Time to get ready for an awesome STATE OF THE UNION address. https://twitter.com/POTUSPress/status/1092830864977862657 It should be every bit as good as the prior one! We do know this much - it will NOT be "Live and in RBG color"!!! https://twitter.com/JacobAWohl/status/1092632142905978880 BUT NEW ENEMIES OF FREEDOM WILL BE IN THE HOUSE (OF COMMIES) ARE WE GONNA … Continue reading Choosing Greatness (Over Socialist Failure) – SOTU 2019
Category: Trump rally
Fake News Dies in Sunlight
Best video in ages. https://youtu.be/-ZOMAv6-GAA Tweet version: https://twitter.com/CarpeDonktum/status/1092422522648199168 "Fake News Dies in Sunlight." Oh hell yeah. THIS is why we're here. W Carry On.
The Powerful and Protecting "Prayer Narrative"
After my somewhat "dark" and overly finger-pointy call-out of the Democrat mainstream media's "chaos narrative"..... https://wqth.wordpress.com/2018/12/21/the-dangerous-and-sinister-fake-news-chaos-narrative/ ......in which I exposed and reviled the left's advancement of a false meme of "turmoil" and "chaos" in the White House.... .....which I believe is an utter LIE.... ....and which I believe is part of a larger and darker … Continue reading The Powerful and Protecting "Prayer Narrative"
Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181211
This SPECIAL (D5 + 6) = (D13 – 2) TRUMP THE FUTURE TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN (and very special) – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. Say what you want, comment on what other people said, comment … Continue reading Dear MAGA: Open Topic 20181211
The Real Donald Trump
This is a FASCINATING and (in my opinion) MUST-WATCH interview with one of the photographers embedded in the Trump campaign - Gene Ho. My thanks to our local poster judyw for alerting me to this video on the daily thread. Gene followed Trump for TWO YEARS, right up to the election victory in 2016. He … Continue reading The Real Donald Trump
Trump Rally – Biloxi Mississippi
Here we go! Because "There's nothing like a Trump rally!" 😉 And yes - JEFF SESSIONS is not a dirty word here! 😀 https://youtu.be/N37lrF56LLM Fox 10 Live https://youtu.be/zxjjr93iy-c RSBN https://youtu.be/ryq2Mrw-uWk Golden State Times W BOOM!
Trump Rally – Tupelo Mississippi
Here you go! Comment away! https://youtu.be/G5xuPGw4OhY Golden State Times https://youtu.be/rSOA3aQYKpw RSBN https://youtu.be/OfaSqUsVop8 Fox News More links: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Trump+Rally+Tupelo+MS W Keep America Great!
Am I Still a Treeper?
The featured image in this article shows precisely WHY I refused to dissociate myself from the Treehouse. It is also my challenge to each and every person who posts here, to listen to Q, and listen to Sundance, and NOT to voices of division. This conversation is exemplary. Let's look at it in full. The … Continue reading Am I Still a Treeper?
Gab Shut Down / Final Warning
Right before Gab was shut down by the Obamanazis, I saw a post that I wanted to share. It is somewhat Q-related. Here it is. I wanted to save it, and share it with those who might heed the warning. Sean Sweat (TexasVet) @TexasVet PRO 7 hours ago Guys, even though there is zero reason for … Continue reading Gab Shut Down / Final Warning
Tips on Stopping Hoax Calls
Did you notice that they let people with Q shirts and gear into the same Trump rally where there was a REALLY WEIRD Q post just a couple of hours earlier? I think there may be a connection. I know this is a much different (and less catastrophic) interpretation than a lot of them - … Continue reading Tips on Stopping Hoax Calls