Scott Adams Plus Nine – Ten People to Watch To Get Ahead of Media-Promoted Corona Insanity

Scott Adams was RIGHT about Trump. And he will be proven RIGHT about Corona. Follow him, if you don't want to get lost in the hype and the madness. 1 - Scott Adams Right now, many people are suffering grave confusion about the corona virus. They are NOT exhibiting what I now believe would … Continue reading Scott Adams Plus Nine – Ten People to Watch To Get Ahead of Media-Promoted Corona Insanity

20200228: Attention all QTreeps, Need Your Help, Please.

Need your help, folks. Calling all QTreeps. Apparently, our little Coronavirus thread, and updated threads, are MILES ahead of the politicians and pundits on MSM (Sure wish we received classified briefings though, can you put in a word for us, Wolfie?) AND, I've found, publishing OUR link, along with a message of "We've been working … Continue reading 20200228: Attention all QTreeps, Need Your Help, Please.

Polonium-Level Triggering: Why Fake Conservative Bolsheviks Are Now Absolutely Freaking Out About Woke #NeverTrump

The very fact that fake conservative Jennifer Rubin published the below article (paywalled).... "The descent of the GOP into authoritarian know-nothingism" (WAIT BEFORE READING THIS - we'll do it together later in the post.) ... on February 17 tells me who is living rent-free in her mind. February the Qth was no accident. And … Continue reading Polonium-Level Triggering: Why Fake Conservative Bolsheviks Are Now Absolutely Freaking Out About Woke #NeverTrump

Why Won't WaPo's Devil N. Barrett Cover Andy McCabe Testifying Against Comey, Lynch and Brennan?

PUBLIC THREAD: Because this is meant for public consumption, I will refrain from the usual colorful language of our work threads, where I normally don't give a damn. I want people in Washington to see this article with NO EXCUSES to look away. Consider this article a terrorist device - an information land-mine - which … Continue reading Why Won't WaPo's Devil N. Barrett Cover Andy McCabe Testifying Against Comey, Lynch and Brennan?

Department Of Jussie

Sorry, boys and girls and TWITTER CENSORS - yes - that's something called a MEME - namely of OUSTED Swamp Rat "Jussie" K. Liu..... .....but the REAL ONE IS FAR WORSE (hint: read the caption carefully)..... .....So now where were we? AH, YES..... .....How the DOJ Became Terminally Infected with Criminal Communist Democrats, and Needs … Continue reading Department Of Jussie

How President Trump Just Obtained Nuclear Superiority Over The Swamp

It is now very important to RECONFIGURE YOUR THINKING about what is going on in Washington. They are going to try to distract you with LOOK, SQUIRREL..... when the thing you should really be looking at is the LIU-K, WOLFE! President Trump, in firing (in two brilliant steps) the CORRUPT Jessie K. Liu, has just … Continue reading How President Trump Just Obtained Nuclear Superiority Over The Swamp

In the Bubble: Trump’s Presidency Reveals 7 Undeniable Facts About The Swamp

February 8, 2020 by Doug “Uncola” Lynn: from This wonderful post is being "manually reblogged" from its source with the permission of the author. It originally appeared here: It made its way to The Burning Platform, here: Ultimately, it was picked up by ZeroHedge, here: Please consider putting a follow on the … Continue reading In the Bubble: Trump’s Presidency Reveals 7 Undeniable Facts About The Swamp

October 13, 2016: Trump's Most Important Speech

Thank God for President Trump! Today is a day to celebrate! 20200206: High Noon, President Trump Speech on His Acquittal No one would help him clean up the town, so the Sheriff did it alone. Razorbak respectfully disagrees: The Sheriff Has his posse of which, we are all a part 🙂 Very true. We are fighting … Continue reading October 13, 2016: Trump's Most Important Speech

20200201st-9th: Coronavirus Update Thread #3

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS THREAD IS NOW LISTED AS A KEY POST IN THE SIDEBARTHE LATEST CORONA VIRUS POST WILL ALWAYS BE LISTED THERE -WOLF.Latest Update 1:00am Eastern, February 9, 2020. We have a leak out of Taiwan News Service (The AP of Taiwan - February 1st, 2020. ) via Tencent which has been … Continue reading 20200201st-9th: Coronavirus Update Thread #3

20200127: Coronavirus Update Thread

NOTE FROM WOLF: Please go to the newest update thread BELOW for current postings: This thread retained for reference and historical data. Thank you - and thank you, Daughn, for these threads! W Our Coronavirus thread has grown substantially. Please consider this the update thread. This thread will run all week long (unless something … Continue reading 20200127: Coronavirus Update Thread