A Caution Just remember...we might replace the RINO candidates. (Or we might not. The record is mixed even though there is more MAGA than there used to be.) But that will make no difference in the long run if the party officials, basically the Rhonna McDaniels (or however that's spelled--I suspect it's RINO), don't get … Continue reading 2023·06·03 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
Category: Steve’s Science Posts
2023·04·29 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
A Caution Just remember...we might replace the RINO candidates. (Or we might not. The record is mixed even though there is more MAGA than there used to be.) But that will make no difference in the long run if the party officials, basically the Rhonna McDaniels (or however that's spelled--I suspect it's RINO), don't get … Continue reading 2023·04·29 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
2023·03·25 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
A Caution Just remember...we might replace the RINO candidates. (Or we might not. The record is mixed even though there is more MAGA than there used to be.) But that will make no difference in the long run if the party officials, basically the Rhonna McDaniels (or however that's spelled--I suspect it's RINO), don't get … Continue reading 2023·03·25 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
2023·02·18 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
A Caution Just remember...we might replace the RINO candidates. (Or we might not. The record is mixed even though there is more MAGA than there used to be.) But that will make no difference in the long run if the party officials, basically the Rhonna McDaniels (or however that's spelled--I suspect it's RINO), don't get … Continue reading 2023·02·18 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
2023·01·14 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
A Caution Just remember...we might replace the RINO candidates. (Or we might not. The record is mixed even though there is more MAGA than there used to be.) But that will make no difference in the long run if the party officials, basically the Rhonna McDaniels (or however that's spelled--I suspect it's RINO), don't get … Continue reading 2023·01·14 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
2022·12·10 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
Another Twitter Censorship Drop. I must admit it's having more of an effect than I expected. The Left is having to squirm really hard to pretend it's not there, meaning it's penetrating their MSM armor...somewhat. We got another dump Friday night, and this time more directly to do with the 2020 election, instead of some … Continue reading 2022·12·10 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
2022·11·05 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
A Caution Yes, it's great that one of the most rancid cunts in US politics is destined to leave office on January 3rd of next year, having been primaried out...by a great big (but not big enough) margin. But just remember...we might replace the RINO candidates. But that will make no difference in the long … Continue reading 2022·11·05 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
2022·10·01 Every One Knows Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
Was I The Reason? I'm skipping all the boilerplate invective this week, as fun as it is. Because something just occurred to me. Let me quote, at length, from my own post about January 6. Or you can look at the original: https://www.theqtree.com/2021/01/09/2021%c2%b701%c2%b709-kmag-daily-thread/ (On the sidebar it's "Steve's House Rally Photo Thread" At some point … Continue reading 2022·10·01 Every One Knows Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
2022·09·24 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
A Caution Yes, it's great that one of the most rancid cunts in US politics is destined to leave office on January 3rd of next year, having been primaried out...by a great big (but not big enough) margin. But just remember...we might replace the RINO candidates. But that will make no difference in the long … Continue reading 2022·09·24 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
2022·08·20 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
A Caution Yes, it's great that one of the most rancid cunts in US politics is destined to leave office on January 3rd of next year, having been primaried out...by a great big (but not big enough) margin. But just remember...we might replace the RINO candidates. But that will make no difference in the long … Continue reading 2022·08·20 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread