The “Thalidomide Janet” Honorary List Of Mandate Nazis To Boycott

We need a place to keep track of who will be the recipients of our legally protected civil disobedience. I am not saying how people should protest. Not doing business with these companies is a first step. Beyond that, consult your conscience. Please add in the comments ANY businesses which require vaccine passports, or who … Continue reading The “Thalidomide Janet” Honorary List Of Mandate Nazis To Boycott

How Vaccine Addiction Slavery Works

Wherein we explain - at three different levels of scientific and political understanding - how ADE-mediated vaccine slavery works. This post is to PREPARE YOU to watch what the other side is doing RIGHT NOW, so you can spot the deceptions. Right now they are DESPERATELY trying to make a FAILING PLAN work. Their plan … Continue reading How Vaccine Addiction Slavery Works

If You’re Not Following Denninger, Follow Him Now

COVID Vaccine ADE Biological Explanation #n+1 Pushing vax mandates in spite of this IS NOT MERE STUPIDITY. I'm keeping this short, but HIGH PRIORITY. There's a guy who simply plays BEAR MARKET on coronaviruses, and he's almost always RIGHT. If you care about this damn COVID crap, then you need to be following him. Here's … Continue reading If You’re Not Following Denninger, Follow Him Now

Mike Lindell and Dr. Shiva – Our Geiger Counter for True Patriots

The title is a bit of a joke. Allow me to explain that, first. The Mike Lindell symposium is amazing. The BOMBSHELLS just keep dropping. FAKE ELECTIONS are PROVEN. Dominion is TOAST. Audits are REAL and NEEDED. All of this simply MUST be scaring the hell out of the DonkeyComs. I strongly suspect that the … Continue reading Mike Lindell and Dr. Shiva – Our Geiger Counter for True Patriots

Nuremberg II

Featured Photo: Meeting of the War Crimes Executive Committee, which decided on the arrangements for the Nuremberg trials. Note the garage pull in the background - Exhibit F1b. I am dying of the China Virus. I had the virus itself in the latter half of January, 2020. I became symptomatic on January 18, and thus … Continue reading Nuremberg II

Why I Am Dumping Apple and Warning Everybody To Leave NOW

Thanks to Cthulhu, we were warned EARLY about Apple's surveillance plans. Sounds very innocent, right? I will explain exactly why this is not. This is INCIPIENT POLITICAL SPYING AND PRETEXT FOR ARREST. "But it's for the CHILDREN!" You remember the last people on the left who used that line to "save children"? THEY'RE BACK. Apple … Continue reading Why I Am Dumping Apple and Warning Everybody To Leave NOW

DEAR KAG: 20210806

“The heaviest restriction upon the freedom of public opinion is not the official censorship of the Press, but the unofficial censorship by a Press which exists not so much to express opinion as to manufacture it.” Dorothy L. Sayers Welcome back to Wolf’s Pub. It’s the end of a crazy week. World and national events … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 20210806

Don’t Drink The Kool-ADE

Inspired by Wheatie's posted meme. It is my opinion now that not only is there a problem with ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement) with the vaccines..... Not only have they been hiding ADE with the vaccines..... The vaccines were created BECAUSE they were expected to show ADE. Beyond that, I believe that EITHER the vaccines were expected … Continue reading Don’t Drink The Kool-ADE


Stew Peters is doing great work. Sure he's had some people on, in the past, who I was not terribly impressed with. Later, he had Jane Ruby on, with magnetic stuff that I believe is mostly disinformation. Sorry - not buying. The Magnetism Challenge: Part II – Scientific Disinformation During the COVID-19 Narrative Collapse Wherein … Continue reading #PfizerLEAK

Free French Scientists! It’s Time to Analyze the COVID Vaccines for Graphene Oxide Lipid Esters!

UPDATE: And PEGylated Graphene Oxides! WE THE PEOPLE have a right to know the TRUTH. What is actually in these vaccines? What are they doing to people? What are they REALLY doing to people? Why are public health officials LYING to us? I am going to begin explaining why I believe we are now at … Continue reading Free French Scientists! It’s Time to Analyze the COVID Vaccines for Graphene Oxide Lipid Esters!