Do Leftists In Government Create Phony Secret “Manhattan Project” Responses To Their Phony Crises?

The title is a simple question that I am finding has much power to explain things. I'm going to leave this a little bit "loose", so that everybody can "jiggle it into place". If I just say "that guy was a crisis actor!" as evidence, or even just "potential evidence", we get away from the … Continue reading Do Leftists In Government Create Phony Secret “Manhattan Project” Responses To Their Phony Crises?

The Magnetism Challenge: Part III – Suramin: A Lesson in Discreditation of Dissident Scientists and Science

This is for the historical record. I hope that this analysis gets to the "dissident scientists" involved, but even if it never does, future historians will get a powerful look at what I call "Fake Science" - the establishment's phony, deceptive and controlled scientific complex - and how infiltration, control, and discreditation of dissident populist … Continue reading The Magnetism Challenge: Part III – Suramin: A Lesson in Discreditation of Dissident Scientists and Science

The Magnetism Challenge: Part II – Scientific Disinformation During the COVID-19 Narrative Collapse

Wherein we look at how the COVID scammers are now using "magnetic" disinformation to try to escape justice for REAL abuse of liposome biotechnology to achieve [most likely contraceptive] vaccine persistence and migration. TL;DR - after mRNA vaccine persistence and anatomical migration were revealed in leaked Pfizer data, explaining "shedding" via persistent liposomes, the COVID … Continue reading The Magnetism Challenge: Part II – Scientific Disinformation During the COVID-19 Narrative Collapse

A Tactical Analysis of Trump’s Speech to the GOP in North Carolina

NOTE: Colorful language warning. I've got my reasons. In my opinion, Trump's speech to the North Carolina GOP on the evening of June 5, 2021 was BIG COMMS. As I was watching it, I realized that it's IMPORTANT. The first step is to LISTEN TO IT. If you have not done so, then please REMEDY … Continue reading A Tactical Analysis of Trump’s Speech to the GOP in North Carolina

Dear KMAG: 20210607 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President: This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both). Yes, it’s Monday…again. But it’s okay! … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20210607 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

DEAR KAG: 20210604 Bouzy Edition

"The world is in perpetual motion, and we must invent the things of tomorrow. One must go before others, be determined and exacting, and let your intelligence direct your life. Act with audacity."The Widow Clicquot Welcome to Wolf’s Pub. It’s Friday, and I don’t know about you, but I feel a celebration coming on. The … Continue reading DEAR KAG: 20210604 Bouzy Edition

Why Your Insurance Company Will Force You To Take Gene Therapy

Cholesterol-lowering success in monkeys using CRISPR gene therapy has scientists hot to trot for human trials You may not realize it yet, but if you think the phony war over cholesterol ON YOUR PLATE was bad, wait until you see what's coming. The war over cholesterol production IN YOUR GENES is about to ignite. Yes. … Continue reading Why Your Insurance Company Will Force You To Take Gene Therapy

The Spike Protein’s Purpose Betrayed By Its Own Superiority

TL;DR - you MUST listen to a short podcast of a scientist revealing the latest research on the spike protein vaccines. The VACCINE ITSELF (not just the spike protein - the mRNA vaccine itself) is persistent and is not only concentrating in ovaries - THE VACCINE ITSELF IS EXCRETED - e.g., in breast milk. Meaning … Continue reading The Spike Protein’s Purpose Betrayed By Its Own Superiority

The Wuhan Murders

Something is going on, and it ain't pretty. George Webb seems to believe that the AMERICAN MILITARY was behind COVID-19. I tend to think that CHINA and its AMERICAN ALLIES (DS, DNC, CIA) were behind it. But I will bet we both agree on one thing. WHOEVER KILLED THE MARRIED ARMY DOCTORS HAS SKIN IN … Continue reading The Wuhan Murders

The Magnetism Challenge: Part I

Wherein we examine, in something like "MythBusters" style, the dubious "Magnet Challenge", without relying (too much) on the anti-scientific crutch of scientific authority First, a confession. The main reason I am attracted to these videos of people sticking magnets to the COVID vaccination injection sites on their shoulders, is that I love to watch normal … Continue reading The Magnetism Challenge: Part I