It's quite clear to me now that the January Sixth Prisoners are being treated in a completely SOVIET way. There is an easy answer. DO. NOT. EXTRADITE. Get some balls, people. NO Republican governor of any integrity should extradite prisoners to DC. END IT NOW. Example LINK: This is complete BS. Not only … Continue reading The Time Has Come for States to Stop Extradition to Communist-Occupied Washington
Category: White House
Five* Studies Showing the Potential or Actual Superiority of Disease-Conferred Immunity in COVID-19
*And One Study Showing How Much of a SCAM Fauci's Beloved Remdesivir Actually Was The old wisdom of science and medicine, from when I was a kid, has never been disproved. Stated simply: Disease-conferred immunity in the recovered is always superior to any form of vaccination. This is why, when we were kids, most scientists … Continue reading Five* Studies Showing the Potential or Actual Superiority of Disease-Conferred Immunity in COVID-19
Party Like It’s 1953
Enjoy another one of my "musicals". I'll get to it in a moment. But first, the background. I actually like the idea of "Juneteenth" as a holiday, despite its unfortunate association in some parts of the country with black violence (Am I allowed to say that? It's the truth.) The end of slavery in America … Continue reading Party Like It’s 1953
Do Leftists In Government Create Phony Secret “Manhattan Project” Responses To Their Phony Crises?
The title is a simple question that I am finding has much power to explain things. I'm going to leave this a little bit "loose", so that everybody can "jiggle it into place". If I just say "that guy was a crisis actor!" as evidence, or even just "potential evidence", we get away from the … Continue reading Do Leftists In Government Create Phony Secret “Manhattan Project” Responses To Their Phony Crises?
A Tactical Analysis of Trump’s Speech to the GOP in North Carolina
NOTE: Colorful language warning. I've got my reasons. In my opinion, Trump's speech to the North Carolina GOP on the evening of June 5, 2021 was BIG COMMS. As I was watching it, I realized that it's IMPORTANT. The first step is to LISTEN TO IT. If you have not done so, then please REMEDY … Continue reading A Tactical Analysis of Trump’s Speech to the GOP in North Carolina
The Diamonds Must Be Returned
Beautiful post by REALPOTUS. Virginia Patriot MAGA reposted Donald J Trump@realdonaldtrump7h· The major Michigan Election Fraud case has just filed a bombshell pleading claiming votes were intentionally switched from President Trump to Joe Biden. The number of votes is MASSIVE and determinative. This will prove true in numerous other States. All Republicans must UNIFY and … Continue reading The Diamonds Must Be Returned
CCP: The Hidden Tax On Chinese Money That Always Comes Due
I have been warning people about "taking money from China" for a long, long, long time, but I finally realized that this warning is best expressed in exactly the same TEMPTATION that China uses. MONEY. Here is the truth, expressed in MONEY. All. Chinese. Money. Comes with a string attached. A TAX. And that TAX … Continue reading CCP: The Hidden Tax On Chinese Money That Always Comes Due
Buffalo Jump: The Intolerable Lie
Alternate Title: The moment I realized that GOD would back me in going asymmetrical on these unworthy China-compromised "U.S." military bastards. I have recently come into possession of information which made a lot of things start making a lot more sense. I only needed a final confirmation that I was correct - and I just … Continue reading Buffalo Jump: The Intolerable Lie
Buffalo Jump: The Plot Thickens
Alternate Title: Bring Out The Owl! We continue with Part 2 of the Buffalo Jump series. For background, see Part 1: If you want a TL;DR version of what was wrong with the Capitol Rally on January 6, 2021, imagine trying to fit a million people into the little area numbered "8", in the … Continue reading Buffalo Jump: The Plot Thickens
Buffalo Jump
I cannot claim credit for realizing that the tactical maneuver of Trump's supporters to their political demise on January 6, 2021 at Capitol Hill, in Washington, DC, was something known to American historians and anthropologists as a buffalo jump. However, as soon as I heard the ill-fated demonstration called that, all my questions about what … Continue reading Buffalo Jump