THE WALL: The Transcript

You will want to study this speech for a long time. Trump is doing master maneuvering here. Watch and learn, fellow grasshoppers! Hat tip to GA/FL for the transcript, and BigMamaTEA for the video. THE PRESIDENT: My fellow Americans: Tonight, I am speaking to you because there is a growing humanitarian and security … Continue reading THE WALL: The Transcript

THE WALL: THE SPEECH Here it is, folks. UNMASKING Trump is UNMASKING. Promises MADE. Promised KEPT. THE WALL is ]almost[ here and the FAKE NEWS is SKEERED. The Fake News actually started demanding a DELAY so they could "contextualize" Trump's speech. Ridiculous! The FAKE NEWS is THROUGH, people. Here you go - RSBN coverage first.... RSBN … Continue reading THE WALL: THE SPEECH

Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20190107

This special MAGGIE MONDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments.  Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but expect lots of … Continue reading Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20190107

Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20190102

This special FIND ENEMIES WHO YOU CAN LOVE LIKE TRUMP LOVES HIS ENEMIES *WEDNESDAY* open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s … Continue reading Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20190102

[D20] / D2O – Tales of Moderation and Nukes

This may or may not be [D] Day, but this is one hell of a day. NUKES FALLING. WALLS GOING UP. Another day of TRUMP!!! First, I was allowed back on CTH. How in the HELL did that happen? But not just me - everybody! All the Q people seemed to be "unbanned"!!! Then BOMBS … Continue reading [D20] / D2O – Tales of Moderation and Nukes

Holder's Propaganda Farms Under Attack and ON FIRE!

Ever since DOJ deception, obstruction, and suppression of evidence in the Trayvon Martin case, which I always thought was the TRUE beginning of the Obama/media war on our CIVIL RIGHTS.... Ever since the sketchy, FBI-allowed, Jarrett-and-Holder linked, therapist-encouraged, "propaganda shooting" at #Parkland.... Ever since "The Bridge" fell on the careers of Florida Republicans after information … Continue reading Holder's Propaganda Farms Under Attack and ON FIRE!

Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181219

This SPECIAL D19 LEET TECH 1337 WEDNESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments.  Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but … Continue reading Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181219

Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181216

This SPECIAL FREE SPEECH SUNDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments.  Keep it civil.  Treehouse rules, but … Continue reading Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181216

Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181213

This SPECIAL D13 & SO THROUGH WITH TWITTER THURSDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment on people’s comments.  Keep it civil.  Treehouse … Continue reading Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181213

Goolag is on FIRE!

Q just let three four big ones rip. First - sealed indictments - DUH - here it comes into the mainstream. Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 799f4e No.4266262 Dec 11 2018 22:46:46 (EST) NEW a coincidence.QQ Post 2586 The beautiful Sara Carter reporting for MAGA.... 😉 - oh, I'm a stinker today! Moving on, GOOLAG - I mean Google - seems to be … Continue reading Goolag is on FIRE!