Back In My Day: Coal Country Heros – The Blue Side of the Mountain

Time to get back to Coal Country before I lose momentum on the story. This is a longer slog because it pushes along the personal stage setting for future connections. You can tell how difficult life was for Loretta as the coal miner's daughter, which sounded somewhat like the life of Dolly and my wife … Continue reading Back In My Day: Coal Country Heros – The Blue Side of the Mountain

Back In My Day: Local Big Box News and … Golf?!

Need to pass along some observations and a story or two in the current news. Just the usual Goober Gump deal for a story that means a lot to me. Will resume the Coal Country series in few days. Building Materials We have a couple of contractor friends who have handled a lot of work … Continue reading Back In My Day: Local Big Box News and … Golf?!

Back In My Day: Purposeful Lives

Going to take a short detour for today. I need extra time to prepare the next subject series and a breather from a hectic past few weeks on the home front. I also wanted to make sure there was an audience for what I have to contribute to The QTree. If the interest continues, I … Continue reading Back In My Day: Purposeful Lives

Back In My Day: The Mountain Songbird

Many already know to whom I am referring. Very few men, if any, could honestly make the statement I am about to make. I married and climb into bed each night with a woman who slept with Dolly. Yep. I'm a traditional sort of guy, so making this admission is not what I normally would … Continue reading Back In My Day: The Mountain Songbird

Back In My Day: House of Haslam – Conclusion

When you get time and if you are interested in the subject of the Uniparty and The Club, I hope you will consider reading this HOH four part series. Please forgive my writing style and focus on the content and implications because stories like this one give us big clues. That said, let's finish this … Continue reading Back In My Day: House of Haslam – Conclusion

Back In My Day: House of Haslam, Part 3 – Lose/Win, Win/Win, and (Highly) Suspicious Minds!

My hope is that you have invested time into the HOH series. I believe you will find it worth it starting today if you have questioned the commitment. I wanted to shorten this one. Impossible. It simply has too many nuggets to shorten. There is a soothing peace one receives in his or her spirit … Continue reading Back In My Day: House of Haslam, Part 3 – Lose/Win, Win/Win, and (Highly) Suspicious Minds!

Back In My Day: Good Teachers Mattered Then and They Matter Now

I am using the privileges Wolf has given me as an author to bring a PSA. I will resume the HOH series real soon, hopefully this weekend. Good teachers matter. We all know good, sincere teachers in schools. We also know teachers exist in every occupation as well as other areas of our existence. Teachers … Continue reading Back In My Day: Good Teachers Mattered Then and They Matter Now

Back In My Day – The Warrior Queen

Continuing with our newly created theme I need to bring things forward in a more intense way because the primary subject of today's thread would undoubtedly want it that way. She is remembered for the intensity of her stare. It was a glare that could cause knees to buckle of grown women and men. In … Continue reading Back In My Day – The Warrior Queen

Back In My Day…

A Note from Wolf..... This is TradeBait's first authored post - upgraded (at my insistence) from a comment he made on today's open thread. I look forward to many more! Time for a TB story as eyes roll. It’s OK, it’s your day off. Wolf said he looked forward to these in his other … Continue reading Back In My Day…