat Nuclear Reactor Hoax in Columbus, Ohio

2A Supporters: Are You Ready to Take the Weinstein Challenge?

No, not THAT Weinstein - THIS ONE. Or THIS ONE. Or this one. Eric Weinstein is an interesting Twitter follow. He has opinions which I would say land square in the middle of the "new skeptical intelligentsia", part of which would include the "intellectual dark web", part of which would be outside … Continue reading 2A Supporters: Are You Ready to Take the Weinstein Challenge?

Snopes Racing to Help Adam Schiff on Pedo Rumors

Just sayin'. Here is its, more fully. If you go there now, you can probably still see it. When is reporting on leftist DEFENSE a form of wrap-up smear? Well, probably when something is so damaging to the left, they actually have to defend on it. Whatever. For the record, Schiff is married and … Continue reading Snopes Racing to Help Adam Schiff on Pedo Rumors


Here you go, peeps! 3571 New: Title TBD Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 2 Nov 2019 - 3:47:25 PM /BAS_Test/2Q Post 3571 3572 New: Title TBD Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 2 Nov 2019 - 4:02:04 PM /SEC_config_A/1 /SEC_config_A1/2 /SEC_config_A2/3 /SEC_config_D/1 /SEC_config_D1/2 /SEC_run_COMM]s/ /SAFE_2/ /DoD_route_1-9/ /DoD_route_10-19/ /DoD_route_20-29/ /DoD_route_9999999/ /DoD_pack_1-99/ QQ Post 3572 3573 New: Title TBD Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 2 Nov … Continue reading RIG FOR RED! Q IS BACK!