Q's post addressed to Nate Cain (qanon.pub post 2578) had a line which really struck a nerve: YOU ARE NEVER ALONE. Here is the post. Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 52a4e6 No.4250950 Dec 10 2018 23:13:47 (EST)https://twitter.com/cain_nate/status/1072221511443013633Sometimes 'intrusions' have a way of safeguarding people & evidence.Sometimes 'intrusions' are a necessary event in order to safeguard chain of custody [post OIG WB status … Continue reading Never Alone
Category: Twitter
Time for Our FLU Immunization
In the same way that censorship is regarded as a BUG by the old programmers who BUILT the internet, so one might regard National Security Letters as something like the EBOLA VIRUS. National Security Letters are basically COURTLESS WARRANTS, self-granted by the DOJ and FBI. If you think that sounds unconstitutional as all hell, then … Continue reading Time for Our FLU Immunization
Semaj Yemoc, Redactor of FBI (Inverse Bureau of Forgetting)
Sholy Hucking Fit! In classic white-collar criminal style, even out-performing Ma Cankles herself, former Director of the FBI James Comey just demonstrated for ALL TO SEE, a mixtape performance of every single type of legal evasion known to man. Sholy Hucking Fit! The Twitter Analysis Sector is going absolutely nuts over the Comey testimony, and … Continue reading Semaj Yemoc, Redactor of FBI (Inverse Bureau of Forgetting)
The Ex(odus)plainer
A while back, I caught WordPress rather stealthily suspending one of my favorite blogs - Fellowship of The Minds (FOTM). Instead of looking like what it looks like above, it looked like THIS: It turned out that FOTM wasn't the only blog that WordPress had very quietly shut down. These were just a few of … Continue reading The Ex(odus)plainer
Band of Brothers. And Sisters.
I was going to write this future-looking post in some other way, and then scott467 reminded me of how this past-looking scene from the movie The Blues Brothers (1980) captures our present situation at The Q Tree: https://youtu.be/dzOHq5WbQ8k "We're putting the BAND back together.""Together? No way.""We're on a mission from GOD." VISION is an addictive … Continue reading Band of Brothers. And Sisters.
VLWC 04: Why They Did It
In the end, it is really VERY, VERY, VERY simple. ALL of it. Everything that was done in the VLWC was done with ONE PURPOSE. In the end, there is ONE PRINCIPLE that they used to justify doing ALL the things they did without your permission. Without OUR permission. Without MY permission. Without YOUR permission. … Continue reading VLWC 04: Why They Did It
Plan Q From Router Space
YES! Q is back! Three posts on November 1, and one post so far on November 2. Here you go - in order! Number 2382. Or as text for the visually impaired: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.374 Nov 1 2018 19:44:41 (EST) Do not let them DIVIDE you. TOGETHER you are STRONG. TOGETHER YOU WIN. Your vote matters! … Continue reading Plan Q From Router Space
Q: The Media Credibility Sting Unfolds
Last night - a SMALL but very public demonstration of Q's growing power over the Fake News media. And you saw it here first, people, in the Q WORLD. For the visually impaired: "We will be voting this week." Heading to TN now. Q Heading to TN now. This looked very similar to other Q … Continue reading Q: The Media Credibility Sting Unfolds