This area is for posts about specific articles appearing on the blog. This is designed so that authors can hold discussions and commenting ON THE FORUM instead of on the main page. It's a bit of an experiment. Authors are responsible for their forum discussions. OTHER discussions about articles, not started by the authors, my also appear here, too, but I'm not exactly sure how those might arise. Nevertheless, this is the place for such topics.
To Authors:
Please try to keep titles of forum topics in a form which enables people to know EXACTLY which article is being discussed. I'm not picky how that is done, but try to make it incredibly clear, so people go to YOUR forum post, and not the wrong one. The EXACT SAME TITLE might work well.
Links to your thread in the article itself are encouraged. Also might be a good idea to CLOSE COMMENTS on your article if you're sending people to a topic here.
Thanks, and good luck!
This is PAVACA on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, as New Member of the forum. Hello to all.
Hello PAVACA! Thank you for taking on the openers as well as all of your postings that bring such important info and comments. You are a blessing!